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Petchaburi Brit tops the overstay list in latest crackdown on foreign criminals


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4 hours ago, stropper said:

well said i am with you, bloody had enough of whinging pommy bludgers !


You could have been one of us if your ancestors had behaved themselves a little better

Obviously he has been following the cricket

Edited by oldlakey
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12 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

What on earth caused him to be at Bang Kwang mens' prison? Had he been convicted of a serious crime?

Normally they end up at the Immigration Detention Centre  on Suan Plu,  South Sathon, Bangkok.

Sorry that the only prison i know in Thailand I am not up on the prisons like you are? But its good to see you put me straight thanks. I was told he was locked up then deported  But the story was about if you are on overstay you are better off not telling anyone, especially Thais because there is money to be made by dobing  in a farang or foreigner. It is a fair amount they can earn i have been told

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13 hours ago, JaiLai said:

Yes, i'm aware.


Was your PP not submitted to the hospital with visa in it? were no family members or friends aware or your visa requirements?


I see so many of your comments in other threads such as "hang the fool" or "bloody idiots" or "throw away the key" or "he needs a bloody good kicking" but it's a bit different when the shoes on the other foot, you expect them to bend the rules just for you?


You really should relax and be happy....it will bring you peace, try to slowly count to ten when you feel the red mist coming...

Then grab a beer and drinks lots of it and you will be very merry indeed

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

Germans, Russians Netted In This Week’s ‘X-Ray’ Foreigner Raids

By Jintamas Saksornchai, Staff Reporter



Maj. Gen. Surachet ‘Big Joke’ Hakpan, standing in brown, addresses a group of foreign detainees outside the Montien Hotel in Bangkok’s Bang Rak district.


BANGKOK — More than 100 foreigners were arrested Thursday night in yet another raid targeting schools, hotels and restaurants nationwide.


The latest round of the tourist police’s weekly operation saw 110 foreigners rounded up from 83 locations across the country for allegedly overstaying their visas, entering the country illegally or committing drug-related crimes.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2018/06/22/germans-russians-netted-in-this-weeks-x-ray-foreigner-raids/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2018-06-22

USA immigration is Big Joke. Here it is a great safeguard for all the legal folks and citizens alike!! 

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X-Ray Outlaw Foreigner

Well, the 15th raid brought in badasses with upto 187 days overstay. Once you're done with such monumental crimes and the alien farang front is cleaned - I might suggest that the same police "force" starts "X-raying Outlaw Thais" for a change; the counter through would have to be able to accommodate a six if not seven digit number. 

Keep up the good work! 

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just tip of the iceberg , u can find 100s any night of the week from sukhumvit rd soi 3 to infinity selling at there

street stalls , pushing pamphlets in your face, hassling you, indian arab restaurants, african prostitution etc, etc, no work permits 

Edited by Mad mick
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19 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Right, this is small fry.


15 years ago here in Chiang Mai, I knew a 62 year old English guy who had overstayed 9 years. His nickname was sailor because he claimed to be ex-navy. Not only was he on overstay he even boasted about it. As far as I can remember he never got caught. 


As you say; chippendale, bet there are those who have overstayed for years and managed to stay off the radar. But now with technology it`s becoming much easier to tag these people and it`s going to be much more difficult to buck the system. The banks, hospitals and the separate police departments are beginning to communicate with each other, not only nationally, but also internationally. Welcome to the technological age of Big Brother.

"Welcome to the technological age of Big Brother."


...and effective law enforcement!  ?

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1 hour ago, billybog said:


Col u are still here ok Just be thankful. I have to get a new visa every 3 months now because they canceled my marriage visa due to being a dumbarse and not getting a re-entry visa last time I left the country Entirely my mistake. So I have to get a non-immigrant visa When I can again I will apply for my marriage visa because it last 1 year and all you have to do is report 90 days NO BIG DEAL Besides I don't mind a trip to Laos The beer is great and people are friendly and it gets me out of the house for 2 days. Have a nice day Col ok

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8 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

They arrested a 70 year old Brit...  I'm sure that Thailand is a much safer place now!  ?

