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Texas teen charged with plotting IS-inspired shooting at mall


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22 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

And no mention of who this kid is?  Born in the U.S. or immigrant?


Also, what nationality his family?  What about his family, and what were they doing amid all this alleged activity?


If the allegations here are true, I'd say, give this POS kid what he really wants -- a quick trip to martyrdom and all the virgins he can handle.


Make sure the virgins are in their 90's, and all wrinkled and all dried up.  

    Or make sure the virgins are.. virgin pigs.  ?

Edited by Catoni
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4 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

I didn't know Islam was a Race. My bad (I guess).

 It's not.   Islam is a religio-political ideology of hatred and murder and subjugation.  The very word..Islam...means "submission".

                          Muslims themselves can be any race.

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15 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:



It would appear, either Dad is clueless, or a pretty blatant liar.


A "good kid" doesn't write about his plans for mass murder including confronting a police officer, dousing him in gasoline and setting him on fire!



You missed another option TallGuy......his father was complicit in his plans.   I suppose being a blatant liar may come close to my assertion?


I recall the father of Scott Rush, one of the "Bali 9", saying his son was a "good lad", but when a it of work is done, he has convictions for a string of offences.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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18 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

I just knew this article would bring out a response of this sort. 

The vast majority of muslims are peace loving people. 

Unfortunately they are a people forced into conflict zones and subsequently stigmatized and demonized.

I feel safer around immigrant enclaves than I do most british city centres.

However I wont label all brits as thugs and drunkards.

Then again I am a reasonable and coherent mature adult.




Your position makes no sense and refers to non existent conditions.


The subject is  not "Brits". I am unaware of any non muslim British nationals plotting a mass murder as is the accused here. 


In respect to the killers, you offer the excuse  that the  vast majority of muslims are peace loving people and that they are  a people forced into conflict zones and subsequently stigmatized and demonized.


You obviously have never  taken the time to  learn about the religious teachings of Islam. Violence isn't just tolerated, but is a requirement. One wages jihad on behalf of their beliefs and has an obligation to spread that religious belief in any way possible including through violence. Yes, there are  many people who offer their interpretation of Islam and call it the religion of peace and who come up with passages that reference peace and goodwill. The unfortunate reality is that Islam as it is practiced is a philosophy of violence and repression, especially against non believers. The muslims who you call peace loving are not practicing muslims. They are no different than the Roman Catholics who  use birth control,  have premarital sex or gay relations etc.  They identify with the religion but are not true believers.


The murderers who gave us the Bali  bombing, or the sectarian violence in Indonesia and Malaysia or who flew hijacked airplanes into the WTC did not come from war zones. They were educated and influenced by fundamentalist by the  book  muslim religious leaders and teachers.


I see this kid as a  screwed up mentally ill child, albeit a dangerous violent one at that. Had this child  become a  devout Quaker, or Jain or Bahai, or Reconstructionist Jew etc. he would not have planned this mass murder. Instead he selected a belief system that promotes violence. A mentally ill person who falls under the spell of a cult of violence is easily convinced to take on the violence.


You say you feel safer around immigrant enclaves than you do most british city centres. Again, more scatological dribble since  most British city centres have a high concentration of "immigrants". 

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

The muslims who you call peace loving are not practicing muslims.

According to you and complete nonsense; there are numerous sects and interpretations of Islam.


Those practising Salafi Jihadism, which the OP person appears to have committed to, are a relatively small faction of the global Islamic community. For those unfamiliar with Salafi Jihadism...



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14 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

I Think (IMHO) that racial profiling is necessary to find these guys................ It is a short-cut to getting to them faster............ Before they make their moves............. If people profiled are not guilty they have nothing to fear......... No more so than we do when we go to the airport and are ALL searched..............

I replied to sawadeeken's post, above with:


9 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

I didn't know Islam was a Race. My bad (I guess).

Which you replied to me with:


4 hours ago, Catoni said:

 It's not.   Islam is a religio-political ideology of hatred and murder and subjugation.  The very word..Islam...means "submission".

                          Muslims themselves can be any race.

Tell that to sawadeeken to assist him in his "racial profiling".


I guess I should have included a /sarc (Sarcasm) indicator in my reply, above, eh?

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8 hours ago, mercman24 said:

totally bad planning US should have kept him dangling until he reached that magic adult age, he was in the FBI ,s  arms anyway.

I suspect he will still be charged as an adult.

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7 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Who to blame for the never ending mess in the Middle East-Israel casus beli ,  that has been spreading globally like a plague under different names, revendications or so-called ideologies,  since Ww2 ?

Is that really the best you could do to try to hijack this thread to be about Israel? :wub:

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12 hours ago, mercman24 said:

totally bad planning US should have kept him dangling until he reached that magic adult age, he was in the FBI ,s  arms anyway.

Of course the authorities cannot hold him until he's older before trial as that violates the constitution for a speedy trial. Furthermore,

"Federal law limits our ability to certify a juvenile as an adult for prosecution, and in light of that, we determined that state prosecution of the subject will best address the case," - U.S. Attorney Joseph Brown


Whether he can be tried as an adult even though a minor depends on Texas State laws. Typically,  if one were 17 when allegedly committing murder, the case will automatically go to adult court even though a minor at the time due to the exception for severe crimes.


Texas has the death penalty.


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