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my caption (well slightly more than caption)

ThaiVisa productions proudly present THE BACKPACKERS, directed by IJustwannaDirect in a film Mangosauce describes as 'better than a night out to Nana Plaza'.

When a rag tag bunch of renegade backpackers building a community face up against the new Foreign Business Act, they don't just get mad, they get even. Having slept with boat boys, explored their sexuality with a brave night out to the red light district and seamlessly merged with local culture through wai-ing everyone in sight and learning how to say thank in Thai, a racially balanced junta of slightly smelly backpackers set their sights on developing a new sustainable community based on a 30 year land lease and multiple visa runs.

But even heaven has its problems.

[insert fight sequence, between stoned backpacker and a piece of paper, with paper eventually torn up]

With the Act encroaching on their illegal Nor Sor Sam Gor plantation of rice and lemongrass, the tie dye warriors improvise weaponry crafted from bong water and 30 day tourist stamped passports to send the law back to the 3rd world.

[insert scene with main character talking to himself with shaky camera to signify that he is on something]

'I just wanted a hamburger, you offended my honour Act, now i kill you'

LA Times describes this as a 'must see'. Critics are applauding the bold choice of The Backpackers. Coming to a theatre near you.

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This is the ThaiVisa annual Caption Competition.

Here's 10 pictures of Unforgettable Thailand 2007, come up with the best captions for these pics:

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9

Pic 10

Looks suspiciously like they are from the 'Chan' family album ....

Anyway here goes....

Pic 1 - How high can you get girls ....?

Pic 2 - Etan checked the leaf to make sure it was truly organic before the feast began !

Pic 3 - Odelia was very impressed with Fergus's white fleshy buttocks !

Pic 4 - Boys will be boys and girls wil be girls but the music was still <deleted> !

Pic 5 - As the mushrooms wore off Daphne felt a trifle foolish playing 'ghosts' !

Pic 6 - It was the smell from Ronans armpit that attracted them ....!

Pic 7 - Sven marvelled at his big nary hairy new knackers !

Pic 8 - 15Baht per kilo was just over budget for Mavis after the hard bargaining but she purchased anyway !

Pic 9 - The muppet show was in full swing over by the beach !

Pic 10 - Chanchaos girls listened intently as he retold his story of Adam and Eve(s) !

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Are you looking for humor, sarcasm, thoughful, cute, or just what kind of captions are you going for? I usually like to put sarcastically humorous (in my estimation) on pictures....but I don't want to offend....also how do we put the captions on them?


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Picture #1

Dear mom, having a great time in Thailand. There's a new thing happening...the surgeons here in Thailand that do the sex change operations are now making Siamese twins....so I got one!!!! My new Siamese twins name is Myrna...she is a sweetheart and I know you'll just love her. She does have hairy armpits but since we'll be spend ALOT of time together I figure I'll take care of that maybe when she' sleeping.....anyway best regards.

Cleo and Myrna

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I believe all these pics were taken at the recent "Rainbow Gathering" in Ranong. Hardly indicative of todays backpackers but certainly skewed to feed all of your built in prejudices, aren't they:)

Personally, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else why does it matter if they have dreads? Doesn't affect me one iota. But then, I try to go by the "judge not lest you be judged" way of life.

Have your fun children. :o

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I believe all these pics were taken at the recent "Rainbow Gathering" in Ranong. Hardly indicative of todays backpackers but certainly skewed to feed all of your built in prejudices, aren't they:)

Personally, as long as they aren't hurting anyone else why does it matter if they have dreads? Doesn't affect me one iota. But then, I try to go by the "judge not lest you be judged" way of life.

Have your fun children. :o


somehow i dont think the ridicule is based soley on the fact they have dreads

good to see that a better kind of tourist finally did make it to the LOS

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I don't know if everybody's looking at the same pics. The ones I'm seeing are pretty innocuous. Just a bunch of low rent vacationers, nothing untoward. Not the type of people I hang out (or hung out) with, but just a different aesthetic really.

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very disturbing photographs.

:o All I see is a bunch of young people having fun; what's wrong with that ? If their 'dressingcode' isn't according to your beach standards that doesn't mean they're not nice people.


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This is the ThaiVisa annual Caption Competition.

Here's 10 pictures of Unforgettable Thailand 2007, come up with the best captions for these pics:

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 4

Pic 5

Pic 6

Pic 7

Pic 8

Pic 9

Pic 10

:bah: Here you go.

