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The week that was in Thailand news: Jobs for the boys


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1 hour ago, gamini said:


I gotta agree with you on this one, poor old Rooster seems to be repeating himself a lot lately. If he kept the historical school references down to once every 8 posts he could still keep his memories alive without boring us to death.

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58 minutes ago, Megasin1 said:

I gotta agree with you on this one, poor old Rooster seems to be repeating himself a lot lately. If he kept the historical school references down to once every 8 posts he could still keep his memories alive without boring us to death.

I always enjoy Roosters Sunday morning summary of the week and usually like or make a quote to that effect .


BUT, on this occasion I have to agree with Gamini and Mega !!

Seems like it must have been a slow news week and caused old Rooster to take another trip down memory lane with tales of his past.


Not enough humour or relevant material this week Rooster !!


4/10. Must try harder !!

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2 hours ago, gamini said:



1 hour ago, Megasin1 said:

I gotta agree with you on this one, poor old Rooster seems to be repeating himself a lot lately. If he kept the historical school references down to once every 8 posts he could still keep his memories alive without boring us to death.

Perhaps you chaps might take the time to show us what a great story you could write every week?? 

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20 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The week that was in Thailand news: Jobs for the boys

Misleading headline for starters. Judging by appearances the "boys" looked to be more like hairdressing "girls"; but I supposed sometimes one can never be sure. 

Also misleading in another sense. "Jobs for the boys" ........and here was I expecting a juicy story about the predictable underhand practices of politicians and senior civil servants and how they look after family and friends with well paid government jobs. But not to be.

I got down to the second paragraph before realising I had been duped and the story was shaping up as nothing more than a chronicle of Rooster's distant memories and other matters of dismal interest. At that point I gave up.


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2 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

I gotta agree with you on this one, poor old Rooster seems to be repeating himself a lot lately. If he kept the historical school references down to once every 8 posts he could still keep his memories alive without boring us to death.

Got to agree with you,. So well said too.

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5 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:


Perhaps you chaps might take the time to show us what a great story you could write every week?? 

Us chaps are very appreciative of your contribution. So this is your story for the week? Great work and riveting reading. The bonus was that it was very short.

Can we look forward to more of your greater literary masterpieces?

It is not so much about what is written, it is more about what is not worth reading.


Edited by Cadbury
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18 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:


Perhaps you chaps might take the time to show us what a great story you could write every week?? 

I'd love to be given a chance.  I have written two Thai based anthologies whilst contributing professionally to three local publications.

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Here's a sample




There are generally two types of farang living in Pattaya: ex-pats and tourists.  Both sorts provide the capital necessary to perpetuate its very existence.  Naturally I support the ex-pats (along with an unspecified number of single mums).  I resent the tourists who come over here with their money and their youth, pushing my nose out.

They are only here for a fortnight yet bring enough money for two months.  They don’t understand tipping, baht buses or the future.  One day, if they are lucky, they might retire here and then they will reap the harvest they have sown: 10% minimum expected after every meal; 50 or 100 baht on a bus, (check out Phuket before you scoff); I shudder to put a figure on bar-fines.


All of this is bad for us residents.  The good news is that they are only here for an ever shortening high season as Thailand refuses to compete with Cambodia or Vietnam for tourist dollars.  I would, therefore, like to offer some words of advice to bar owners and other service providers.  The fact that we have upped sticks to move here means we are mobile and could go else where if the climate is right, taking our pensions with us.


It is with inordinate pleasure that I can write that at the age of 75, I have still not tired of sitting with a pretty, young lady who helps me drink faster than I would normally.  Naturally I will buy her a drink.  And here is rule number 1.  My son was hired to turn around the fortunes of an ailing bar.  He instigated a simple maxim: No farang drinks alone.  Within two months, he had more than doubled the takings.  I have gone into bars, especially go-go ones, desperate for what we euphemistically call ‘attention’.  I have sat nursing an over-priced beer, smiling wildly at groups of semi clad girls sat gossiping in a corner.  At last one will deign to saunter over and grace you with her captivating presence.  Within two minutes of buying her a drink, she leans over and murmurs those memorable and infuriating little words, ‘I go dancing now.’


