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3BB is Pathetic


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Specifically, exactly what is it I am supposed to do to A) find out why my wifi was NOT turned off as agreed, B) find out if or when or how I get credited to my account and C) find out how it is that the location I signed up with does not seem to know I signed up with them and am a client of theirs?  If my constructive posters could just for once be "specific"of how to go about all that instead of saying I need to change my attitude I would be grateful.  


Specifically, what can I do that I have not already done?  Of course, I shall update you all Monday assuming (odds?) that the supervisor does in fact call me back with an explanation. Until then you all have a nice weekend.  I shall sit in the corner and meditate about my attitude and perhaps magically my answers will come to me in a dream. 

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No use being so harsh with the OP.

His point of view was clear, and he had a valid point . 3BB did mess up in not being able to disconnect his service for a month.

What everyone here is saying - with an exception maybe - is that 3BB generally provides good service.

Maybe we should tell OP that we get his point and will be wary if we ever want to disconnect temporarily.

And OP should accept that most of us are happy with 3BB.

No use slinging words, unless people enjoy doing it .

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It's ok. Glad to see at least one individual gets it.  The rest apparently do not.  I am calm. I have not blamed anyone but 3BB at the location I signed up at (Can this guy Colin point out to me where I blamed anyone but 3BB at that specific location????) and as I have said about four times now I am awaiting the response from the supervisor who said he would contact me Monday.  I do see the problem here.  Anyone who says "mate" comes from I guess Australia?  So having come from over a month in VN where the "mates" start drinking at 7 am at the bars in the town where I stayed it does answer a lot of questions for me. lol


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1 minute ago, dufusdonald said:



It's ok. Glad to see at least one individual gets it.  The rest apparently do not.  I am calm. I have not blamed anyone but 3BB at the location I signed up at (Can this guy Colin point out to me where I blamed anyone but 3BB at that specific location????) and as I have said about four times now I am awaiting the response from the supervisor who said he would contact me Monday.  I do see the problem here.  Anyone who says "mate" comes from I guess Australia?  So having come from over a month in VN where the "mates" start drinking at 7 am at the bars in the town where I stayed it does answer a lot of questions for me. lol


You have a thought ploblem mate...And I am English...5150.gif.eb30630fe8def864ef71737dab67e570.gif

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You keep referring to "3BB turning off your wifi", (or not)..... I think you do not understand how an internet service provider works and end-user WiFi works.   I think you are talking about 3BB as your internet service provider... WiFi is after an isp has connected you to the internet, then within your location the signal is sent out as WiFi so that devices can connect to the WiFi radio.  http://wifi.3bbwifi.com/about  

There are also "hotspots", which are areas where internet service providers have put a WiFi radio so that people within the signal range can connect to that WiFi radio which is connected to the internet through the isp that installed the WiFi radio.

After calling 3BB people "idiots", do you know what the definition of "dufus" is?


Edited by hml367
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I'm not a customer of 3BB, but someone else mentioned that the English-language people at their central call center are very good.  I've found this to be the case also, with companies like Truevisions (where the local office people are pretty hopeless), with Sinet, Bangkok Bank, the airlines, etc.  The English language call center people in Bangkok are usually bright, helpful people and you get thru to speak with them quickly.


What the OP wanted to do was "suspend" his service (and billing) for a month -- not "turn off his wifi". (He could have turned off his wifi by unplugging his router, but that wouldn't have suspending the billing, of course.)  He should have called their central call center to ask about the best way to do this.  It's possible that someone has to work within the confines of their billing cycles and start and stop service on the dates of their contract cycles and not customize the exact dates when they can suspend service.

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Power went out in our village for many hours ,trees down over wires.On resumption of electricity we still had no 3 BB so rang the 1553 number. pressed 1 for English and our situation was clearly understood and information returned within a minute or 2 .

3 BB were replacing their wiring which they could not do until the elelctricity gang had completed their work which included putting up a new pole.


Internet connection shortly followed and we even got a call back from 3 BB asking us were we ok with our signal.


Cant ask for more than that ,In the past with TRUE ,CTH ,TOT most times the phone never got answered.


That's  possibly the worst storm in our 10 years here and they must have had call outs all over the place


Sometimes ,depending on circumstances ,you have to be a little patient,something we as foreigners are not particularly understanding about


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So as I suspected no one has called me back even though I was  promised someone would do so on Monday.  How shocking.  So today I took someone's advice and called 1530 and spoke with someone who spoke minimal English and relayed my story yet again. The good news is they verified I did in fact sign up in ........ contrary to what the girl said but the bad news is that I was told there is no documentation that I requested my service suspended.  


Of course I knew in advance they would fudge it up which is why I requested a written receipt but was told they do not give out receipts for requests to suspend service.


