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With an eye on Russia, U.S. Navy re-establishing its Second Fleet


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On 05/05/2018 at 10:47 PM, billd766 said:

The problem is in 2 parts.


1   To recomission warships will be expensive and fairly lengthy depending on how many ships of different classes will need to be recommisioned. A single aircraft carrier will need cruisers, destroyers, submarines, aircraft, helicopters, man/womenpower etc, as well as support ships for fuel, food, ammunition etc. The fleet will be regular navy and reserves and the support ships will be merchant seamen.


2   IIRC a single carrier has a crew of about 5,000 men and women and to commission the Second Fleet may take up to 25,000 men and women on board let alone the land based back up. Where will they get the staff from?


Where will they find the aircraft, missles, ammunition, training, crews etc let alone the money to rebuild and re-equip a fleet from?


quote "The command, which will be based in Norfolk, Virginia, will initially have 15 personnel and will eventually grow to over 200 people, officials said. A number of decisions, like who would command Second Fleet and what assets it would include, have not yet been made." And that is without a single ship or even a rowing boat.


On 05/05/2018 at 10:47 PM, billd766 said:

The problem is in 2 parts.


1   To recomission warships will be expensive and fairly lengthy depending on how many ships of different classes will need to be recommisioned. A single aircraft carrier will need cruisers, destroyers, submarines, aircraft, helicopters, man/womenpower etc, as well as support ships for fuel, food, ammunition etc. The fleet will be regular navy and reserves and the support ships will be merchant seamen.


2   IIRC a single carrier has a crew of about 5,000 men and women and to commission the Second Fleet may take up to 25,000 men and women on board let alone the land based back up. Where will they get the staff from?


Where will they find the aircraft, missles, ammunition, training, crews etc let alone the money to rebuild and re-equip a fleet from?


quote "The command, which will be based in Norfolk, Virginia, will initially have 15 personnel and will eventually grow to over 200 people, officials said. A number of decisions, like who would command Second Fleet and what assets it would include, have not yet been made." And that is without a single ship or even a rowing boat.

Do you think DT knows about Hunter killer submarines and missiles? Look, I think carriers are impressive but they're past their sell by date

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3 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

How is it borrowing when they were the 2nd fleet to begin with. They're currently "on loan" in a new assignment and would simply be recalled back to their original duty.


I don't understand your way of thinking at all.


The ships are NOT on loan from the 2nd Fleet as it was because it does not exist. They cannot be recalled without weakening the fleets that they are in now.


If the ships are re-assigned then every fleet that they are taken from is weaker than it was and all that is achieved to that point is wasted.


If the US HAS to get a new 2nd Fleet then let it BE a new 2nd Fleet and not robbing Peter to make something from nothing.


The real question is WHY does the US need another fleet?

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3 hours ago, billd766 said:


I don't understand your way of thinking at all.


The ships are NOT on loan from the 2nd Fleet as it was because it does not exist. They cannot be recalled without weakening the fleets that they are in now.


If the ships are re-assigned then every fleet that they are taken from is weaker than it was and all that is achieved to that point is wasted.


If the US HAS to get a new 2nd Fleet then let it BE a new 2nd Fleet and not robbing Peter to make something from nothing.


The real question is WHY does the US need another fleet?


I expect it has something to do with conflicts that may arise due to Soviet expansionism in the Arctic regions. They are already in conflict with Canada in some areas and I'm sure there will be more such conflicts in the future.

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Based on the small size of the staff they are talking about, sounds like it'll be resourced with rotational forces like 4th and 5th Fleets are.  There could be some multi-national teaming as well, like 5th Fleet (Combined Maritime Force).


Indeed, over-tasking already an issue for the US Navy. 


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