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Bloody mosquitoes. I'm convinced there is many more mozzies around than ever before. Is it something to do with the cool weather at the moment?

It never fails to give me a kick when I dispense death in a blue flash and crack with the old electric tennis sabre. My hit-rate has never been so high, but they seem to be winning.

So what to do? I thought about one of those ultra violet lamps,that you find in butchers, out on the balcony. However, would that just attract more?

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Do a search here and you will find many threads about it. Anyway; to give you a summary: eating vit. Bs work for some(not me!), Garlic too (not me!), showers and especially washed feet might help, the blue light lamps work a bit, the plug in with the liquid and tabs work quite OK but you gotta remember to keep refilling them. I use it when I detect moskitos, but will normally not use it continously in bed room as is poision.

Why are there more now? Someone here mentioned that wet season was harder to breed as water not "still-standing" - it is now, and still lots of water around.

Oh, and the mossies come to me even at the 20th floor, so the myth of them not getting above 13th floor or so have not been passed on to the mossies...

Another tidbit; only the females bite...but we knew that already... :o


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There's one absolutely fool-proof method, the most efficient and cheapest one around. Also the one that has probably been in use the longest time around here. Fish.

Just get one or a few of the big ceramic bowls, put out on your balcony or garden (in a shadowy place), fill with water, plant some aquatic plants and add mosquito eating fish. The mosquitos will land on the surface to lay eggs and the fish will either eat the mosquito, or any eggs/larvae.

For indoors: get a few fighting fish. Keep them in small separate bowls. Don't keep them next to each other. :o

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I recall a 4th grade science fair experiment back in elementary school that 'proved' that they tend to avoid water with fish in it. I have a stocked bass pond in the middle of my property and yes there are still mosquitos around.

For me... a well sealed house, quality screens, and some discipline with opening/closing doors. And finally a maid armed with a mosquito zapper. Never get bitten.


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Yeah - while the fish is a decent solution IF one needs still standing water around (for plants/decoration Etc.), I would certainly not START puttting up still standing water with fish in it, just to be used as a moskito trap. I have went the other way and have NO still standing water around (therefore nowhere to put the fish.... :o so nowhere for the moskitos to breed!


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Yeah - while the fish is a decent solution IF one needs still standing water around (for plants/decoration Etc.), I would certainly not START puttting up still standing water with fish in it, just to be used as a moskito trap. I have went the other way and have NO still standing water around (therefore nowhere to put the fish.... :o so nowhere for the moskitos to breed!

You can't eliminate all standing water, there will still be water in drains, water locks, in an old bucket in your neighbors backyard etc. If there is fish in the water, the mosquito larvae (if any ever hatches) will not survive long enough to become mosquitos. The mosquito traps has worked for hundreds of years here, and I guarantee that they are a lot more efficient and healthy than their modern day counterparts.

Although Heng has a very valid point with the seals, screens and door discipline. Leave a door open for just a short while and they will fly in. Likewise if there are just a few mm gap between window frames - somehow they will find this and crawl in - easily solved with a few rolls of rubber seal.

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So what to do? I thought about one of those ultra violet lamps,that you find in butchers, out on the balcony. However, would that just attract more?

Some mosquitos are attracted by light, but others prefer dark places. If you keep your shoes outside you will see what I mean...

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