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British lawmakers, celebrities call for 'people's vote' on Brexit


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And you've been rewarded with a 20% increase in your living costs (as a foreigner in someone else's country) brought to you by the drop in the pound as the Brexit result came in.
What education have you brought to Thailand, what job did you have waiting for you, how are you a credit to and enhancing Thailand?
Suppose that I am a lucky expat seeing out my days over here.
Obviously a retiree..nice house..car..no debt..few quid in bank..4 weekly pittance from UK pension and small private pension.
Suppose I enhance my local area of Issan by shopping/eating out sometimes..paying for tv package..internet..2 mobile phones..etc etc
Hope your question is answered
Also in my own way..helping local Thai Clinic

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37 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Oh gosh I can't bear this pain any longer.



(Did you notice the Tories let the fishing communities down in the latest round of Brexit negotiations? Wise up, you are not getting what you were promised - you've been had).


May and her chums are mostly remainers. They are going to scupper everything to the best of their ability in the hope that one day we'll do an about turn and want to stay in the EU.

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

Well, the leading Brexiteers are part of a shadowy network of people who stole facebook data and misused it to sway the opinions of malleable, disaffected people to end up with a result that has clear financial benefits for them. Fraudulent, corrupt, self serving - those adjectives are perfect for describing the people to whom we have unwittingly handed control of our country. 

Again, your descriptive talents match the EU perfectly!

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Well, the leading Brexiteers are part of a shadowy network of people who stole facebook data and misused it to sway the opinions of malleable, disaffected people to end up with a result that has clear financial benefits for them. Fraudulent, corrupt, self-serving - those adjectives are perfect for describing the people to whom we have unwittingly handed control of our country. 

Yeah and I wonder how many people on this forum think that the same government they so badly wanted to have complete control again now think that they are capable of staging a chemicals weapon attack in their own country.

And they still think they are better?

Surely if you believe that nonsense then the last thing you want is them to have complete control of Our laws again.Only people with complete Tunnel Vision and believe in Brexit no matter WHAT would want a Government who they ( wrongly) thought was capable of such a despicable Act and would still say no to a Second referendum.

Plus the fact that Boris the leader of the leave Campaign wrote two columns for the Telegraph one to remain one to leave just shows he is only in it for his self.

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Yes we shall Teddy old chap, we'll wait and see what Brexit turns out to be and who it is who loses out. 
And then I'll be back to remind you of your many posts on the matter. 
They will just blame it on the poor deal the weak UK government (the same one they put there trust in and we all know can't be trusted) negotiated for us.They are already geting that excuse ready to save face and divert the Blame.

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2 minutes ago, juice777 said:



Yeah and I wonder how many people on this forum think that the same government they so badly wanted to have complete control again now think that they are capable of staging a chemicals weapon attack in their own country.

And they still think they are better?

Surely if you believe that nonsense then the last thing you want is them to have complete control of Our laws again.Only people with complete Tunnel Vision and believe in Brexit no matter WHAT would want a Government who they ( wrongly) thought was capable of such a despicable Act and would still say no to a Second referendum.

Plus the fact that Boris the leader of the leave Campaign wrote two columns for the Telegraph one to remain one to leave just shows he is only in it for his self.

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Plus the fact that Boris the leader of the leave Campaign wrote two columns for the Telegraph one to remain one to leave just shows he is only in it for his self.


You're bang on the nail there. He was never a committed Brexiteer, he just jumped on the band wagon. And half hearted Theresa May should quit and hand over to someone who is sincere about Brexit such as Rees - Mogg.

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Both of them can be of potential benefit to the EU.
They did not object when Easter European undercutting scabs came to the UK and started taking English working men's jobs. My job was one of the first to go in 2003.
We've had to adopt the metric weights and measures systems.

"We've had to adopt the metric weights and measures system"

Oh, my god, the world is going to end

How dare they give us a better System

What about trying to clean up our Air and get pollution levels down I suppose that's a bad thing to.


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And you've been rewarded with a 20% increase in your living costs (as a foreigner in someone else's country) brought to you by the drop in the pound as the Brexit result came in.
What education have you brought to Thailand, what job did you have waiting for you, how are you a credit to and enhancing Thailand?
Yep and when we come out EU and the pound drops more and we have no trade agreements what that going to do the Average person shopping bill in the UK?

bit of a silly move when we import most of our food.

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38 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well OK.


And your life in Thailand has been 20% more expensive ever since.


Chomper likes to exaggerate sometimes.The true number is more like 14%, if the reference currency is Sterling. It is not all down to Brexit. The baht is favoured by foreign confidence and investment and has gained 11% against the dollar over the same period, with the dollar weakening at the same time. The pound is stronger now against the dollar than it was just before the referendum. The baht has appreciated against most currencies over the same period.

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 The vast majority were happy with feet and inches and pounds and ounces etc. We did not want the change. It imposed upon us.
And it's the same subject.
We got used to it quick enough it really is a ridiculous reason to come out of the EU.

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It's odd isn't it, how the EU that we are told is 'in the back pocket' of bankers, hedge fund managers, big business, neo-liberal globalists etc is the same EU that enforces laws and regulations severely restricting the excesses of bankers, hedge fund managers, big business, neo-liberal globalists etc.


