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Line of Duty (BBC). Great show. I fell in love with poor Lindsay Denton (Keely Hawes) who got framed, jailed, scalded, dumped by the Chief (an affair gone bad), etc. Incredidle run of bad luck. I wanted to bust her out of jail myself. Hope she comes back and lays waste to everybody that messed with her.

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I loved "Philomenia" too - excellent film.

Did you ever watch the film "The Magdalena Sisters"? The same real story about how those girls were treated. I, at the time bought the DVD. There was a second DVD in the box. With interviews with the real women who were portrayed in the film. It was one of the most harrowing thing i have ever watched.

If any of you have never seen it, it is abhorent how the Catholic Church in Ireland covered up the plight of those girls up until the 1970's.

Sickening. But, at least, those two movies opened up what went on. And hopefully it will never happen again. And the women and children that suffered will have peace.

Imagine being in a building doing laundry whilst your child is next door in an Orphanage, and you can see that child but not have any contact and then one day your child is driven away in a car.... never to be seen again.

Because you were a naughty girl and didn't know any better and your family threw you out etc etc etc.


Rant over... carry on!!

Edited by Patsycat
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Guys, I love this sub-forum.

Have had some great recommendations and reviews here.

But, if you're going to post spoilers, can you give some notice please?

Something like "spoilers ahead" or something similiar.


Good point KhunWill

I have probably been guilty of spoilers once or twice myself

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The Strain,

Stretches the credibility a bit, that the characters have never seen the "coffin filled with earth" scene from Dracula et al.

Introduces a plot hole a mile wide.

I have never seen it either - at least I don't remember it - and I watch a lot of films.

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So... Ray Ray's back! That's a plus :)

Hopefully season 2 develops quickly, as from yesterday's episode I was left a little bored.

Also watched the first 4 episodes of Graceland, I like the storyline, it's the acting ability that I don't like.

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The Strain,

Stretches the credibility a bit, that the characters have never seen the "coffin filled with earth" scene from Dracula et al.

Introduces a plot hole a mile wide.

I have never seen it either - at least I don't remember it - and I watch a lot of films.

It's a new TV show, episode 1 just out. 13 episode first season


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Ray Donovan is back and as usual, the Man has several crises clamoring for his immediate attention. Abby, the kids, Mickey, the Brothers, the screwed up stars, Ezra, the FBI, etc. Business as usual in Ray's World. There's a very complete and concise summary of Season One at the opening, which I was glad to see because I had forgotten some of the wacky things that went down last time. And Mickey is back, a vortex of trouble for all concerned.

Not really a spoiler, but some might see it that way, so don't read below if you don't want to know:

It's funny watching Ray and Abby in a save-our-marriage therapy session. Surprised a closed-off guy like Big Ray would ever consent to do this. Any guy seeing this who has been through this agony will be able to relate.

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The Strain,

Stretches the credibility a bit, that the characters have never seen the "coffin filled with earth" scene from Dracula et al.

Introduces a plot hole a mile wide.

I have never seen it either - at least I don't remember it - and I watch a lot of films.

So you're claiming you don't know vampires carry a coffin load of earth from their home country around with them?

Did you never read any of those books you sell?

Nah, you're just winding me up.

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Yes just watched the strain, ok have to see where it's going it mat be good it may not ,also watched Hemlock grove ,on the second episode started playing with my phone ,a sure sign i was getting bored ,shame thought i might like it , later tonight i am going to watch part 3 of under the dome ,they better not form a circle and praise the lord or i am gonebiggrin.png

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Yes just watched the strain, ok have to see where it's going it mat be good it may not ,also watched Hemlock grove ,on the second episode started playing with my phone ,a sure sign i was getting bored ,shame thought i might like it , later tonight i am going to watch part 3 of under the dome ,they better not form a circle and praise the lord or i am gonebiggrin.png

I just couldn't bring myself to download another week of that horrible Dome. I'm outta there. Halt and Catch Fire is fading too, after I had some hopes for it. I think I'll drop that too.

Looking forward to watching 24 and Tyrant tonight and tomorrow in hopes of saving my TV week.

