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Poor Thai Families Selling Their Kidneys For Cash


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It's really sad to read thee stories what low-lifes force their daughters to do, directly or indirectly, by demanding not only a basic level of money, but often more and more.

Your wife can live pretty much without problems with one kidney, but she won't have a backup 'incase' now.

What an utmost offensive stand. Obviously those people did NOT force their daughter to do so. And I am extremely careful to believe these stories that easily. It is not common in Thailand that kidneys are sold. there are a very few examples that organs have been takes without permission. But it is extremely rare. Qualifying people as low lifes while they do not even know about it is stupid. I would rather question why a Farang is not willing to support his family a little bit. Do not spend it on the whiskey, spend it on the mother. How difficult can it be to sent 5,000 baht a month. see it as a tax which is probably not paid here anyhow, and if it is paid it is half the tariff back home!

Wait, you have never heard of all the daughters around the country that are forced into supporting their parents, and often male siblings, 'with any means nescesary', in wich the girl usually goes for the more highpaid entries like being a bargirl, or incase the OP was telling the truth, seling organs - or whatever ways they can to not be completely rejeted from their family for failing to do their biddings?

Anyone undergoing surgery for non-medical reasons, just for money, indeed has experienced pressure. Ofcourse the parents didn't tell her to get cut open, they only expressed whishes to get money.

And btw Alexth>> Your posts in this thread are most humourus. Keep posting more, they sure are a source for laughter. Perhaps one day you can start your own Borat-thread and explain it to us, since you seem to have a completely different grip from us others, living in reality.

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

:o I thought you were aware of reality, Alex. The theft, sale and bartering of flesh, be it for harem fillers, snuff films or body parts, has been going on in Russia, Europe, Mid East, and the Americas for years. Don't single out Thailand for this. The reason people do this: economics, Alex.

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Oh well done pal.

The OP seems a nice caring guy who has

a good relationship with his wife.

So why not throw a bit of paranoia his

way to make him feel better ?



Why not??

Maxidad, as the "caring guy" (TROLL?) you should go see a Doctor and get your wife a X - ray examination...

Was this "absent" kidney from any interest during her pregnancy??

Is the scar on her back- or frontside? How old is your wife?

400 000 ฿ for a kidney???

Today, after further questioning, my suspicions were confirmed that she sold her kidney for cash.

Sorry, farangsay, but this guy is already paranoid (TROLL?...).

I'm with Patex. As I said before, Bt400,000 to build one wooden shanty up north? :D And that price for a kidney? :D This is a trashy tale, and I think the OP is phishing for sympathy. He is extremely defensive.

Maxidaddy, you chose your life, many kind people gave you kind feedback here and you do not want to hear anything that may sound like a cruel twist on your rose-tinted perception of reality.

What about the nice folks who go for a drink and wake up in a bathtub of ice with a note that tells them to go to the hospital because one of their kidneys has been removed? Now, I would sympathise with a survivor of that ordeal.

I believe, JG, that this is an urban myth and there is no documented evidence of any case where this has happened. But I'll gladly stand corrected if someone on TV knows of such a case, and not just on hearsay.

But anyway I'm with you guys on this one, there's more than a few doubts in my mind over the true story behind the scar. But if she is an ex BG why has she taken so long to put the bite on him for money? If it's a fairy tale on her part to garner sympathy and money it's an elaborate one. No, there is a decidedly phishy odour in the forum.

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

:o I thought you were aware of reality, Alex. The theft, sale and bartering of flesh, be it for harem fillers, snuff films or body parts, has been going on in Russia, Europe, Mid East, and the Americas for years. Don't single out Thailand for this. The reason people do this: economics, Alex.

I'm not, what I'm trying to point out is that Thailand has more market than all those mentioned above.

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

:o I thought you were aware of reality, Alex. The theft, sale and bartering of flesh, be it for harem fillers, snuff films or body parts, has been going on in Russia, Europe, Mid East, and the Americas for years. Don't single out Thailand for this. The reason people do this: economics, Alex.

I'm not, what I'm trying to point out is that Thailand has more market than all those mentioned above.

Nope, not true. Your theory is the common myth planted into the common man's brain. Thailand is a conduit in this biz but a weak link in the chain.

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Its nice to see a few recipients of the ground-breaking surgical technique of the triple;- wit, irony, and charisma- bypass operation coming to the fore here to help.... :D

Wonder what the going rate for a heart or a brain is? :o

Shall we follow the Yellow Brick Rd, to find out? Dorothy?

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

:D I thought you were aware of reality, Alex. The theft, sale and bartering of flesh, be it for harem fillers, snuff films or body parts, has been going on in Russia, Europe, Mid East, and the Americas for years. Don't single out Thailand for this. The reason people do this: economics, Alex.

I'm not, what I'm trying to point out is that Thailand has more market than all those mentioned above.

Nope, not true. Your theory is the common myth planted into the common man's brain. Thailand is a conduit in this biz but a weak link in the chain.

True, thais like to play it home, they're not spreading all over the world like other participating nations :o I dare you, name one place in the world with such a density of prosititutes/sqm like Walking Street or the Sukhumvit touristic areas...except the Red Light District in Amsterdam.

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

:D I thought you were aware of reality, Alex. The theft, sale and bartering of flesh, be it for harem fillers, snuff films or body parts, has been going on in Russia, Europe, Mid East, and the Americas for years. Don't single out Thailand for this. The reason people do this: economics, Alex.

I'm not, what I'm trying to point out is that Thailand has more market than all those mentioned above.

Nope, not true. Your theory is the common myth planted into the common man's brain. Thailand is a conduit in this biz but a weak link in the chain.

True, thais like to play it home, they're not spreading all over the world like other participating nations :o I dare you, name one place in the world with such a density of prosititutes/sqm like Walking Street or the Sukhumvit touristic areas...except the Red Light District in Amsterdam.

Namibia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Ethiopia to name a few.

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True, thais like to play it home, they're not spreading all over the world like other participating nations :o I dare you, name one place in the world with such a density of prosititutes/sqm like Walking Street or the Sukhumvit touristic areas...except the Red Light District in Amsterdam.

Oh, Alex. Oldest profession in the world and you think Thailand takes the cake for the number of employees per sqm? Aiya. Thought we were discussing kidney sales, anyway.

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I know (or at least I am aware) that it happens. I just can't understand how. Tissue matching has to be done, organs need to be fresh (can't be frozen or even chilled for any great time) and the whole thing puzzles me greatly.

Think that might be why so many recipients of illegal organs reject the organs or fall ill in other ways. Maybe blood matching is all that is done under these circumstances, which makes it far riskier for the recipient.

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

Pxxxxxxx in Eastern Europe is rife

Edit: Sorry did the reply before I read the above. Sorry for being so naughty :o

Edited by mpdkorat
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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

Prostitution in Eastern Europe is rife

Oh, dear, don't say the P word, korat. Read MOD Endure's message above...

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