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Let Us Hire Foreigners, Short-Staffed Shop Owners Demand


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1 minute ago, connda said:

Lol.  Yep.  Suddenly they make more money then they ever dreamed about, and they pay it right back out in order to afford to simply live paycheck to paycheck.  "Welcome to the West where everyone is rich!!!"  Right!

You quoted me but it wasn't me, that was Smedly, just to be clear.

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6 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Hard to believe there is a labor shortage in a country of 65 million. It's more of an attitude shortage!


‘Looking for a responsible Thai worker who doesn’t quit whenever they want. The government should find me one.’


The above statement kind of sums it up!

Experience in this shows me thats 100% correct, even when you explain the job in the advert ie work outdoors  can be hot, they still ring up and say they can do it and one week later theyve left.

Ive never  seen such a useless  bunch as many Thai employees, slightest problem and theyre gone. 

Last time one of them "borrowed"  my laptop without permission and I told them they could not do this............you think theyd  apologise???? Nope they will leave immediately, fickle  lazy and  a bad  attitude in many cases, want the money dont want the work, and before all the "would you work for 300 baht a day tossers " pipe in the salary was closer to 800 a  day for working in the field 5  day week free  house water electric motorbike, fish.

Heard it all when leaving none of it true take your pick"Mum sick/dead, Mum accident, Dad dead, hamster sick, alien abduction etc etc  anything but tell you the  truth even when we say to them " if you dont like the job its ok  just tell us so we can find new  staff" nope just lie after lie.

Id  guess 1  in 20 is decent the rest just dross.

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3 hours ago, Jimbo1964 said:

Hiring foreign workers does not mean paying them less. AND I don't believe there is no labour shortage in Thailand. It's just full of people with zero work ethics, who don't want any responsibility and are generally LAZY. Even when you pay them more and give them more benefits. When you find a good one, hold on with both hands. There are some out there.

correct about 1  in 20 from my experience, doesnt matter what you pay them or  how u treat them they just up an go.

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28 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

And you think that bargirls are representative of the Thai labour force, good grief, you should try speaking with a different segment of society!

why not share what you think instead of trying demean my post


and no I don't think the represent Thai employment but are a part of it, and beside that we were talking about work ethic

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6 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

40bt per hour let me think a second  no.

dream on none  will get out of bed for less than 500 a  day and theyre  still crap at that, many folk are so out of touch with current salaries now.

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5 hours ago, PatOngo said:

Because only foreign workers from those countries will work for the  oppressive wages paid! Would you work for approx. 300 thb per day?

Ill tell you what the 300 a  day staff will do................virtually nothing,example, roadside shop sells  trees she told us staff do nothing except  carry the trees to the car for customers and water, she said for the most part of the day they are doing nothing at all, thats  what 300 a  day is for many maybe actually working for 1-2  hours only.

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2 hours ago, missoura said:

Our latest worker lasted about a week. He may or may not show up again and I don’t really care. I have had it with trying to find decent help.  I’ll admit that sweeping leaves, trimming plants and stacking brush in a pile or pushing a lawnmower is boring and can be tiring. But, my wife can clean the driveway in about an hour and the average worker around here takes about a ½ day.


I have done all of the menial farm chores around our place and it ain’t hard work. But, throughout the years, we have had workers come and go. B300 a day is what we pay.


Another difficulty is that most of my Thai workers have not been able to tell time, even though they always seem to be holding a phone. Show up late, long lunch and leave early. They also get confused about the fringe benefits. Actually, there isn’t any. That means my circular saw or any of my tools cannot be borrowed, nor my motorcycle used to go get lunch. Plus the chicken and duck eggs are not for the taking.


One lady in the photo  below decided that our pavilion refrigerator was a perfect place to store her family’s food. That way, she could cut down on her electric bill. She even began to bring her family's phones over to charge.  Another worker discovered my chocolate milk and she must have enjoyed the taste. She drank a 1/2 gallon in one week.


One worker saw that we recycle plastic bottles and thought it was a great idea. So she tried to start a recycling center at the back of our property. It was shut down.


A young man stopped by one evening and asked if we had any work. He was married with two kids and needed some money. I said start tomorrow. He never showed up. Every time I go to the market, I see him. Laying in the hammock.


We may end up going Burmese yet...


Sheesh Its  all sounds very familiar and exactly what Ive had, some really take the piss and I usually boot em off telling em why. In 5  years had 1  good  worker the rest all had some sort of "problem"

But you know the best part, theyll run to the village and instead of saying how crap they were they tell everyone they know "Falang Fussy" kin hilarious!!

