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Trump claims NATO victory after ultimatum to go it alone


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Trump claims NATO victory after ultimatum to go it alone

By Robin Emmott, Jeff Mason and Alissa de Carbonnel



U.S. President Donald Trump arrives for a dinner at the Parc du Cinquantenaire during the NATO Summit in Brussels, Belgium July 11, 2018. Geert Vanden Wijngaert/Pool via REUTERS


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Donald Trump gave an angry ultimatum to European allies on Thursday, warning a NATO summit the United States could withdraw its support and sparking crisis talks which the U.S. president said produced big new defence spending pledges.


Other leaders, however, played down the extent to which they went beyond existing commitments to increase contributions to their own defence, as Trump demanded they share more of what he calls an unfair burden on U.S. taxpayers in funding an alliance focused on discouraging pressure from a resurgent Moscow.


In a closed-door meeting with NATO leaders, Trump said that if European governments did not spend more on defence, the United States "would have to look to go its own way", according to one diplomatic source present in the room.


Trump delivered the line after what several sources said was an improvised rant focussed on his grievances about transatlantic ties, but appeared to hesitate before issuing his ultimatum, which led to some confusion about what he really meant.


French President Emmanuel Macron and others said they did not hear in Trump's warning a direct threat to quit NATO -- though the words did cause alarm -- and Trump himself later said such a move would be "unnecessary".


The early morning drama was part of two days of diplomatic theatre in Brussels, as allies tried to shield a post-war world order from his "America first" demands.


It was unclear anything concrete changed, although NATO's chief Jens Stoltenberg spoke of a "new sense of urgency".


A month after he walked out of a G7 economic summit amid rows about new U.S. tariffs that have provoked fears of global trade war, Trump was already at the centre of a storm from the start of the NATO summit on Wednesday.


He accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of being beholden to Moscow due to energy imports, while letting Americans pay for protecting Germany from Russia.


That tension seemed to calm during a gala dinner but that did not last. Trump tweeted out more of his anger overnight, saying billions of dollars in new spending by NATO allies since last year "isn't nearly enough".



When the summit resumed for a session with the leaders of non-members Ukraine and Georgia, Trump failed to appear for nearly an hour, officials said. And when he did, he soon used his turn to speak to stray from the scheduled topic and to return to his budget complaints in even stronger language.


People present said he raged that allies, notably Germany, did not make vast increases in their defence budgets. Pledges to spend 2 percent of national income on defence by 2024 must be met by January, he said -- a dizzying idea for many countries which currently spend just half that.


Another NATO diplomat said Trump trampled on protocol by pointing at some leaders he said were not spending enough and addressing Merkel by her first name, referring to her as "you, Angela".


Stoltenberg, stepping in -- not for the first time -- as peacemaker between Trump and the other 28, called a special closed-door session, the first in a decade, with most officials and the invited guests ushered out, to allow the alliance's principal leaders to remonstrate with Trump.


Merkel, facing domestic political opposition to pushing defence spending up from 1.2 percent of GDP, said she explained to Trump how much was already being done. NATO has spent an extra $90 billion on defence since 2015, after Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.


Macron said he had just agreed a 2019 budget with parliament so changing it was unrealistic -- a point Trump later said he had accepted though he still expected all members to hit the 2 percent target in the next years, and then possibly double that.


"I let them know that I was extremely unhappy," an ebullient Trump told reporters afterwards. But he added that the talks had ended on good terms: "Everybody in that room got along and they agreed to pay more and they agreed to pay it more quickly."


In a characteristically freewheeling news conference at NATO headquarters, covering his impending visit to Britain, talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, Iran, China, and his father and mother's European roots, Trump also returned to a favoured theme. He linked calls for higher defence spending to complaints about Germany's trade surplus and renewed a threat to raise tariffs on EU-made cars if trade terms do not change.


Stoltenberg, a former Norwegian premier who Trump said gave him "total credit" for a successful summit, told reporters: "We had a very frank and open discussion ... That discussion has made NATO stronger. It has created a new sense of urgency."



Merkel was among those, however, who gave little indication that anything concretely new had been pledged by those present.


"The American president demanded what has been discussed for months, that there is a change in the burden-sharing. I made clear that we are on this path," she said, a day after having to challenge Trump's suggestion German imports of Russian gas meant that her country was "totally controlled by Russia".


Macron said France, which last year spent 1.8 percent on defence, would meet the target by the 2024 deadline.


For many of those present, Trump's demands that they move closer to the 3.6 percent of GDP Washington spends on the world's most powerful military make little sense. "Even if we had the money, what would spend it on?" one NATO diplomat said.


"In the case of Germany, a lot of European countries would be very uncomfortable with that level of spending," the diplomat added -- a nod to the World War Two aggression that was to lead to NATO's creation. "It would be armed to the teeth."


(Additional reporting by Sabine Siebold, Phil Stewart and Humeyra Pamuk in Brussels and John Walcott in Washington; Writing by Alastair Macdonald; Editing by Peter Graff and Catherine Evans)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-07-13
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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Trump is still kickin a$$ and taking names. Cue the petulant liberals who can only see through the lens of manipulated outrage.

So Trump wants other countries to spend more and more money to tools of death (this includes the mercenaries) and spend less money to things like education and healthcare?


Conveniently USA is the largest producer of these tools of death. Would it be ok if other countries just give directly money to USA? Or should there be a trade deal, which includes a clause that USA is required to purchase equal amount of military equipment from other countries? 



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1 hour ago, alanrchase said:

The NATO defence spending agreement is 2% of GDP by 2024. The US currently spends about 3.6% GDP on defence. If Trump is so concerned about things not being fair why doesn't he simply reduce US defence spending to 2% GDP? That would show those pesky Europeans. 