70 is too old to be busted for breaking a law every over-stayer would know? Would you arrest them at 65? 60?  Where is the cut-off point? Should they not have an over-stay law?

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19 hours ago, grumbleweed said:

Typical British traveller, think the empire still exists and they can still colonise any land they step foot on.

Now let's see who's dumb enough to take offence at this without me having to spell it out

Maybe the 70 year old Brit was in a dystopian time loop

I'm curious, please spell it out, are you jealous. ?

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18 hours ago, dddave said:

Made the error of buying that book after a long thread on this forum several years ago.  What a waste of money!   Totally self-serving and self-absorbed, bragging about all the people who's kindness he has taken advantage of and then using funds donated for food and medical care to buy more booze and go on another bender...and he thinks this is perfectly cool.  Has no feelings of responsibility for children he has fathered or wives he has left caring for those offspring.  He does occasionally try to contact them...if he thinks he can guilt them into a handout.

Nothing whatsoever redeeming about this lout. Nothing but a parasite.

No argument here. It does offer a bit of insight into what sort of values, way of dealing with the world can lead a person into situation like Steve's. I had no illusions that he was unfortunate victim of circumstances, and acted accordingly regarding supporting him with cash. That said, I still enjoyed him as a friend/acquaintance I'd talk with nearly every day. I taught emotionally disturbed teens, so perhaps that background allowed me to look beyond his shortcomings and just interact with the person under all those poor choices.

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19 hours ago, JaiLai said:

As far as i'm aware if due to medical conditions you're unable to make it to immigration then so long as it's supported by doctors note someone else can do the extension on your behalf?


A lot of your comments seem to be very aggressive Colin, there's not really any need for that....

Actually the 90 days is one of the few reports that does not have to be made in person. I have frequently done it for others, no problem.


Also, I dragged an  elderly acquaintance with poor mobility to Immigration to renew his retirement extension and multi-entry. They said "don't bring him back here again, just do it for him!"

They asked me to bring a digital photo of him on my phone when I went to collect his passport.

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15 hours ago, hotchilli said:

If you live in Thailand at a permanent residence, have a marriage, retirement or another type of one year visa and happen to go for a short trip & stay in a hotel, I don't really get the point of having to go to your local immigration on return to report you've arrived back home ???

Maybe I'm missing something?

I fit all the conditions in your first sentence, except one - I did not stay in a hotel, I stayed with Thai friends. Before going on my trip, I happened to be in Jomtien Immigration, so I explained my intentions to the officer at the front desk and asked him whether I needed to report my return after two weeks absence. I surreptitiously recorded his reply, which was, as long as I did not leave the country, then no, I need not report. I then asked him, was a border crossing at Mae Sai/Thaichilek for a few hours OK, he said, no problem as long as no more than 24 hours.


But, no guarantees! Do your own research, and bear the consequences of your own actions.

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1 hour ago, Essaybloke said:

70 is too old to be busted for breaking a law every over-stayer would know? Would you arrest them at 65? 60?  Where is the cut-off point? Should they not have an over-stay law?

I would love a waiver for 80 please take up a petition 4 me

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40 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Arrest an old age pensioner and some blacks, have a photoshoot and tell everyone that they are cleaning up crime in Thailand.


The feeble-minded lap it up.


Meanwhile, for the organised criminal gangs in uniform that run the country it is very much business as usual. 

You have obviously missed the point here.....they are ILLEGAL, and have no business being in Thailand and all need to be deported. 

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18 minutes ago, colinneil said:

There are many posters on here who think they are whiter than white, never dropped litter, never jay walked.

Some posters on here have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, but spout off anyway, in doing so they make themselves look stupid.

Reading your post it looks like you are 1 of them.

C'mon Col,just admit-you are a crim..how do you sleep at nights??


Hmm..but you have admitted it on one of the mightiest public internet forums known to hominid kind..

There is no hope for you..?

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