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British lawmakers, celebrities call for 'people's vote' on Brexit


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The problem with anecdotal evidence is, of course, that it is coloured by the innate particular prejudices of the individuals giving and receiving the information. That is not intended as a slight against your friends, but it is a feature of human nature. That is why we should rely on facts rather than anecdotes. 
And its not even his friends it's his friends children and we are suppose to take that as gospel.

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How is it racist if they're Caucasian like the rest of us. If you wetting yourself to use the 'R' word use it in its right context because unless you do it will eventually become more meaningless than it already is. Perhaps you meant xenophobic?
And how did you get to know loads of them and whether they were on benefits or not? They were hardly going to tell you were they!
Do you even remember any of the names of these 'loads of them' you knew?

Ok sorry then not racist then prejudice but let's face it it's the same thing with people like you.

And I knew loads if them because I worked and socialized with them and it's obvious they weren't all on benefits because they were playing national health insurance and tax and just decent people or most of them anyway.

And if they weren't going to tell me why would they tell you? do you have inside information what the rest of us don't?

You you clearly are telling lies or just delusional.

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2 minutes ago, juice777 said:



Ok sorry then not racist then prejudice but let's face it it's the same thing with people like you.

And I knew loads if them because I worked and socialized with them and it's obvious they weren't all on benefits because they were playing national health insurance and tax and just decent people or most of them anyway.

And if they weren't going to tell me why would they tell you? do you have inside information what the rest of us don't?

You you clearly are telling lies or just delusional.

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I'm sure you're right. I see it all the time in London where I live. Englishmen going for a pint with Romanian Big Issue sellers and inviting them to weddings and parties or round to dinner and to shag their wives etc. Happens all the time!


Upon reflection it's pretty obvious that they're going to tell their new found English pals about their private finances and any benefits they may be in receipt of. It's human nature.


Silly me, I could not have been concentrating when I made my previous post. I do apologise.

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1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

How is it racist if they're Caucasian like the rest of us. If you wetting yourself to use the 'R' word use it in its right context because unless you do it will eventually become more meaningless than it already is. Perhaps you meant xenophobic?

remember any of the names of these 'loads of them' you knew.

I can only suggest you never rely on that line of argument in a court of law.

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17 hours ago, Grouse said:

The distribution of U.K. morons is uneven. I did ask about the high concentration in East coast seaside towns such as Great Yarmouth. You're saying Blackpool is the same? You see, in America, Democratic states are concentrated at the coasts; multicultural I guess. What is the deal with U.K. coastal areas. I am genuinely interested. Does Blackpool also have a very low proportion of graduates?

Same old angle of attack. Boooo.

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5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

I can only suggest you never rely on that line of argument in a court of law.


Why on earth would I need to rely on any line of argument in any court of law. You can't be accused of racism for remarks made about folk who are of the same race of yourself if that's the point you seem to be making.


If I exchanged insults with another white man or if we came to blows there is no way either of us could be accused of racism. It would not happen in the UK and in the LOS they probably would not know what you're even talking about.

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I'm sure you're right. I see it all the time in London where I live. Englishmen going for a pint with Romanian Big Issue sellers and inviting them to weddings and parties or round to dinner and to shag their wives etc. Happens all the time!
Upon reflection it's pretty obvious that they're going to tell their new found English pals about their private finances and any benefits they may be in receipt of. It's human nature.
Silly me, I could not have been concentrating when I made my previous post. I do apologise.

Ok, this is just getting ridiculous now the other poster who said they were all selling the big issue and working and calming benefits didn't mention Romanians he was talking about all Europeans.

You have just tried to turn it into Romanians because its more believable in your opinion.

Please try at least keep your racist ( sorry I mean prejudice because you clearly are not Racist) nonsense relevant to the conversation.

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2 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:



The obvious answer is to have another referendum on the final, agreed deal - but with the only options being as outlined by RichardColeman.


I don't trust either uk or eu politicians as 1) the vast majority of both would prefer the uk remain within the eu and 2) it appears the uk 'negotiators' aren't even trying....


I said a while ago that another referendum on the final deal would encourage negotiators to achieve the best possible deal for both sides - as long as it included the option 'deal rejected - leave immediately'.

So if there was a 2nd referendum, or 'people's vote', and the only two questions on the ballot paper were:


- Leave under the terms negotiated with the EU, or

- Leave with no deal (i.e. go to WTO rules)


Yep, I'd be fine with that!



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Govt figures tell us that crime in London is down. Those that live there will tell a different story. There has been a record number of over 50 murders so far this year in that city alone. 
Are you suggesting that most of those Murders were carried out by Eupuron citizens?

Because they weren't so I dont see what that has 2 do with Europeans or European Union.

Just another attempt to twist the facts to help your Narrative of Lies.

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5 hours ago, Grouse said:

Good. Brexit is a foolish idea that will greatly harm the country and benefit nobody except a handful of business people with Dickensian ideas. They are being polite; a "Lemmings' Vote" would be more appropriate 

I'll just make a small correction for you:


"Good. The EU project is a foolish idea that will greatly harm the country and benefit nobody except a handful of business people with Dickensian ideas. They are being polite; a "Lemmings' Vote" would be more appropriate"

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3 minutes ago, juice777 said:

Are you suggesting that most of those Murders were carried out by Eupuron citizens?

Because they weren't so I dont see what that has 2 do with Europeans or European Union.

Just another attempt to twist the facts to help your Narrative of Lies.

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You can go on the internet yourself and find out if most of those Murders were carried out by Eupuron citizens? I don't think I've said nothing about who carried out any of the murders!


