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Video: Tragedy just averted as school song thaew driver slapped with 5,000 baht fine and suspension

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The other song thaews were hit with a one thousand baht fine for being the wrong type of vehicle to transport students. It begs the question though, have those vehicles also been painted with haam chai? Or will they be on the road this afternoon?

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That is a draconian punishment by usual Thai standards and deservedly so. A glimmer of hope perhaps?

He still managed a lie, just not the usual one of "brake failure".


Should NEVER EVER be allowed to drive public transport of any type again NOT just 30 days!

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He is certainly a liar. This is not in his defense but I do find that at some intersections the lights do change rather fast and it should be addressed. Surely there is some kind of standard time to be used for lights to change from amber to red.

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52 minutes ago, jmacken306 said:

You want to protect the kids coming and going to the school, start using these, most of them now even have seat belts for each child, even they wouldn't have a problem of fastening them also.

School Bus.jpg

You're kidding right? The Thai government under the present leadership has far more important items on the agenda than safe school buses. Submarines, fighter jets, HSTrains, spy satellites etc etc. Providing safe transport for schoolchildren  in a country like Thailand is far more difficult as the cost of these buses after commission etc, would be astronomical. Consider the kids as freight, cargo, goods etc.:thumbsup:

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14 hours ago, manarak said:

as we can see on the video, Beng is a liar.

the light changed to yellow a long time before he reached it, we see the vehicle starting to slow down before "Beng the genius" decided to floor it - watch the black exhaust cloud appearing when he does this.

this driving was not a mistake, it's his habitual way of driving.

Beng is a bad and reckless driver and should not drive any passenger transport vehicle again.

Looks like everyday normal Thai driving here...be it minibus, car or motorcycle. All hot headed in a mad rush to get anywhere  .no matter the risk or consequences.

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4 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

You're kidding right? The Thai government under the present leadership has far more important items on the agenda than safe school buses. Submarines, fighter jets, HSTrains, spy satellites etc etc. Providing safe transport for schoolchildren  in a country like Thailand is far more difficult as the cost of these buses after commission etc, would be astronomical. Consider the kids as freight, cargo, goods etc.:thumbsup:

Duty free trinkets for the lads


box of rolex.jpg

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Now, if the police would uniformly hand out 5000 THB fines and 30 driving suspensions to red light runner, maybe that stupidity would be a little less prevalent.  Easy to do considering that virtually all intersections with red lights are bristling with cameras. 

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21 minutes ago, mfharrison said:

He is certainly a liar. This is not in his defense but I do find that at some intersections the lights do change rather fast and it should be addressed. Surely there is some kind of standard time to be used for lights to change from amber to red.

Agreed but I think the word 'standard/s' does not compute very well in Thai language or usage. Thai authorities ALWAYS know best and are unwilling or not able to learn from others! Blind leading the blind comes to mind.


In the meantime drivers/riders, particularly of public transport, must exercise more caution AND they should be better trained to have a higher qualification of a licence that enables them to be in control of any form of public transport.


I can't help thinking if this drivers child or children was killed by someone else he would probably, using a gun, knife or any other weapon try to kill the "offender"!

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15 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I counted six seconds the light was red before the driver went through it.

When it changes from green to amber there's also three seconds before it turns red, when you should regard it as "stop", unless you are already passing through the junction, or "by braking might cause an accident" - IIRC.

As the previous posted said - "lying bar steward".


and moreover, by the looks of it he slows down and then decides to speed up.
suspension of driving license for life I would ask for if I were a prosecutor,
a willingly irresponsible driver , not paying attention to his surroundings, a menace to others and subsidiary to himself.

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'He tried to get through but it proved beyond his capabilities.'


Err, he what? It what? Competent and safe driving is beyond the capabilities of innumerable Thai drivers, especially the likes of song thaew drivers. Seems jumping a red light was also beyond his capabilities.


'Drivers complained they were being made scapegoats because one man drove like a maniac.'


By which they mean one got caught after driving like a maniac. 




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2 hours ago, connda said:

Now, if the police would uniformly hand out 5000 THB fines and 30 driving suspensions to red light runner, maybe that stupidity would be a little less prevalent.  Easy to do considering that virtually all intersections with red lights are bristling with cameras. 

