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Do you let your wife/gf go out regularly with her friends

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3 minutes ago, stereolab said:

I let my wife do what she wants , when she wants too, no point in arguing with her. say no, and she goes anyway. My problem is she keeps on returning.

Why did you marry her, if you don't want her to come back? 

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On 4/28/2018 at 1:01 PM, BobBKK said:

and how old are you?  as for the '40 looks 30' I doubt it Thais women age very badly but that aside if there is a 15 year age gap +++  then of course you are the secure option but not the fun option and she could well have fun 'on the side'. What do you expect if you marry someone obviously much, much younger?  I'm not saying this WILL happen just that it could do... few drink... 30 something guy on the 'hunt'.  You will probably never know.  Thais aren't exactly 'ethically guided' now are they.

For someone who joined TV 2 months ago you have a lot to learn.  You may see older Thai women who are old looking but that is basically old generation who worked hard their entire lives in the fields. This generation and Hi-so  types don't age badly  unless they have been working bar and doing drugs for a long time.

Edited by Tony125
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7 minutes ago, puffy said:

There should be no let about it, adults are allowed to do what they like as long as they don't break the law.

My wife can do what she likes and so can I, the key is you take the other person's feelings into consideration.

If you are with someone who is happy to do things you don't like and vice versa then you are with the wrong person.


Agree. I don't understand a title like this 'do you let your wife/gf go out', IMO nothing to do with 'letting' at all.

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My wife goes out with friends regularly and i see no problems with that. I am not the jealous kind.

In my own country the Netherlands though it is a different story.

Most Thai ladies (i would say 90%) there are from the 'industry' and can be a bad influence.

She did not believe me and could see no harm in it. Few weeks later she stopped as the 'friends' were all 'complete idiots' she told me. Broken people like to break others to lessen their pain. 



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You go out with your friends, why shouldn't she go out with hers?


I know a number of people who get uptight about this but its more about them and what THEY get up to when off the leash that makes them paranoid about what the Mrs is doing.


What's sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose.

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25 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:
2 hours ago, OmarZaid said:
They age badly eh?  My wife's 59

You both look like elderly citizens. Your wife looks in the fifties. There is nothing wrong with that because,.. Well.. She is

She drinks Lao, has a golden necklace, farang drinks water and is gold less? 

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Better question: "Are you the master of your wife/gf insomuch as you control whether or not she can leave the house?"

My wife is an individual.  If she wants to leave the house to visit somebody - that's her business.

My always amazed at what lengths jealous people wish to control others. 

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12 minutes ago, PerkinsCuthbert said:

You say you trust your wife yet you 'let' her go out with her friends. Perhaps the irony of those two statements escapes you.

 He doesn't trust his wife and must have reasons for it. 

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37 minutes ago, Tongjaw said:

Compared to the majority of 50+ year olds in western countries she looks damn good. She could put some 30 year olds to shame. 

well you cant cherry pick. She looks ok for her age , normal looking.

Im assuming your comparing "some 30 year olds" as fat and crater faced


You need to compare to normal slim 30 year olds. So in that comparison your post is totally ridiculous. lets keep it real eh?


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26 minutes ago, OzMan said:

I met a nice looking girl on ThaiCupid and, being naive at the time, took her profile at face value. The discussion was around a more permanent relationship when I moved to Thailand. As time went on a few things about her did not add up. I opened another account on ThaiCupid using a photo I copied from the Internet. Using the fake account I sent a message asking her to meet me at my hotel at 8pm. OK was the reply. I asked for a recent nude photo but was told that she had plenty of photos but only gave them to people she had met and I would see her body that night. I asked how much and she said we would discuss it when we met at the hotel. Using my real account I then asked her for a nude photo as all she had sent me so far were the kind of photos you would send your grandmother. She sent a very indignant reply that she did not sell her body to anybody and did not have any nude photos. I now do this to all the girls I meet online and the results have been interesting. A learning experience as they say.

what happened with her in the end ?

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You clearly have concerns or you wouldnt ask TV. I do not think you meant 'allow', and that you meant 'without complaint about it'.   


Are we talking 1-2 times a week, or a month? or More?


I would pass on this advice if you think she is 'doing the dirty':

Blokes have sfa chance of knowing - you will never catch her out so dont try.

Unlikely, but if know another woman closely (your sister) she could check.

Women's instincts are very strong and hihgly tuned - if you starty indicating to her without ever saying it directly that you are concerned, she will either do one of two things - talk to you and go out less, or ignore it and continue as is.

If she raises it, and is highly offended and abusive, then apologise and start planning for an exit - women who 'attack' are guilty 90+% of the time.

Have a close look at your finances and if you still suspect things are 'wrong' in a while - plan for an 'exit stage left' - decide and plan and leave - dont discuss.

Dont ever threaten to leave - decide to stay or decide to leave - you are like all blokes in this relationship situation - amatuer idiots - women are professionals.

If you decide to let it go for a while, then let it go for a while.

If you decide to leave, then leave.

If you decide to stay, then stay and accept it.


If you think she is not doing the dirty, then I think you should ask her why she needs to go out so often - and offer to take her out yourself more often.  Her reaction will tell you a lot. Advice on this would be to raise it and then watch and listen - dont get emotional and dont argue - you will lose either way. Accept whatever she says as true - apolgise if attacked or she gets offended. Then later quietly by yourself go have a long hard think about everything she said and how she said it.

If you decide to let it go for a while, then let it go for a while.

If you decide to leave, then leave.

If you decide to stay, then stay and accept it.


It is your decision.


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Many apparently speak of trust etc etc..perhaps they were never rapidly entertained by a married or hooked up lady,  met during their kitty partys out at night.....or met while waiting at the garagist or at the supermarket.


The unfaithful females can brillantly entertain the male toyboy of the night, go back home at a very decent hour, or even call hubby while working on your gameboy ! That's one reason why I never gave into a formal marriage:cheesy:


Of course, not all are the same, etc etc....relax boys and the feminists !.....


Hire a private detective to follow your females on a few occasions when she goes out. It may open the eyes for some and give peace of mind to others.


And of course, clean up all your assets, put them out of reach, if you must dump her after her night out.


By the way, age difference can have a cause and effect issue, but one can have a perfectly faithful girl 20 years younger and have a totally unfaithful female at side, with little age difference.

Edited by observer90210
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On 28/04/2018 at 8:20 AM, robblok said:

Sure trust can be abused, if that happens ill find a new GF.


I would not like it if I would not be trusted, so i give my partner the same courtesy. Would you like it if you had a jealous GF that would not allow you to do anything ?


I could not live in a relation where there is no trust. 


Anyway to each his or her own. 

I fully agree with you, I trust my wife a 100 %,...she saved my life a couple of times. I let her do anything she likes. we are the best friends on earth. I couldn't dream of a better wife !!!!

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