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Very disappointing visit to Pattaya.


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On 8/5/2018 at 7:33 PM, WaveHunter said:

I too am a "beach lover".  I'm from Bali so maybe I'm just spoiled when it comes to nice beaches but I spent a few days in Pattaya and hated it. 


It was noisy, crowded, polluted, and extremely tacky (like one of the tackiest places I've ever visited!). Now maybe if you're a sex tourist you might feel different but I think that's all that that place is about.


The beaches were horrid!  I mean, absolutely disgusting.  If you go for a swim, you find yourself LITERALLY with floating garbage all around you, just below the surface.  If you accidentally swallow the water, you feel like you should visit a doctor!  Many of the public sewers drain directly into the sea.  It really is GROSS!  One of the worst tourist-oriented beaches I've ever been to! 


After a few days, we just couldn't take it anymore so we moved just outside the city to a town called Pratumnak (just south of Pattaya), and it was much better.  Much quieter, way less touristy, and significantly less tacky.  While the beaches were still kind of dirty and polluted, they were much better, even swimmable, and the Thai people treated you less like a tourist and seemed genuinely friendly and engaging. The beaches and town infrastructures are also much better maintained than in Pattaya.  Plenty to do, to eat, and to enjoy just a few minute walk up the beach path in Jomtien


Jomtien seems nice too.  Much lower-key than Pattaya, with lots of reasonably priced eateries, bars, and even red-light stuff if that's your thing, but just WAY LESS tacky than Pattaya.  WAY LESS!


The only thing that was a little odd is that I think there are more Russians living there than Thai people!  I swear, you walk down the beach or thru the streets and all you hear is Russian being spoken.  Many buildings and signs, and restaurant menus are written in Russian.  There's even a night market in Pratumnak that is almost completely Russian vendors.  What's up with that?


As far as "beach towns" go, I guess Pattaya and the environs are kind of second-rate compared with Phuket, and especially with some of the islands but if you're gonna go to Pattaya, my recommendation is not to stay in Pattaya proper, but stay outside of it, like in the Jomtien / Pratumnak area, and if you must go into Pattaya, the cheap "baht buses" make it only a few minute ride away.

I have been going to Pattaya/Jomtien for years and have never gone in the water.  If I want to do that I go out to Koh Larn just a short ferry ride away.  Try that if you want nice clean beaches/water and relaxation.  You will still run into lots Russians out there though.  No escaping them. 


They don't really bother me that much.  They are mostly concentrated around Central Festival Mall.  The further you get away from there the less of them there are.

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6 hours ago, lapd said:

...go out to Koh Larn ...

Funny you should mention that because I was wondering what the beaches might be like out there.  I'd see it off in the distance from Pratumnak Beach but never got a chance to visit. How are the crowds out there during off-season?

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If ones goal is to go on a "beach" holiday, do not come here.

This place and the surrounding areas are lakes with limited sand.

A beach to me is waves with body surfing, boogie boards and surfing. Non existing here.  Go to Phuket or another place in Thailand,

Like it or not, Pattaya is still probably the #1 sex destination in the world. If you like that type of place you will probably have a great time here.

It is not a fantastic beach like Cuba or Aruba.


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5 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

Funny you should mention that because I was wondering what the beaches might be like out there.  I'd see it off in the distance from Pratumnak Beach but never got a chance to visit. How are the crowds out there during off-season?

Koh Larn beaches are not Phuket or Ko Samui nice but I think they are better than anything you will find on the mainland anywhere near Pattaya.  It's far enough away from Pattaya that you do not have to worry about raw sewage.  I like it because I feel like I am far away on a remote island like Ko Tao or whatever, and yet only 60 minutes (to the back side) ferry ride away from Pattaya.  So I can still stay in Pattaya and just do day trips.


I usually rent a scooter for 300 baht. You can explore the whole island in less than a day.  I usually go to monkey beach with some bananas and feed the monkeys.  That's not the nicest beach but more secluded and less busy than the others.  You need to rent a scooter to get out there though.  You can rent snorkel gear there as well.  We tried snorkeling on monkey beach and another one but it wasn't that great.  Maybe if the water is clear and the tides are right it would be a lot better.


If you are a beach lover in Pattaya then that is probably where you should go.

