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I have just finished season 1 of a fantastic cop show called Braquo.

JFYI, It is French so does have subtitles.

It reminds me a lot of one of my favourites, The Shield.

I rate this one highly, recommended.

IMDB: Four police officers have their lives turned upside down when their colleague, Max, committed suicide, following a case in which he is unfairly blamed. They then cross the "yellow line", not hesitating to circumvent the law to achieve their purposes in order to wash the honor of their friend Max.


I am a few episodes in. Great series.

Dare I say it BookMan, I think it's the best cop show since The Shield.

It might even be betterw00t.gif

Will start season 3 straight after Salamder.

Edited by Will27
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TV Series - Salamander


I've only watched episode 1 of this 12 part BBC series from Belgium, but it's really

promising so far.

JFYI, this one has subtitles.

Overview: Brussels / Belgium. Sixty-six safes are robbed during a spectacular and bloody

raid on the small but influential and extremely discreet private bank, Jonkhere, in Brussels.

The owners of those safes form a select club of powerful people in Belgium. The bank s clients

hold high-level positions in industry, finance, the military, the magistracy, politics, unions.

Strangely enough, only the safes belonging to these powerful people were hit, and while the

perpetrators took no money, they did take documents.

You are on fire KhunWill, with these recommendations.

I have watched two episodes of this one also.

The only issue with sub titles is I cannot watch it in the background of a half/half on the computer. Have to watch it for the subtitles to understand what is going on.

Also, cannot speak French/Belgian like Patsycattongue.png

I do what I can BookManbiggrin.png

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Dare I say it BookMan, I think it's the best cop show since The Shield.

It might even be betterw00t.gif

Will start season 3 straight after Salamder.

Well so far, Braquo, is dark, gritty, uncompromising and violent.

Not too much fluffy moralizing dialogue.

Everything u need from a cop show

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The Red Road (TV)

I can’t remember anyone mentioning this one yet. This first season was a 6 -parter that aired at the start of the year. Watched episode one last night and it seems okay.Revolves around a sheriff struggling to keep his family together while simultaneously policing two clashing communities: the small town where he grew up and the neighboring Ramapo Mountains, home of the Ramapo Mountain Indians. After a terrible tragedy and coverup occurs involving the sheriff's wife, an unholy alliance is forged between the sheriff and a dangerous member of the tribe that will come back to haunt all involved.



Predestination (gulfsailor mentioend it above)

This one is quite intriguing… the first 30 minutes moves slow but it maintain some interest. It gets very high scores on IMDB. 8.2.

An entrancingly strange time-travel saga that suggests a Philip K. Dick yarn by way of Jeffrey Eugenides’ “Middlesex,” or perhaps a feature-length mash-up of “Looper” and “Cloud Atlas,” “Predestination” succeeds in teasing the brain and touching the heart even when its twists and turns keep multiplying well past the point of narrative sustainability. Playfully and portentously examining themes of destiny, mutability and identity through the story of two strangers whose lives turn out to be intricately linked,


When The Game Stands Tall

Based on a true story of a coach and his teams record winning 151 game streak. Ever, this starts at the end for the steak. Has a soft chirstian thread thoughout. Overall, many films like this are better. Not really worth the time.


The Grand Seduction

Basically a quirky/quaint/charming little village drama set in newfoundland, Canada. . A small fishing village must procure a local doctor to secure a lucrative business contract. When unlikely candidate and big city doctor Paul Lewis lands in their lap for a trial residence, the townsfolk rally together to charm him into staying. As the doctor's time in the village winds to a close, acting mayor Murray French has no choice but to pull out all the stops and begin The Grand Seduction.

Enjoyable watching. 7/10

Edited by BookMan
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The last ship (2014) IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2402207/?ref_=nv_sr_1

The crew of a naval destroyer is forced to confront the reality of a new existence when a pandemic kills off most of the earth's population.

Quite good and rated 7.3 on IMDB

That show got better as the season went on, in my opinion.

I know views on this thread are divided. laugh.png

Edited by BookMan
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The last ship (2014) IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2402207/?ref_=nv_sr_1

The crew of a naval destroyer is forced to confront the reality of a new existence when a pandemic kills off most of the earth's population.

Quite good and rated 7.3 on IMDB

That show got better as the season went on, in my opinion.

I know views on this thread are divided. laugh.png

I am on episode 6 now and really enjoying it ( no spoilers please tongue.png )

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 opened last week.

