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Jomtien immigration -- tracking rumor about change in policy about freshness of income letters

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I agree with Glegolo.  What is the problem here. None for Brits. You send your year-end P.60's with the relevant forms to the British Embassy in BKK together with the payment information. Within a week you get back your Income Letter.

Clearly you do all this near to the time of the renewal of your

Annual Retirement Visa then its  'fresh'.  Never had a single problem in 10 years of renewals. 

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I was led to believe that the US Embassy has a great deal of influence on Immigration policy, thus the six months allowed for the letter, also the fact that you merely affirm that you get a certain amount rather than being required to prove it. Is the prestige of the Embassy now downgraded? In the past, policies have been changed at the request of the Embassy. Do they no longer have input into the process?

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8 hours ago, NanLaew said:

And where exactly does Jomtien Immigration feature in your retired life?


Or is this simply a double gloat post?

I guess you're only jealous because you're a citizen in the wrong country and you have to go to the wrong immigration office.

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1 hour ago, Postmaster said:

I agree with Glegolo.  What is the problem here. None for Brits. You send your year-end P.60's with the relevant forms to the British Embassy in BKK together with the payment information. Within a week you get back your Income Letter.

Clearly you do all this near to the time of the renewal of your

Annual Retirement Visa then its  'fresh'.  Never had a single problem in 10 years of renewals. 

Carry on. you're doing fine.

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38 minutes ago, Hans Rayong said:

I guess you're only jealous because you're a citizen in the wrong country and you have to go to the wrong immigration office.

I dont care what you say  i know deep down inside everyone loves America ?

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6 minutes ago, Thailand J said:

I dont care what you say  i know deep down inside everyone loves America ?

Yes of course you are right..... I do also think that most people in the world cares and respect USA quite much.. at least I do....  But that is also the reason why many of us get pissed when you act so stupidly in some respect outside your own country... nuff said, no politic here... But as said, we love USA of course... with all it´s faults, lack of gunlaws, LOT OF double-standards, religious shit and so forth...



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9 hours ago, glegolo said:

You seems to me to be a quite "nice" guy...... Maybe good for some countries, like yours, to see how other countries are dealing with this, and maybe learn something for once... Tag down mr.



The OP is specifically about acceptability of letters at Jomtien IO.


Member Hans Rayong posted a short 'grand day out' thread on his different experience at the Rayong IO. Short of relocating to that jurisidction, a doubt any Jomtien denizens care how easy it is over there.


Maybe not gloating but all a bit irrelevant no?


I have already commented that this is a relevant thread.


How do you say 'cool your jets' in Swedish? tag down mr?

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Why not go down and check yourself as the other guy has suggested, rather than spitting the dummy and throwing a hissy fit.  It may help others if what he said is corroborated by you, and you could become "poster of the day"!
I am now going to do that. I already addressed that suggestion before and if others want to do that I welcome their report here. I am not throwing any kind of fit. I am requesting reports about a very specific thing. Naturally people don't respect that limitation. Out of my control. Again info from the front intake desk is much less credible than actual reports or questions directly at the retirement desk.

However the retirement desk is not particularly welcoming of people bothering them that are not in the process of active applications.

This isn't about bruiser egos. It's about getting expats the best info.

Anyone else goading me to go in there myself don't bother. I will ignore you.


Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Well as the late Walter Cronkite used to end his evening newscasts: That's the way it is.
Which way is it? I still think embassy income letters as old as six months will be accepted at Jomtien. I also think that expats should assume that as well unless or until stronger evidence is presented differently.

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4 hours ago, Hans Rayong said:

I guess you're only jealous because you're a citizen in the wrong country and you have to go to the wrong immigration office.

Dealt with extensions for about 10 years in both Udon and Jomtien and now back in Udon where like you, the extension was filed and issued in about 20 minutes. The bonus was I filed it 35 days early as well... with an income letter issued by my non-Swedish embassy about a month earlier.


So no, not jealous at all. Just pondering why you thought your fast Rayong IO experience was germane to the subject matter of the thread?


So jealous because I'm not Swedish? Hardly.


...you may have something with your meatballs though.

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my country average income is same level as US,
all but one of my american friends did not qualify
The average U.S. social security pension check is only about 1250 monthly.

But this topic isn't about such things or issues of proof.

It is meant to only be about the accepted timing of income letters at Jomtien.

I know you guys can't handle that though. Like herding cats.

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6 hours ago, poanoi said:

my embassy wont issue or confirm anything without

being given proper documentation,

just like any other embassy beside US

FWIW, there's small print across the bottom of the income letter from the UK embassy that is a legal disclaimer. Although is avoids the possible crime of perjury (the false statement to a federal employee malarkey of the US pensioner), the letter issued by the UK embassy for a British pensioner won't stand up in a court of law either.

