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Thai Cabinet Green-Lights Medical Weed – Opium And Kratom, Too


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Those cops seem very happy. Maybe because no latex gloves? I wonder how much (if any) THC can be absorbed through the skin. Pot has been legal in my home state of Oregon for some time. Pot shops more common than 7/11s. Civilization (as we Oregonians define it) hasn't collapsed. Have to try some other means....

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If passed by the interim assembly, the new law would authorize the Narcotics Control Board to set up plantations for growing and conducting experiments, Lt. Gen. Sansern added.


Do they need test subjects ? I’ll be happy to be their guinea pig. 


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2 hours ago, HooHaa said:

while i am pleased at these apparent steps towards liberalization of the drug laws, the cynic in me says someone stands to make a lot of money on medical marijuana, and it isnt going to be the people growing it now.

Wow. You’re a genius. Thanks for stating the obvious. Never had a government plan anywhere in the world only benefited their constituents. 

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I have been following the whole decriminalisation of cannabis and the formation of CBD oil coming, hopefully. But with todays announcement, where do things stand? 

It has been stated that a bill has passed towards the decriminalisation of cannabis, among other things. So does that mean one can now walk outside smoking a joint, and you will not face jail time? It can still be taken away from you, but you will not be sent to prison?

I just hope this is not just more talk about nothing, because there are soooooo many benefits to be had from the cannabis plant. Our brains are literally wired up to receive cannabinoids, and scientific research has eluded to many many health benefits. So the fact it is still illegal, but you can drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes until you're blue in the face, is pretty disgusting. 

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4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

"Under military rule, Thailand has made surprising strides toward drug decriminalization after a member of the ruling junta, acting as justice minister, declared the war on drugs a failure and embraced progressive attitudes toward implementing common-sense drug laws."  If the average Thai farmer benefits, then who can complain?  Just in time for the election. 

It is good news. The jails are full of poor people unable to pay fines for dealing in a bit of weed . 

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5 hours ago, yellowboat said:

"Under military rule, Thailand has made surprising strides toward drug decriminalization after a member of the ruling junta, acting as justice minister, declared the war on drugs a failure and embraced progressive attitudes toward implementing common-sense drug laws."  If the average Thai farmer benefits, then who can complain?  Just in time for the election. 

And it seems as if the govt smoking pot...... Too much strange psychedelic behaviour 

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3 hours ago, yougivemebaby said:

Wow. You’re a genius. Thanks for stating the obvious. Never had a government plan anywhere in the world only benefited their constituents. 

Thank you. Your input means alot to me.


It would have mewnt even more had you actually understood my post, and your response been coherent.

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5 hours ago, bobnuts said:

Can't help but feel the facts have been glossed over for the sake of a headline. Don't expect to be smokin the herb anytime soon. This bill has decriminalised them FOR MEDICAL RESEARCH.



"If passed by the interim assembly, the new law would authorize the Narcotics Control Board to set up plantations for growing and conducting experiments, Lt. Gen. Sansern added."


I.E. in laboratories to determine what use they can make of them and what impact they may have. Expect such studies to be completed long before any change in the gen pop usage is considered. Maybe a generation or two would be my guess.



They have the kand set aside in Sakohn Nakorn

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How does it work here?  Because supposedly opium is illegal yet they have really good cough syrup here which is contains opium and you can buy as much as you want over the counter at pretty much any pharmacy.  I've never understood the laws here because there are a lot of other controlled medications that some pharmacies will sell you and others won't.  


I have a serious back problem as well as chronic migraine headaches from an old head injury which was really bad and whenever I have a flare up the pain is extraordinary.  Sometimes I'll go to the hospital and get a morphine but it just depends on the doctor.  Some doctors are like "no problem you just need pain control okay" and they'll give it to me.  Other doctors I really have to explain my medical history to in detail and explain that I already know what the problem is and that I don't need another X-ray because it's a chronic problem and I've had multiple surgeries.  And eventually they'll give me the morphine shot but they do it very reluctantly.  I've had doctors give me morphine without argument and I've had some doctors try to BS me and tell that they only give it to cancer patients.  In fact I've actually had cancer before back in 2005 but that's another story, it was stage 3 Testicular Cancer but I actually recovered from that very well and I came back very strong a year later I was running marathons.  I was inspired by Lance Armstrong but that's another really long story.  