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Yes just watched the strain, ok have to see where it's going it mat be good it may not ,also watched Hemlock grove ,on the second episode started playing with my phone ,a sure sign i was getting bored ,shame thought i might like it , later tonight i am going to watch part 3 of under the dome ,they better not form a circle and praise the lord or i am gone:D

I just couldn't bring myself to download another week of that horrible Dome. I'm outta there. Halt and Catch Fire is fading too, after I had some hopes for it. I think I'll drop that too.

Looking forward to watching 24 and Tyrant tonight and tomorrow in hopes of saving my TV week.

Yep, gotta agree,

under the dome, complete tosh

halt and catch fire, total garbage now.

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Aw, you guys are giving up on Halt and Catch Fire? I like that one, although it is strangely spotty and not always great. I like it because it takes me back to the DOS days, memorizing all of those stupid commands, being in the Puget Sound Computer Users Group, going to the big monthly meetings where guys from MS, Adobe, Norton, PC Tools, Lotus, would come and pitch their latest and greatest stuff, all of us there for the free goodies. Buying a 400mb hard drive and thinking my storage problems were over forever. Paying $200 (special group buy!) for a 14.4 Intel modem, hot stuff after 9600 baud. Logging onto local BBS systems, chatting and getting in trouble.

I'll watch the latest episode tonight and see why you're dumping the show. My biggest gripe on it is the sepia tone. Guess that's supposed to show a vintage look. The only really squared away true American character is the boss, the Boz.

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The Strain,

Stretches the credibility a bit, that the characters have never seen the "coffin filled with earth" scene from Dracula et al.

Introduces a plot hole a mile wide.

I have never seen it either - at least I don't remember it - and I watch a lot of films.

So you're claiming you don't know vampires carry a coffin load of earth from their home country around with them?

Did you never read any of those books you sell?

Nah, you're just winding me up.

Never heard of it or didn't care, but I tend to read modern vampire stuff these days. I read Dracula when I was a kid, but was not overly impressed by it. I read the first few in the Ann Rices series, but if they talked about dirt in coffins, it did not stick. It seems like the writers, directer and producer of The Strain are in the same boat.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Aw, you guys are giving up on Halt and Catch Fire? I like that one, although it is strangely spotty and not always great. I like it because it takes me back to the DOS days, memorizing all of those stupid commands, being in the Puget Sound Computer Users Group, going to the big monthly meetings where guys from MS, Adobe, Norton, PC Tools, Lotus, would come and pitch their latest and greatest stuff, all of us there for the free goodies. Buying a 400mb hard drive and thinking my storage problems were over forever. Paying $200 (special group buy!) for a 14.4 Intel modem, hot stuff after 9600 baud. Logging onto local BBS systems, chatting and getting in trouble.

I'll watch the latest episode tonight and see why you're dumping the show. My biggest gripe on it is the sepia tone. Guess that's supposed to show a vintage look. The only really squared away true American character is the boss, the Boz.

It's getting bogged down in legacy tech issues as you mention, and the story lines are getting boring as hell. I don't think anyone even remembers (or cares) what an Intel 8088 is except for a few of us. wink.png Also, they are pulling out the now obligatory gay/bi closeted guy for a sub plotline in every series and it is getting cliche. Most of all it's just boring.

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I can't handle vampire films. Saw the original and still greatest "Dracula", starring the Immortal Bela Lugosi when I was a kid, and then several times after that. Nothing has ever touched that film, except Werner Herzog's remake of Nosferatu, with the Twisted and Deranged Klaus Kinski. Remember the scene at wharfside, when townspeople are walking and not noticing that there are thousands of real (not CGI!) rats scurrying all around them? How did Herzog do that! And then Kinski/Nosferatu sitting at the bedside all night looking lovingly at this girl he's just made into an undead!

Dracula kept his coffin lined with finest Transylvanian dirt. He never left home without it. Remember the scene where poor mad Jonathan Harker is catching and eating flies? All time creepiness, never surpassed.

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I can't handle vampire films. Saw the original and still greatest "Dracula", starring the Immortal Bela Lugosi when I was a kid, and then several times after that. Nothing has ever touched that film, except Werner Herzog's remake of Nosferatu, with the Twisted and Deranged Klaus Kinski. Remember the scene at wharfside, when townspeople are walking and not noticing that there are thousands of real (not CGI!) rats scurrying all around them? How did Herzog do that! And then Kinski/Nosferatu sitting at the bedside all night looking lovingly at this girl he's just made into an undead!

