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Iraq extradites suspected killer of 14-year-old girl to Germany


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Iraq extradites suspected killer of 14-year-old girl to Germany

By Michael Nienaber


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Twenty-year-old Iraqi Ali B. is escorted by special police upon his arrival in Wiesbaden, Germany, June 9, 2018, after his arrest by police in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, admitting to the rape and murder of Susanna F., a 14-year-old German girl. REUTERS/Ralph Orlowski


BERLIN (Reuters) - Iraq has extradited a 20-year-old Iraqi suspected of raping and killing a 14-year-old girl in Germany last month, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said on Saturday.


"I'm glad that the alleged perpetrator wanted by German authorities is back in Germany," Seehofer said in a statement, adding that the investigation of the case could now be accelerated.


"For the girl's family, that is only a small consolation, and my thoughts are with them during these difficult hours," Seehofer said. "But for the state and our society, it is important that crimes are cleared up and suspects are brought to justice."


Police in the Kurdistan region of Iraq said on Saturday the Iraqi suspect had admitted to the murder of 14-year-old Susanna Feldman in Germany, where the case has stoked the immigration debate.


The Jewish teenager from Mainz near Frankfurt was found dead on Wednesday in a wooded area in Wiesbaden, near a refugee centre where the alleged attacker had lived, German police said.


An autopsy showed she had been the victim of a violent and sexual attack. Police said there was no evidence her religion had been a factor and the Central Council of Jews in Germany cautioned against attributing any anti-Semitic motive.


Kurdish security forces had taken the suspect, identified by German authorities as Ali Bashar, into custody on Friday after he fled from Germany last week.


"Officers in Zakho (in Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region) called me and said they had located the suspect and would arrest him as soon as he comes to the city," Dohuk city police chief Tariq Ahmed told Reuters.


"He had been staying at a hotel in Dohuk and after realising the police were after him left for Zakho to stay at a relative's house. He was asleep there at night and was arrested in that house at 5:30 (a.m.)," Ahmed said.


He said the suspect had confessed to killing the German teenager during interrogation by Kurdish security authorities.




German media reported earlier that Bashar was expected to be extradited to Germany on Saturday evening and questioned by German investigators on Sunday.


German federal police declined to comment on the details emerging from the suspect's arrest or on the report on the timing of extradition.


Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her dismay at the crime and said it should be a reminder to Germans of the need to do whatever possible for the integration of immigrants.


"The incredible suffering experienced by the family, the victim, affects everyone, including me," she said on the sidelines of a G7 summit meeting in Canada.


"The cooperation in this regard between German and Kurdish security authorities worked well here ... It is good that the alleged perpetrator was caught, that he probably also will be returning to Germany," Merkel said.


She added, "This is a reminder to all of us, first, to take the task of integration very seriously, to make our common values very clear, again and again. But also to punish any crime. We can only live together if we all stick to our laws."


Merkel's decision to take in large numbers of asylum seekers during Europe's 2015 migrant crisis has stirred a political backlash, with many politicians calling for new rules to make it easier to deport immigrants.


Bashar had been living in Germany as a refugee since 2015, German media have reported.


German police set up a special call centre for tips from the public and issued releases in Arabic and Turkish. They said on Thursday that Bashar had likely fled to Erbil in the KRG.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-06-10



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3 hours ago, InfinityandBeyond said:

Magically, has enough money to flee Germany and get all the way back to Iraq immediately after committing the crime.

The whole 8 person clan fled after they received the monthly handouts.


6 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

is not permitted to be reported in the media....

In this case the main stream media could not hold the doors locked.

It just too obvious. An exemplar case for those young criminals.

He had a couple of other offenses during his stay.


I have mixed feelings about this quick capture.

Of course it is good that he could not escape justice.


1) It is an excellent case to silence the public with nice paroles about the strength of the prosecution forces, bring him to justice etc. pp. A "singular case" as the many before.

The PC press/public already warned against using the case for political purposes.

Silent you stupid voters, check the box as you are used to!


2) German court system is slow and weak, undercut by leftist judges who care more about protection of the culprit than the victims.

Will they find an expert that testifies the culprit being "unripe", "traumatized"?

Not fit to stand trial as an adult but as a juvenile?

May he end with a couple of years?


The "Die Linke" ("the left") party (successor of East German communist party) picked a nice day (yesterday) to decide that "open borders" is still the right choice for the country.


Edited by KhunBENQ
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8 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

poor guy, dragged back to the lenient courts of Germany where he will rot in a luxurious prison for a couple of years.

I lived in Iraq for a number of years, in fact I had an office in both Zakho and Dahouk.   I was witness to a few people picked up for crimes.   It took the police there a very short time to extract a confession.   They are pretty brutal. 


So, yes, I would have to agree that for him Germany is a much better option.  

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22 hours ago, Khun Robert said:

So you leave Iraq because it is to dangerous to live.

You stay with your family for several years in a refugee center in Germany.

Still not knowing if you can stay in Germany.

You kill a young girl, run back to unsave Iraq with the whole family.

Get arrested in Iraq, confess the crime, send back to Germany to face the law.

Get in prison for a few years, after these years eligible to live and stay in Germany.

Allowed to reunion with his whole family, looks like mission accomplished.

Agree entirely, but surely he will receive a life term for murder?  And if it ends up being the typical watered down version of 'life', he will be deported back to Iraq when he is released?


(I'm ASSUMING he's guilty of this horrendous crime as he and his family fled back to Iraq.)

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