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I do not know what your definition of crowd is.  I hate crowds and it wasn't that bad imo.  You definitely feel things get a little more laid back when you go out there.  If you get away from the two main beaches near the ferry terminal on the back side it's better.  You need to rent a scooter for that.  I remember a fair amount of Russian bikini babes on the main beaches near the ferry terminal on the back side.  That is where all the serious Russian beach lovers seem to go.  That is also where the beachside cabana's are if you want to spend the night.  I think the beaches there are more crowded than the beaches on the mainland during low season because those beaches are almost completely empty.

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18 hours ago, lapd said:

Koh Larn beaches are not Phuket or Ko Samui nice but I think they are better than anything you will find on the mainland anywhere near Pattaya.  It's far enough away from Pattaya that you do not have to worry about raw sewage.  I like it because I feel like I am far away on a remote island like Ko Tao or whatever, and yet only 60 minutes (to the back side) ferry ride away from Pattaya.  So I can still stay in Pattaya and just do day trips.


I usually rent a scooter for 300 baht. You can explore the whole island in less than a day.  I usually go to monkey beach with some bananas and feed the monkeys.  That's not the nicest beach but more secluded and less busy than the others.  You need to rent a scooter to get out there though.  You can rent snorkel gear there as well.  We tried snorkeling on monkey beach and another one but it wasn't that great.  Maybe if the water is clear and the tides are right it would be a lot better.


If you are a beach lover in Pattaya then that is probably where you should go.

Sounds great.  I have friends who let me use their condo for free in Pratumnak so when I want to get away from Chaing Mai, I go there.  I don't really mind the beach at Pratumnak but it would be nice to take a day trip to a nicer, less crowded beach every once in a while, so I'm glad you told me your experience on KL.  Thanks ?


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On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 2:33 PM, WaveHunter said:

I too am a "beach lover".  I'm from Bali so maybe I'm just spoiled when it comes to nice beaches but I spent a few days in Pattaya and hated it. 


It was noisy, crowded, polluted, and extremely tacky (like one of the tackiest places I've ever visited!). Now maybe if you're a sex tourist you might feel different but I think that's all that that place is about.


The beaches were horrid!  I mean, absolutely disgusting.  If you go for a swim, you find yourself LITERALLY with floating garbage all around you, just below the surface.  If you accidentally swallow the water, you feel like you should visit a doctor!  Many of the public sewers drain directly into the sea.  It really is GROSS!  One of the worst tourist-oriented beaches I've ever been to! 


After a few days, we just couldn't take it anymore so we moved just outside the city to a town called Pratumnak (just south of Pattaya), and it was much better.  Much quieter, way less touristy, and significantly less tacky.  While the beaches were still kind of dirty and polluted, they were much better, even swimmable, and the Thai people treated you less like a tourist and seemed genuinely friendly and engaging. The beaches and town infrastructures are also much better maintained than in Pattaya.  Plenty to do, to eat, and to enjoy just a few minute walk up the beach path in Jomtien


Jomtien seems nice too.  Much lower-key than Pattaya, with lots of reasonably priced eateries, bars, and even red-light stuff if that's your thing, but just WAY LESS tacky than Pattaya.  WAY LESS!


The only thing that was a little odd is that I think there are more Russians living there than Thai people!  I swear, you walk down the beach or thru the streets and all you hear is Russian being spoken.  Many buildings and signs, and restaurant menus are written in Russian.  There's even a night market in Pratumnak that is almost completely Russian vendors.  What's up with that?


As far as "beach towns" go, I guess Pattaya and the environs are kind of second-rate compared with Phuket, and especially with some of the islands but if you're gonna go to Pattaya, my recommendation is not to stay in Pattaya proper, but stay outside of it, like in the Jomtien / Pratumnak area, and if you must go into Pattaya, the cheap "baht buses" make it only a few minute ride away.

I've NEVER been to Pattaya for the beach. If you want a nice beach, go to north Phangan or Krabi.

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21 hours ago, bermannor said:

Same as 99% of farangs.

A lot of them like the hotels/condo's along the beach and walking along the beach, and the cool breeze that comes off the ocean.  So many are here for the beach indirectly.  Otherwise just go to Bkk.  Don't need to go to Pattaya

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1 hour ago, lapd said:

A lot of them like the hotels/condo's along the beach and walking along the beach, and the cool breeze that comes off the ocean.  So many are here for the beach indirectly.  Otherwise just go to Bkk.  Don't need to go to Pattaya

Sorry, how could I be so sloppy. 95% of farangs live in and visit Patty for the good air, additional 4% for the good restaurants and cultural highlights and the rest, 1%, as food for the Patty girls.