Dracula kept his coffin lined with finest Transylvanian dirt. He never left home without it. Remember the scene where poor mad Jonathan Harker is catching and eating flies? All time creepiness, never surpassed.

I agree. And, all the Vincent Price stuff. I too don't care for the dizzying quantity of modern vampire films, but for campy fun action, I did love all the Blade series with tax evader Wesley Snipes. Loved Indie queen Parker Posey in Blade Trinity.

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Just watched the latest episode of Halt and Catch Fire, and can see why people are getting annoyed. The development of the Cardiff computer has been diminished in the storyline, which is now all taken up with the personal problems of the principal characters. This was the weakest hour yet, by far. The sudden appearance of Joe's old boyfriend, played by D.B.Woodside, was a jarring note, since I just saw him being suave lover man to Jessica on Suits.

At the end of the show we are given a breathless announcement that there are only three more episodes. The previews don't have that sepia tone, and Gordon suddenly looks like Steve Jobs! How can you bail now??!! The excitement is palpable!

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Good season ending episode of 24 tonight. Reading some trade news on the show, it has a good chance of returning for another season. Let's hope so. William Devane did add a more credible element, and I hope they bring in another such guest for next season if it returns.

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Just watched s02 e01 of The Bridge. It starts off featuring what at first seems to be a Lyle Lovett music video, starring the Weird Cowboy Crooner himself. It took reading another review to remind me that he plays a small town lawyer serving the cartel. The overall strangeness gets jacked up right off the bat, and quickly gets right back into the bizarre cross-border (El Paso/Juarez) nightmare, with a vengeance. The atmosphere and cinematography in this show is different from anything else on TV right now. A new character is introduced, played by the excellent German actress, Franka Potente.

This is going to be a wild ride. 9-1/2, with a Bullet.

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Some light entertainment: Welcome to Sweden (20 min format). An ordinary American moves to Sweden to live there with his Swedish wife. The characters are more or less stereotype but likable. There is one exception: the mother in law, in her forties, rather attractive (I'd say) and this woman is pure acid. I fell in love with her immediately. So, if you are bored between two great shows, this could be some intermission joy (good for a few laughs). BTW, a second series is already commissioned (and for a strange reason no Swede I know is like the people in this show).

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Just watched s02 e01 of The Bridge. It starts off featuring what at first seems to be a Lyle Lovett music video, starring the Weird Cowboy Crooner himself. It took reading another review to remind me that he plays a small town lawyer serving the cartel. The overall strangeness gets jacked up right off the bat, and quickly gets right back into the bizarre cross-border (El Paso/Juarez) nightmare, with a vengeance. The atmosphere and cinematography in this show is different from anything else on TV right now. A new character is introduced, played by the excellent German actress, Franka Potente.

This is going to be a wild ride. 9-1/2, with a Bullet.

Could not agree more. A great start, I liked it even better than the first episode of season 1, a season that provided some great TV but also some disappointments (still, all in all a good show). It seems that they will stay within the "ordinary" range of organized crime this time (which would be a good idea IMO). So, I am rather optimistic that they will keep up this high level over the whole season. Anyway, I am hooked (again).

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I loved The Lost Boys and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Don't really have much use for the old-timey stuff anymore. The first 3 Ann Rice vampire books were good, but not crazy about the films.However - IMO - a LOT of vampire books and movies are garbage.


Kind of embarrassing to admit it, but I am a huge Buffy fan. Took all 7 season DVD boxes with me to Thailand and rewatched them all a few years ago with my gf. This year decided that it was time to introduce my early teen daughter to the 'Scooby Gang'. We went through all 7 seasons in under 5 months. Wasn't too good on her 2nd term grades though...

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Talking about guilty pleasures: while Buffy did not do it for me (smile.png ) I watched "The 100" (arrgh). Bad acting, ridiculous story line, good looking teenage boys and girls with skills higher than a professor from MIT. But for reasons unknown to me I am addicted to this stuff. Actually, looking forward to season 2 (what is wrong with me???).

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