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English National Anthem.

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Used google translate, could have done it myself but too lazy


The original version of the song is by Heinrich Harries, who in the "Flensburger Wochenblatt für Jedermann" on January 27, 1790 
under the title "Song for the Danish subject to sing on his king's birthday in the melody of the English folk song God save George 
the King "On the occasion of the birthday of King Christian VII. It began with the words: "Hail, the dear ruler of the Fatherland! Heil 
Christian dir! "In a version of Balthasar Gerhard Schumacher rewritten to the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm II, it appeared on 
December 17, 1793 as" Berliner Volksgesang "in the" Berlinische Nachrichten von Staats- und schehrten Sachen "(short as
" Spenersche Newspaper ") with the subtitle" God Save the King ", with which the melody was also specified here. The song, 
which soon became popular, became a state-official character after it had been played at the Berlin Royal National Theater 
in the presence of the King on May 25, 1795
  • Like 1
20 minutes ago, beano2274 said:

it is in the Home Country Forum???

I think he did the post at the same time I was moving it to here from general.

  • Thanks 1

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