Ditto. My thoughts exactly. And as the great, self professed deal maker and wannabe Nobel Peace Price winner, negotiate with Russia and China to reduce their arms too. Is there really a valid justification to continue increasing defence spending? Maybe put the brakes on instead.

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30 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

I think you're missing the point about manipulated outrage. He uses your outrage against you to boost his own media coverage and support. He says something outrageous and predictably, you the outraged do his work for him through social media and other outlets. He's been doing this since 2015 and y'all still haven't caught on yet ?

People blinded by anger are very easy to manipulate. In fact many a successful conservative youtuber owe their success to you and quite honestly rely on you in the same way Trump does. It really is a beautiful thing.

And since you become subject to whomever you're angry at and hate, you'll never stop.

And he does it by lying.

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1 minute ago, Rigby40 said:

Keep avoiding my point, that's fine. I'm not the one suffering.

Conversely..... just accept trumps lying cheating BS, and there will be no change. (Your point?... or the outcome of your point, anyway)


public opinion is only a thing of worth, if it’s made public.... if that opinion is ultimately expressed as manifest outrage, as a minimum, it’s a thing that should raise red flags... and I’m not talking rep rally flags.... to ignore manifest outrage, is akin to stupidity, (which is not to say that it must be acted on, just acknowledged is a start)


public opinion has changed many things... although this may not be a truism when dealing with a dictator.... public opinion is a tool used by politicians to get elected.... public opinion will see tools unelected.


so folks, maintain the (out)rage.... or maintain trumpism, (which is what rigby40 really wants)

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The fact is that despite the US spending vast sums of money on defence the Russians managed to manipulate the US election and install virus software into and giving them control of  utility and chemical plant control systems across the US.



Control of the political process, undermining democracy and an off switch in US utility and chemical plant.


Without firing a single shot.



Edited by Chomper Higgot
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15 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Keep avoiding my point, that's fine. I'm not the one suffering.

Actually, there was a very interesting article by Charlie Sykes, an old-fashioned conservative. He pointed out that what really motivates Trump's base is sticking it to the liberals. For all their professed populism, it turns out that they don't care if he pursues economic policy that make the rich richer and more powerful. Just so long as he angers whom they consider the enemy. Instead of a coherent set of political beliefs all you've got is schadenfreude.


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28 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

Not the point. The point is that he has you wrapped around his fingers by using your anger against you. Amazing.

Uh, that's not the point. The point is we have a lying semi retard in the WH who's completely unfit for the job. THAT'S the point.

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10 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Conversely..... just accept trumps lying cheating BS, and there will be no change. (Your point?... or the outcome of your point, anyway)


public opinion is only a thing of worth, if it’s made public.... if that opinion is ultimately expressed as manifest outrage, as a minimum, it’s a thing that should raise red flags... and I’m not talking rep rally flags.... to ignore manifest outrage, is akin to stupidity, (which is not to say that it must be acted on, just acknowledged is a start)


public opinion has changed many things... although this may not be a truism when dealing with a dictator.... public opinion is a tool used by politicians to get elected.... public opinion will see tools unelected.


so folks, maintain the (out)rage.... or maintain trumpism, (which is what rigby40 really wants)

My point is anger will only destroy you in the end and really only serves to work against you.

Learn to let go of anger.

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7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Actually, there was a very interesting article by Charlie Sykes, an old-fashioned conservative. He pointed out that what really motivates Trump's base is sticking it to the liberals. For all their professed populism, it turns out that they don't care if he pursues economic policy that make the rich richer and more powerful. Just so long as he angers whom they consider the enemy. Instead of a coherent set of political beliefs all you've got is schadenfreude.


I definitely won't deny there is an element of schadenfreude in our camp. But to say that's what motivates us is just silly.

I was a liberal when I started considering voting for Trump, many of us were.

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5 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

I definitely won't deny there is an element of schadenfreude in our camp. But to say that's what motivates us is just silly.

I was a liberal when I started considering voting for Trump, many of us were.

So you supported his tax cuts for the rich? His appointment of one supreme Court justice who consistently rules against workers and in favor of business? And his nomination of another who will do the same? His ongoing attempt to deregulate the same financial interests who precipitated the great recession? His continuing attacks on Obamacare? His reneging on his infrastructure plan? His reneging on promises to reign in the drug industry and let Medicare negotiate prices?

Please, what you are doing now is called concern trolling. The basis tactic is I was like you once but then I saw the light. Nonsense.  

EDIT: I forgot to mention his horrific environmental policies.

Edited by bristolboy
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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

So you supported his tax cuts for the rich? His appointment of one supreme Court justice who consistently rules against workers and in favor of business? And his nomination of another who will do the same? His ongoing attempt to deregulate the same financial interests who precipitated the great recession? His continuing attacks on Obamacare? His reneging on his infrastructure plan? His reneging on promises to reign in the drug industry and let Medicare negotiate prices?

Please, what you are doing now is called concern trolling. The basis tactic is I was like you once but then I saw the light. Nonsense.  

So I guess we're just going to totally avoid talking about how how you've been manipulated through your anger these last 3 years? Ok.

It usually takes people some time to really be honest enough with themselves to come to this kind of realization.

Only trying to help.

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1 minute ago, Rigby40 said:

So I guess we're just going to totally avoid talking about how how you've been manipulated through your anger these last 3 years? Ok.

It usually takes people some time to really be honest enough with themselves to come to this kind of realization.

Only trying to help.

Yes, let's make it about psychology and not about objective facts and issues of national importance. What do legislation and enforcement issues matter when it's clearly the priority to examine your feelings?  You're so talky-feely that I'm beginning to believe you are a liberal. And not just any kind of liberal but one from California.

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