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Schoolboy pimp, 16, was selling his schoolmates into sex - six adults arrested for buying sex


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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

While the story itself is really horrible, the nastiest part is there were 150 sick individuals lined up for a bunch of young boys in just one town. That repeated nationwide would just be horrendous. Even Pattaya would be shocked at those numbers.

A little naive, put a 15 yo girl on beach road dressed for the part, and see how long she has to wait for a john. 2 minutes? Once word got around there would be people lined up waiting for her.

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9 hours ago, attrayant said:

This kind of thing is becoming like school shootings in the USA - people are getting numb to it and will eventually just shrug their shoulders and come to tolerate it as "just one of those things that happens".

I don't think so............... speaking for yourself, obviously..............

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5 hours ago, atyclb said:


it is a relevant question for many thinking people that include social workers, medical staff, sociologists, etc


in thailand many are already sexually active at age 15

agreed.... and I will add......

and at 13............. if you don't believe it just ask their cousins and uncles........

Statistics prove this sad situation........ and statistics show it is even worse some places like India and Cambodia among others..........  It's not a perfect world we live in.... NEVER has been.........  If the kids survive it they are 'lucky' ... some don't like the girl gang raped on a bus in India not so long ago.....

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9 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Gay or just a Thai kid who wanted money and did not care how he go it. 

The kids needed money for ya ba so they can bear to face the everyday trials and tribulations of the education system.  Make money while laying down on the job!

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18 minutes ago, Prairieboy said:

The kids needed money for ya ba so they can bear to face the everyday trials and tribulations of the education system.  Make money while laying down on the job!

Probably the 16 YO Pimp who got them 'hooked' on the YaBa..........

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9 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Great. Cops doing their job.

No response yet from the "they only arrest falang for this" crowd??

Cops didn't do any investigating, just acted on evidence gathered and presented to them by the school official and a couple that was willing to help investigate. Cops could do what they did or face Social Media if they didn't. 

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1 minute ago, IAMHERE said:

Cops didn't do any investigating, just acted on evidence gathered and presented to them by the school official and a couple that was willing to help investigate. Cops could do what they did or face Social Media if they didn't. 

Well, there you go. Did not take long.

You obviously have no clue how law enforcement agencies work and conduct investigations.

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This is so disturbing. Something that simply defies explanation. CHILDREN helping to sell other children and being aided by adults. I hope they are locked up until they are too old to do any more damage.

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Kind of surprised westerners were not blamed for this depravity. I get so used to reading about western perverts I forget that it has been happening in every country for centuries.

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7 hours ago, atyclb said:


it is a relevant question for many thinking people that include social workers, medical staff, sociologists, etc


in thailand many are already sexually active at age 15

Yes, they are. 

Because gay adults are grooming them and providing rewards to poor children for sexual services. 

They are children. men were having sex with children. It's illegal for a 61 year old man to have sex with a 13 year old boy. 

Children do not have the right to give consent to sex. That's why even if they do consent, it's still rape. 

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11 hours ago, Cadbury said:

I hope pimping isn't on the school curriculum. Nothing would surprise me in Thai school system. 

Seriously, these maggots seem to be local Thai men so I'm sure the boy just didn't dream up the idea all by himself. Every chance he has been put up to it by an outsider with the promise of pocket money paid on results. It is the boss pimp on the outside they really should go after; I suspect the boy is only his door to door salesman on the inside.

Good points, perhaps:


- The adult(s) 'helping' used the now 16 yr old as a plaything until he got too old, then pushed him to be the teenage coordinator to produce younger boys?




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I'm thinking back to when I was 13-15.  The notion of selling my body for money never would have ever entered my mind or my environment.  And even if it had, the thought of permitting some 30-60 year old guy stranger to ram his penis up my bum wouldn't have been a very appealing thought.


Either the world has changed, which it surely has, and/or the environment I grew up in was a very different one from the one these kids exist in. Not to mention, there here at all levels being an almost total lack of moral compass as to certain things plainly being good and other things plainly/clearly being wrong and bad.


Here, I can't tell whether that moral compass simply doesn't exist, or it just gets thrown out the window any time the prospect of money is involved.


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9 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I'm thinking back to when I was 13-15.  The notion of selling my body for money never would have ever entered my mind or my environment. 

That's because you led a very sheltered existence. No, times haven't changed, access to information has.

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3 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

agreed.... and I will add......

and at 13............. if you don't believe it just ask their cousins and uncles........

Statistics prove this sad situation........ and statistics show it is even worse some places like India and Cambodia among others..........  It's not a perfect world we live in.... NEVER has been.........  If the kids survive it they are 'lucky' ... some don't like the girl gang raped on a bus in India not so long ago.....


And don't forget Afghanistan, middle aged / old men gain status by having a very pretty masculine 13 yr old boy at their side, all totally accepted by society.



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1 minute ago, nausea said:

That's because you led a very sheltered existence. No, times haven't changed, access to information has.


IMHO opinion that's true, it's been prevalent for decades, forever but the details weren't so public. 


Why? Because a lifetime close friend worked for years as a senior in family and children's service in a big city in a first world country. He had to attend to the more severe cases and he would occasionally tell me and 1 or 2 of his closest friends about just awful cases that has come up recently involving children both boys and girls. He told us because he was distressed himself and he needed to talk to someone.


