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End of a man's dreams at 22 - because female pick-up driver went through a red light

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1 hour ago, essox essox said:

and banned from driving FOR LIFE

get the message over to these thai drivers

Banned for life, 555555555 - a large number of Thai's already drive without a licence and losing something you don't have is meaningless. 


Rip young man 

If she not stop for red light meaby she was looking at her phone 

I hope police will check for that 

But again and again Thai show they have no skills and respect in the traffic 

I really hope she get very big fine and some jail time for this 

10 hours ago, meatboy said:

what can one say,this is an every day occurrence,young thai KILLED while out on his bike.

but this was no ordinary thai,he worked every day to keep his mum and dad,more than likely had to pay for his bike aswell,and just see what this imbecile does to him.crocodile tears from this piece of garbage with 50YRS.IN JAIL would be a blessing.

Keep her in jail in the nights only.
Daytime let her work 14 hours to take care on the poor guy's parents !!!
RIP young man

4 minutes ago, 0815 said:

Keep her in jail in the nights only.
Daytime let her work 14 hours to take care on the poor guy's parents !!!
RIP young man

The sad thing is that he was the only child, if i read correctly.

More important than any jail term, is that somebody take care of the parents, economically and emotionally.

Unfortunately these are daily news, it never stops , but it seems to increase.


Who wants to bet we will never hear about this incident ever again.?

And this woman will probably never see the inside of a jail. 

Killed by a selfish <deleted>. 

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If it had been a 'male' pick-up driver would the motorcyclist not have died?

Or come to that, would the headline have read 'because male pick-up driver went through red light'?

  • Confused 1
1 hour ago, Megasin1 said:

I have adopted a new policy in LOS after a close experience at the end of the motorway turning right into Pattaya, if at all possible do NOT be at the front of traffic lights, or wait for all the motorcyclists to clear the path and pull away a bit late, better to be honked at than hammed over.


Nowadays I ALWAYS let somebody else go before me and use them as cover.

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Must have blew thru signal at least 3-5 seconds after turning red to make direct hit in intersection....


there is no sorry or compensation I would accept given her negligent driving...a tooth for a tooth becomes my instant motto...


Speeding, running red lights, cell phones, no helmets all illegal but Thais don't care because everyone flaunts the law with impunity. Cops don't care they got the tea money racket perfected. The solution is easy, been tested many places and is a sure source of highway funding. Might even be able to up the cops salary and put them back to actually solving violent crime.

What would make Thais abide by the law short of jail time which costs taxpayer money. Hit as many of them as possible in the wallet. The way to hit as many as possible is with cameras at high risk intersections to begin with. The tech is advanced, proven and cheap compared to the return. 

Lets do the math. Say one intersection, two cameras, two metal boxes with recorders for 48 hrs each. $100k baht. No way it would cost that much but for the sake of argument leave it at that.



Speeding- 1st offense $ 1500- 2nd off. $ 2500 - 3rd off. $5000 - 4th off. 1yr suspend


red light-----------------------------------same-----------------------------------------------


no helmet-  $500/ offense -------child under 12= $1000/offence


cell phone- $1000/offense


The fine would go against the plate number to be paid in 60 days or upon renewal with a 25% add-on.

A copy of the offenders current drivers license would be required upon payment in any event. If no valid license at the time of infraction fine $2500.

There would also be video of every accident at that location 24/7/365.


Do the math, the equipment will likely pay for itself in a half a day or less. Hell, the helmet violations alone will recoup the equipment cost in an hour! It is super cost effective. Thais will understand what they need to do to keep their money and their right to drive. Even if they get hip to each camera location, doesn't matter, lives are saved.

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Just was out seeing a friend and his American family leave tonight and my son and daughter were with me. Two motorcycles. Anyway after a long day and night, I told my son to look left and right when going through a green light. One of the easiest ways to get hit or killed. Thailand is always a defensive driving country if you want to live.


Green = go
Yellow = go fast
Red = go faster

Laws are here to be abided by and implemented with harsh fines for those who ignore them ...... 

7 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

No I won't

I will check out in  short time room, with an 18 year old  honey.

A long way in the future.

Ride nearly every day for 20 years here. :jap:

Here we go again, swinging low again, side by side.

7 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

No I won't

I will check out in  short time room, with an 18 year old  honey.

A long way in the future.

Ride nearly every day for 20 years here. :jap:

Dude, you've been real lucky but the fact is if you get taken out it will most likely be something beyond your control as in the case of this kid. Just because you've gone 20 years your odds are the same tomorrow and there not to good. 

  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

Dude, you've been real lucky but the fact is if you get taken out it will most likely be something beyond your control as in the case of this kid. Just because you've gone 20 years your odds are the same tomorrow and there not to good. 

Dude, if you think its all down to luck, your bonkers.

Of course you can get killed by other idiots on the roads or maimed for life.

But you can reduce that risk. if I was to ride or drive like the average Thai, sure 

you would be right.

But I don't ride or drive anything like them. i ride and drive in a very hyper alert mode,

and a green traffic light,  is to be treated with the upmost caution. i reduce speed at junctions.

does the average Thai rider driver do that ? that's a big no,  they hit the gas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im also aware of what's  going on around me,  do the Thais put any effort into this ?

that again,  is a big no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So is it all down to pure luck in 20 years,   no its not.

RIP to the victim, but i have no idea of how , he used to conduct himself on the highway.

In no way am i saying it was his fault,  but i doubt he rode the same, as me or other falangs on the roads here  do.


Ps  please come out from under the bed. :coffee1:





20 hours ago, rkidlad said:

If true, a nice lengthy prison sentence. Send a message loud and clear - a red light is not a suggestion!


Close to my NZ home there is a main road intersection with heavy use as it give access to another 2 towns.

The Police have installed  speed indicator lights at both approaches to the intersection and set the limit at 70 KPH.

The lights give fair warning to slow down, this calms the intersection down and it is now very safe.

Speed cameras also are in use so you must obey or cop a hefty fine.


Thailand needs these on it's highways with cameras, and with a big fine if your caught on camera of say 4/5 k BHT.

It also needs red light cameras with severe fines.

And furthermore it needs serious road patrols and a National driving/ education campaign, with signs and TV advertising.


Thais think they are bullet proof, the roads are like drag strips and this maniac maiming will continue until the Government gets serious.

Sadly I feel writing this , which most expats already know is a waste of time as nothing ever gets done.

All we can do is drive defensively, and be on constant alert for motor cycles.



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17 hours ago, happy chappie said:

Yes 5 minutes of tears and back behind the wheel again.

And back on the phone again, I'm betting if you check phone log you will find she was either on the phone to girlfriend, boyfriend or family either talking or texting.

1 minute ago, a977 said:

And back on the phone again, I'm betting if you check phone log you will find she was either on the phone to girlfriend, boyfriend or family either talking or texting.

or just, didn't care and crashed a red light, and killed someone.

crashing red lights,  is an excepted behaviour here. :bah::bah::bah:



Reducing speed at junctions is the key. Too many idiots jump red lights or fly thru roundabouts. Never assume other drivers are sensible. Assume they are all idiots and you will be less likely to be hit by one.

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