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93 foreigners rounded up in nationwide crackdowns


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This has been dressed up as some kind of big bust on criminals, scammers, etc, but is in fact no more than a bust on schools. Given its size, the numbers involved must be disappointingly small, and mostly small fry at that.  BJ has made it bigger than it is by alleging a connection between the teachers and organized, big time crime, somewhat dubious!.  Luckily for him, there was one good catch.  

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I have been teaching in Thailand for 1 5years, you only have to look at the need a teacher sites (no names) to see the salaries offered haven't changed for over a decade, but the fees to students have! They wouldn't look at coloured teachers back then, but, greed at keeping the true worth for teachers low means they will accept them now. and still not keep honest educators who actually come here to teach, and try to help improve students, and have a better life for themselves as well. But, directors and senior Thai staff have more cash than they can spend, and increase their outside interests and businesses. So sad. Perhaps because they are normally connected, its cheaper to get your supplies up country and perhaps also recruit or deal too! in whatever they are doing!

Edited by phetpeter
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9 hours ago, overherebc said:

We really need a breakdown by nationality and also colour so the comments can start to flow.

Should read "We really need a breakdown by nationality and also colour so the true situation can be appreciated and people can comment regardless of the lefty, PC fanatics".

Edited by jesimps
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9 hours ago, clash said:

they seem too. a lot of africans working as english teachers in the sticks. really dodgy but i guess they only have to pay them 25k and that's pretty much impossible to live on so they must be up to something else

25 K , Bloody hell, whats wrong with that, you must be one of those Pattaya rich snobby types we keep hearing about.  :biggrin:

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Deport the broke illegal foreigners/farangs for sure....


But is it really constructive and a civilised image of a tourist goal nation to display the giant blockbuster size billboards that stigmatize foreigners/farangs,  with the mentions "outlaw" and so on .. ?

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These new police chiefs are doing a good job 


they are good at what they do


i just hope it’s for the greater good. 

I understand they get given orders from above 


they get set a task task and they do it 


just hope Thailand can  keep the balance of the feeling of freedom that we all came here for at the same time trying to keep the country safe from some wrongens such as sex offenders 



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10 hours ago, overherebc said:

We really need a breakdown by nationality and also colour so the comments can start to flow.

what we really need is a breakdown on how so many enter the kingdom illegally???

overstaying is another issue...

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4 hours ago, smotherb said:

Seems to me the schools ought to be shut down for hiring illegal/unqualified teachers. Don't the schools have the responsibility to hire legally resident, qualified teachers and get them the proper work permits? If not, why not? Certainly seems the employer ought to be responsible for ensuring the employee is here legally. The teachers should be investigated and given a small fine for not reporting the school for its illegal practices. If the investigation of the teachers results in other charges; handle them accordingly. Oh, silly me, there I go again expecting rational action.  


Good point, the school (possibly expensive) takes your money and gives promises of good education for your child, then they employ unqualified teachers.


The school should be charged with fraud!




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9 hours ago, clash said:

they seem too. a lot of africans working as english teachers in the sticks. really dodgy but i guess they only have to pay them 25k and that's pretty much impossible to live on so they must be up to something else

These guys entered the country illegal.
I wonder how a school can employ somebody without the right visa.
Does any official check anything about this business ?

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Notice that the crackdown is occurring as we get closer to the election. In the meantime, those schools had lots of teachers to choose from, keeping salaries down. But, I guess, it is good that they are doing it know. This govn't is really showing Thais that they can do it occasionally when it suits them.

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51 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Should read "We really need a breakdown by nationality and also colour so the true situation can be appreciated and people can comment regardless of the lefty, PC fanatics".

I suppose really I just call a spade a spade.


Not a shovel. ??

Edited by overherebc
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20 minutes ago, BigC said:

These new police chiefs are doing a good job 


they are good at what they do


i just hope it’s for the greater good. 

I understand they get given orders from above 


they get set a task task and they do it 


just hope Thailand can  keep the balance of the feeling of freedom that we all came here for at the same time trying to keep the country safe from some wrongens such as sex offenders 





just hope Thailand can  keep the balance of the feeling of freedom that we all came here for at the same time trying to keep the country safe 


Ah!, there's the rub you see....no you can't have freedom that way.

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55 minutes ago, Acemaker said:

That certainly doesnt apply in Brum !    :laugh:

The post you chose to highlight and attribute to me was,in fact,posted by IamNoone88.


