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Jomtien immigration -- tracking rumor about change in policy about freshness of income letters

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

OK, if someone wants to do that, good.

This thread is for people to report actual experiences and/or reports from anyone that does that.

Reminder: DO NOT ask at any of the FRONT desks! That will likely add fuel to this rumor and likely how it got started in the first place.

Ha, I did just that and you quote FALSE INFORMATION.  At least be consistent mate.  My post was my experience 3 days ago and what the IO told me, yours is just your opinion, based on what exactly?  At least Ubon Joe is quoting a regulation, which may or may not have changed , or may or may not be being interpreted differently at different offices, or by different IOs.  It would seem sensible to me, as its only once per year, to get the income letter date as close to the extension date as you can. That's just common sense.     

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7 minutes ago, a977 said:

Sorry Ubonjoe I will delete Immigration and add Embassy. The point I'm trying to make is that we all have so much time on our hands ( that is if you not have work permit). If the original thread is correct then by my reckoning we have up to 60days to organize ourselves to get the Renewal done. Correct me if I'm wrong UJ but I understand we have 30 days before due date in which to renew then we have 30 days for the age of Letter. Even in my old 30's roadster with dickie seat(you remember them UJ) I could travel to San Patong and back to Pattaya in that time

yes but if the letter is good for 6 months we can get it at Pattaya outreach and not have to make a trip to BKK.

A day trip to BKK once in a while is nice but not everyone enjoy doing something they had to do.

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51 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

> A recent report posted here says there has been a major policy change from SIX MONTHS down to ONE MONTH.


I made my Retirement Extension at Jomtien just last week.

My incomes letter from my consulate was 6 weeks old. No problem. :cool:

15 - love


9 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

I  posted the month requirement , Please don't quote that it is FALSE INFORMATION.  You are in no better position to say its wrong than I am in saying that was what I was told and that it was what was required of me by Jomtien Immigration 3 days ago.  Get the facts by all means, but just don't just give your uninformed opinion as fact!!   I repeat, I have my Extension with no issues. and no questions, so false or not in your eyes, it worked didn't it?  

15 - all


This is exactly what we need. RECENT application reports with ACTUAL experience and we can see if maybe there's one (or more) Jomtien IO's who are either  making up a new rule or simply enforcing an old one.


Keep 'em coming and thanks for contributing.


Good thread Jt.

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2 hours ago, a977 said:

So let me get this right we are all expats living in LoS, not allowed to work due to Visa regulations, have all the time in the world on our hands and can't be bothered to go to BKK a couple of days before retirement extension is due, come on folks wake up to yourselves. I live in Pattaya Day before Extension I get taxi to Australian embassy in BKK get declaration of income signed (1700thb) get back in waiting taxi return to Pattaya (2300thb) on return I go to photo shop get passport size photo taken (120thb) then go to bank get letter confirming account (100thb) then go to local and sample the local brew.  Next day after lunch attend Jomtien Immigration (leaving home at 12.45pm) get number and wait for lovely lady at counter 8 to call me up, all paperwork done go to local (approx. 2pm.) sample local brew. The hardest part of this exercise is leaving the local

Did you miss the part Jingthing says about Americans needing appointments at the embassy? There are only a certain number of slots available. It could be a disaster for someone to find out a few days before their extension runs out that their letter is not valid anymore.

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A few days ago....

09.00 Print necessary documents I got from Sweden

09.10 Left my house

09.40 Arrived Sweden Consulate in Pattaya

09.55 Left the consulate with proof of income

10.35 Arrived Immigration Rayong

10.47 Left Immigration Rayong with one-year retirement visa and multiple re-entry permit (yes only 12 minutes)

11.00 Arrived to my home and had a cup of coffee after two hours hard work

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7 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

...  It would seem sensible to me, as its only once per year, to get the income letter date as close to the extension date as you can. That's just common sense.     


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please don't feel insulted the OP is just looking for confirmation because this change is big especially for the Americans.


May be " rumor" should be " recent report " in the title?

Edited by Thailand J
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1 minute ago, Hans Rayong said:

A few days ago....