I was also told I could only suspend the service twice in one year not the 3 times I was originally told.  


I was told my complaint would immediately be sent upstream and that someone would call me back. I imagine this will go on for a year or two to get unresolved in the end.


Just as an aside I know it was my attitude that caused all this AFTER the fact. Stupid me.  Probably the bad attitude of the ambulance driver that caused the cars in front of it to refuse to move. Or perhaps it was the fault of the dying person in the ambulance. After all if he wasn't dying the driver wouldn't have to move in the first place.


Wonder how the Thai apologists here can spin that one?


Let's stop blaming the police for not doing their jobs either' afterall if no one was on the road accidents wouldn't happen. 


And finally to all my friends here who obviously cannot read nor decipher posts if you carefully re-read my original post where do I ask anyone for advice on how to clear this up?  Answer: nowhere. 


All I asked was have anyone had any similar situations. Cheers to all my mates here

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2 minutes ago, dufusdonald said:

So as I suspected no one has called me back even though I was  promised someone would do so on Monday.  How shocking.  So today I took someone's advice and called 1530 and spoke with someone who spoke minimal English and relayed my story yet again. The good news is they verified I did in fact sign up in ........ contrary to what the idiot girl said but the bad news is that I was told there is no documentation that I requested my service suspended.  


Of course I knew in advance they would fudge it up which is why I requested a written receipt but was told they do not give out receipts for requests to suspend service.


I was also told I could only suspend the service twice in one year not the 3 times I was originally told.  Fools everywhere.  


I was told my complaint would immediately be sent upstream and that someone would call me back. I imagine this will go on for a year or two to get unresolved in the end.


Just as an aside I know it was my attitude that caused all this AFTER the fact. Stupid me.  Probably the bad attitude of the ambulance driver that caused the cars in front of it to refuse to move. Or perhaps it was the fault of the dying person in the ambulance. After all if he wasn't dying the driver wouldn't have to move in the first place.


Wonder how the Thai apologists here can spin that one?


And finally let's stop blaming the police for not doing their jobs either' afterall if no one was on the road accidents wouldn't happen.  Cheers to all my mates.

You ain't changed yet then.....bored.gif.a646134a1fe5c55f427d5ef99902edcd.gif

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I can understand the gist of Duffus's complaint....he just wanted the service suspended for a time.


As per most services they automatically reply 'yes can do, no problem etc etc' however in reality it does not always occur the way you envisaged it.


Apologies from Thais are a rare beast. It's all about this face saving custom.


Sure it can be a PITA but it ain't worth blowing a valve over.


This isn't the West and to expect Westerner customer service may be asking a bit much.


Sometimes it works out and I generally accept that as a bonus when it does.


However overall I've had pretty good service from 3BB like many others.

Edited by CMKiwi
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We WERE on 3BB.  The connection was satisfactory; service ok.  Until one fine day they decided to leave the area.  They cancelled without notice; the provided NO refund for unused time already paid; they provided NO refund for the modem/router purchased from them.


For months afterword, we nagged them for at least a refund.  Nothing.  


Son of a gun!  They are back in this area as of 3 weeks ago.  Came to visit us too.  Sadly; no offer of a refund, no nothing. 


Goodbye 3BB!   I am most happy with the TOT fibre.



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On 4/22/2018 at 12:41 PM, hml367 said:



You keep referring to "3BB turning off your wifi", (or not)..... I think you do not understand how an internet service provider works and end-user WiFi works.   I think you are talking about 3BB as your internet service provider... WiFi is after an isp has connected you to the internet, then within your location the signal is sent out as WiFi so that devices can connect to the WiFi radio.  http://wifi.3bbwifi.com/about  

There are also "hotspots", which are areas where internet service providers have put a WiFi radio so that people within the signal range can connect to that WiFi radio which is connected to the internet through the isp that installed the WiFi radio.

After calling 3BB people "idiots", do you know what the definition of "dufus" is?


Semantics. Any dufus knows what I mean. 

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Firstly, this is not a piss-on 3BB  It is what really happened to us here.,


It is a tale of caution and a story of ........


The caution is that many (most?) 3BB customers do not know/understand what those using other companies are really getting.  So they think that crap speed is GREAT!


The story.


3BB moved into this area 11 years ago with wonderful promises - which they actually managed to maintain for the first several years.  Over time, then speeds started downgrading:  outages became more frequent.  Like REALLY frequent.


Finally, in 2014. one fine summer day - there was no connection at all.  Repeated telephone calls produced nothing.  Finally, a 3BB operator told us they had left the area and would not be serving it anymore.  No refund on your equipment;  no refund on your prepaid time; no nothing.


Went to TOT.  Started small but now have 100mB fibre.  VERY pleased.


