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I guess, only a few people around here and the rest of the world will care, but „Intruders“ came to an end last night. BBC has not decided about a second season, yet. The humble ratings would probably speak against a continuation. But the show still has to air in Britain. So, maybe, the BBC will postpone a decision until the British audience will (undoubtedly smile.png) confirm that „Intruders“ is a great show!

I liked it right from the beginning, although, admittedly it started rather confusing. But step by step, episode by episode, the fog cleared and with the finale we now have a rather good picture of how the „Revertii“-universe works. So, even without a second season the story came to a good ending that leaves room for more episodes but that can also be seen as a decent closure of an interesting fantasy story. Anyway, I am hoping for more!

For me, the first episode was so confusing that I never wanted to watch it again and I didn't.

Somehow, I was caught by the atmosphere and then I became more and more curious what it is about. But there is no way around it: it started without orientation and structure. So, I don't blame you! smile.png

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I guess, only a few people around here and the rest of the world will care, but „Intruders“ came to an end last night. BBC has not decided about a second season, yet. The humble ratings would probably speak against a continuation. But the show still has to air in Britain. So, maybe, the BBC will postpone a decision until the British audience will (undoubtedly smile.png) confirm that „Intruders“ is a great show!

I liked it right from the beginning, although, admittedly it started rather confusing. But step by step, episode by episode, the fog cleared and with the finale we now have a rather good picture of how the „Revertii“-universe works. So, even without a second season the story came to a good ending that leaves room for more episodes but that can also be seen as a decent closure of an interesting fantasy story. Anyway, I am hoping for more!

For me, the first episode was so confusing that I never wanted to watch it again and I didn't.

Somehow, I was caught by the atmosphere and then I became more and more curious what it is about. But there is no way around it: it started without orientation and structure. So, I don't blame you! smile.png

I felt like I got tricked into watching the "Leftovers" and it looked too much along those lines. biggrin.png

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Glad to see Lilyhammer has been given the go ahead for season 3.

Finished season 2 on the weekend and it was really good.

A nice little cameo by Paul Sirico AKA Paulie Walnuts from

The Sopranos in the last episode.

Was good to see the boys back together again.

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I guess, only a few people around here and the rest of the world will care, but „Intruders“ came to an end last night. BBC has not decided about a second season, yet. The humble ratings would probably speak against a continuation. But the show still has to air in Britain. So, maybe, the BBC will postpone a decision until the British audience will (undoubtedly smile.png) confirm that „Intruders“ is a great show!

I liked it right from the beginning, although, admittedly it started rather confusing. But step by step, episode by episode, the fog cleared and with the finale we now have a rather good picture of how the „Revertii“-universe works. So, even without a second season the story came to a good ending that leaves room for more episodes but that can also be seen as a decent closure of an interesting fantasy story. Anyway, I am hoping for more!

Just watched the second series of the village ,in which the lead actor in "intruders" is also the lead, about village life in the 20S very good ,also just watched salting the battlefield ,the third part of the Bill Nighy trilogy . glad i found it.

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3 episodes into Homeland, and some observations. The series has gotten a lot more realistic feeling, the location shooting seems very realistic as Islamabad (streets, cars - old VWs, newer Honda Citys & US embassy Chevy Captivas), though I know they shot it in S. Africa. This year has a more film quality feel to it, and is very high quality in terms of scripts and story so far. The pace is not as quick as prior years perhaps, but seems very tight and good arc.

They keep inserting Saul into the story, which is a bit awkward, but is ok, it works. Claire Danes is really carrying the whole series on her back more than ever, and she is up to the task.

And I was wondering which South-Asian looking country would be safe enough to shoot a show like "Homeland". I would not have thought of South Africa.

I am glad that Saul is back. I find him to be the most likable character of the show. Hoping to see more of him. And I am glad that Carry's baby is more or less out of the picture (sorry). I found the resemblance of Brody rather disturbing. Is that Damian Lewis' real child?

And another question: is there an explanation why episode 3 is available through the usual sources although it has not been aired in the US, yet?

