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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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6 minutes ago, The Renegade said:


Then you should have no issues with providing independent sources ??


Over to you.

You look it up. Here's a clue - Aaron Banks met Putin multiple times, and Vote Leave formally declared it had spent £6.77m during the campaign in the summer of 2016, well below the £7m limit. That figure, however, excluded £625,000 donated by Vote Leave to BeLeave which was spent on the same digital marketing company, AggregateIQ, that Vote Leave used.


The electoral commission is considering the allegations.


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I am peed off by posters who would rather abuse/ridicule others comments and opinions rather than offer opinions themselves. That harrassment is called flaming, and is against TV forum rules. While I'm  a reasonable person who doesn't mind a bit of different viewpoints debate, I'm going to draw the line if my latest post 1112 is flamed. 

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34 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

oh, you mean like Boris/ And that guy who met Putin 17 times, and the criminal use of excess referendum money to support and influence the leaver's vote. That sort of lies and cons?

Don't think that's what he means at all.

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10 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

So no independent source to verify your claim of:


The electoral Commission is considering the '' Allegation '' Which is totally different to:






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4 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

I read that already thanks.


Now would you be so kind as to point out which part mentions


You will be aware, or should be aware, that the EC has already carried out 2 investigations and found nothing untoward.


An '' Allegation '' is not an admission of guilt.

Legal speak, but the finances would indicate a crime had been committed. No doubt the establishment would rather this matter be dropped, for reasons I'm sure politicians would understand

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6 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well at least we don't sit in the same camp as racist and xenophobes. 


Like it or not - Brexit Leave attracted the racist and xenophobe vote. 

Hang on, I'm a bigot and an arrogant one to boot! Ask Vogie!


You see it's statistics again. There are Gaussian distributions but there are also outliers. I am a remainer certainly and I received a great education. But I'm old and dislike Muslims. 

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5 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

If you're such a sensitive person Stephen, this probably isn't the forum for you to be honest

It's nothing to do with sensitivity - it's to do with continuing harassment, but thank you for your concern. Believe me, this topic is not a patch on the abuse generated between posters by the Koh Tao murders of two Brits. 


Anyway, I've got to grab a few hours sleep before the England game, so goodnight.

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6 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

When you consider that the government spent £9m of taxpayers money on a leaflet drop supporting the Remain campaign, and that our Prime Minister recruited the President of the USA to feed us that famous "back of the queue" line, I think it's pointless you suggesting Leave were the ones not playing fair.

It cost 50P per household. So what?


The government tried to explain the issues and gave their recommendation


They then gave you a referendum to see what you thought (obviously they had to make the question simple because of our dumbed down poorly educated underclass)


Good effort.


Now, after all that has been discussed, we should just remain.

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12 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

When you consider that the government spent £9m of taxpayers money on a leaflet drop supporting the Remain campaign, and that our Prime Minister recruited the President of the USA to feed us that famous "back of the queue" line, I think it's pointless you suggesting Leave were the ones not playing fair.

Whatever government was in power would have done the same to promote what they considered to be the best for the populace  - and in Britain's case, still is, BTW.

It wasn't part of the official remain campaign finances (as I understand it), which has to abide by the Electoral Commission rules. Leave campaign didn't abide by the rules.


I would also consider it's double standards, however, which is deplorable, BTW, and I'm sure politicians want to hide it under the carpet.

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4 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Is that 6 percent by revenue or just by separate incorporation? I think the answer to that is pretty clear. Most business registered in the UK are very small and local. So of course they don't do business abroad. But in terms of revenue it seems highly likely that the numbers are quite different.. And it's really no different from the situation in the USA where most businesses are small and unlikely to engage interstate trade. Still, they have to abide by Federal law. Otherwise regulation would be a nightmare.


It just made up total untruth. Typical Brexiteers b/s....how daft can you be.

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3 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Could it be that the UK average wage has been dragged down by migration into the country from lower paid eastern European nationals?

Also, the first table I got from Google paints a different picture, with Bulgaria at just €586 per month, and with 12 countries having less than €1000 take home pay per month:






PPP? How much is Bigmac in Denmark and Bulgaria?



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5 hours ago, JAG said:

Somehow I think I can live without your respect.


You do seem to have a most peculiar predictive text program, I have never come across one which manages to mangle both spelling and punctuation in the way yours seems to. Never mind...

Ask Theo or thaivisa

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3 hours ago, aright said:


Cost of living index also has to be considered. From my experience Teebee and you would know better than anyone a joint of beef in France or a chicken is much more expensive than the UK.

Luxembourg COLI  is 86.44, UK is 67.18 and Bulgaria 37.83.


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9 minutes ago, kwilco said:

Ask Theo or thaivisa

As " you aren't and consequently are of no significance to me....I can no more respect anything, you say than a flatearther..

As you don't command any respect, " is an example of your "predicted text" generated errors; I doubt if Thai Visa or Theo (whoever he is) would wish to be associated with, or explain your posts.

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