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Don't you read anything, ?   I said in my reply  that I talked to an IO. I even described her for you.   For Gods sake keep silent if you can't even  be bothered to read posts and retain the information you're given.  All you are doing is confusing the issue for others.   Now  if you can be bothered, go and check what I told you on the other posting.  If you can't read it, get someone who understands plain written  English to do it for you. 

I can read. I see you still have not answered my question I've now specifically asked numerous times. This officer was working at the retirement desk or not? Can readers expect a clear answer or more stonewalling games from you? 

I'm not optimistic.


If you are willing to answer that question and you did speak to an officer at the retirement desk can you please tell us the wording of the question and answer on the letter timing query. That may give us a clue about the probable miscommunication that may have occurred in that exchange.


To add for the time being expats should assume the rule has not changed.


Your hostile, insulting attitude and repeated bald face refusals to answer a very relevant question is actually evidence that you personally as a source for news of such a major policy change does not carry very much weight.


So far your one report is far from convincing that it has.


The topic was started to get at the truth. We already have recent reports showing that letters older than one month accepted.


Keep the reports coming and if someone is good enough to ask at the actual retirement desk please report that too.




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I agree with Glegolo.  What is the problem here. None for Brits. You send your year-end P.60's with the relevant forms to the British Embassy in BKK together with the payment information. Within a week you get back your Income Letter.
Clearly you do all this near to the time of the renewal of your
Annual Retirement Visa then its  'fresh'.  Never had a single problem in 10 years of renewals. 
Not everyone is a Brit mate.

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I will add I personally do not yet use income letters.


I may in future but my interest I starting this thread is that I have a passion for challenging rumors about major immigration changes for retirement extensions.


If we don't nip this one in the bud ASAP retired expats all over town are going to start to think the one month thing is really real.


I'm fairly certain that it isn't. But now that it's out there we need more confirming evidence.


If it turns out this new info actually reflects a real policy change I will be happy to acknowledge that.


In any case many expats need to know the truth about this one way or another.


Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app





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15 hours ago, poanoi said:

my country average income is same level as US,

all but one of my american friends did not qualify

You need to find better friends. Are they really Americans? How would you know? They obviously lie.

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14 hours ago, poanoi said:

my embassy wont issue or confirm anything without

being given proper documentation,

just like any other embassy beside US

Not only the US. Other countries do affidavits and statutory declarations without proof of the income.

Australia and New Zealand and others for example.

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1 hour ago, PhonThong said:

You need to find better friends. Are they really Americans? How would you know? They obviously lie.

What kind of BS is this? How he would know they were americans? Hahahaha... So PhonThong you decide that people lie as soon as they say something that contradict what you are saying and claiming, is that it?


Let me explain it to you then; He knows they are americans because they say so. OK?????????? And if you have friends who claim that they do not have the income for an extension of stay, then of course you believe them.... Or you mean that they lie because they wish to hide that they have got money????


I have several americans I have met here where I live, some of them are more than Ok with their income,,, and some of them have so extremely small pensions or whatever income they have, when being over 65 yoa in the USA.



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21 minutes ago, glegolo said:

What kind of BS is this? How he would know they were americans? Hahahaha... So PhonThong you decide that people lie as soon as they say something that contradict what you are saying and claiming, is that it?


Let me explain it to you then; He knows they are americans because they say so. OK?????????? And if you have friends who claim that they do not have the income for an extension of stay, then of course you believe them.... Or you mean that they lie because they wish to hide that they have got money????


I have several americans I have met here where I live, some of them are more than Ok with their income,,, and some of them have so extremely small pensions or whatever income they have, when being over 65 yoa in the USA.



I am not the one deciding. He already claimed that they lie. How does he know when they are now actually telling the truth. 

 I myself only claim that I have the minimum of 65,000 baht a month, when in fact I make much more than that. Does that also make me a liar or just smart for not telling immigration how much I really have? I am 64, so don't tell me that 65 year olds are in diar straights. 

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Somebody living in Jomtien could go to the Immigration there and ask.


Of course the answer may not necessary be applicable for everybody.


As it is up to the officer in duty, one may accept a proof of income dated from 6 months ago, another 1 month.


Being in Thailand since 2000, I even withness that the same officer had a different request, depending with who he was dealing with.

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12 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

As it is up to the officer in duty, one may accept a proof of income dated from 6 months ago, another 1 month.

Not really.

It's many years that I didn't have contact with an Immigration officer for a Retirement extension.

They usually have 2 or 3 "helpers" around desk #8 who will check for your documents. These "helpers" are not in uniform and apparently not officers. They clearly have (in mind) a list of documents to get, and a list of points to check on these documents, and this "1-month limit" rumour is not one of them. :cool:

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