I was reading somewhere that some of these Hollywood studios are playing games with public torrents, in other words allowing or leaking themselves episodes ahead of broadcast in the U.S. in order to create internet hype for the series. Not sure how true this is or not, but some of these series are shown ahead of US time overseas and may have been uploaded there for example from the UK.

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I just watched a great newish film called "Chef" I thought it would be a small independent movie, but it has some excellent actors like Dustin Hoffman and John Leguizamo.

It is about an acclaimed chef, in an trendy, expensive restaurant, who makes a mess of his life and starts his own food truck and travels across America with his young son.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The second entry in the Worricker Trilogy (The Page Eight Series) is called "Turks & Caicos", and I thought it was even better than Page Eight. To ease the absence of Michael Gambon, we have the inimitable Christopher Walken, as a CIA guy who interrupts Johnny's peaceful, non-spying, idyllic island existence. Walken always seems like the same guy, but he's so weird, and that VOICE...you just have to pay attention. The contrast in styles as Bill Nighy plays scenes with him is most enjoyable. For the love interest, we have Helena Bonham Carter, who has gotten more lovely with age. Those haunting eyes!

Winona Ryder goes a good job as a damaged daughter of a dead mobster, now employed by some shady "entrepreneurs".

This series gets crappy ratings on IMDB, but I think it's most from Americans who can't follow what's going on (it is a bit murky, at that) and the lack of "action."

8/10 for me. Looking forward to Vol. 3..."Salting the Battlefield."

Thanks for the tip there FJ. I am just sourcing the third one in the series now.

Good to see a political/spy style thriller without all the guns and fist fights.

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Am I the only one on here religiously watching Downton Abbey? We're up to the 4th episode on Season 5, and the series just plugs along delivering what it always has: a pleasant journey back to a time and place recreated perfectly.

Rotten Tomatoes gives season 5 an audience rating of 93%, with no critical ratings yet.

I'm perfectly happy with the predictability of a weekly hour of time being transported to a time and place where class lines and values were less fluid than today.

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Am I the only one on here religiously watching Downton Abbey? We're up to the 4th episode on Season 5, and the series just plugs along delivering what it always has: a pleasant journey back to a time and place recreated perfectly.

Rotten Tomatoes gives season 5 an audience rating of 93%, with no critical ratings yet.

I'm perfectly happy with the predictability of a weekly hour of time being transported to a time and place where class lines and values were less fluid than today.

I gave it a go but couldn't get into it

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3 episodes into Homeland, and some observations. The series has gotten a lot more realistic feeling, the location shooting seems very realistic as Islamabad (streets, cars - old VWs, newer Honda Citys & US embassy Chevy Captivas), though I know they shot it in S. Africa. This year has a more film quality feel to it, and is very high quality in terms of scripts and story so far. The pace is not as quick as prior years perhaps, but seems very tight and good arc.

They keep inserting Saul into the story, which is a bit awkward, but is ok, it works. Claire Danes is really carrying the whole series on her back more than ever, and she is up to the task.

It's an entertaining show but it's about as realistic as a James Bond movie! A known mentally unstable woman put in charge of a cia field mission? -in reality she would have been fired years ago so even the basic premis of the whole show is laughably unrealistic. Character motivations and actions across the board are unrealistic (i won't give details to avoid spoilers) and behave in order to be entertaining rather than to be realistic. Also holes in a story you can drive a bus through.

Having said that, just like a Bond movie, it's fun and entertaining!

Edited by ExpatJ
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Finished watching the 3 part BBC series The Driver. Strange pacing. Seems like in the 3rd part 80% was wasted on setup, and then a big rush to a questionable conclusion. Always interesting to see the difference in procedure followed by British cops vs all of the stuff we've seen on real and TV US cops. Maybe you UK guys can tell me...if you get hauled in for questioning, as happens eventually on this show, can you demand to have an attorney present?

Most US lawyers will tell you that if you are questioned by the police, your best course is to say NOTHING. Now, being lawyers, they would say that. Police will tell you anything to advance their own agenda, and it is legal for them to lie to you. "Your buddy Freddy is telling us all about what a nasty boy you are. Maybe you'd like to help us out before it's too late, hmmmm?"