It's also very odd that the leaders of the Brexit campaign are promising a post Brexit bonanza brought about by the removal of EU laws and regulations that severely restrict the excesses of bankers, hedge fund managers, big business neo-liberal globalists etc.


Teddy old chap, you've been had.

Put up some reference quotes. 

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I don't live in Thailand, I live in London.
UKIP had absolutely nothing to do with the sudden 20% drop in the value of the GBP. That was the work of the financiers punishing us.
There was no other logical or specific reason that the value of our money should have collapsed so dramatically and so quickly and neither can you come up with one
They wasn't punishing us they stoped investing in the UK because the future looked bleak.

A telltale sign if there ever was one.

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7 minutes ago, citybiker said:

The UK is still leaving the EU.


The remainers, celebs at al can froth all they want, all this desperation clutching at straws attempts to ignore the democratic vote, negotiations are still on going to.


Time for people to move on, deal with it.


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i agree.


They should all stand together just as they did at Agincourt.



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10 minutes ago, juice777 said:


"We've had to adopt the metric weights and measures system"

Oh, my god, the world is going to end

How dare they give us a better System

What about trying to clean up our Air and get pollution levels down I suppose that's a bad thing to.


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 The air in the British countryside is as clean as anywhere in the industrial world. There will never be unpolluted air where fuel is being burnt which is an unavoidable fact but one which politicians can turn into a revenue raiser.

I remember the London smog, now that was pollution.


If their concern was genuine and the threat real they'd ban vehicles altogether instead of implementing congestion charges.



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14 minutes ago, juice777 said:

We got used to it quick enough it really is a ridiculous reason to come out of the EU.

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I never said it was such a reason even though you've just implied that I did

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They will just blame it on the poor deal the weak UK government (the same one they put there trust in and we all know can't be trusted) negotiated for us.They are already geting that excuse ready to save face and divert the Blame.

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May and her chums are mostly remainers. They are going to scupper everything to the best of their ability in the hope that one day we'll do an about turn and want to stay in the EU.
Wow 5 min after my reply I read this post by yogi100 they They Truly are predictable.

There is no short-term gain in messing it up on purpose so that's nonsense they will lose the next election and then we have Jeremy.

I wonder what the Average Brextier thinks about that.

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14 minutes ago, juice777 said:

They wasn't punishing us they stoped investing in the UK because the future looked bleak.

A telltale sign if there ever was one.

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If the future looked so bleak why did the FTSE 100 hit an all time high shortly after the referendum.

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5 minutes ago, juice777 said:

Wow 5 min after my reply I read this post by yogi100 they They Truly are predictable.

There is no short-term gain in messing it up on purpose so that's nonsense they will lose the next election and then we have Jeremy.

I wonder what the Average Brextier thinks about that.

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There is no way we'll get Jeremy.

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 The air in the British countryside is as clean as anywhere in the industrial world. There will never be unpolluted air where fuel is being burnt which is an unavoidable fact but one which politicians can turn into a revenue raiser.
I remember the London smog, now that was pollution.
If their concern was genuine and the threat real they'd ban vehicles altogether instead of implementing congestion charges.
I don't doubt that but without the EU it might be twice as worst.

I believe 20000 people a year die for Air pollution related diseases in London how many more would it be without the EU to keep us in check on that one.

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41 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


If the future looked so bleak why did the FTSE 100 hit an all time high shortly after the referendum.

Because the FTSE100 comprises international companies and companies that earn their incomes overseas - the pound drops so their non-sterling earnings rise.


A fact widely discussed at the time.

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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:


Both of them can be of potential benefit to the EU.


They did not object when Easter European undercutting scabs came to the UK and started taking English working men's jobs. My job was one of the first to go in 2003.


We've had to adopt the metric weights and measures systems.


Oh no! ?!


Not the metric system? The bastards!


Lets have 1cwt bags of cement back please and 12 pence to a shilling!


Do you even know what SI units are? 


What, what, what; not a very bright light, only three watts!



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Because the FTSE100 comprises international companies and companies that earn their incomes overseas - the pound drops so their non-sterling earnings rise.


A fact widely discussed at the time.

Agreed, the FTSE 100 is a not a true reading of GDP, however the 250 is.


IiRc currency flucuation averaging £1-$1.42 & the £1-€1.15, interesting the remainers are also rather muted in reference to lowest UK employment in 40+ yrs.


Ongoing Overseas investment, even French PSA (Vauxhall/Opel) decide to invest in a new model in Luton, although Jaguar land rover not extending/renewing 1000 temporary contracts.


Lastly, I'm not staunch Tory supporter however thank heavens that protest politician Jeremy Corbyn isn't in Office, the UK would be FUBAR'D.


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3 hours ago, yogi100 said:

We had to change out tried and tested light bulbs.

Our incandescent bulbs were heaters that happened to emit some light! A typical tungsten/ argon bulb emits 95% of the energy consumed as heat. Now that's not very bright now is it? Huge waste of energy. LEDs are 12  times more efficient and improving! Compact fluorescents were a stop gap measure.


Vacuum cleaners were in a power arms race for no good reason. Just clean the bloody things!


Again, this all just common sense. Morons need to be compelled to be sensible by law. Be grateful for these EU laws.

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