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VIDEO: Beg-packers descend on Hua Hin

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 begging out right or trying to sell small gifts in order to raise cash


Or indeed busking like in the video you posted or does that not actually meet the definition of the new word, beg-pack, and so you didn't mention it and hoped no one would notice through the haze of sensationalism?

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5 minutes ago, giddyup said:

If you can't afford to self fund your holidays then stay at home and save some more money until you can. I see blind and crippled Thai buskers here playing an instrument or singing just to survive, not like these two indolent freeloaders.


Do you make the same comparisons in your own country?  I can walk through the town and pass homeless people begging, homeless people busking and I can also pass well educated affluent people busking, no one complains about what those clearly affluent buskers are doing to the trade of the homeless, they just enjoy their music and toss them a coin if they want.

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3 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Are these two homeless, or crippled? If they want to just share their music then take away the cap and play for free. The female's eyes were like lasers when someone passed, to see if they had donated. The average Thai can't afford to travel overseas and lay in the sun for a month or two, why would these two expect anyone to donate one satang for their privileged lifestyle?


No, they are not, and neither are the vast majority of buskers the world over, what are you on about?  And they are playing for free, did you think you would be obliged to put money in?  If not then they are playing for free, this isn't complicated stuff.

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2 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

Young hippies in 2018, really, I don't think so, more like freeloaders!


This old fart sees loads of similar types hitchhiking on the roads from Chiang Mai north, begging rides off locals who earn fifty times less than them and who have assets worth hundreds of times less - can't even afford the 87 baht bus fare, truly truly pathetic.



Only a good ale should bitter with age.

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Indeed, without such adventures of youth we would never have the likes of As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning; a wonderful memoir by Laurie Lee of his travels with a violin through Europe.

What a lousy writer , Laurie Lee! cider with Rosie Yawn! Arrest him along with any other jellied Lemons

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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1 hour ago, giddyup said:

Then take away the cap. Notice you didn't address my main point, ie why would a Thai donate money to two privileged whites who can afford to swan around the world living a life of leisure, when the  daily wage for a lot of people here is 300 baht a day?   One can only hope that cap is empty at the end of the day.




Its up to them, some do give to foreign buskers, they've been interviewed giving their reasons in past articles, making merit may be a common reason, enjoying someones music could just be another, do you think?




A Thai woman on the video supported their positive narrative saying that if the beg-packers didn’t want a lot of money that was alright, especially if they had something to sell.

“In the end, whatever they get they will spend here, won’t they?”, she said.




He's doing an honest career. It's better than stealing and stealing money in our trip. Who wants to support it because it's done and feel comfortable, do it with each person's satisfaction.


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4 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:

beg, v.
 a. trans. To ask (bread, money, etc.) in alms or as a charitable gift; to procure (one's living) by begging.


busk, v. 2 Naut.
 3. a. slang. See quots. (But perhaps this is a distinct word.) Hence ˈbusking vbl. n. and ppl. a. Now usu., to play music or entertain in the streets, etc

Insane - 

บ้า. or ba. Thailand doesn't need foreign beggars, because there are already too many poor people who are too proud to beg. 
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1 hour ago, lemonjelly said:

Indeed, without such adventures of youth we would never have the likes of As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning; a wonderful memoir by Laurie Lee of his travels with a violin through Europe.

You must have answered to a different thread. 

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8 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

Insane - 

บ้า. or ba. Thailand doesn't need foreign beggars, because there are already too many poor people who are too proud to beg. 


Did you not understand that busking is not begging even when staring at the definitions?

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