Anyway, this series was worth watching, but the family emotional content got to be tiring for me. The criminals were more interesting than this poor guy's domestic situation.


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Finished watching the 3 part BBC series The Driver. Strange pacing. Seems like in the 3rd part 80% was wasted on setup, and then a big rush to a questionable conclusion. Always interesting to see the difference in procedure followed by British cops vs all of the stuff we've seen on real and TV US cops. Maybe you UK guys can tell me...if you get hauled in for questioning, as happens eventually on this show, can you demand to have an attorney present?

Most US lawyers will tell you that if you are questioned by the police, your best course is to say NOTHING. Now, being lawyers, they would say that. Police will tell you anything to advance their own agenda, and it is legal for them to lie to you. "Your buddy Freddy is telling us all about what a nasty boy you are. Maybe you'd like to help us out before it's too late, hmmmm?"

Anyway, this series was worth watching, but the family emotional content got to be tiring for me. The criminals were more interesting than this poor guy's domestic situation.


tried watching it ,but got bored after about 20 minutes ,just dont like the lead actor much

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Finished watching the 3 part BBC series The Driver. Strange pacing. Seems like in the 3rd part 80% was wasted on setup, and then a big rush to a questionable conclusion. Always interesting to see the difference in procedure followed by British cops vs all of the stuff we've seen on real and TV US cops. Maybe you UK guys can tell me...if you get hauled in for questioning, as happens eventually on this show, can you demand to have an attorney present?

Most US lawyers will tell you that if you are questioned by the police, your best course is to say NOTHING. Now, being lawyers, they would say that. Police will tell you anything to advance their own agenda, and it is legal for them to lie to you. "Your buddy Freddy is telling us all about what a nasty boy you are. Maybe you'd like to help us out before it's too late, hmmmm?"

Anyway, this series was worth watching, but the family emotional content got to be tiring for me. The criminals were more interesting than this poor guy's domestic situation.


I pretty much agree with everything you said.

I thought episode 3 was the weakest of the lot, it did seem to be rushed.

Still, not bad viewing.

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Gracepoint. The American version of Broadchurch is a load of crap. They have practically copied it word for word, and even brought David Tennant into it. Odd.

Whereas, I'm quite liking Grantchester with Robson Greene (swoon) and the baddy from Happy Valleys. They are the policeman and a vicar who solve crimes during the early 1950's. Quite sweet. i.e not much blood and guts.

Downton Abbey - am loving it!! A couple of years ago i had never watched it. I downloaded the first two series and did a mega watching of them and have been hooked ever since. I never watch it live on a Sunday night ( i hate ad breaks) but download it about an hour later without the ads. Lady Mary is getting a bit raunchy, what?!

Another UK documentary is The Kitchen - about the eating habits of different British families. May appeal to those who think the Brits can't cook.

Edited by Patsycat
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A quick take on Season 2 of Peaky Blinders. I'll try not to SPOILER, but if you're worried, STOP NOW. That is to say that different people have widely varying parameters for what constitutes the Black Art of Spoiling.

A question to the UK fans: Is it really possible to go from Birmingham to London via boat, down apparently ancient man made canals? My richly detailed Times Atlas of the World shows so many roads and apparent watercourses in the south of England, that it's impossible to tell. In the show, the motorized barge (?) squeezes through concrete-walled channels barely wide enough for the boat alone, and then at other spots it looks like it's on a river in the American South, wide, with only trees along the banks. Looks like London and Birmingham are about 100 miles apart, and it's one long urban corridor between. Guess there was more open country back in the 1920's?

The mumbling and the accents make it hard to understand the little details of what's happening, but I get the general drift. The Blinders are getting pushed around by some Italian gangsters, so now they're looking for help from a London-based Jewish gang. Tom Hardy is now on deck as the leader of the Jews! He looks no more Jewish than the Peaky Boys look Roma, but this is TV. His accent is quite a piece of work, too. Sam Neill is still around as the Heavy Cop, but nobody seems to respect him much. He stomps around with a steel cane, that makes an ominous sound on the cobblestones. I imagine he's going to use that soon, to lay waste to some criminal. At least when he's in a scene, his diction is outstandingly good.