Addendum 1:  Three weeks ago a 3BB team swept through this area trying to sign up customers.  We welcomed them in - showed them the original invoices for equipment and time; and they immediately left.  No; no comments even and certainly no refunds.


Addendum 2 :  The gods work in mysterious ways.  Two weeks ago during a minor rain storm a car hit the small junction box about 2 km from here.   Sadly the 3BB cable was damaged.  Rather than repair it, they have again abandoned the area.  Wonder how many customers the screwed this time?

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6 hours ago, dufusdonald said:

No, it doesn't happen all over the world. In civilized countries you may have to make a few calls but eventually you get to speak to someone who knows that paying customers are entitled A) not to be lied to B) not cheated out of their money and C) service but not in the Land of Scams.  Six phone calls to 1530 and not one damn reply. It is what it is.  And if I was in another country and it was the same I would complain there too.


Why is it ok to fluck customers  over in Tland?  Just curious.  Saying it happens in other countries so what?  What does that have to do with Thailand and 3BB and what happened?  Idiotic comment

Your expectations were reasonable and so is your disappointment that they dropped the ball, then act like children, avoiding ownership and responsibility for it, save face, etc.  That's an immature, unprofessional quirk and one Thais in general would be better off without.  If you or someone upstream in the company screwed up, own it, make it right, then move on. 


IMO, paying too far in advance for services that haven't been rendered yet, takes your leverage away if there's a problem at some point during the pre-paid time frame.   I think they offer a discount if you pay a year in advance, but I've never done it and never will.   Bad enough they always bill me for 2 months in advance and I don't even do that.  Just paid for May this morning and it's shown as a previous, outstanding balance due from April.  And then the current amount due is for June.  June?  We just started May!  I'll pay June when we get to.......JUNE!  Cheeky buggers.


The actual internet functionality, save for a couple weeks over 5+ years in 2 houses, has been fine.  No issues.

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10 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Your expectations were reasonable and so is your disappointment that they dropped the ball, then act like children, avoiding ownership and responsibility for it, save face, etc.  That's an immature, unprofessional quirk and one Thais in general would be better off without.  If you or someone upstream in the company screwed up, own it, make it right, then move on. 


IMO, paying too far in advance for services that haven't been rendered yet, takes your leverage away if there's a problem at some point during the pre-paid time frame.   I think they offer a discount if you pay a year in advance, but I've never done it and never will.   Bad enough they always bill me for 2 months in advance and I don't even do that.  Just paid for May this morning and it's shown as a previous, outstanding balance due from April.  And then the current amount due is for June.  June?  We just started May!  I'll pay June when we get to.......JUNE!  Cheeky buggers.


The actual internet functionality, save for a couple weeks over 5+ years in 2 houses, has been fine.  No issues.


I got mine (VDSL as no fibre here yet) put in about 15 months ago and it is in my wife's name.


The total cost was 1,431.25 inc VAT and my monthly bill is 630.60 baht.


They installed it on the day they said they would and it took less than an hour.


I get a monthly paper bill and I usually pay it at the end of the month (due date is 3rd of the next month) by internet banking.


I pop into the local office every 3 months or so and ask about a fibre optic link and the answer is usually maybe this year.


I have had absolutely no hassle and neither has my Thai neighbour who had hers put in on the same day.


When the comms companies run fibre I will see who offers the best and what their service is like and then choose.

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22 minutes ago, billd766 said:


I got mine (VDSL as no fibre here yet) put in about 15 months ago and it is in my wife's name.


The total cost was 1,431.25 inc VAT and my monthly bill is 630.60 baht.


They installed it on the day they said they would and it took less than an hour.


I get a monthly paper bill and I usually pay it at the end of the month (due date is 3rd of the next month) by internet banking.


I pop into the local office every 3 months or so and ask about a fibre optic link and the answer is usually maybe this year.


I have had absolutely no hassle and neither has my Thai neighbour who had hers put in on the same day.


When the comms companies run fibre I will see who offers the best and what their service is like and then choose.

I don't have any issues with the actual internet service, just a few times we've wound up in the silly zone, but that's not limited to 3BB or Thailand for that matter. 


The invoice thing is odd.  Wasn't like this at our first house in the countryside, only when we closed that account (not in our name) and opened one at the small, stand-alone 3BB office near the new house.   Wife did address the wonky invoicing 9 months ago, and it stopped, briefly, then began again.  


It's just an administrative annoyance to me at this point.  The internet functionality is fine, so there's nothing to gain by throwing an exotic, non-routine curve ball at them, which has a 50/50 chance of making things worse or creating new, unwanted aggro.  So I just leave it alone.  That's my general approach to customer service in Southwest and Southeast Asia.

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