All working? 

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17 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Wonder if the Thai apologists of TV would like to come along and tell us how good the Thai drivers are  now ?

Bet the driver was not pissed up when he did this,

but I just cant tell, the difference with them,  same , same but same.


You think that just because this idiot did something incredibly stupid that all Thai drivers are therefore the same?  Do you apply the same bizarre, irrational logic to drivers in your own, and every other, country when one individual (as in this case) drives badly or just Thailand?

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17 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

The village people here wonder why I drive and pickup our 4 kids to school everyday instead of putting them in the school minivan, they probably think I'm a cheap Charlie, 700 baht per head, per month, for the 25 kilometre trek each way to and from school, i.e. an hours return drive for me in the morning and afternoon.


Fact of the matter is, as much as the kids annoy the crap out of me some days, I wouldn't put them in harms way with any Thai driver !

So when you're driving your children to school you choose the times when there are no Thai drivers around or do you just impose a no go safe area around your car?

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5 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

You think that just because this idiot did something incredibly stupid that all Thai drivers are therefore the same?  Do you apply the same bizarre, irrational logic to drivers in your own, and every other, country when one individual (as in this case) drives badly or just Thailand?

In all due respect, when a country is designated the most dangerous place to drive in the world one must assume that people here drive very badly. Driving from Pattaya to Jomtien I witness at least a dozen bonehead maneuvers taking place.

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5 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Nice going - after all it is only a school "bus" - in which in other countries cattle is being brought to the slaughterhouse. B 5000 and 30 days ban - will certainly leave a lasting mark on this man who will never ever do such a thing ever again. 

The fine for an adult smoking at Jomtien beach was how much? 

The fines being given for smoking on beaches are a lot less than the fine the driver got, although the maximum is higher.

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9 minutes ago, JAZZDOG said:

In all due respect, when a country is designated the most dangerous place to drive in the world one must assume that people here drive very badly. Driving from Pattaya to Jomtien I witness at least a dozen bonehead maneuvers taking place.

One must not assume that at all about all drivers! 


It is not justified to tar every driver with the same brush, regardless of a country's stats, and that drive from Pattaya to Jomtien does not necessarily only involve Thai drivers making "bonehead manoeuvers" unless you have the ability to identify all those drivers' nationalities through the dark-tinted windows that the majority of vehicles here have.

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13 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

One must not assume that at all about all drivers! 


It is not justified to tar every driver with the same brush, regardless of a country's stats, and that drive from Pattaya to Jomtien does not necessarily only involve Thai drivers making "bonehead manoeuvers" unless you have the ability to identify all those drivers' nationalities through the dark-tinted windows that the majority of vehicles here have.

Of course you cant say all but you certainly can say the majority. About a month ago I had a beer in a bar on the corner of Pattaya South road and #3 road across from Tonys gym. It was about 5pm and I timed out ten minutes and counted the infractions at that intersection. There were 218, mostly helmets but there wasn't one change of the light where at least 2 cars ran the red. A couple times 4 or 5. These were mostly Thais. The three contributing factors are lack of education, total disregard for the law and inadequate law enforcement. If I sat at an intersection in Florida I very likely would have counted no infractions because there are cops and unmarked everywhere. The fines and increased insurance premiums for just one ticket can cost close to US$1000. Run a red light is 3 points against your license, 12 points you're suspended for a year. Drunk driving your out a year and US$2500. 

Here they just don't care. Go watch the crosswalk in front of the police station on Beach Road. It turns red for people to cross, nobody stops and the cops are right there watching writing out tickets for no helmets. Factor in the drunk driving and you have a very weak case defending Thai drivers in general. There are some careful drivers but not enough.

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I don't anderstand why so Manny Thai just drive tru a red light???

What the don't anderstand,,, nobody be so stupid not anderstanding red mean STOP!!!!

Even a dog stop for a red light...

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7 minutes ago, gerritkaew said:

I don't anderstand why so Manny Thai just drive tru a red light???

What the don't anderstand,,, nobody be so stupid not anderstanding red mean STOP!!!!

Even a dog stop for a red light...

Prob the me me first  attitude  is one reason and knowing the fact that your police force is very weak is another

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