He told us that his office had to attend to 5 to 10 new cases a day, many were cases of child rape from baby's up to whatever age, often involving incest, sometimes the mother or father, sometimes the mother raping her young son / sometimes the father raping his young daughter. And sometimes family sex with n the mother and daughters forced to watch the husband / father penetrate one or more of his young sons. 


My friend says that on investigation it usually turns out all of the above is often enough copied from generation to generation, with some kids thinking it's normal family activity.


I've mentioned this before when this subject has come up on TV, usually with a couple of replies to the tune 'I don't believe you'.


Very sad indeed but unfortunately it does happen.



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18 minutes ago, scorecard said:


IMHO opinion that's true, it's been prevalent for decades, forever but the details weren't so public. 


Why? Because a lifetime close friend worked for years as a senior in family and children's service in a big city in a first world country. He had to attend to the more severe cases and he would occasionally tell me and 1 or 2 of his closest friends about just awful cases that has come up recently involving children both boys and girls. He told us because he was distressed himself and he needed to talk to someone.


He told us that his office had to attend to 5 to 10 new cases a day, many were cases of child rape from baby's up to whatever age, often involving incest, sometimes the mother or father, sometimes the mother raping her young son / sometimes the father raping his young daughter. And sometimes family sex with n the mother and daughters forced to watch the husband / father penetrate one or more of his young sons. 


My friend says that on investigation it usually turns out all of the above is often enough copied from generation to generation, with some kids thinking it's normal family activity.


I've mentioned this before when this subject has come up on TV, usually with a couple of replies to the tune 'I don't believe you'.


Very sad indeed but unfortunately it does happen.




The difference between your examples and the ones involved here is yours were plain and clear assaults against unwilling victims, whereas here, as far as the article suggests, these teenagers were doing it willingly for compensation, even though as a matter of law, they could not give consent. Not quite the same kettle of fish.


The youngsters in your examples had no choice in the matter.  In this case, based on the article, the kids did have choices and they made them. Hence my raising the issue of "moral compass."



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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so: a local school boy aged 16 could gather 8 school mates aged 13-15 in the local school

willing to sell sex to 150 homosexual men in the 100k city of nakhon sawan.


the cheer scale of prostitution in every direction and flavor in thailand

is mind blowing.

europe does not have anything comparable, and never had

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13 minutes ago, poanoi said:

so: a local school boy aged 16 could gather 8 school mates aged 13-15 in the local school

willing to sell sex to 150 homosexual men in the 100k city of nakhon sawan.


the cheer scale of prostitution in every direction and flavor in thailand

is mind blowing.

europe does not have anything comparable, and never had


I can't prove it, but I'm inclined to believe it, based on years of being an observer here.


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the thought of permitting some 30-60 year old guy stranger to ram his penis up my bum wouldn't have been a very appealing thought.

Why are you coloring this story with the worst possible graphic detail? The “sexual services” mentioned could have been much less, uh... penetrating.
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I guessed facebook would be involved.


Loads of kids are doing this these days. So easy now with the social media. Kids are told ways they can earn easy money and soon are prostituting themselves.


Back in my day when I was a kid, I did a paper round to earn extra pocket money. Another sad sign of the times. Well done the teachers, great work for exposing this.

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

While the story itself is really horrible, the nastiest part is there were 150 sick individuals lined up for a bunch of young boys in just one town. That repeated nationwide would just be horrendous. Even Pattaya would be shocked at those numbers.

Agreed.  there may be some stunning large numbers of involvement out there.

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:

Why are you coloring this story with the worst possible graphic detail? The “sexual services” mentioned could have been much less, uh... penetrating.



Would you feel better, if I had revised my original comment to something instead like, as a teenager...:


"the thought of permitting some 30-60 year old guy stranger to ram his penis in my mouth wouldn't have been a very appealing thought."


You can envision all kinds of different encounters. But when they're all paid prostitution involving underage kids, none of them are any good, no matter how you color it.


Unless, of course, you think the customers/johns were just paying to have a nice chat with the kids.


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6 hours ago, greenchair said:
14 hours ago, atyclb said:

it is a relevant question for many thinking people that include social workers, medical staff, sociologists, etc


in thailand many are already sexually active at age 15

Yes, they are. 

Because gay adults are grooming them and providing rewards to poor children for sexual services. 

They are children. men were having sex with children. It's illegal for a 61 year old man to have sex with a 13 year old boy. 

Children do not have the right to give consent to sex. That's why even if they do consent, it's still rape. 



yes the law sets the age limit for consent but having ready willing able and likely eager 15 year olds (already sexually active within their age group) to do what already do and get money for it is also part of equation. if they are gay already then if gay adults groom them it is no different from hetero adults grooming  hetero 15 year olds to sell sex.

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In 1960 when I was 13 I had to go to a private school ( thanks dad ) . It was a mixed school but only boys , yes all sorts there but an odd time to go through pubity.  Teachers were never involved with the kids as far as I know but with a school of kids aged between 11 and 16 anything might of been going on .  One thing I do remember though was the PE teacher during a muddy game of football asked if anyone had the time , one foul boy said " Yes sir if you have the money ".  Not bad from a 13 yo.

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