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How the junta misused culture to boost ‘Thai-ism’

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How the junta misused culture to boost ‘Thai-ism’

By Phatarawadee Phataranawik 
The Sunday Nation



“Thai Niyom” films is a cinematic variation of Gen Prayut's efforts to foster a national identity.


Academics say all the flagwaving songs, films and period costumes are mere state propaganda


Since seizing power in 2014, the military junta led by General Prayut Chan-o-cha has largely abandoned its promises of sweeping reforms in favour of “soft power” campaigns like Thai Niyom (Thai-ism) – an effort to promote the ethereal and largely subjective concept of “Thainess”.




But scholars contacted for comment by The Sunday Nation believe the junta is presenting history and patriotism in such a way that freedom of expression is threatened.

On becoming Prime Minister, Prayut announced his ambition to bridge the decade-old political rift and reunite the country – to “return happiness to the Kingdom”. And to that end, he has taken to song, film, apparel and a textbook, touting a renewed nationalism and restored morality. 


His critics say he’s actually serving up little more than propaganda.


Four years on, and despite hints from some on either side of the political conflict of a willingness to reconcile, the country remains unreformed, deeply divided and, given an economy that lags far behind the rest of Southeast Asia, not particularly happy.




In a Nida Poll conducted this month, the majority of respondents described their level of happiness as the same or lower than it was four years ago, before the coup. They cited the struggling economy, lax law enforcement, and restrictions on rights and freedoms.


One month after the coup, the general penned his first pop song, sure enough titled “Returning Happiness to the People”, which got a lot of airplay on TV and radio. In the years since, we’ve had five more tunes, with some of his lyrics portraying him as a “superhero” rushing to the country’s rescue.


Assistant Professor Pandit Chanrochanakit, deputy dean of political science at Chulalongkorn University, likens Prayut’s forays into pop culture to US President Donald Trump’s devotion to Twitter. 


Prayut’s songs, he said flatly, are “state propaganda”, each one expressing a specific message at a particular time as he deems necessary. 


“The government-run TV pool airs his messages daily, forcing the audience to hear his propaganda, and that diminishes our freedom,” Pandit said. “People with more liberal attitudes just turn it off and turn to alternative channels or the social media, where there are young activists performing anti-junta songs.”




Soon after the first song was released, Prayut followed up with “12 Core Values of Thailand” for primary-school pupils to recite either during their daily flag-raising ceremony or in class. It was intended as a moral guide.


“The persisting problems in Thailand that need to be solved urgently require inclusive cooperation from people of all levels, gender and age,” the premier said. “I suggest that we first define clear core values so we can build a strong nation. The people must first be strong.”


The 12 values include upholding the three pillars of nation, religion and monarchy, respecting elders and teachers, pursuing education in every form, preserving traditions, and understanding democratic ideals under the auspices of His Majesty the King.


The Office of the Prime Minister next recruited 12 movie directors to make a series of short “Thai Niyom” films, a cinematic variation of his efforts to foster a national identity. They echoed the 12 values, as did specially printed stickers for the phone app Line.


The Education Ministry set out to coach students in civic duty, discipline, morality and patriotism.




A book issued by the junta in October 2015, “History of the Thai Nation”, stirred criticism with its claim that the military had succeeded where elected governments had failed – by establishing “true democracy” in Thailand. Respected historians objected, describing the claim as “state ideology” rather than history.


“Bureaucrats writing history doesn’t work,” said one of them, Sunait Chutintaranond, of the civil service-produced text. “It leads to further conflict. Writing history takes time and requires an exchange of ideas among both history academics and independent experts.”


Chulalongkorn political science Assistant Professor Dr Pitch Pongsawat said the book at least served as “historical evidence” – recording that the junta leader, Prayut, used the Culture Ministry to issue propaganda. 


“By entering this into the historical record, they shame themselves in public.”


The junta, however, had little trouble convincing citizens to dress more often in traditional clothing and visit heritage sites. It was aided enormously in this campaign by the popular television period drama “BuppeSanNivas” (“Love Destiny”).


“It’s been an interesting phenomenon – it’s got the younger generation watching TV soaps again,” noted Assistant Professor Yukti Mukdawijitra, a lecturer in sociology and anthropology at Thammasat University. “It reflects nostalgia, a yearning for the past, especially for ‘the good old days’. But the belief that the past was better than the present has been linked to biases in memory. 


“It shows the mental illness of our society,” Yukti said. “Today we’re living in conflict, especially on the political front. Watching comical shows and fantasy soaps can temporarily heal people’s hearts. In reality we remain divided, and the fantasy is that we are united.”


