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EXCLUSIVE: Cameroon man in Thailand: My life has been wrecked by false rape accusation

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5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Those who are charged on what turn out to be false accusations already see their false accuser charged with perverting the course of justice, but we are not just talking about them, are we, we are also talking about all the other women you want to see thrown in jail, women who admit are not guilty of making false allegations but for some perverse reason you still want punished.  Something must have gone very badly wrong for you with women, did you not get to touch them before you started paying?

pathological lying through your teeth yet again,

just 20 minutes ago you promised you wouldnt waste my time ever again,

yet here you are, in 20 minutes no less.

sod off brat, seek help or not, but dont disturb me again

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11 minutes ago, poanoi said:

pathological lying through your teeth yet again,

just 20 minutes ago you promised you wouldnt waste my time ever again,

yet here you are, in 20 minutes no less.

sod off brat, seek help or not, but dont disturb me again


Aw, resorting to name calling, how typical of someone whose argument has been revealed to be utter drivel.

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i go for big joke who advised, they came on tourist visa then overstaying, then became love scammers, drug dealers....masquerading as footballers, students coming from cameroon, nigeria .....


thats the plain truth they are criminals, just tryng to attract attntion blaming the thai royal police.




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On 6/9/2018 at 4:45 PM, taipan1949 said:

I agree, how did he support himself so long in Thailand? I lived there with a very good pension but still had to watch my spending.

Strange as it may seem to you, but some people who come here to live in Thailand have accumulated some sort of wealth / have a good income stream through investments / successful online bushiness, where they could comfortably support themselves. Not everyone is on a pension.


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41 minutes ago, Straight8 said:

Strange as it may seem to you, but some people who come here to live in Thailand have accumulated some sort of wealth / have a good income stream through investments / successful online bushiness, where they could comfortably support themselves. Not everyone is on a pension.

"successful online bushiness" You think that is what these 2 guys were into?

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11 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

"successful online bushiness" You think that is what these 2 guys were into?

You don't have much to base any speculation on, they could have been earning money in almost any way, so why doubt that it was an online business?

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On 6/9/2018 at 3:26 PM, Myran said:

A tragic reality that seems all too common. It seems the justice system gets twisted around when it comes to rape allegations from women. It's supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty", but when someone is accused of rape it often seems like that person has the burden of evidence and has to prove he's innocent. There are several cases in Sweden where the only thing that saved accused men from getting lengthy prison sentences and completely ruined lives were audio recordings that proved them innocent.


But even when the woman is found out to be lying, she only gets a suspended sentence and has to pay a thousand bucks in damages. False rape allegations should result in the same punishment as actual rape.

the tragic reality could possibly be that rape did occur. Perhaps she had other motives for ending the charges against him.  Rape can be very hard on the woman who stands up and points a finger. A year in jail waiting alao meant the woman waited and suffered mental anguish all that time as well. If i remember correctly it was established by doctors that she had been raped. For thoee sympathisers to the cameroon man.. i can understand your logic if he really was innocent. But think you fail to look at a different angle to the motives why the woman droppe the charges. 

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On 6/9/2018 at 6:50 PM, Sir Dude said:

A good lesson to be learned here for all non Thais. There is no due process here or due diligence from the RTP, plus you can kiss an apology or compensation goodbye to the wind. Many people get caught out by this 3rd world policing methodology that is in practice here, which is due to a whole load of convoluted mixture of nonsense and zero compassion for anyone (unless rich). You are on shaky moving ground at best...especially if operating in tourist hot-spots. At any moment things can do a 180 and the more attention you bring to yourself the more likely you are to register on the radar of certain entities. Also, have to remember that they are targeting certain sections of tourists that have drawn the attention of the police profilers...nuff said. 

Is there really any justice for Thais either? You make it sound like Thailand is heaven for Thais but double standards only apply to foreigners.


I think a fair trial is just as unlikely for Thais, it's only in certain cases where the case is Thai vs. foreigner that the Thai may hold an advantage but most criminal cases have little to nothing to do with foreigners.

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On 6/10/2018 at 7:52 PM, Sheryl said:

Might be worth considering that this is only one side of the story being given now.


Original news report on the incident is here 



But as noted in previous false rape accusations, the woman's story is always detailed, but usually false.

When the French man was accused at Koh Tao (later proven innocent by video evidence), you said no woman would make up this sort of story, but clearly she did.

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(Apparently I wrote this a couple days ago but forgot to click "submit reply" and it's been sitting in memory ever since.)

Guy from Cameroon refuses to have sex with a woman from Sweden because SHE didn't have a condom ? (Could have said "Guy from ANYWHERE".)

Uh huh. First time I've ever heard that story. Ever.

However, there are a lot of cases of women making false accusations for one reason or another. They rarely get prosecuted for it (or get a tiny slap on the wrist) and the prosecutors justify that with statements about how they don't want women who really were raped to be too scared to come forward.


A lot of people go somewhere on holidays and do things they'd never even think of doing back home. "What happens in Thailand stays in Thailand". Unless of course it doesn't and suddenly you have to come up with a real good story, real quick.

I also suspect that there is more to the story than is being let on. I highly doubt anyone from Cameroon would be shunned by his family and friends for being falsely accused of a crime (or for having been in jail). 
There there's the 4 years on ED visas and not being able to speak Thai part. I'm sure he was here for legitimate reasons though.

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As I noted in my post above, in many cases prosecutors will refuse to charge women who have admitted to making false accusations. I think I wrote that post about 4 days ago (but for some reason didn't actually post it - glad the system remembered it) !

