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Thai Gov’t monitoring online information


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26 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

Looks like there will be a Thai Visa Members club in the Thai prison system ... "fake news" is any fact or opinion that the state does not think serves its purpose ... so be careful out there!


Unlikely. Even the exhortations to avoid certain words when referring to the government, probably do not come from the government but from partisan and fearful sources rather closer at hand. The Government will not be putting any foreigners in prison if they can avoid it; the disdain with which they habitually refer to foreigners is for xenophobic domestic consumption, not international consumption. They know how many beans make 5, and who to make life difficult for.

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38 minutes ago, faraday said:

Who are these readers?

Sorry, i think i mean people who read what is written here. Anybody can read Thai visa forum. Just my gut feeling the questions i was asked was like trying to find out information All i say just be careful what you write ok Nothing is safe anymore with these new Media laws

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5 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


You mean there are ghosts active on this forum, or should your post be considered the first fake news of this thread?


Ok, say what u like not my problem. Don't forget the new laws covering the media lets them look at everything but go ahead I will keep my thoughts to myself. Let's hope you don't meet one of these ghosts lol lol lol

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6 hours ago, neeray said:

Are you serious Happyman58? Or did I miss the sarcasm?

I'm serious, I would like to hear more comments on this topic.


Look maybe I am wrong or right. I don't know but lots of guys have a go at me in here and it's mainly in good jest but when I talked to one of these so-called members it was different talk like he or she was running the government line of events Anyway relax carry on I might be going nuts lol lol lol

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6 hours ago, baboon said:

I wouldn't worry too much about it. You have the likes of JAG and myself who have been at them from more or less day one, but we remain at large. Now either the junta are scared of us, which I somehow doubt, incapable of finding us, which I doubt too, or simply don't care what we think. I am going with the latter.

They have enough of a job on their hands keeping tabs on their homegrown dissidents without worrying about a website that few to no Thais read.


I hope u are right Baboon I come in here because of its fun and I get a lot o laughs in here Yeah i guess you are right we dont vote and you are right there not many Thais here

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4 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

I hope u are right Baboon I come in here because of its fun and I get a lot o laughs in here Yeah i guess you are right we dont vote and you are right there not many Thais here

MORE than you think...bwa..ha..ha..

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7 hours ago, Spidey said:

Fair warning to all those TVF Thai bashers.


                                      Big Joke's comin' at ya!


Some may speculate you're on the list, Spidey?


How many seconds has it been since you last looked over your shoulder?


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7 hours ago, baboon said:

Why do you have to do this to me when I have just woken up and am craving caffeine...?


Yes, it is a problem. How solvable it is I don't know. However laws with deliberately vague definitions of what 'fake' is, coupled with draconian punishments, designed to favour and protect a small percentage of society, is not the way to go about it.


Now leave me alone until I get some coffee..(?)



In the future please don't open/start your laptop/computer until well after you have sated your caffeine cravings.  ?

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5 hours ago, Eligius said:

Yes, they want to create a nation of cowardly little tell-tales, sneaks and snitches.

Heaven help humanity!


I think they already are, that and permanent  gossipers

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quelling fake News ?



The Watch news is too well embedded to be quashed by now...

 so all that's left is to Sect44 all things about watches



... and start burning books while he is at it

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1 hour ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Unlikely. Even the exhortations to avoid certain words when referring to the government, probably do not come from the government but from partisan and fearful sources rather closer at hand. The Government will not be putting any foreigners in prison if they can avoid it; the disdain with which they habitually refer to foreigners is for xenophobic domestic consumption, not international consumption. They know how many beans make 5, and who to make life difficult for.

Very interesting and astute observation. Yes indeed. Come to think of it - I cannot even think of any Westerner who (in recent decades anyway) has been imprisoned over the dreaded LM.


But we should not grow complacent. We live on shifting sand ...

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3 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Very interesting and astute observation. Yes indeed. Come to think of it - I cannot even think of any Westerner who (in recent decades anyway) has been imprisoned over the dreaded LM.


But we should not grow complacent. We live on shifting sand ...


Indeed, but I wasn't talking about LM, I was talking about locally verboten words like d*, words that Mr Prayuth wouldn't even understand let alone relate to himself. So who exactly is pressing their own party line?

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22 minutes ago, kannot said:



Yes, indeed! This is taken from a very good film on how most people are running around with blinkers on - not seeing the manipulated reality for what it really is.

