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British charity worker feared being raped in 40-day Thai prison nightmare


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Do the crime do the time !the thought of being raped in prison is a good enough reminder never to do anything unlawful that would mean an individual spending time in prison. I think this fella is looking to make some money out of his story so a little bit of exaggeration is needed to get people interested !

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1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

Yeah, if it's hearsay on the internet it must be true, eh? 


There are lots more accounts from people who have actually been prisoners (myself included) who never mention rape or the threat of it because they have been there and are not trying to sell something or do not have some reason or desire to be on the internet.


What people themselves post on the internet is not hearsay and no less reliable than your own account, and if you had no desire to be on the internet you would not be here.

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1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

It is not just his anecdotal evidence!  Even if it that was all it was, his anecdotal evidence would be infinitely better than your total lack of any evidence at all.  Googling hearsay doesn't count.


Yours, his and however many others anecdotal evidence remains of exactly the same value as all the internet posts to the contrary.  Bizarre how you think some accounts would be worth more than others.

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On 4/23/2018 at 11:19 AM, CelticBhoy said:

I guess there'll be a book out soon.


Gotta make the error pay for itself.


You know before I even got to your comment, I was thinking exactly the same!


Well, if Billy Moore can claim to have learned Thai boxing and reformed himself from thief and drug addict to champion Thai boxer, all in four months then this guy can certainly claim the same! Another clown. When's the book coming out mate?


What an absolute <deleted>.  He breaks the law, gets placed on remand, we know Thai prison fall way short of the UK hotel standard prisons and you don't get a key to your cell here like the UK. Suck it up!


You broke the law of not only Thailand, of any country that has a rule of law. He is now trying to ' milk it ' and get some money out of breaking the law.

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1 hour ago, Lupatria said:

How much do you earn these days for an interview in a British talk show?


Nothing.  There are three types of potential interviewee, those who should give the interview, such as the police or officials etc, those who want to give an interview, and so will do it without money, and those who do not want to give an interview, they may be able to be persuaded with money but its easier just to find someone who wants to do it, there's no shortage of people wanting to be on TV.

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8 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


You know before I even got to your comment, I was thinking exactly the same!


Well, if Billy Moore can claim to have learned Thai boxing and reformed himself from thief and drug addict to champion Thai boxer, all in four months then this guy can certainly claim the same! Another clown. When's the book coming out mate?


What an absolute penis.  He breaks the law, gets placed on remand, we know Thai prison fall way short of the UK hotel standard prisons and you don't get a key to your cell here like the UK. Suck it up!


You broke the law of not only Thailand, of any country that has a rule of law. He is now trying to ' milk it ' and get some money out of breaking the law.


"the UK hotel standard prisons and you don't get a key to your cell here like the UK"


Where do people get their nonsense'?  Hotel standard?  Key to the cell?  What?

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7 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


"the UK hotel standard prisons and you don't get a key to your cell here like the UK"


Where do people get their nonsense'?  Hotel standard?  Key to the cell?  What?



 Are you trying to say I am wrong in any comment I have made regards UK prisons especially Category ' D ' prisons, where you are issued with your own key to your own cell?


You disagree? Google it! but don't get your facts wrong and try to make me out to be lying or romancing, like the guy is in the story.


I have BEEN AND SEEN that situation.




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17 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


If he had of claimed to fear being murdered in the prison no doubt you would also claim that he was talking rubbish because you were treated with respect and regardless of the high number of murders in Thai prisons.  The fact is, the charities working with the prisons all talk of the rape problem, inmates talk of the rapes in their prisons and the reform in the 90's was designed to tackle the rape issue, obviously there is one whether you or other posters here encountered it or not.

There is a wealth of difference between UK prisons and Thai ones. Just because there is a rape issue at home, does not mean that there is one here. If he had said he feared dying from insanitary conditions, I would believe him, which also would be in reverse for at home. 

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Also, regards lights in prison or fighting in prison and the clown talks about 5 years added to your sentence.


The prison is not empowered to do that. They would have to get the police who would bring new charges.


The only thing the prison can do is send you to segregation and you lose your good conduct class.

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34 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Yup, I'm saying you're wrong, I recon you read the headline last year about a Dutch prison trialing giving prisoners their cell key and didn't read it and assumed it was about a British prison.


As for google it, how can i google the awful hotels you've been staying in to compare them to the prisons and wouldn't it be down to you to demonstrate that the prisons are in some way like hotels seeing as it is you who claims it?


I have already enclosed a link in my amended post proving UK Category D prisons provide the prisoner with a key to his cell, did you see the link??? Feel free to apologize at your convenience!


I see you are trying to cherry pick sentences from my post to suit your needs and ignoring the overall picture.


Prisoner DO LOCK AND UNLOCK their own cells. There is an override obviously for the duty prison officer but not for other prisoners. I ASK OTHER TV MEMBERS, would they consider this having the key to your own cell?...... By the way, you keep the key with you and only if you move off the block, you give it to the prison office.


Now you are trying to shift focus to rescue your credibility because you have written SOMETHING on Thai Visa before checking regards keys and UK prisons. I will add something else. All old style TVs in UK prisons are to be replaced with flat screens because the government has decided they are more environmentally-friendly and use less power.


