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Drunk in charge of a bicycle - Thais set to be fined 500 baht!

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Drunk in charge of a bicycle - Thais set to be fined 500 baht!



Image: Daily News


Thai police are proposing that legislation be changed so that people peddling bicycles are fined if they are drunk.


Pol Maj Gen Ekkarak Limsangkat who chairs a committee looking into changes in the law said that it is time police were able to do something about bicyclists who ride drunk.


At present they often cause accidents on the highways but there is no proper or adequate sanction.


So his committee are proposing that 500 baht fines be issued. 


It will only be levied on bicycle drunks caught on the main roads. 


Being drunk in charge of a bicycle on private property will not be punished. 


The new law would refer to both alcohol and drugs. 


After being fined 500 baht cyclists would be allowed to go home, reported Daily News on Friday. 


More serious fines are in place for drunk motorcyclists, said Maj Gen Ekkarak. 


Source: Daily News


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-06-08
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6 minutes ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

So his committee are proposing that 500 baht fines be issued. 

I can see every alcohol imbiber quaking in their boots, and vowing never to cycle again after even one drop, with such a severe punishment !

Pathetic,  just another luducrously lenient, non deterrent, fine.  :coffee1:

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21 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

I can see every alcohol imbiber quaking in their boots, and vowing never to cycle again after even one drop, with such a severe punishment !

Pathetic,  just another luducrously lenient, non deterrent, fine.  :coffee1:

you are dead wrong, i stopped driving drunk for the risk of aggravation

of being fleeced 200 baht.


i have very seriously contemplating going bicycle

just to circumvent crooked fleecing altogether


Edited by poanoi
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Not going to happen. Sitting at the traffic lights waiting for them to turn green as I type, there's four coppers at the junction directing traffic and pretty much every traffic rule that you can think of has been broken in front of their eyes. Anyone pulled over? Not a chance. 

Edited by ZeVonderBearz
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15 hours ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

Not going to happen. Sitting at the traffic lights waiting for them to turn green as I type, there's four coppers at the junction directing traffic and pretty much every traffic rule that you can think of has been broken in front of their eyes. Anyone pulled over? Not a chance. 

They obviously did not see you breaking the law also or I bet you would get a ticket for using a phone while behind the wheel........Sorry,,,,,,just being facetious.......

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It's difficult not to be cynical given the utter lunacy of imposing laws with virtually no deterrent value.
They are 'dotting their i's' and 'crossing their t's' for the sake of public perception, but passing traffic laws that have no teeth isn't any better than having no laws at all. Well, wait a minute - cui bono - who benefits?  It's a money maker, not a method for ensuring public safety and saving lives.  So from the perspective of the government collecting fines, it's better to have a law that allows shake-downs.

Let's see - shake the drunk down for ฿500 and then let him go?  Explain the logic.  There is none.  It's not enforcing public safety when you release someone who is a danger to themselves and others back onto the road to continue to drive drunk.  Those who make laws here can't be taken serious.  This is codified insanity.   <head shake>

Edited by connda
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17 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

it is time police were able to do something about bicyclists who ride drunk.

The police can't do anything about motorists who drive drunk so what exactly do policy makers think the're going to do about cyclists riding under the influence?! 

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i have rode a bicycle (with extreme caution and motobike helmet) in bangkok. most of those on motobikes dont wear helmets. police cannot stop bicycles as they have no motor or license but im sure theyd like to if the possibility exists to get money.



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15 minutes ago, atyclb said:

but im sure they'd like to if the possibility exists to get money.


This is what I find annoying about the attitude to enforcing the law on the roads here, there are so many areas where they can get money legitimately by enforcing existing traffic laws yet they feel the need to come up with new pathetic laws like this! Beyond my comprehension!! :shock1:

Edited by CGW
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17 minutes ago, mentalcolonization said:

Coming soon. If you are drunk and walking on the street you would be fine. 500b. 555555

I got fined ~50 years ago for being drunk in a public place in the UK, taught me a lesson! ?

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At present they often cause accidents on the highways


No facts. No figures. Just dream up another way for the underpaid BiB to make a few extra baht. Rotten to the core.


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20 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Being drunk in charge of a bicycle on private property will not be punished. 

I often ride my bicycle in my property when I'm drunk. It makes me happy...then my wife takes some selfies with me.

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5 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

They obviously did not see you breaking the law also or I bet you would get a ticket for using a phone while behind the wheel........Sorry,,,,,,just being facetious.......

It's kind of ok to be on your phone when you're the passenger. If I was behind the wheel maybe a fine would have come my way. 

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On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 11:25 AM, observer90210 said:

Very, very, very gould news !!....(for the thai police who will now be able to extort tea-money bribes from the poor also, on their bicycles). It will give the farangs a break?

….or will trigg the need of bicycle taxies….:coffee1:

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I have occasionally had to avoid the village drunks on bicycles (one in particular) but usually spot them in time to give them a wide berth. But honestly, how many of them have 500 baht in their pocket? Most of them have to search all their pockets to find enough for a half bottle of Lao khao when they buy it in our shop. Cannot see the police making much off of them!

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On 6/8/2018 at 4:17 PM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Thai police are proposing that legislation be changed so that people peddling bicycles are fined if they are drunk.

"I'm not peddling my bicycle officer, I'm pedalling it. Sorry, but my bike isn't for sale!"

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