God knows that Thailand is full-on Fantasy Land (all shiny veneer and pretense, but with a very dark hidden side ...).

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1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

Ok, say what u like not my problem. Don't forget the new laws covering the media lets them look at everything but go ahead I will keep my thoughts to myself. Let's hope you don't meet one of these ghosts lol lol lol


Ah yes. The right bait attracts the right fish. Just about every time...

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The only TRUTH is sent out from the Junta and Prayut: anything that is not from them or him is fake news....why he not get closer to Trump! They are acting the same way ....just the one seems elected in a "free" election and the other one has taken over the country in a coup. All in All: no difference. I am scared in which direction this world is moving!

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2 minutes ago, manhood said:

The only TRUTH is sent out from the Junta and Prayut: anything that is not from them or him is fake news....why he not get closer to Trump! They are acting the same way ....just the one seems elected in a "free" election and the other one has taken over the country in a coup. All in All: no difference. I am scared in which direction this world is moving!

The thing about Trump, though, is that if they wish - the American people can kick him out of office.


Very, very, VERY difficult to do that with Prayut!

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7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

The Government,or should I say the boss,is very sensitive

to any news that is not in their favour,so you could end up

in prison for saying very little.TIT

regards worgeordie


Or even saying nothing at all, but clicking Like. It's happened.

Anyway, where is Thailand's GCHQ that is able to track all these irresponsible troublemakers? 

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5 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Or even saying nothing at all, but clicking Like. It's happened.

Anyway, where is Thailand's GCHQ that is able to track all these irresponsible troublemakers? 

The junta were (still are?) working on a Single Internet Gateway, so that they could spy on all e-mails entering and leaving Thailand. The shameful thing (amongst many) was that the guy who was heading this up was, just before he took the job, the President of a Thai university. For a scholar (who should be fighting for freedom of thought) to be supporting a man whom 'Time' Magazine has linked to the word 'Dictator' is truly scandalous and disgraceful.


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5 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Or even saying nothing at all, but clicking Like. It's happened.

Anyway, where is Thailand's GCHQ that is able to track all these irresponsible troublemakers? 


It only exists in a few fevered minds. Newspapers can say the d* word, but TV members cannot. Why is that and who exactly is anxious to curry favour?

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2 minutes ago, Eligius said:

The junta were (still are?) working on a Single Internet Gateway, so that they could spy on all e-mails entering and leaving Thailand. The shameful thing (amongst many) was that the guy who was heading this up was, just before he took the job, the President of a Thai university. For a scholar (who should be fighting for freedom of thought) to be supporting a man whom 'Time' Magazine has linked to the word 'Dictaor' is truly scandalous and disgraceful.


That presupposes that Presidents of Universities are scholars. Many of them may have been once, but are now climbers of the greasy pole. Their choice, but in my experience real scholars make poor climbers of greasy poles - something to do with betrayal of principles. Ergo, University Presidents generally make and made very poor scholars. Which matches my experience of them pretty well.

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2 minutes ago, johng said:
41 minutes ago, kannot said:

Everyone needs those special "they live" spectacles..instead of the rose colored "happiness for all" junta spectacles.

I think most Thais see the truth about the junta. That is not the problem.


The problem is that THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

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19 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Yes, indeed! This is taken from a very good film on how most people are running around with blinkers on - not seeing the manipulated reality for what it really is.

God knows that Thailand is full-on Fantasy Land (all shiny veneer and pretense, but with a very dark hidden side ...).

I have an original movie poster of it........."They Live"  good  underrated  movie

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2 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


That presupposes that Presidents of Universities are scholars. Many of them may have been once, but are now climbers of the greasy pole. Their choice, but in my experience real scholars make poor climbers of greasy poles - something to do with betrayal of principles. Ergo, University Presidents generally make and made very poor scholars. Which matches my experience of them pretty well.

Good point, KiwiKiwi. Yes,  unfortunately it has to be said in general that not many Thai university lecturers are what we in the West would deem as real 'scholars'. That has certainly been my experience. And the ones who kowtow to Authority are the stupidest, most unprincipled of all.

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4 minutes ago, kannot said:

I have an original movie poster of it........."They Live"  good  underrated  movie

Right! That film, along with the all-time literary classics Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World, capture today's world perfectly.


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