Cells are now fitted in certain prisons with telephones and if the prisoner has enough credits in can call home from the comfort of his cell.He fills out a form with a certain amount of telephone numbers of family and friends on the list. After vetting the list, if he has credit, he can call these numbers anytime he chooses.


OK then, maybe not hotel standard, because it's actually all free.


Free food, free electric, free snooker, the key to the cell, flat screen in the cell, phone in cell, own cell, free laundry. Free medical care. Weekly salary and weekly shop for goodies from outside the prison including X boxes etc if you have funds in your account to cover the cost and good behaviour class.


Here is the link AGAIN.




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12 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


I have already enclosed a link in my amended post proving UK Category D prisons provide the prisoner with a key to his cell, did you see the link??? Feel free to apologize at your convenience!


Now you are trying to shift focus to rescue your credibility because you have written before checking regards keys and UK prisons. I will add something else. All old style TVs in UK prisons are to be replaced with flat screens because the government has decided they are more environmentally-friendly and use less power.


Cells are now fitted in certain prisons with telephones and if the prisoner has enough credits in can call home from the comfort of his cell.He fills out a form with a certain amount of telephone numbers of family and friends on the list. After vetting the list, if he has credit, he can call these numbers anytime he chooses.


Having a privacy lock and having the keys to your cell are two different things.  They don't have the key that opens the lock that the screws lock, just a second lock so they can have some privacy during the day.  You apology is not necessary for me, darling.


I am not trying to shift focus, I am focused on the two comments you made, prisoners having the keys to their cells and British prisons being of hotel standard.  Having a TV makes it of a standard of a hotel in your world, not mine.  


Here is a quote from a recent inspection, "Most multi-occupancy cells did not meet the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) standard of four-square meters per person", that's quite some hotel where the room is so small it amounts to torture, anyway, here are some pics of a British prison, perhaps you could post some of your last hotel for us to compare.





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30 minutes ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

There is a wealth of difference between UK prisons and Thai ones. Just because there is a rape issue at home, does not mean that there is one here. If he had said he feared dying from insanitary conditions, I would believe him, which also would be in reverse for at home. 


What are you on about?  I was referring to the Thai charities working with Thai prisons, the accounts from Thai prisoners and the 90's prison reform of Thai prisons, which all speak of rape being an issue in Thai prisons.

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I have seen the inside of HMP Wandsworth (squalid), HMP Edmunds hill ( even had their own en-suite shower) HMP Everthorpe ( induction wing squalid but new wing excellent) HMP Moorlands open prison.with what I have described in above posts in detail.


So you are telling me that UK prisons are not some of the best to be housed in just because of some liberal-leaning EU directive claiming inhumane conditions that are probably comparing them to the luxury of Holland or Scandinavian prisons.


The EU wants to go look at prisons in Mexico or the Philippines or other places around the world.


Then for you to start comparing the actual cell sizes to hotel sizes is just DUMB! and unworthy of a response!

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Bloke was either paranoid about rape because of all the jokes and media about it thus suffered delusions or he mentioned it offhand in the interview and the media blew it out of proportion like they usually do for an attention grabbing headline


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Just now, colinneil said:

Have you been locked up in aThai prison?

If you can answer yes, your comments are valid, if no then you have no idea what you are talking about.


I can read outside of your anecdotes, I can read about the 90's prison reform, I can read the reports from the charities working to reduce HIV transmission in Thai prisons, I can read the blogs of current Thai prisoners, all of which actually count for more than a little more that your short holiday.  Did you really think a few days in the prison made your experiences more valid than all the other peoples I am reading, for all we know you're just making it all up for attention anyway.

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12 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

I have seen the inside of HMP Wandsworth (squalid), HMP Edmunds hill ( even had their own en-suite shower) HMP Everthorpe ( induction wing squalid but new wing excellent) HMP Moorlands open prison.with what I have described in above posts in detail.


So you are telling me that UK prisons are not some of the best to be housed in just because of some liberal-leaning EU directive claiming inhumane conditions that are probably comparing them to the luxury of Holland or Scandinavian prisons.


The EU wants to go look at prisons in Mexico or the Philippines or other places around the world.


Then for you to start comparing the actual cell sizes to hotel sizes is just DUMB! and unworthy of a response!


HMP Moorland isn't an open prison, it had a riot not so long ago, no way they are making it an open prison or giving anyone keys, you're making things up.

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4 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Can't take the time.. don't do the crime.


Really, looking at him I don't think he needed worry about being raped in the prison. 



Maybe you are looking at the wrong end mate.

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5 minutes ago, colinneil said:

 Stop your nonsense as you have no idea what you are talking about.

Also i am not the only poster telling you that, you started something and it has back fired, do the decent thing and stop before you look more ridiculous.


What, listening to people who work in the prison service and the prison service themselves is dumb, we should listen to people who spent a few days in there instead, that makes sense, because you know so much more about it, right?  So tell us, what was the purpose of the reform in the late 90's?  What is the purpose of separating gay and straight people in some Thai prisons'?  What is the current policy on access to condoms in Thai prisons, why is that the policy and what was the event that changed that policy?  If you cant answer all of these questions then I am going to stick with my other clearly more knowledgeable and reliable sources, OK?

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