It was eerily strange that just this morning an article appeared in my news feed about a woman (in Canada) who made a false accusation of sexual assault and then, a few weeks later, admitted that it had never happened. Of course, nothing at all will happen to her. Even her name gets protected. In case, you know, she ever wants to make another false accusation. (Any time a woman in Canada makes an accusation, her past (sexual) history is not allowed to be brought up, even if she has a history of making false accusations.)


"Our concern right now is that we do not want this news to discourage any other potential victims of sex assault from coming forward," Leykauf said.

"Our investigators will always treat these reports very seriously, and will work with the community to do our best to ensure the public's safety."

Making a false report to police is a crime and can result in criminal charges like public mischief. 

However, Delta police said officers wouldn't be pursuing charges in this case."

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In my first post (2 up) I noted that there must be more to this story. 
Sheryl posted the link to the original news article. Language teacher and his friend arrested for gang rape

However that appears to be a completely different story. Or there is something jiggy going on with the reporting.

In the linked story, the woman was Thai, not Swedish. ("Two Cameroon men were arrested on Thursday for allegedly gang raping a Thai woman in a hotel room")
In the original post of this thread it says "A Cameroon man living in Thailand has told Thaivisa that his life is in ruins after a Swedish woman falsely accused him of rape in Bangkok"


In the linked story, this guy's "friend" was the Thai woman's boyfriend (for about 4 months). ("She said she had gone clubbing on Thursday night and then went to meet Carauwas, her boyfriend of four months, at a hotel room at about 4am on Friday.")

In the original post of this thread, these guys apparently just met the Swedish girl that night (of the alleged incident). ("On October 6th 2016 he went with his friend Patrick (assumed name) for some drinks in Khao San Road where they met the Swedish woman. She went to the ATM to get money and was even buying the men drinks. Didier said she went back to her friend’s room at Fuse where they had consensual sex.")

(I'm guessing he meant she and his friend "Patrick" as he says she came to his room after but he turned her away.) (Note the 2016 date as well.)


In the linked story, his friend "Patrick" was arrested at the language school he was working at, in Kalasin. ("The 25-year-old suspect identified only as Carauwas was apprehended at noon at a Kalasin school where he worked as an English-language teacher.") (The other guy "was arrested later" but it didn't say when/where.)

But in the original post of this thread the guy says "He said that his friend put the woman in a taxi then the police came and arrested them.")


In the linked story, the alleged rape happened in the morning of 22 Sept, 2017. ("Breaking News September 28, 2017 16:58" - "last week") (They were at the club on Thursday night, 21 Sept, but the incident allegedly happened around 4 am the next morning - 22 Sept and the arrests happened a few days after that.)

But according to the article in the Cameroon News (which is almost identical to the original post) the event happened in October - 2016. ("The incident that led to his arrest happened in October 2016. It was the following July before he was released. Since then he has had to do a year’s probation, he said.")

(The Cameroon News article on 9 June 2018 links to a ThaiVisa article that apparently doesn't exist anymore.) 


In the linked news article this guy is identified by a different name than he is (or was) in the story at the start of this thread (as noted in the Cameroon News linked article which seems to have been and exact cut and paste of the ThaiVisa article that doesn't exist anymore). 
His friend is also identified by different names in the linked story and in the Cameroon News linked ThaiVisa article.

Also odd is that apparently his friend "disappeared" after his release. Whether the incident happened in October 2016 (17 months ago) or Sept 2017 (9 months ago) - it seems they both got off pretty lightly on a rape charge. (Even if they "confessed" and got 50% of the normal sentence, that means they would have been given a sentence of less than 3 years for "gang rape". Or just 18 months if they were out in 9 months.)

Things would get even more confusing if one read about the Thai woman in Ubon Ratchathani who claimed (on 27 Sept 2017 - almost exactly the same time as the linked story) that she was raped by her Cameroon boyfriend's "friend" ("after a night out in the central area of town she arranged to meet her Cameroonian boyfriend Karoo, 25, who she had known for four months.")

She claims she went to a hotel room and had sex with her Cameroon boyfriend. Supposedly, later on the boyfriend suddenly decided he needed to run out and buy some condoms. Allegedly after he left the other guy came into the room, crawled into bed with her and, when she realized he wasn't her boyfriend, he violently raped her.


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Also note that in the news article that Sheryl linked, it says:

"Police investigated the scene and applied for arrest warrants based on the hotel’s CCTV footage."

So if there was actual CCTV footage, it would show if the woman did go into one room with 2 men (and run away afterwards) or if she went into one room and then later tried to go to another room and then was walked out the front door and put into a taxi.

Recall the story a couple years ago of the 3 Australian women in (Pattaya or Phuket ?) who one morning skipped out on their hotel bills and flew back to Australia, then went to the media (but not the police) and reported that one of them had been raped in her hotel room. Of course, they were all so scared that they couldn't possibly stop long enough to pay their bill before hopping into a taxi and heading to the airport ! My goodness, they were so scared they barely had time to pack everything !


Of course, when the police investigated what did they find ? CCTV footage of one of the women bringing 2 guys back to her room and then later on she is seen standing at the door wearing just a towel as she waves good bye to the 2 guys she'd just had a threesome with. Then the 3 women pack up and head to the airport, having absolutely no intention of paying their hotel bill from the beginning.

So if the police in this case did get arrest warrants based on CCTV footage, you'd have to think that things weren't as innocent as is being claimed by (whoever the guy is).

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On 6/10/2018 at 7:52 PM, Sheryl said:

Might be worth considering that this is only one side of the story being given now.


Original news report on the incident is here 




Sheryl, I'm hoping I'm not confused here.


The Nation article you just linked to involves one case with a Thai woman as the alleged victim in Ubon.


The OP article in this thread says it involved a Swedish woman as the alleged victim and occurred in Bangkok.


So two different cases with two different alleged victims?


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