More than one mamasan has had her ear bent and the girly drink sent back.  We are paying over a hundred baht for their company, not for dilute diet coke. The very unsatisfied customer drinks up and takes his custom elsewhere, vowing never to return.  He always does, of course, eventually - a major curse of my age group is short term memory loss.  Girls frequently shout that old ploy, ‘Hello, handsome man, you forget me already?’  Well yes, a minute after leaving the bar. The odd girl has been known to lie and has never seen you before or, as all farang look alike, they think they remember you.  The result of this false memory is the customer turns back desperately trying to recall her name and her various peccadilloes.  Incidentally have you noticed during High Season they stop shouting ‘Handsome man’ and revert to ‘Granddad?’


I suspect, not being a go-go bar owner, the biggest source of income is from bar fines.  This is supposedly to compensate them for the loss of potential earnings whilst the girl is away short time.  At five or six hundred baht a throw, she’d have to guzzle an awful lot of sugared water to bring in that kind of money.  So why is it that just as negotiations are at a delicate point, her number comes up and off she goes dancing, leaving you with rapidly cooling ardour and such.  Surely if a customer is buying her a drink and getting to know her, she should be given time to work her magic.  This has happened to me where I’ve been the ONLY customer!


A big tip to girls who wish to build up a regular clientele base; watch what you eat.  I am not fattist and am rather partial to a girl with cuddly proportions as opposed to those with inflatable bras.  I recently gave up smoking partly for health reasons; if you are drawing a pension, it’s your duty to draw it long as possible and partly because I empathised with the non-smoking girls who were having nicotine-flavoured breath exhaled over them.  By the same stretch, I’ve left many a girl prematurely when I catch the lovely garlic perfume of Som Tam.  More and more girls are sucking mints and chewing gum which is a step in the right direction at least.


As the customer gets older, some of his faculties start to fade.  Thankfully the purple pill has alleviated the ultimate faculty failing but there are others: eyesight, for one.  I once ogled a girl till closing time.  When the lights went on, I realised it was not a girl after all!  When they bring your check bin and you can’t read it in the half-light, you are reliant on your new friend.  How we laughed when she misread 240 as two thousand and forty!  Hearing is another failing faculty.  We all know that the ‘music’ in go-go bars is designed to kill the art of conversation and, for that matter, dancing, but sometimes it is deafening to the already partly deaf.  There have been frequent misunderstandings: in certain circumstances, ‘No I’m not buying you another drink as I’m moving country to somewhere cheaper like the UK’ can sound like ‘OK, just one more.’


Language acquisition is vitally important in the clinching of business deals.  I appreciate the need for a regular influx of girls from up-country but surely there should be some basic skills required to pass the ‘interview’?  I am always amazed at the rapid rate of progress in English among the girls of soi 6.  After ‘passing up’ on a girl with no English, within a month she is rattling off the basics.  This is solely down to her sisters; there is no input from the bar owner.  My son taught his girls a basic script.  It began with ‘What is your name & where do you come from’ through to ‘300 for the room and 500 for the lady.’  The clincher in the deal was the girl’s ability to say ‘You have a nice smile/kind face/firm stomach/big muscles.’  The customer feels personalised and not just a walking wallet.


The ex-pat community in Pattaya is highly organised and there are many forms of alternative excitement.  On Mondays and Wednesdays there are Quiz leagues; on Mondays and Thursdays, Pool leagues.  There are nights for Darts, 10 pin bowling and such.  It follows that on these nights there are many more farangs tottering the sois, blinking dazedly at the lights after days of staring at a computer screen playing Spider Solitaire.  These are peak nights for bar owners and soi 6 so should be embraced as such.  (In my limited experience much embracing goes on at the latter venue.)


Those bar owners with teams know that upwards of twenty customers will flood in on league nights.  The successful bar owners cosset their teams – Happy Hour prices, free food, and extra serving wenches with loose fitting bodices and short skirts that sway as they move and then …..Where was I?  I seem to have lost my thread amongst other things.  What day is it?  How long till Monday?

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