Worth watching on the big screen if you get a chance. Action, emotional, heartstrings pulled. 7.5/10, maybe 8/10

Bit disappointed BM, the emotional heartstrings for me was realising this was probably the last time I would see a movie with the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman. sad.png

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My current problem for 'What am I watching now', is I have about 3 terabytes of tv and movies and do not really know what to watch next. When I think I do know, a friend I give series to on a USB stick also gets some off another friend. As I load his USB stick, then I have even more stuff to watch.

Currently the latest Hell on Wheels and Sons of Anarchy are high on my 'To watch' list along with Vera and Scott and Bailey.

I feel the only way to watch 3 terabytes is to chain myself to the sofa and not go drinking beer on a night with my friends (and that ain't gonna happen laugh.png ).

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A really good week for scripts on some of my favorite shows to watch ;


Newsroom .....written by Alan Sorkin

The Walking Dead

Blue Bloods

Hawaii Five-O ... has two legends as guest stars Frankie Valli of The Four Seasons and

Carol Burnett who had the last successful Variety Show on Network TV for 11 years

Grey's Anatomy

2 and 1/2 Men

The Big Bang Theory

2 Broke Girls

Madame Secretary

Covert Affairs


That's a good list the WoR&R..

My sister's MiL is a dead ringer for Carol Burnett, but gets tremendously offended when I mention that. I've nicknamed (said MiL) her 'Stabler' from the SVU episode that she "starred" in.. For some strange reason I don't get a Christmas card from her anymore :P

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I always liked Bill Murray when he was a regular (so long ago now!) on Saturday Night Live, but never cared for his film roles, except for Where the Buffalo Roam. However, I just watched his new one, St. Vincent, and he was just perfect in the role of a grouchy old guy who gets involved with a young boy, first as a babysitter, and then as a mentor and friend.

This basic scenario is as old and "been done" as cinema itself, but this film is a worthy addition to the genre. It's a dead certainty that Old Bill will be Oscar nominated for this portrayal. Jenny McCarthy, Naomi Watts (great as a Russian pole dancer/"lady of the night"). and the Kid all do outstanding work in this sentimental and very enjoyable film.


Edited by Frank James
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The last ship (2014) IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2402207/?ref_=nv_sr_1

The crew of a naval destroyer is forced to confront the reality of a new existence when a pandemic kills off most of the earth's population.

Quite good and rated 7.3 on IMDB

That show got better as the season went on, in my opinion.

I know views on this thread are divided. laugh.png

I have now finished watching the last episode. Brilliant series.

What a way to end the series!! Now have to wait for series 2 :-(

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I always liked Bill Murray when he was a regular (so long ago now!) on Saturday Night Live, but never cared for his film roles, except for Where the Buffalo Roam. However, I just watched his new one, St. Vincent, and he was just perfect in the role of a grouchy old guy who gets involved with a young boy, first as a babysitter, and then as a mentor and friend.

This basic scenario is as old and "been done" as cinema itself, but this film is a worthy addition to the genre. It's a dead certainty that Old Bill will be Oscar nominated for this portrayal. Jenny McCarthy, Naomi Watts (great as a Russian pole dancer/"lady of the night"). and the Kid all do outstanding work in this sentimental and very enjoyable film.


I loved him in Kingpin. It was one of the funniest films I've ever seen and - IMO - Bill Murray was great in it.


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The Fall (BBC does it again!) is back, with babe-a-licious super-sharp cop Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) hot on the trail of ultra-creepy serial rapist/killer Paul Spector (Jamie Dornan, who must need hours of counseling after doing this role.) This show is deeply disturbing, and very different from other films and tv shows I've seen that cover this sort of material. Great scripts, fine performances by the entire cast. The second series is even more intense than the first set of six episodes.

Clearly, they will have to wrap it up soon, but what a thrill ride. I wonder how this will affect Jamie Dornan's future career. He has leading man good looks, and is a really good actor, but after this he maybe take the Dennis Hopper track and always play a psycho of some sort. Everybody likes a good villain.

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I always liked Bill Murray when he was a regular (so long ago now!) on Saturday Night Live, but never cared for his film roles, except for Where the Buffalo Roam. However, I just watched his new one, St. Vincent, and he was just perfect in the role of a grouchy old guy who gets involved with a young boy, first as a babysitter, and then as a mentor and friend.

This basic scenario is as old and "been done" as cinema itself, but this film is a worthy addition to the genre. It's a dead certainty that Old Bill will be Oscar nominated for this portrayal. Jenny McCarthy, Naomi Watts (great as a Russian pole dancer/"lady of the night"). and the Kid all do outstanding work in this sentimental and very enjoyable film.