09.00 Print necessary documents I got from Sweden

09.10 Left my house

09.40 Arrived Sweden Consulate in Pattaya

09.55 Left the consulate with proof of income

10.35 Arrived Immigration Rayong

10.47 Left Immigration Rayong with one-year retirement visa and multiple re-entry permit (yes only 12 minutes)

11.00 Arrived to my home and had a cup of coffee after two hours hard work

And where exactly does Jomtien Immigration feature in your retired life?


Or is this simply a double gloat post?

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13 hours ago, glegolo said:

my embassy, who against 500 baht release an affadavit about my income to use

The UK does not have a consulate in Pattaya despite there being probably more Brits than Yanks.  It costs over 4000 baht to secure a letter from the UK Embassy in BKK.  More great, caring service from Britain.  Did I mention they have frozen my State pension for over TEN years now?

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4 minutes ago, Thailand J said:

please don't feel insulted the OP is just looking for confirmation because this change is big especially for the Americans.

Not insulted, just irritated.  The only true and valid confirmation can come from either Immigration directly, or from very recent applications.  Mine was 3 days ago and it was an IO that told me what was required.  All I did was to post my experience so that others will be ready and prepared.  What I didn't want is to be effectively accused of peddling false or misleading information, or of miscommunication between me and the IO.  It was neither .  Hence my irritation. 

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This is the same discussion that was held in February 2016.

Surely someone has found out the truth by now.


  On 2/24/2016 at 7:52 AM, Black Ops said:

Offices can and do vary, technically it may be be up to 6 months, in reality its another story. ASK the office you have to deal with what they want, as there is little if any chance offices are the same throughout Thailand.

This directive states it is 6 months and most offices go by it. Immigration directive for income letters.pdf

silverado reacted to this


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In Loei only good for 1 month, so best to ask your local office, they all make up their own rules.



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1 month also in Jomtien.



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  On 2/24/2016 at 9:55 AM, MYKTHEMIN said:

In Loei only good for 1 month, so best to ask your local office, they all make up their own rules.

I have read that about Loei. But they are one of the few offices that have that requirement.

  On 2/24/2016 at 10:04 AM, frodo77 said:

1 month also in Jomtien.

Is that from personal experience or is it just what you heard from somebody. I think Jomtien uses the written rule.

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32 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

Did you miss the part Jingthing says about Americans needing appointments at the embassy? There are only a certain number of slots available. It could be a disaster for someone to find out a few days before their extension runs out that their letter is not valid anymore.

This may  be a really stupid question, but considering the problems our US friends have with getting an income letter, is it possible to get a US Lawyer,  based either here with a US firm, or in the US,  to produce a notarised letter of confirmation of income and see if that works at Immigration?  As I say, probably a stupid idea.  

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14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Most USA expats using letters seem to use the special consulate visits but that's typically only twice a year.

It was 4 times a year in Pattaya, but it's been reduced to once a year now ... in June this year,  Apparently cuts in funding from State Dept for such things.

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Just now, Pilotman said:

This may  be a really stupid question, but considering the problems our US friends have with getting an income letter, is it possible to get a US Lawyer,  based either here with a US firm, or in the US,  to produce a notarised letter of confirmation of income and see if that works at Immigration?  As I say, probably a stupid idea.  


There are no stupid questions only stupid answers ?


As far as I know only embassy/consulate income letters are acceptable.

The 800k deposit letter has to be from a Thai bank.

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1 hour ago, Thailand J said:

1. Only a passport is required at the US embassy to get the income letter, no printouts.

2. US Embassy has outreach program to come to Pattaya.

US is very advanced by any standard.

that means scouts honor is all the US embassy and immigration require

from US citizens, not advanced just lowered standards.

more specifically no standard at all,

there is no requirement on US citizens at all for

obtaining retirement visa beside being 50 yo


Edited by poanoi
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3 minutes ago, poanoi said:

that means scouts honor is all the US embassy and immigration require

from US citizens, not advanced just lowered standards


It is because US law does not allow embassies or consulates to confirm anything. They can only witness the signature on a affidavit and making a false statement in front of a consular officer is a crime.

