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G7 allies confront Trump with trade numbers in tense G7 summit


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G7 allies confront Trump with trade numbers in tense G7 summit

By Jan Strupczewski and Andreas Rinke



L-R: European Council President Donald Tusk, British Prime Minister Theresa May, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, U.S. President Donald Trump, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker pose for a family photo at the G7 Summit in the Charlevoix city of La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada, June 8, 2018. REUTERS/Yves Herman


LA MALBAIE, Quebec (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump countered a slew of trade numbers from U.S. allies with his own, different data, holding firm to his position that the United States was at a disadvantage, an official at a G7 summit said on Friday as consensus eluded the group's leaders.


Friday's trade session, where G7 allies planned to confront the U.S. president over trade tariffs, had "some emotions" but was civilized and diplomatic, said the official who followed the talks.


"The other leaders presented their numbers and Trump presented his. As expected he did not budge. This is probably not because he does not understand, but because of domestic reasons," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


U.S. trading partners are furious over Trump's decision last week to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from Canada, the European Union and Mexico as part of his "America First" agenda. Some have retaliated.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday floated an idea to set up a way to resolve trade disputes between the United States and its allies, a French official said.


The official described Merkel's suggestion as a "shared assessment and dialogue" mechanism, but gave no further details.


The proposal, made during the two-day Group of Seven nations summit in La Malbaie, Quebec, was strongly supported by other leaders present, the official said, adding that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said he was ready to invest personally in it. Juncker has also offered to visit Washington for a common assessment of EU-US trade to help resolve the dispute, an official said.


Expectations for a breakthrough at the summit, however, are low, with U.S. allies focussed on avoiding rupturing the G7, which in its 42-year history has tended to seek consensus on major issues.


"It's highly unlikely there will be a final communique," a G7 official said on condition of anonymity.


Merkel said it was not clear whether the group would issue a final directive, adding that failure to do so would be an honest reflection of the lack of agreement among Canada, the United States, Japan, Britain, Italy, France and Germany. The EU is also attending the summit.


British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday warned both Trump and the EU of the dangers of entering a tit-for-tat trade war over tariffs, urging both sides to instead focus on China's excess steel production.


Trump set the tone before leaving Washington on Friday.


"We're going to deal with the unfair trade practices. If you look at what Canada, and Mexico, the European Union - all of them - have been doing to us for many, many decades. We have to change it. And they understand it's going to happen," Trump said.


Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron had what was described by a French official as a "very cordial" discussion about trade and North Korea. The leaders had exchanged terse messages on Twitter ahead of the summit.


Merkel and Trump also had a brief conversation at the summit. Asked by reporters whether he would relent on tariffs, Trump looked at Merkel and said: "I don't know. Ask this great lady."


Trump’s "America First" message to allies has hardened since he brought hardline national security adviser John Bolton on to his team.


He plans to leave the summit four hours earlier than originally planned to fly to Singapore to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the White House said.


G7 chiefs have largely praised Trump for his efforts to stabilise the Korean peninsula, but they are unhappy he pulled out of an international agreement to limit Iran's nuclear ambitions.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-06-09
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If you see the video of Trump talking to Macron he looks really stressed, he keeps touching his face as if to reassure himself. 

Edited by sandrabbit
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2 hours ago, Estrada said:

FACT: There is NO Trade Deficit against the United States, the US does not take into account all those huge US companies who manufacture overseas and only send their profits back to the the US, if forced to do so. For instance, if US companies manufactured all their products such as Apple, Nike etc, in the US, then perhaps a Trillions more Dollars would be added to the US Export figures. However, companies manufacturing overseas only return profits but add to the US Import bill 100% of the wholesale or intercompany price.

In the United States, the Bureau of Economic Analysis measures and defines the trade deficit. It defines U.S. imports as goods and services produced in a foreign country and bought by U.S. residents. It includes all goods shipped to the United States, even if produced by an American-owned company. If a product crosses U.S. Customs and is intended to be sold in America, it is an import. This is unfair as illustrated by the Trump's manufacturing Trump products in China using low cost labour and materials and then shipping them back to the US. for Instance Trump's "Make America Great Again" red caps and ties, Ivanka's products. Apple were able to takeover the world mobile phone market from Nokia by Manufacturing in China. This is what Trump calls "Fair Trade"


Brilliant!! Thanks for explaining those details to me and anyone who will listen. However, try and explain it to a Trump supporter and all you get is an uneducated blank stare and a wave of the hand. Please don't confuse them with facts.