We do hear form many other Thai employees  though they have the EXACT same problems, last road builder we  had said they often stole steel from him. And they all get minimum 500 day round here.

Burmese, sorry to tell you they now only want factory work with overtime and will dump any factory when that overtime stops, spoke with several agents about this and they confirm it, also a lot of  hassle  now and BIG fines for incorrect paperwork which will cost you a  fair  bit and...guess what,  you do it all and 1  month later.they up an leave.

Edited by kannot
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Thai workers are often unreliable irresponsible and lazy. Our business would be a constant nightmare without Cambodian workers. We provide the permanent workers with fair wage accommodation food and bonus when visiting home.

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i don't know how it works but my girlfriend's restaurant hires workers from Myanmar, pays them a pittance and covers the cost of their visas. She says they work in the bakery that is part of the restaurant chain that she works for. It would seem that bakery and restaurant work would be limited to Thai workers. I wonder if someone is being bought off? Something fishy about this arrangement. Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here?



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45 minutes ago, smedly said:

why not share what you think instead of trying demean my post


and no I don't think the represent Thai employment but are a part of it, and beside that we were talking about work ethic


Whether the subject is work ethic or remuneration is irrelevant, using bar girls as an example to support an argument is foolish. They represent such a small proportion of the labour market plus, using them as examples detracts from any credibility of the posters argument since the horizon is so clearly limited in terms of social scope.

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What came first? The chicken or the egg? The useless, unreliable, lazy, unskilled employees resulting in the pennies they're paid or the low earnings which result in employees having zero interest or motivation in doing a good job, acquiring new skills and being loyal to the company?  

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

Agree 100% with that but it is a complex issue, they see tourists coming here and spending loads of money - they see retired expats here spending loads of money and they look at themselves and wonder what went wrong for them, what they don't see is the hard work and long hours that allows tourists to come on a holiday and expats to retire, they think we go home and do nothing or did nothing.


I know a few Thai women that married Farangs and moved to the west thinking it would all be easy - they got a shock when they found themselves actually having to work to support themselves.


I speak to bargirls here who laze about drinking and partying and getting money for generally enjoying themselves - they call that work - it definitely isn't

So you believe that unless your fingers are bleeding you are not working, good luck with that. If people in Thailand didn't work the country would not work. 

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2 hours ago, kannot said:

dream on none  will get out of bed for less than 500 a  day and theyre  still crap at that, many folk are so out of touch with current salaries now.

Not correct many shop work based jobs advertised yesterday in CM 40bph my Mrs was looking so I offered 41bth to make me coffee all day.

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

Agree 100% with that but it is a complex issue, they see tourists coming here and spending loads of money - they see retired expats here spending loads of money and they look at themselves and wonder what went wrong for them, what they don't see is the hard work and long hours that allows tourists to come on a holiday and expats to retire, they think we go home and do nothing or did nothing.


I know a few Thai women that married Farangs and moved to the west thinking it would all be easy - they got a shock when they found themselves actually having to work to support themselves.


I speak to bargirls here who laze about drinking and partying and getting money for generally enjoying themselves - they call that work - it definitely isn't

Agree 100% with that but it is a complex issue, they see tourists coming here and spending loads of money - they see retired expats here spending loads of money and they look at themselves and wonder what went wrong for them, what they don't see is the hard work and long hours that allows tourists to come on a holiday and expats to retire, they think we go home and do nothing or did nothing.


But they don't see us when we're in our clown uniform at a school. 

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9 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

Same-same in the UK. One of the reasons they want mass-immigration is to get people from p***-poor countries to come & work for next to nothing!! The race-to-the-bottom.

Wrong they did not come for work. They came for benefits.

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I've employed both local and Burmese staff on the same rate. The locals disappear on a whim and the Burmese, they are much more loyal and stay as they are here to work AND make money. Burmese any day.


Having said that, outside of the tourist areas, there are also a hell of a lot of hard working locals working two + jobs so that they can support their families. Some working 12-15 hour days with only one day off a week.


The minimum salary in Thailand differs depending on the province.



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12 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

Same-same in the UK. One of the reasons they want mass-immigration is to get people from p***-poor countries to come & work for next to nothing!! The race-to-the-bottom.

Who else is going to hand pick the fruit and veg?? 

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It's so simple 

Pay peanuts get monkeys. 


