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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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2 hours ago, blazes said:


You mean, just like in the America of not just Trump but all the presidents who came before him?  For example, the Great Crisis of 2008/9 brought misery to many, but untold wealth for most of Wall Street. The environmental degradation has been going on for decades and the "slavery" you refer to has crept up on all those drones now "working" for Amazon.


And all through these last five decades, the US has encouraged right-wing coups and fascist oppression in its own backyard...


In fact, Brexit has not (yet?) produced the oppression everywhere to be seen in America.


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2 hours ago, The Renegade said:

Brilliant answer, for someone who cannot read or comprehend English. I asked you 5 questions


Still waiting ?


And if you cannot answer, do not attempt a strawman response.

No body has suggested that the referendum was right wing.


However the populists who voted for this moronic move have allowed themselves to be hijacked by the Tory right wing.


Got it?


The majority who voted Brexit will not like what they will be served by the Cons.



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2 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


You said in response to a discussion about Brexit “I don’t regard rightwing coups a laughing matter”


You have been understandably backtracking since then; first you said “no, it has been turned into a rightwing coup”  ….. now you are saying “it has been used as the pretext of a coup” and without any sense of irony, you still seem to think you understand what “coup” means

My statement related specifically to the result of the referendum ‘the vote to leave the EU’.

The vote to leave the EU is a result, it happened it is passed tense.


My statement in response to Vogie’s question: 

So in your eyes a majority vote to leave the EU is a right wing coup. Am I hearing this correctly? 





It it has been turned into a rightwing coup.” ( my reasoning and example followed).


When you yourself struggled to understand what I had said I rephrased my answer for you.


“I have explained how I believe the referendum has been used as the pretext of a coup, a point others agree with but you seem unable to even grasp, despite it having been explained to you!”


I have not stated the vote to leave the EU was a coup, (I explicitly stated it was not).


I have stated it has been turned into a coup ( giving examples and my reasoning), I have stated it has been used as the pretext of a coup.


I have not at any point back tracked.


Rather than challenge the evidence that the government is in fact using the referendum result to embark on a a rightwing coup, you set about deconstructing my posts to try to prove your own unfounded opinions about what I said.


Worker’s rights, consumer’s rights, human rights, environmental protection laws. These are what the Tories are focussed on removing.


Right wing coup!

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34 minutes ago, vogie said:

Wait a minute, did we have a referendum or a right wing coup as suggested by chompa, if I may quote him.

"I don’t regard rightwing coups a laughing matter."

Don't have too many brandys with your tapas, it is beginning to show.

You too.


You asked me if I considered the vote to leave the EU a right wing coup.


In my answer to your question I explicitly said ‘no’ ( refer post #109).


I’m quite sure you can discuss issues without deliberately misrepresenting the statements others have made.


 You should give it a try.

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Just now, Eloquent pilgrim said:

You said in a direct response to a discussion about Brexit “I don’t regard rightwing coups a laughing matter"


You have since then, steadfastly refused to tell us what rightwing coup you were referring to, if it was not Brexit. So please tell us.


You have, and you continue, to backtrack to the point where you are denying you actually said it.


Time to put the shovel down, the hole's big enough already

Yep the whole Brexit process (that which occurs after the referendum) has been turned into a right wing coup.


Another example of which is the government’s repeated attempts to bypass parliament and establish rule by executive - defeated by the House of Lords and a court case brought by a group which in some sick irony are referred to as ‘enemies of the people.


Away with you and your accusations of  me backtracking.


I have done no such thing.


Spend less time making false accusations against me and go find out what the Tory Government are upto.


So late in the day and still no agreement between the PM and her cabinet on what the UK wants from the Brexit negotiations.


But a lot of agreement in removing people’s rights.


Rightwing coup!

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1 minute ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


You should try to back up what you have said, rather than accuse others of misrepresenting statements that you have made. Give it a try, rather than blaming others for what you have said, you might earn some respect

I have backed it up.


There are clear references to my earlier posts, quotations included.

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2 minutes ago, vogie said:

Oh dear, you have dug a hole so deep you can't get out.

No, I stand by everything I have said.


And unlike yourself I have not chosen to misrepresent what others have said.


I gave you an explanation at #109, you can’t ‘disappear’ it.


So please don’t now continue to misrepresent my statements.


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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

This is just another opportunistic, non factual, made up excuse for yet another roadblock.


You should start enjoying your holiday... obviously you can't be at the moment.



Thank you! Spain is cooler than London!

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10 minutes ago, vogie said:

Misrepresent your statements, we did not have a right wing coup, do you know how rediculous that sounds. Can I just repeat, we did not have a right wing coup. We had a democratic vote.

Yes democratic vote, the result used as the pretext of a rightwing coup (which is now underway).


refer list of rights etc now under threat, and multiple attempts to establish Government by Executive order. (#109 might help).



[edit] I accept you and I will not agree on this, so have a go at #158 instead.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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47 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Yes democratic vote, the result used as the pretext of a rightwing coup (which is now underway).


refer list of rights etc now under threat, and multiple attempts to establish Government by Executive order. (#109 might help).



[edit] I accept you and I will not agree on this, so have a go at #158 instead.

The ring leader of the EU referendum coup is finally exposed. ???



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2 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

Who chooses the threads on this site! What about a thread on how the EU is threatening Uk by not sharing security data! Get your EU propagandist Junk From The Nation and TV



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


The EU is sharing security data.


They have said they will not continue to do so if the UK removes itself from European Human Rights Conventions.


1. The European Human Rights Conversation is nothing to do with the EU (so why is the UK proposing leaving the convention?).


2. The European nations bound by the convention cannot, under the convention, participate or condone the UK’s behaviour with respect to kidnap, torture and ‘secret rendition’ of terrorist suspects (refer my earlier post at #3).


The Brexit referendum gave no mandate to leave the European Human Rights Convention, it should never have been raised by Thersa May in the context of Brexit.


This is is absolutely not a matter of the EU threatening the UK, it is purely a matter of Theresa May making very unwise statements without thinking them through.

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