What 'Narrative of Lies.'

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You can go on the internet yourself and find out if most of those Murders were carried out by Eupuron citizens? I don't think I've said nothing about who carried out any of the murders!


What 'Narrative of Lies.'

Most people know it wasn't European citizens.The fact that you didn't say one way or another shows that you do too.


But you decided to mention it on a Thread about Brexit to attempt to make it look that way or at least plant a seed in peoples minds.


And that is your Narrative of Lies to make pepeole form other EU countries to look like the scum of the Earth to help justify Brexit and spead xenophobic lies like a poor man's Goebbels.




Why else mention it here unless you believe if its true what goes back to you being delusional.


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2 hours ago, juice777 said:

Most people know it wasn't European citizens.The fact that you didn't say one way or another shows that you do too.

If I had said who were responsible for the great majority if those 50 London murders you'd be calling me a 'racist'.

2 hours ago, juice777 said:


But you decided to mention it on a Thread about Brexit to attempt to make it look that way or at least plant a seed in peoples minds.

I think most people who follow the news in the UK already know who the main culprits are.

2 hours ago, juice777 said:


And that is your Narrative of Lies to make pepeole form other EU countries to look like the scum of the Earth to help justify Brexit and spead xenophobic lies like a poor man's Goebbels.

Just because you disagree with someone's comments does not mean they are 'lies'. Most folk who voted to leave did so because of the immigration issue and will readily admit it. Is that a lie ?

2 hours ago, juice777 said:




Why else mention it here unless you believe if its true what goes back to you being delusional.

Any chance of you clarifying this comment. I don't understand it. You've got to remember you're dealing with racists and morons here rather than intellectuals or university graduates.

2 hours ago, juice777 said:


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5 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

So if there was a 2nd referendum, or 'people's vote', and the only two questions on the ballot paper were:


- Leave under the terms negotiated with the EU, or

- Leave with no deal (i.e. go to WTO rules)


Yep, I'd be fine with that!



Well I suggest to you, that is not very bright. In fact it is so foolish you should sit down and have cup of tea and a biscuit and then ponder why no bright people think Brexit is a good idea. No really. Think about it. There is a small majority of mainly losers, failures, hapless folks and you think WE should take your expert advice? I think not ?

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On 16/04/2018 at 2:22 PM, Emster23 said:

What you get when you buy a pig in a poke. Perhaps there is some fair trade act etc that might cover deceptive promotions to negate the vote?

You do not even know what we have bought yet.   Negotiations are ongoing and it is in both parties interests to come to a reasonable trading arrangement.

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26 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Well I suggest to you, that is not very bright. In fact it is so foolish you should sit down and have cup of tea and a biscuit and then ponder why no bright people think Brexit is a good idea. No really. Think about it. There is a small majority of mainly losers, failures, hapless folks and you think WE should take your expert advice? I think not ?

Not everyone will share my point of view, and that's ok. This topic is highly subjective.

But it seems some 'highly educated' people struggle to comprehend this and resort to mud slinging.

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5 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

I'll just make a small correction for you:


"Good. The EU project is a foolish idea that will greatly harm the country and benefit nobody except a handful of business people with Dickensian ideas. They are being polite; a "Lemmings' Vote" would be more appropriate"

BS. Look at the numbers and the history. 

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33 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Thank God for that!   Yet another reference to those who voted for Brexit as "morons" would once again confirm what an arrogant "University Graduate" you really are.   It may surprise you to learn that not all graduates are particularly intelligent people, even though, as one yourself, you clearly believe they are.

"IMHO" graduates of proper universities ( Russell Group if that means anything) are indeed well educated. I concede that there are various types of intelligence, but in a knowledge based economy you do need well educated people.


BTW, I did not say that Brexiters  are morons. BUT, a clear majority of morons voted for Brexit. You can hear and see them on Any Questions or Question time or whatever they have on the other side.

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Not everyone will share my point of view, and that's ok. This topic is highly subjective.
But it seems some 'highly educated' people struggle to comprehend this and resort to mud slinging.
Grouse..can you inform myself and other Forum Brexiteers why the likes of blair..soros..reps from golgman sachs.rothchilds.can have closed door meetings with jobsworths like junker.tusk etc.??
What countries do the likes of the afore-mentioned people /globalist financial concerns represent???

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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Well I suggest to you, that is not very bright. In fact it is so foolish you should sit down and have cup of tea and a biscuit and then ponder why no bright people think Brexit is a good idea. No really. Think about it. There is a small majority of mainly losers, failures, hapless folks and you think WE should take your expert advice? I think not ?

If clever people were so clever, they would be more numerous, for just such occasions as this.  Stupid is the new wisdom.  Brexit is the new openness.  


The worst thing is that George Orwell is not here to see it, though I think he would wish he was turning in his grave if he was

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He didn't say Brexiters are morons but that is what he thinks! I see far more remainers on these TV discussion shows that are not only moronic but they also invariably have no clear case as to why the EU is so bloody marvellous anyway!  

 Don't think you will find many Remainers who will say it's ”bloody marvellous” not me anyway. 

I would even prefer to have some of the things the Brextiers want but most of us realised we probably ant going to get those things the leave campaign was just winging it or there was no plan in place they are gambling with our future and the odds are stacked against us and life outside of the EU will be even worst


,Especially for future generations I hope I am wrong I really do.If I am wrong my life and my country improves, if you lot are wrong and you probably will be you have to explain to future generations maybe your kids or grandchildren why you did it.


And let's face it a good percentage of you not all of you but a lot of you.Only voted to leave to get rid of those pesky foreigners who by the way they probably ant going anywhere.



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