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2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:


It is because US law does not allow embassies or consulates to confirm anything. They can only witness the signature on a affidavit and making a false statement in front of a consular officer is a crime.

do the embassy keep a copy of the affidavit to follow up

on the legitimacy of the claim,

or do they just stamp it and return it so

there will never be possible to investigate validity of the 'scouts honor' claim

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1 minute ago, poanoi said:

do the embassy keep a copy of the affidavit to follow up

on the legitimacy of the claim,

or do they just stamp it and return it so

there will never be possible to investigate validity of the 'scouts honor' claim

No copy is kept. They are not allowed to or even have the ability to investigate it.

It is not scout's honor it is swearing a oath in front of a consular officer that it is true and correct. As wrote it is federal crime to make a false statement.

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

And where exactly does Jomtien Immigration feature in your retired life?


Or is this simply a double gloat post?

You seems to me to be a quite "nice" guy...... Maybe good for some countries, like yours, to see how other countries are dealing with this, and maybe learn something for once... Tag down mr.



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1 hour ago, mikebell said:

The UK does not have a consulate in Pattaya despite there being probably more Brits than Yanks.  It costs over 4000 baht to secure a letter from the UK Embassy in BKK.  More great, caring service from Britain.  Did I mention they have frozen my State pension for over TEN years now?

I am NOT an american, I am a Swede, and we are even fever and still have a consulate.....



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Quote 15 hours ago, glegolo said:

I feel sad about your country, who obviously not yet reached the computer-age... . In Sweden I sign in to the different pension-places, and then print out my income-confirmations, bring them to my embassy, who against 500 baht release an affadavit about my income to use against the Immigration. 5 minutes at home and 25 minuters at the embassy...



1 hour ago, Suradit69 said:

As usual you have an agenda to promote that has nothing to do with the topic.  

If you calm down your writing a bit, I can inform you that it turned out to be a countryman of mine, that I was responding to. So one swede talk "bad" to another... So relax Suradit69 , we are just fine, and your hormons need a bit medicine,,,, I guess..



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Poanoi, it is a very sensible "swamp" of scouts honor and swearing in front of whoever... So let it go.. they know that you are right but will never in hell admit to it... These is one standard for americans and probably some other country and the rest of us.....



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3 minutes ago, glegolo said:

Poanoi, it is a very sensible "swamp" of scouts honor and swearing in front of whoever... So let it go.. they know that you are right but will never in hell admit to it... These is one standard for americans and probably some other country and the rest of us.....



So, what are you saying? If you were not required to show proof or documentation you would just lie? Maybe that is why there is a double standard. As an American, I take an oath to be telling the truth pretty serious.

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I  posted the month requirement , Please don't quote that it is FALSE INFORMATION.  You are in no better position to say its wrong than I am in saying that was what I was told and that it was what was required of me by Jomtien Immigration 3 days ago.  Get the facts by all means, but just don't just give your uninformed opinion as fact!!   I repeat, I have my Extension with no issues. and no questions, so false or not in your eyes, it worked didn't it?  

It is my opinion that the information you posted saying that the freshness rule for income letters has changed from six months to one month is indeed false. This topic seeking reports is intended to confirm or deny my strongly held opinion.


In any case if your information is not false it is a very big deal for some people and they need to know.


You are free to be insulted by having the info you reported challenged but this is much bigger than your pride or feelings or mine as well.


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Ha, I did just that and you quote FALSE INFORMATION.  At least be consistent mate.  My post was my experience 3 days ago and what the IO told me, yours is just your opinion, based on what exactly?  At least Ubon Joe is quoting a regulation, which may or may not have changed , or may or may not be being interpreted differently at different offices, or by different IOs.  It would seem sensible to me, as its only once per year, to get the income letter date as close to the extension date as you can. That's just common sense.     

You did what? Was the officer you asked about income letter freshness working at the actual retirement desk deep into the office on the left hand side or was she working at the front intake area?


Even if she was working at the actual retirement desk I still think the rule probably has NOT changed and there was some kind of miscommunication that happened.


It's quite common actually.


In any case people need to know the real rule definitively.


The purpose of this thread is not to insult you. It is to smoke out the truth for the benefit of many expats here.


Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




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