No. 1

Hands up, baby, hands up,Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart

Give it, give it = song by Ottawan - Hands Up (give Me Your Love)


(Girls) 'Ohhh yes, we have been practicing this in India, you have two handed too us.'


'But, we are Siamese Twins and Kan knot be taken apart. '

No. 2

So pray tell me, 'why the smirk on your face?' said photographer, after taking that shot.

No. 3

(Girl) Fancy a nibble dear. (Tarzan look-a-like) Give me a break, (h)ate that stuff. ;)

No. 4

It was supposed be a Kan Kan and not the Indian version, but the French version. :D

No. 5

O.K. girls, towels back on, you are showing too much “Flesh” that is not allowed here in Thailand. BTW aren’t you underage?

No. 6

(Girl) 'Ohhhh, look that is K.O. & The Colonel over there from “The Never Ending Story” on that “ThaiVisaDotCom”'. (Man) 'your <deleted>-me aren’t you.' :DAuthor - Kan Win (Classic that one)

No. 7

(Photographer) ‘Hello me old fruit. Nice to see you holding your own stinky one’ to the man. (Lady) to the photographer ‘Ohhh you smooth talking bast*rd’. :o

No. 8

Mavis ‘Gee look at those sizes, Kan I change this old ripe one for a greener one?’ :bah:

No. 9


Round and Round the Garden,

like a Teddy Bear,

on step, two steps,

lets play in “ThaiVisaDotCom” under there.

No. 10

Chan-chaos girls listened attentively as he retold “The Never Ending Story” and “The Last Word” saga, never mind the raga vocal swap-shop. :D

Yours truly, :o

Kan Win :D

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looks suspiciously like a group of just -out-of-the -army kids from my kibbutz. theres a whole group of them somewhere on kou samoi, ko pangan, etc etc etc... that refuse to return cause they owe us a whole lot of days kitchen duty....


mother of a daughter that will look like that in three years when she gets out of the army...and does goa, full moon party and patchumitchu in s. america in five days....

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IMO It's a typical set of backpacker photo's.Young people having fun, experiencing life and in my book being quite normal as far as youngsters go. At least they are enjoying themselves, I thought that was the point to life when your young before it all gets serious and responsible. :D Been there, done that, grew out of it but had great fun at the time,learnt an awful lot and made great friends. Maybe some people would prefer they wear a shirt or camel shorts on the beach ? or god forbid arrive on package tours ! :D

Anyway i'll let the adults (children) have their usual poke at others lives................................ by the way, what were YOU doing at that age that was so perfect ? :o

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IMO It's a typical set of backpacker photo's.Young people having fun, experiencing life and in my book being quite normal

Anyway i'll let the adults (children) have their usual poke at others lives................................ by the way, what were YOU doing at that age that was so perfect ? :o

Working :D

That's why I love a good village party now, I get to wear silly hats, grin a lot and enact some very bad Lao dancing ...... I wish my knees were 20 years younger though. :D

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Typical backpackers, no. Typical lifetime hippies, yes (explains the rainbow gathering someone explained).

You find these types everywhere in the world. They are looking for a free lifestyle anywhere. Interesting to see them meeting in Thailand, however. See many of those types in the West of U.S.

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Thanks for all the replies so far! BTW the shots are from the annual World Rainbow Gathering which was in Thailand this year, on a really remote beach in Ranong province. It's one of the last TRUE 'hippie' events, actually dating back to the sixties.

To everyone who's taken it a bit too serious: Don't. And it would be just as easy to shoot some 'interesting' pics around Pattayan bars and do a caption competition.. Could be you (or me) in those shots!! :o

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Typical backpackers, no. Typical lifetime hippies, yes (explains the rainbow gathering someone explained).

You find these types everywhere in the world. They are looking for a free lifestyle anywhere. Interesting to see them meeting in Thailand, however. See many of those types in the West of U.S.

You are correct sir, one of the few here that can read apparently.

it is the rainbow gathering, and they have had "scouts" in thailand searching for a location for most of the last year.

There was also an article in the bangkok post describing there gathering in Ranong i believe. They have been down there for weeks -- from 19 December until the january full moon


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The 60's never really died, did they? The Thais prolly say they're all engaged in "fee sek"

I'm only jealous probably because I couldn't afford a "year off" from reality; changing the world from Daddy's cheque book... :D

Good luck to them. Hope they have a great time before reality kicks the shit out of their dippy world views.

But if anyone ever mentions the word "workshop" to me, and doesn't mean carpentry or light engineering, then I will hang them by their own dreadlocks. :o

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