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18 hours ago, bermannor said:

Sorry, how could I be so sloppy. 95% of farangs live in and visit Patty for the good air, additional 4% for the good restaurants and cultural highlights and the rest, 1%, as food for the Patty girls.

What is your point?  After you remove all the things you say people don't come to Pattaya for, what does Pattaya have that you can't get in Bkk?  Are there no girls in Bkk?

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On 7/25/2018 at 4:23 AM, Kerryd said:

I've never felt in danger walking around Pattaya, even at 3am when I've been "too drunk to ride a mototaxi and as a result walked about 2+ kms back to my apartment". (Seriously - I was on Soi 7, got hammered, went to Beach Road, walked all the way to Walking street and then to my apartment, because I thought I was too drunk to sit on the back of a mototaxi without falling off.)
I used to go to Beach Road in the wee hours a lot, either coming from Soi 7 or just to hit MacDonald's for a snack. Despite loads of lady-boys, hookers, taxi drivers and other people on the streets, I was never pick-pocketed, harassed, hassled or assaulted.

However, I have walked around downtown Vancouver, Delhi, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Toronto (and even Dubai) and the danger was real. I was mugged in Amsterdam my second night there. Scumbag Rastafarian wannabees trying to sell drugs by "accidentally" spilling some on you and then claiming you owe them for it (and having people armed with sword canes and knives behind you in case you tried to run). They weren't too smart though. I put my hands in my pockets and from one pocket I pulled a single 20 guilder note (yeah, it was a while ago) and from the other pocket maybe 5-6 guilder in coins and told them that was all I had. Lol - the guy looked at it, shook his head and walked away. I looked behind me and the 2 guys there moved back into the shadows of some trash dumpsters. (I actually had a couple thousand on me at the time - lucky I didn't end up floating face down in the nearby canal. Back at the hotel the barkeep told me I'd wandered into an area that the locals wouldn't even go into in the daytime unless there were 3-4 of them in a group and they wouldn't go there at night for any reason.)

I've seen people get mugged in downtown Vancouver, directly across the street from a police station ! No lie, me and another guy ran up to help one guy, the other guy pretended that he thought the muggers were there trying to help an injured guy (we knew better) and as soon as the other guy started dialing 911 on his phone, the muggers took off. We carried the guy across the street and into the police station and - again, not a word of a lie - the guy at the desk told us to call 911 ! He agreed to let us use his phone though. Wish I could have seen the look on the dispatcher's face when we called. She asked for the address, we told her and there was a pause, then she said "Isn't that the police station ?". 
That same area of Vancouver (the lower east side) is filled with druggies, pushers, pimps, dealers and other lowlifes. Not a place you want to wander around at night if you can help it but I've also nearly ended up in confrontations on a city bus in a nicer part of town and while walking down a main street in a the centre of the city. Both times I was alone and the other group had 3-4 people. (Funny how as soon as I turned to face them their balls turned to jelly and they took off. Seems they were used to confronting people that would be scared and likely to give them money to just go away. They didn't know I was in the army but apparently anyone that would turn and face them was someone they didn't want to try any BS with.)

Wandering around downtown Delhi felt like I had a target on my back, even in the daytime. At one hotel I went to the lobby and asked where a convenience store was so I could buy some snacks. The staff didn't want me to leave the hotel because they didn't think it was safe for me to be walking on the streets ! They finally pointed out a shop about 2 blocks away and off I went. As I walked it was almost like a movie. People on the street would be talking and doing whatever, but stop and look at me as I walked by. I couldn't have drawn more attention if I'd been naked ! Got to the store, bought my snacks and as I was walking back I could see a couple of the hotel staff standing in the doorway watching me in case anything happened.
Never got mugged or assaulted but I had the strong suspicion that if it had of been dark and I'd had a few drinks, things would have been a lot different.
I also stayed in a poorer hotel in a worse part of town for a couple days (a place our Nepalese workers stayed at while in transit to/from work). No problem in the daytime but again, they really, really didn't want me to go outside at night. (One bellboy though showed me a selection of "dates" that would be willing to come to the hotel though so I wouldn't have to go out if that was what I was looking for.)