I shall be seeking this one out, 9/10 from Frank, must be a seriously good watch..

I think it was Khun Will27 or was it Khun BookMan who mentioned it earlier with similarities to Gran Tourino? That's certainly the vibe I got from the trailer..

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I always liked Bill Murray when he was a regular (so long ago now!) on Saturday Night Live, but never cared for his film roles, except for Where the Buffalo Roam. However, I just watched his new one, St. Vincent, and he was just perfect in the role of a grouchy old guy who gets involved with a young boy, first as a babysitter, and then as a mentor and friend.

This basic scenario is as old and "been done" as cinema itself, but this film is a worthy addition to the genre. It's a dead certainty that Old Bill will be Oscar nominated for this portrayal. Jenny McCarthy, Naomi Watts (great as a Russian pole dancer/"lady of the night"). and tce Kid all do outstanding work in this sentimental and very enjoyable film.


I shall be seeking this one out, 9/10 from Frank, must be a seriously good watch..

I think it was Khun Will27 or was it Khun BookMan who mentioned it earlier with similarities to Gran Tourino? That's certainly the vibe I got from the trailer..

Twas me Mr Smith.

Just his character, grumpy old war veteran......you know the type.

To be honest, they've done a really good job with the trailer.

It's a bit better than the movie methinks.

Still an enjoyable watch though, 7.5 for me.

Edited by Will27
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The Fall (BBC does it again!) is back, with babe-a-licious super-sharp cop Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) hot on the trail of ultra-creepy serial rapist/killer Paul Spector (Jamie Dornan, who must need hours of counseling after doing this role.) This show is deeply disturbing, and very different from other films and tv shows I've seen that cover this sort of material. Great scripts, fine performances by the entire cast. The second series is even more intense than the first set of six episodes.

Clearly, they will have to wrap it up soon, but what a thrill ride. I wonder how this will affect Jamie Dornan's future career. He has leading man good looks, and is a really good actor, but after this he maybe take the Dennis Hopper track and always play a psycho of some sort. Everybody likes a good villain.

That is a great recommendation. Just bummed the next episodes aren't for another few weeks or a month! She's a tough cookie, eh?


Glad The Last Ship will be renewed. I quite liked that show. There was a similar one several years ago. Only had one season, but it was pretty good:


Last Resort

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 opened last week.

Worth watching on the big screen if you get a chance. Action, emotional, heartstrings pulled. 7.5/10, maybe 8/10

Bit disappointed BM, the emotional heartstrings for me was realising this was probably the last time I would see a movie with the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman. sad.png

that was sad. I had forgotten until the end of the movie
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Found a "restored" copy of The African Queen from the usual outlet and watched it last night. It looked great, and I had forgotten what a smash-up enjoyable old style film this is. It was filmed in Africa, in places that have backslid into deep anarchy and disrepair since then (see Butcher, Tim, Blood River: A Journey to Africa's Broken Heart, Vintage Books, 2008).

Just the scene of Bogart in helpless hungover agony as Katherine Hepburn dumps his entire gin supply into the river..."Oh please Miss, leave me the hair of the dog!"

Now I want to go and find C.S. Forrester's original novel.


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TV series - Remember Me

Another BBC show for you gang.

This one is a 3 part series starring Michael Palin that has just started in the UK.

From IMDB: The day Tom Parfitt moves from his home into residential care, he becomes the sole witness to a violent death.

This genre is usually not my cup of Liptons but I really enjoyed episode 1.

Edited by Will27
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The Fall (BBC does it again!) is back, with babe-a-licious super-sharp cop Stella Gibson (Gillian Anderson) hot on the trail of ultra-creepy serial rapist/killer Paul Spector (Jamie Dornan, who must need hours of counseling after doing this role.) This show is deeply disturbing, and very different from other films and tv shows I've seen that cover this sort of material. Great scripts, fine performances by the entire cast. The second series is even more intense than the first set of six episodes.

Clearly, they will have to wrap it up soon, but what a thrill ride. I wonder how this will affect Jamie Dornan's future career. He has leading man good looks, and is a really good actor, but after this he maybe take the Dennis Hopper track and always play a psycho of some sort. Everybody likes a good villain.

That is a great recommendation. Just bummed the next episodes aren't for another few weeks or a month! She's a tough cookie, eh?


Glad The Last Ship will be renewed. I quite liked that show. There was a similar one several years ago. Only had one season, but it was pretty good:


Last Resort

Looking forward to Seson 2 of The Fall (one episode in)

I agree with Frank about the disturbing aspect. Just from episode 1, it feels more in your face this season.

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