Anyway I've learned that whenever I have really bad flare ups in my back and the migraine headaches instead of going to the hospital it's easier to go to a pharmacy that will sell me as much codeine as I want over the counter no questions asked.  Then if I take enough codeine it's just as powerful as a morphine shot.  I'm to the point now where I'm taking codeine at least once a week.  


So I don't understand how the laws work here.  Supposedly Thailand is really tough on narcotics but it's unbelievable what you can buy over the counter here compared to the states.  There's a lot of opioid hysteria going on in the states right now which actually makes me happier to be living in Thailand especially with my long list of medical issues.  I'm a disabled veteran which is why I have so many medical problems, I'm retired military.  


Something else doctors around here give out diazepam and other benzodiazepine class medications like candy which for me is great.  Because drugs like diazepam (Valium), clonazepam (Klonopin), and Lorazepam (benzodiazepines) also help with the pain and benzodiazepines are safer than narcotics or opioids such as the codeine.  Unfortunately my back pain particularly gets so bad sometimes that only an opioid class drug will kill the pain.  Only problem with opioids is that it doesn't take long to get addicted.  Whenever I go through good periods when  I have no pain sometimes I feel mild withdrawal symptoms when I stop taking codeine for long periods of time.  I can also buy Xanax over the counter which is also a benzodiazepine but Xanax is to fast acting and it doesn't last very long.  Diazepam, clonazepam, and Lorazepam are better.  Lorazepam has the same effects as Xanax except it's better than Xanax because it stays in your system longer.  


So does anyone understand how the drug laws work around here?  When I buy codeine over the counter are they selling it to me illegally?  I don't think they are considering that any pharmacy will sell you opium cough syrup over the counter.  At the hospitals here they're sometimes really stingy with the morphine depending on the doctor but I can buy as much codeine as I want over the counter which can be more powerful than morphine if you take enough.  So I'm really confused about how the drug laws work around here.  


Also how will this bill effect everything?  Are they seriously going to legalize marijuana in Thailand or is this just all talk for right now?  As as opium I thought that was already legal here, I mean they sell it over the counter in cough syrup in every pharmacy in Thailand, I've even seen it sold at Seven Eleven.  I know that currently marijuana is illegal, I hope they do legalize it before the codeine destroys my liver.  Actually I wish I was strong and healthy again like I used to be and drug free like I used to be.  


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Cabinet gives the nod to marijuana for medical use

By The Nation




A DRAFT LAW, which allows marijuana use for medical purposes, has sailed through the Cabinet.


 It will next go before the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) for deliberations.


The Narcotics Code Bill won the nod of the Cabinet on Tuesday. 




“The Cabinet has approved the bill in principle. The next step is for relevant authorities to carefully plan the enforcement,” Government Spokesman Lt-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd said yesterday. “Even when this bill becomes a law, marijuana will be used for medical purposes only,” he said.


Last week, the Government Pharmaceutical Organisation (GPO) revealed that it would be taking a key role with regard to growing and improving marijuana.


At present, several countries have legalised marijuana for medical use to treat people suffering neurological conditions, terminal cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.


In a related development, Bangkok police said they had raided a marijuana grower’s two-storey commercial building in Lat Phrao Soi 87 yesterday afternoon. 




Following a complaint that loud music was coming from the building in Suksabai Villa Housing Estate and that teenagers were buying drugs there, the police conducted a search at 3pm. 


The ground floor had a temperature-controlled room to grow marijuana. There were eight marijuana plants and 10 grams of seeds, said Metropolitan Police Area 4 chief Pol Maj-General Theerapong Wongratpitak, who led the search. 


Some dried marijuana and a bong were allegedly found in a bedroom.




The 35-year-old occupant, Somprasong Kaewkhoon, reportedly confessed, saying he learned about growing marijuana during a recent trip to Australia and studied it further on YouTube. 


He apparently said he started growing it last year, with good results and profits. 


One plant can yield 50 grams of dry cannabis, which can be sold for around Bt35,000 per 50 grams. 


He was charged with manufacturing and possessing narcotics with intent to sell.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30345558



-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-05-17
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4 hours ago, webfact said:

A DRAFT LAW, which allows marijuana use for medical purposes, has sailed through the Cabinet

Course it did, they were either too high to worry about anything or on a promise of testing the merchandise for 'medicinal' effects for ailments that suddenly had arisen in the past 24 hours.

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