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Irish Vv For Unemployed Tgf...hopeless?

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Hi all,

I'm still planning a visitor/holiday visa to Ireland for

my Thai girlfriend.

I've known her for over a year and have visited her

in Thailand 3 times...the last two times we shared

and apartment together for 2 months.

So we can supply good evidence that we have a


Apartment receipts, pics, and postcards

make up the bulk of the evidence.

I can also supply evidence that I can support her trip

but the problem is she has just been laid off her

job and has no money in the bank.

So I feel she won't be able to show a compelling

reason to return to Thailand.

Any advice would be most appreciated.

She has no family of her own, but has dependant

niece and nephew and sisters, brothers, etc. But

so what?

With no reason to return to Thailand, is it a foregone

conclusion that the visa will be refused.

BTW, we applied for a visa back in April 2006 and it

was refused for 3 reasons:

Relationship history...

Reason to return...(no change there)

Might not observe conditions

of visa...

She did have a job back then, so I don't know why

they believed she had no reason to return.

My only hope for a visa this time around, is that

we have a long relationship history. Her reason

for visiting is that I can't afford to visit there again

until June/July 2007 probably, and we want to spend

time with each other.



Edited by mountainman
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Hi Mountainman

I spent 1.5 years trying to get a visa for my Thai BF to get a visitor visa to Ireland...

It has been well documented here and elsewhere over the years

But we eventually got it.

Last July we also successfully obtained his second VV, this time the application took only 9 days!

The Irish Consulate doesn't give a ###### about any relationship history - they just need proof that you know the person (photos together) The Length of the relationship doesn't matter - Therefore you are better off to invite her as a friend (not a lover)

The most important things in this and all visa applications to Ireland are:

- a reason to go home at the end of the visa...

- Consistency - Make sure anything you said in the last visa application is 100% consistent with the next application - I was very surprised to find it is all computerised these days so the previous application has been recorded and notes recorded

Reasons to return should include:

-Good Job (non bar work will her old employer provide you with a letter?)

-Letter from reputable school - if they are a student

-Family Ties in Thailand (eg. elderly parents but no husband or Kids - as they will hold this against them - perhaps they are going to Ireland to earn money to support them)

-Previous Travel History to other countries

-Non Brand-new passport

-Land and/or property in thailand

-No large deposits into their bank account - in last 6 months

-Matching itinerary for all proposed travel

Everything should be translated and stamped where appropriate

In addition you will also need to supply:

-Proof of having previously met you (photos etc)

-Invitation Letter from you

-Letter from you to Consulate

-Your Bank Details for last 6 months

-Application form and fees

Note that in the case of Ireland its the Sponsors bank accounts that they look for - not the applicants (this is the opposite of most countries)

Also note that the consulate in Bkk has not got the right to issue visas and must refer all applications on to the embassy in KL.

There is no interview involved in the process.

Remember, With an irish visa, u never get to see or even contact the visa officer directly, and even if the paperwork is 100% correct they often still refuse the visa as the final decision is down the the opinion of the visa officer(and the humour they are in!)

Unfortunately the 1st time applicants are usually referred to The Dept of Justice in Dublin which can take 8 weeks to processs, so make sure her flight itinerary is for at least 2 months ahead of the application date... if not it will be refused by the time they get around to reviewing the application.

If your GF is from Issan you might find that €1000 will go a long way in buying a plot of land... the title deeds for this land (shanoot) when certified and translated would become very valuable as proof of a solid reason to go back to thailand.

As will of course a letter from her NEW employer, stating the exact dates she can have off (these should match the travel itinerary)

Some other pointers:

Apply for a holiday visa for 3 weeks... this seems like a plausible amout of time for someone who is gainfully employed to be allowed to take off

She will then be issued with a 3 month visa by the consulate, so you can change your flights AFTER the visa is granted

Sorry if the post is a bit rambling... but hopefully you'll find some useful tips!

We intend to apply for My BFs 3rd visa around April this year - hopefully this one will be as easy as the 2nd!

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Thanks everyone,

We've looked at all your great advice

and have applied it as best we can.

She's going to apply for a visa on

Monday 5th Feb.

Fingers crossed, and if it is refused

at least we did our best and will be

better equipped to secure a visa next




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Thanks everyone,

We've looked at all your great advice

and have applied it as best we can.

She's going to apply for a visa on

Monday 5th Feb.

Fingers crossed, and if it is refused

at least we did our best and will be

better equipped to secure a visa next




Good luck, mountainman..................us Irish are tryers.........so keep trying.

Edited by the scouser
Gaelic removed.
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