Greedy thais and very greedy farang paying Maids the bare minimum etc would rather have no staff than to pay a salary that will keep them. They now want Cambodians that they can screw even harder. 


Hope the silly women hiding in OP works her fingers to the bones without staff ?

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My wife's family and old friends in Thailand are predominately of Vietnamese origin a generation or two back.  Different mindset and work ethic, at least the older ones.  Work hard, build a dynasty.  Her younger half-Thai siblings are fun and good-hearted, but tend to live for the moment.  About half their kids are lazy. Prevailing culture and upbringing... 


Wifey bumped into an old childhood friend the other day in Chiang Khan (Loei province) at an "Old Ladies of Loei" meeting at a hotel.  Her buddy (& hubby) own the hotel, one of two in Loei.  Right on the Mekong River just outside town.  Not too shabby.



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8 hours ago, djayz said:

What came first? The chicken or the egg? The useless, unreliable, lazy, unskilled employees resulting in the pennies they're paid or the low earnings which result in employees having zero interest or motivation in doing a good job, acquiring new skills and being loyal to the company?  

Im pretty sure many have been treated like shit and when they get to us  they just dont appreciate us or think we'll screw them down at some point. I can see this and hence they up an go with no warning.

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7 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

Agree 100% with that but it is a complex issue, they see tourists coming here and spending loads of money - they see retired expats here spending loads of money and they look at themselves and wonder what went wrong for them, what they don't see is the hard work and long hours that allows tourists to come on a holiday and expats to retire, they think we go home and do nothing or did nothing.


But they don't see us when we're in our clown uniform at a school. 

or when working more than 12  hours a  day sometimes 7 am to 10pm at night for 10+ years painting and decorating in the Uk like I did from age 20 to 36 with no lunch break, I could never bear to stop and thought it  just prolonged the job and wasted a  whole hour each day,

I slowed down from 36 onwards to 10 hours a  day and retired at 44 with enough made to cover me for life, always a saver.

Id  really like to help many of the staff that come to us but they all have  more or less the same "no future" attitude, never think of tomorrow and they could stay with us forever and  id more than likely eventually give them some land and a  house "if" they were honest, reliable, loyal etc

Last Burmese lad was great for about 14  months then went  downhill fast, I used to go back to the Uk and always brought him something back, knowing he was a mad Chelsea? fan I even got him a genuine  Captains signed shirt bought in the UK.

Unfortunately it does harden you up to the next people who come although we have after 6  months trying found 2 people (Thai) who seem really good , at the moment its very early days though. I really hope they are the real deal this time but dont expect too much as disappointment is almost the norm, sadly.

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2 hours ago, Damrongsak said:

My wife's family and old friends in Thailand are predominately of Vietnamese origin a generation or two back.  Different mindset and work ethic, at least the older ones.  Work hard, build a dynasty.  Her younger half-Thai siblings are fun and good-hearted, but tend to live for the moment.  About half their kids are lazy. Prevailing culture and upbringing... 


Wifey bumped into an old childhood friend the other day in Chiang Khan (Loei province) at an "Old Ladies of Loei" meeting at a hotel.  Her buddy (& hubby) own the hotel, one of two in Loei.  Right on the Mekong River just outside town.  Not too shabby.



See the same with staff here, "some" of the older ones can be good but even then many have become "hammock swingers" as I call them.

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2 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

It's so simple 

Pay peanuts get monkeys. 


Greedy thais and very greedy farang paying Maids the bare minimum etc would rather have no staff than to pay a salary that will keep them. They now want Cambodians that they can screw even harder. 


Hope the silly women hiding in OP works her fingers to the bones without staff ?

You aint got a clue, doesnt matter what you pay Thais, many are simply lazy.

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3 hours ago, South said:

I've employed both local and Burmese staff on the same rate. The locals disappear on a whim and the Burmese, they are much more loyal and stay as they are here to work AND make money. Burmese any day.


Having said that, outside of the tourist areas, there are also a hell of a lot of hard working locals working two + jobs so that they can support their families. Some working 12-15 hour days with only one day off a week.


The minimum salary in Thailand differs depending on the province.



We used to use an agent for Burmese but now many have stopped  doing it, interested "how" you find yours? and  we found even Burmese were up and  leaving in the last  2-3 years

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9 hours ago, Fruit Trader said:

Thai workers are often unreliable irresponsible and lazy. Our business would be a constant nightmare without Cambodian workers. We provide the permanent workers with fair wage accommodation food and bonus when visiting home.

How  do you find Cambodian workers?

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