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Gun violence in Thailand: A problem that can't be solved?


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2 hours ago, Happy enough said:

no there isn't. they have paper trails of licenses issued across districts with many out of date records and are looking at making a central database and loading all the scattered info onto a computer. as it said in the article

Thank you for correcting me then. Police officers in charge of arms have given me wrong answers then. I was told it was all 'old school' (obsolete) paper-based (parts of forms travelling around + register books...), fragmental (some police zones and districts not in a hurry to 'collaborate'/do their job), and more generally processing some extra years' old paper bits. So very much like not having one at all as you write. What would be a better solution here, as it could be started (right?) from 'zero', instead of trying(?) to become clear water in an ink coloured water vessel by pouring bits of clear water in it, the usual way...

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7 minutes ago, bangrak said:

Thank you for correcting me then. Police officers in charge of arms have given me wrong answers then. I was told it was all 'old school' (obsolete) paper-based (parts of forms travelling around + register books...), fragmental (some police zones and districts not in a hurry to 'collaborate'/do their job), and more generally processing some extra years' old paper bits. So very much like not having one at all as you write. What would be a better solution here, as it could be started (right?) from 'zero', instead of trying(?) to become clear water in an ink coloured water vessel by pouring bits of clear water in it, the usual way...

i've had one for around the past 15 years or so. my father in law arranged mine as we go shooting together. there was talk of them banning foreigners from having them last year so i asked my father in law to check with the local police if mine had been cancelled and he said no it's fine and they had heard of no such thing. probably would be best to start from scratch but anything to do with the BiB is regional so will be a very difficult task to centralize IMO

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On 12/05/2018 at 5:32 AM, RotMahKid said:

When I read the whole story then I think this problem will not be solved soon.

It all depends if they really want to solve this Problem.

Many country's around the world did after one to many senseless killing !!!

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On 12/05/2018 at 8:43 AM, Happy enough said:

A step in the right direction updating and making a central database for licenses then having to have licenses renewed etc. (if that ever happens) IMO won't change anything with regards gun crimes and illegal guns as i can't see something like a gun amnesty bringing up much in thailand. that would be like giving money away. so no, nothing's going to change IMO

Well, they had a Gun Amnesty in my country (Belgium) several years ago and thousands of guns and rifles were handed in. Then they discovered that some Police men (They don't call them police officers in my country) Illegally sold some to gun collectors and kept some for themselves !?!?!

Gun related crimes have gone up recently as illegal guns are easily smuggled in from East European States, and are used by criminal gangs.

Edited by off road pat
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On 12/05/2018 at 12:13 PM, sambum said:

"Studies show that Thailand has a higher rate of gun-related killings per capita than the United States, a country where deadly shootings dominate news headlines and the political agenda"


Yay! - isn't it just great to be first at something?


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4 hours ago, connda said:

Swing and a miss jvs.  Nice try.
Political atheist:  I haven't backed a candidate since Ron Paul.  Democrat or Republican - Clinton camp or Trump camp - Blue or Red or Green or Rainbow or any other campaign colors that allow the mindless masses to engage in fruitless identity politics. 
No candidate at this time has the American people's best interests in mind.  And I have no interest in any of the DC Swamp critters nor their corporate sock-puppets who pose as 'elected officials' who you may mistakenly believe represent your interests.  But they don't. 

Ok if you say so but you seem to back the gun lobby who very much influences the mindless masses.

I dont believe anything a politician says either,most mean well when they start off but soon realize they have to play to stay.

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Simple if you want a gun you can get one


difference is if it licensed might be easier to trace as cannot just through it away 


guns have very good sides and very bad sides 


one the one hand it can protect you and your family and you can use them for target shooting hunting extra 


bad side is when mixed with drugs alchole or domestic violence 


drugs and illegal guns go together 


I believe that banning a weapon such as a gun doesn’t reduce murders 


london has sone of the strictest fire arm policy in the world yet murder rate has topped new york


 i beleive all unlisenced guns should be licensed and tracked and cheaper 


as allot of people buy unlicensed guns because licensed ones are too expensive plus they might not fit the legal requirements to purchase


due to being expensive and hard to purchase makes them hard to sell 


but guns that are unlicensed can be cheaper brought and sold to anyone 


i because they are un licensed they can be thrown away without tracking the owner


hard to explain  why a licensed gun has gone missing shortly after a murder 



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On 2018-05-12 at 3:32 PM, Lacessit said:

Strange, I don't seem to be hearing of gun massacres in Thailand like they have in the USA. Then again, most Thais don't seem to have access to the semi-automatics so beloved by American supporters of the NRA. Perhaps it's purely co-incidental.

mass shootings in US is when 3 or 4+ people get shot, if thailand considered it mass shootings it would have not as many as US but many.

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18 hours ago, BigC said:

Simple if you want a gun you can get one


difference is if it licensed might be easier to trace as cannot just through it away 


guns have very good sides and very bad sides 


one the one hand it can protect you and your family and you can use them for target shooting hunting extra 


bad side is when mixed with drugs alchole or domestic violence 


drugs and illegal guns go together 


I believe that banning a weapon such as a gun doesn’t reduce murders 


london has sone of the strictest fire arm policy in the world yet murder rate has topped new york


 i beleive all unlisenced guns should be licensed and tracked and cheaper 


as allot of people buy unlicensed guns because licensed ones are too expensive plus they might not fit the legal requirements to purchase


due to being expensive and hard to purchase makes them hard to sell 


but guns that are unlicensed can be cheaper brought and sold to anyone 


i because they are un licensed they can be thrown away without tracking the owner


hard to explain  why a licensed gun has gone missing shortly after a murder 



"london has sone of the strictest fire arm policy in the world yet murder rate has topped new york"


However, from The New York Times Apr 07 2018:-


"London Confronts a Spate of Murders, With Most Victims Killed by Knives


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