You chose to leave off my reply.


Presumably it was an oversight with no malice intended.



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4 hours ago, thaibreaker said:

I understand the part about working illegally, overstay and more, but how do these guys enter the country illegally? Do they cross the borders outside checkpoints? And where is this common? 

If so, it seems like a route that many colored are using, and should be easy to shut down.


You can do it at most of the border checking point. The problem is you will not get entrance stamp. Moreover, there are borders which can be crossed by a primitive boat. Do you want to know the price of crossing the border there?

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i think it's true. alot of african non native speakers get jobs in local schools in the sticks and even get work permits with their nothing degrees from africa which are no better than the crap you could buy on kaosarn years ago. then they moonlight selling shit coke or doing romance scams or what ever other dodgy crap they are into. big joke knows this and is doing something about it. good for him


Talking about non native speakers with crap degrees. How many of these what so called Native speakers went to school? They just hang around committing crimes here and there. Majority of the Non-Natives are the ones living decent lives working their ass up to make a living. However in any situation there are always bad ones even among the Native Speakers of which majority of them don't even have a sheet of paper to show as degree. What about the guy who went to the extent of stealing 1400 baht from the temple? Was that an African? Thank God some of them are being rounded up

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Successive policies have actually created the sort of situation that sees totally unqualified non native speakers working illegally in Thai schools or language centres.  I don't say it is right or wrong, but basically qualified TEFL teachers were barred from teaching in Thailand.  These people imo were quite able to do the job, but their ranks did include patrons rather addicted to neon lights. Still, a colourful crowd who are much missed imo.  Now limits are applied as to how many years can be taught without engaging in further study such as Masters in Education.  Derisory wage rates are another factor.

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13 hours ago, clash said:

they seem too. a lot of africans working as english teachers in the sticks. really dodgy but i guess they only have to pay them 25k and that's pretty much impossible to live on so they must be up to something else

25k Can go along way here in Thailand,most likely more then they can make from their from?Need to weed them out they can be dangerous? 


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I think the main problem is not if someone is NS or NNS. I have met a lot of Europeans who were far much better than the average NS. For finding fake diplomas, one should not go far. One of the major Asian teacher supplier countries produces a lot of so-called teachers with fake documents. If she has a real diploma, what is the real use of possessing an agriculture or nursing BA when teaching? I see a lot of teachers every year and my experience forces me to say that in Thailand we have one box for native speakers and Europeans and the other is the rest. I wouldn't say that the second case is absolutely useless. Africans can get 20k or less. Even then, the main problem is not their money is enough or not thus they have to commit crimes to survive,  Filipinos have the same salary normally, but their English reflects the bright sunshine of savannas.
As far as the schools are concerned. There are good schools with good management and bad schools with awful management. The first have budget enough to pay real teachers and management for ensuring their good job. The second does not have fund enough. They are ready to employ anybody and his cat who can tell them his name. Since Thai schools normally have no any HR concepts they change their teachers frequently, so why they bother themselves with queuing at the Labour Office for WP and who will pay that?
The other thing is the Thai mentality. A Thai is ready to move far, by bike or car, if something is cheaper there by one Baht. What is cheaper than a non-native teacher with fake documents?

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18 minutes ago, 6thST said:

25k Can go along way here in Thailand,most likely more then they can make from their from?Need to weed them out they can be dangerous? 


The normal salary of Africans and Filllipinos are 20K or less in the country. 17-18K salary is not unheard either.

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

disguised themselves as tourists to carry out call-centre and romance scams, credit card and ATM identity thefts and other crimes that could affect Thailnd’s reputation.


In my experience, when Thailand comes up in conversation or in tv dramas overseas the only things the country has a reputation for are its readily available prostitutes and its ladyboys. It has zero reputation for call-centre and romance scams or credit card and ATM identity thefts.

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19 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


In my experience, when Thailand comes up in conversation or in tv dramas overseas the only things the country has a reputation for are its readily available prostitutes and its ladyboys. It has zero reputation for call-centre and romance scams or credit card and ATM identity thefts.


Reputation goes beyond casual conversation and TV dramas, the UK FCO currently offers this advice;


"Be aware of the possibility of credit card fraud. Don’t lose sight of your card during transactions. There have been incidents of ATM skimming in Thailand. Where possible use an ATM within a bank and always protect your PIN."


Their fears are well founded, in the eyes of the UK, Thailand already has a reputation for ATM skimming.

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