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Thousands Dead, Hundreds More Dogs Now Dying Due To Scare: Foundation


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7 minutes ago, car720 said:

No problem.  Send them all to Guangzhou.  The dog restaurants there will eat them up in no time.  :cheesy:

That  comment has been made several times already, try to be original. Nothing slightly amusing in your comment.

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36 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

From memory, it was Arthur C. Clarke who suggested aliens would be judging the human race on the basis of how it treated its animals.

I don't disagree dogs should be put down if they are a health risk; however, it should be done quickly and humanely.


That's how I do it in my truck.... 

Dogs don't sleep on my road anymore

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3 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:


That's how I do it in my truck.... 

Dogs don't sleep on my road anymore

You've already had your previous comments deleted by the mod, you seem a bit slow to learn.

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2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

You've already had your previous comments deleted by the mod, you seem a bit slow to learn.

Rabies dogs are a menace and a danger to my safety

I'll dispose of as many of them as I can

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21 hours ago, Happy enough said:

a lot of those dogs are domesticated. and they end up in that dump even the healthy ones

i hope some thai's get enraged about this when they realize what's happened to their pets they were convinced to part with

and course parvo is gonna kill them all off if they don't separate them

I'd be ****** fuming

The Thais with pets did not have to give them up. It was their choice. Don't try to excuse their lack of love for their pets.

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2 minutes ago, Spock said:

You are quoting/displaying the exceptions rather than the reality of Thai attitudes towards dogs.

Why? I see plenty of Thais showing affection to their pets. There's obviously a lot of dog haters on this forum, does that make all falangs dog haters?

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19 hours ago, Richard Pumpaloaf said:

All I'm saying is that dogs meat is a commodity the same as pork or chicken. If more was shipped to dog eating countries we wouldn't have as many problems with dogs as we do now.

Cull the sick ones Ship the healthy ones.

There doing the same thing with pigeons in lopburi.

The dogs are tortured and often boiled alive. It's not just a case of being an alternative meat source. It's the manner of killing - the total lack of empathy for another living creature and in this case a sentient being. The 'healthy ones' would be subjected to all sorts of tortures before being inhumanely put out of their misery. You make the food solution sound so simple but you ignore the detail of how it's actually done.

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3 minutes ago, Spock said:

You make the food solution sound so simple but you ignore the detail of how it's actually done.

Not that I would prefer  that (food solution) option 

but there is no reason why it couldn't be done "humanely"  processed and shipped frozen to where ever.

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5 hours ago, Ks45672 said:

I don't even beep the horn 

I prefer to run over the dogs arrogant enough to sleep on the road..... 

You can yourself to some of the others in the thread rivalling for roles as lower body human orifices.

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5 hours ago, jamie2009 said:

Maybe people’s opinions would change if they got bitten by one. I have been walking into Soi Bukhao using the same route for over 18 months. I see the same Soi dogs every time, never bother me. Thursday one of them bit me on the leg, broke the skin, never seen it coming as it came from behind me, I was more focused on a truck which was passing close too me.


City Hospital, Pattaya, 1 Tetanus and the first of 4 Post Rabies Vaccinators, the last one will have to be in the UK as I will not be here.

Couldnt fault the service after booking in straight too the Emergency Room, sorted in 20 minutes. 


For me round all the Soi dogs up, take them too a local compound at the same publicising if the dog is not claimed in 2 weeks it will be put down. I love dogs not their fault what goes on but what benefits do Soi dogs bring too the community.

You are yet another poster to miss the point. It's the manner in which the dogs are held without food or care and the attitude of Thais that has allowed this situation to occur that is at issue here. Soi dogs are a problem, but that problem can be dealt with humanely or inhumanely. I have been bitten and had to have rabies too but still feel compassion for the dogs. It's not their fault they have been dumped and left to procreate.

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No not a good thing, but simply, they all should have been put down upon capture not in confined space with little food.  But I think you can be sure that the worst dog was in the picture come on Thailand keep up the good work in culling these terribly sick and deceased suffering dogs cats rats pigs and what ever else just tidy Thailand up of these animals to make it safe all Thai and tourists. 

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5 hours ago, Artisi said:

Good on the government, now a lot less mangey, diseased useless soi dogs roaming loose. 

Hope they intensify the round up. 

Time to reset your moral compass if you are happy with the suffering caused by this thoughtlessly executed round up and the cruelty it has inflicted on the dogs.

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4 hours ago, Cadbury said:

For your information Vietnam doesn't have the problem described in this story or the nor does it have the same problem of Thailand's soi dogs and rabies outbreaks which have seen people die. In Vietnam there is no equivalent to Thailand's mangy, unloved and uncared for and dangerous soi dogs. The Thais can be callous people when they conveniently choose to be so.

The Vietnamese love their dogs and part of their care for them is to keep them in a controlled environment. If they don't and let them wander about to to be a menace to other dogs and people they would not last longer than 24 hours. After that they are put to good use on the dinner plate.

And for your ongoing information that practice started because of starvation caused by oppressors such as France, Japan and America. The French and the Japanese stole their rice and the Americans poisoned it with Agent Orange. Millions died as a result. So if you are thinking of blaming them for a traditional practice of eating dog, don't...... blame the invaders of their country. 


They love their dogs but eat them. And foreigners are to blame for this hypocrisy. Yeah, right! :saai:

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22 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

such as the tiny puppies being born amid the squalor

Continued manifestation of the problem, and total lack of responsibility by a government busy raking in fees and taxes for "other" things. 


Thailand is a virtual trash pile with sewage and chemical laden waters, patrolled by packs of mangy, disease ridden dogs.  Certainly not as bad as some other garden spots on the planet, but it definitely makes the list.

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