Edited by Spike1938
to add a line
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58 minutes ago, Sakeopete said:

You are making an assumption that he doesn't understand. He is very intelligent don't be fooled by liberal media. America makes up 25% of the world's trade Trump knows he is in a position of power in the negotiations. He can publicly say anything he wants as long as it supports his voters view. Many politicians do that look at all the stupid things Thai politicians say that we laugh at. They don't say those things for international consumption they are meant for a domestic audience.

By forming the paragraph above you have proven you are orders of magnitude smarter than 45.


No based on any media. Just listening to him and reading his twits.

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3 hours ago, Estrada said:

FACT: There is NO Trade Deficit against the United States, the US does not take into account all those huge US companies who manufacture overseas and only send their profits back to the the US, if forced to do so. For instance, if US companies manufactured all their products such as Apple, Nike etc, in the US, then perhaps a Trillions more Dollars would be added to the US Export figures. However, companies manufacturing overseas only return profits but add to the US Import bill 100% of the wholesale or intercompany price.

In the United States, the Bureau of Economic Analysis measures and defines the trade deficit. It defines U.S. imports as goods and services produced in a foreign country and bought by U.S. residents. It includes all goods shipped to the United States, even if produced by an American-owned company. If a product crosses U.S. Customs and is intended to be sold in America, it is an import. This is unfair as illustrated by the Trump's manufacturing Trump products in China using low cost labour and materials and then shipping them back to the US. for Instance Trump's "Make America Great Again" red caps and ties, Ivanka's products. Apple were able to takeover the world mobile phone market from Nokia by Manufacturing in China. This is what Trump calls "Fair Trade"



Good points, well made! The world is indeed much more complex now and statistics can be provided to support any argument by the way they are constructed and measured.


The "skill" if you can call it that, of modern politicians lies in exploiting that complexity and persuading the electorates of their own agendas. 


To that end, Trump continues to persuade his supporters. The exceptions to this are the dictators who create their own view of reality and then try to impose it on their "electorate' to rubber stamp. 

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If I charge you 20% import duties and your charging me 274% then that is clearly not fair and I would want to get tthat to an equal standing especially since its been like that for years without challenge.

I really dont understand what all the negativity is about Trump is evening the playing field for the American peole 

I find it laughable that Canada is bitching about the tarifs trump impose on Canada steel which is still only 30 odd percent but Canada is just fine charging 274% duty  on US dairy products 

Quite laughable 

Trump is doing exactly what he said he would WORKING FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and that is why he was voted in 

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

More than likely sex tapes, of orgies in Moscow hotel suites, with underage girls. Think about it. What did Putin do before he became a dictator? What was his training? His first instinct would be to get some dirt on Trump, in the event he ever engaged in negotiations with him, or in case he ever became president. It makes sense. And it also makes sense that Tiny D. would NOT be able to resist this. He is a sex freak. He loves to grab the pussies, and stick his tongue in the mouth of any beautiful woman he sees, remember? He said this himself. So, how would he be able to resist? It was probably the easiest sting King Vlad ever conducted. And he may even have tapes of Trumps participation in the Orgy Island escapades. Also many underage women. He is documented to have gone on 22 of these trips with Jeffrey Epstein. 


And the summit in North Korea will probably be the easiest meeting of Kim's career. He is getting exactly what he wants, without giving anything in return. Denuclearization? In your dreams. America first please. That will be exactly what Kim will request! If the US, the UK, China, Japan, Russia, Israel, Pakistan, India, and any other power denuclearize, we will too. They did not spend tens of billions, just to give it all away.



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8 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Why are you just repeat the lies of Trump?
First inform yourself about the correct facts!
Canadian tariffs on US dairy product imports only apply once the agreed quota is exceeded.
The US exports far more dairy produce into Canada, than Canada exports to the US.
Trump's tactic is to take a number out of a complex context and then populist it, as a word hammer for his voters who are informed little in Detail.

Watch and Learn 

Trump will do EXACTLY what he says he will do the field will be leveled

Mark my word it will be done 

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

More than likely sex tapes, of orgies in Moscow hotel suites, with underage girls

I reckon his "handlers" the Zionists beat them to that?


5 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

What do the Russians have on him he is always defending them

You could ask why the Russians are constantly being "demonised" by the globalist controlled media.


Just saying ?

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