Very stylish production. My only quibble with it is the excessive use of the smoky look, both indoors and out. This whole show must be shot through a gauze screen. I know this is supposed to give the scene that "authentic vintage" look, but they completely overdo this effect on P.B. In the current episode we get a small glimpse of a more affluent neighborhood in Birmingham. That's a nice change from the "Dark Satanic Mills" where most of the action takes place.

If you haven't ever seen the show, I think this is one series where you need to see the six episodes of the first series. We are not re-introduced to who's who, except for a montage in S02 e01 of the action that went before.

Now, did I SPOIL anything?? I hope not. I recommend this show without reservation.

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I have now reached almost the end of the third season of Mad Men. What a parade of Character Defects! All of the execs have a full bar in their office, and don't hesitate to knock back stiff shots at any time during the work day. Since the Sterling Cooper ad agency has the Lucky Strike account, Don's always lighting up a Lucky, even in bed! It's like one big frat house!

Vincent Kartheiser is probably a great guy in real life, but he has to play a total worm on this show, and he does it superbly well. Jon Hamm does a fine job as Don Draper, a Man of Mystery. He's so good in this role that he'll be forever remembered as Don, the way James Gandolfini (R.I.P.) will always be Tony Soprano. Like George Clooney, he's almost too handsome for his own good.

January Jones...where did they find her? She dominates in her role as the Grace Kelly-like Ice Queen, married to Devious Don. So beautiful, in a way that, most guys looking at her would automatically think "she's way outta my league!" All of the actors in the cast ensemble are pretty much perfect in their roles, and everybody at some point gets a chance to strut their stuff.

The fidelity to the time period is outstanding. All of the little touches...Ladies wore those wide, flouncy dresses, and severe "foundation garments." Beer cans didn't have pop tops. When the family had a picnic at the park, Don tossed his empty beer can into the bushes, and they drove away, leaving all of their litter on the ground. Yes, that's about how it was, back then. And one really great thing about the show...even though there's a lot of sex, it's much more tastefully presented, sort of like in the older movies, not like the nasty stuff that we see too much of now.

It took a few episodes to see where this was going, but now I see why it's been such a phenomenal success.


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The Escape Artist. A 3-parter from England.

The drama revolves around Will Burton (David Tennant), a talented junior barrister of peerless intellect and winning charm who specialises in spiriting people out of tight legal corners. He is in high demand as he has never lost a case. But when his talents acquit the notorious prime suspect in an horrific murder trial, that brilliance comes back to bite him with unexpected and chilling results, not to mention a shocking twist in the tale


It's awright...A few plot holes..

If you like crime drama you might like it

6/10 from me

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Downton Abbey - am loving it!! A couple of years ago i had never watched it. I downloaded the first two series and did a mega watching of them and have been hooked ever since. I never watch it live on a Sunday night ( i hate ad breaks) but download it about an hour later without the ads. Lady Mary is getting a bit raunchy, what?!

And a one night stand no less!!!! Poor King George V must be turning in his grave.

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Just watched episode 1 of the fire of LONDON LOOKS OK its on the bay where the pirates play ,

What is the actual name of the series because what you have said here makes no sense. Is it the fire of London? Or what you have put in caps, LONDON LOOKS OK? Can't be that hard to actually give the correct name for the series?

Edit: It's actually called "The Great FIre". Not so hard is it?

Edited by giddyup
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Just watched episode 1 of the fire of LONDON LOOKS OK its on the bay where the pirates play ,

What is the actual name of the series because what you have said here makes no sense. Is it the fire of London? Or what you have put in caps, LONDON LOOKS OK? Can't be that hard to actually give the correct name for the series?

Edit: It's actually called "The Great FIre". Not so hard is it?

I'll give it a go.

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Just finished the series finale of Legends, and it ended interestingly, and seems more and more like the Bourne Identity. It was not riveting viewing, but my kinda show and got 57% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Do I think it will be renewed? Possibly, on the strength of Sean Bean. I surely hope so because I enjoyed that first season.

I liked it, except the last episode he was beaten to a pulp, but by the same evening, all he had was a slight split lip

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