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30346263


-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-05-27


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30 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

the book at least served as “historical evidence” – recording that the junta leader, Prayut, used the Culture Ministry to issue propaganda. 

love the alternate histories; boiling it down:  ' the present isn't so good'

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There's is nothing wrong with slogan and propaganda as long as they followed by positive actions, while the PM is appealing to the patriotizem of the Thai people with similar to Trump ' making America great again ' it's just stopped there, unlike the late beloved king how didn't talk much but did alot for the Thai people, this PM is all about preserving his position and consolidate his longevity in power... 

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State propaganda isn't a new thing here as there's plenty of Thai history taught in schools that is inaccurate so this is more of an escalation than anything.


The irony is that in the West much energy is expended on going in the opposite direction -  downplaying and bringing our culture down or even denying we have a culture at all. It makes a change to be in a country where its own people actually like their culture and traditions and are quite openly proud of it.

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2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Academics say all the flagwaving songs, films and period costumes are mere state propaganda


Fortunately, it just as easily spotted as those phony hyperboles from TAT. The world community only needs to stands by and mutter noncommittal nothings, like a guest to the fawning parents of an abhorrent child while enjoying their wine.


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16 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


"As Samui Bodoh suggests, returning happiness to the people indicates that previous times were better than today - but how far back do you have to look for those better times, and how much of the history of those better times is sanitised propaganda as perceived by the dominant political force of the past hundred years, the military."


You fail to ask the important question - perhaps deliberately so.


Who would benefit from a return to an imagined past? The common man? or those who have preyed upon the common man for generations?


I know where I'd put my money, but then I'm not Thai. I learn from experience, and I'm not propagandised into believing in someone else's wet dream.

Well said, Kiwikiwi. You ask pertinent questions.


By the way, am I the only one who is experiencing CONSTANT problems (for more than a week) loading and opening pages on Thaivisa? I have to click everything multiple times to get a response (even to view my Notifications) - and even then it frequently fails. If this continues next week, I doubt I'll waste any more time posting here ...


Edited by Eligius
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19 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Well said, Kiwikiwi. You ask pertinent questions.


By the way, am I the only one who is experiencing CONSTANT problems (for more than a week) loading and opening pages on Thaivisa? I have to click everything multiple times to get a response (even to view my Notifications) - and even then it frequently fails. If this continues next week, I doubt I'll waste any more time posting here ...


No you're not. I get page load errors by the truckload today, posts failing, edits failing.


This is normal for TV, it comes in like the tide, then it gets better, then it gets worse. Today it's worse than usual.


I would not be the one to make unkind comments though, nossir, not me. Everything is just wonderful.

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12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

“It shows the mental illness of our society,” Yukti said. “

I can see he will get some criticism for this, but it is the same in the USA with our wanna be dictator.  It is happening all over the world, and is a clash of generations 

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 ‘Thai-ism’ is that a fork of Communism,has some of the  

same traits at the moment,free speech curtailed ,attitude adjustment,

crack down on any dissent,etc,etc, 

regards Worgeordie

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10 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

 ‘Thai-ism’ is that a fork of Communism,has some of the  

same traits at the moment,free speech curtailed ,attitude adjustment,

crack down on any dissent,etc,etc, 

regards Worgeordie

Yes. And Chairman Mao famously said: 'Political power springs from the barrel of a gun'.


But of course that has no relevance for a military junta ...

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2 hours ago, Eligius said:

Yes. And Chairman Mao famously said: 'Political power springs from the barrel of a gun'.


But of course that has no relevance for a military junta ...

  • Come on, you cannot compare the original dictators with their pale imitators! ?
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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

 ‘Thai-ism’ is that a fork of Communism,has some of the  

same traits at the moment,free speech curtailed ,attitude adjustment,

crack down on any dissent,etc,etc, 

regards Worgeordie



Interesting argument. I once knew a dyed-in-the-wool youth layabout who refused to work, or indeed do anything at all very much, on the basis that communism and fascism are 2 sides of the same coin, commonly using similar tactics in pursuit of slightly differing objectives..


My friend reformed at about tha same time as I began to see his point. The junta government and all of the hangers-on and lookers-down reminds me a lot of the kind of tactics that communists habitually use(d). I suppose a gun can be used by both sides of that argument so I shouldn't really be surprised.


Nevertheless, it's a sobering thought that people like Prayuth could be equally useful to both sides of the argument. Now that's a sobering thought. And it's just a tad unsettling. Perhaps people are destined to be rules by despots of one stripe or another. Perhaps Thais are after all, teaching us something; that all governments are only liberal because the people insist they are, and Thais just don't insist very well....

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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23 hours ago, rooster59 said:

One month after the coup, the general penned his first pop song, sure enough titled “Returning Happiness to the People”, which got a lot of airplay on TV and radio. In the years since, we’ve had five more tunes, with some of his lyrics portraying him as a “superhero” rushing to the country’s rescue.

He's only four tracks short of a concept album. 

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