Hamburg also has places where you had better be on your toes if you are walking around late at night, especially if you look/sound like "an American". A friend of mine got a baseball bat to the head and thrown down some stairs because he'd asked the DJ at a club to play a song and the DJ thought he was American and said something to the bouncer who then clubbed the guy and threw him down the stairs. Found out later the place was off limits to Americans because the people there hated them for some reason (they weren't Arabs or Russians - just Germans who maybe blamed the Americans for beating them in WW II or something).

Toronto is a lot like Vancouver. There are areas where you really don't want to be late at night. I lived there for awhile back in the 70s and it could be quite the nasty place at night. People used to carry heavy dog chains in their pockets (in case the cops stopped them they could claim they were looking for their lost dog). At times it was almost like the movie "The Warriors", but not as many people in costumes. Lots of street gangs though.

Dubai is a nice, modern city but you have to realize that 90% of the population of the UAE is made up of migrant workers from places like India, China and assorted African countries. Those are the people staffing all the shops and doing most of the "work" there, and most of them aren't paid very well. I've left my hotel to go to an ATM machine and been followed by groups of Indians maybe hoping I'd take a side alley or shortcut somewhere less visible. (I would normally just stay in the hotel or take a taxi but once in awhile I'd go out to check out other places or do a bit of shopping.) 
I even tested my theory once by going to an ATM a couple blocks from the hotel, then coming back and taking a detour through an alley that brought me to the back door of the hotel. I did the classic "duck into the alley at the last moment" trick and then did a speed walk to the hotel door and sure enough when I looked back, the 3 guys that had been following me had turned into the same alley and stopped up when they saw me looking at them from the door.
Another time one of the bellhops insisted on going to the ATM with me and he carried one of those big, heavy flashlights that make excellent clubs with him. Seems there had been a rash of "incidents" in the area and the hotel was being proactive in looking out for their guests (sort of).

You can find trouble in almost any city on the planet, if you are looking for it. In many of those cities though, trouble may find you whether you are looking or not.


You can find all the trouble you want in Pattaya (or Phuket, Bangkok, Chiang Mai) as well if you want it but it seems that it is far less likely that trouble will find you. Don't want to get hassled/mugged/pick-pocketed by ladyboys at 3 am on Beach Road ? Then don't go there !

Don't want to get beat up by a bunch of moto-taxi drivers for pissing on a Buddha shrine ? Then don't do it !
Don't want to get into a confrontation with a bunch of strangers ? Then don't get drunk and walk up to some and start yelling at them and insulting them.


Those are things that people actually do (and have been reported doing on T.V. and in the news) and people wonder why those people get into trouble. Other people have been here for decades and never had a problem.

A lot of the time, when people do have problems, the first place they should look for the cause in a mirror. 

I concur. Pattaya seems very safe to me compared to most European cities.

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54 minutes ago, lapd said:

What is your point?  After you remove all the things you say people don't come to Pattaya for, what does Pattaya have that you can't get in Bkk?  Are there no girls in Bkk?

Why you try to give Pattaya a better image than it has in farang lands.

Pattaya is synonym for nightlife, girls and entertainment, cheap accomodation, average beaches and no cultural highlights. Most cities in Asia and western world have that too, but not in such a concentration.

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1 hour ago, bermannor said:

Why you try to give Pattaya a better image than it has in farang lands.

Pattaya is synonym for nightlife, girls and entertainment, cheap accomodation, average beaches and no cultural highlights. Most cities in Asia and western world have that too, but not in such a concentration.

To change the tone of Pattaya would require a national art gallery and a national museum. Although it is a culture desert there are various beautiful temples such as big buddha in Pratumnak, the Buddha mountain,  the massive chinese temple and others. They are a massive tourist draw attracting thousands,  if not hundreds of thousands tourists.

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2 hours ago, lapd said:

What is your point?  After you remove all the things you say people don't come to Pattaya for, what does Pattaya have that you can't get in Bkk?  Are there no girls in Bkk?

Pattaya is generally cheaper for pretty much everything, the air is cleaner, the number of bars dwarfs those anywhere else, discos can stay open until sunrise, and while I've never been a fan of sitting on beaches in a country with such high humidity, the view of the sea can be a real tonic early morning or dusk if the sky is right. 

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1 minute ago, lamyai3 said:

Pattaya is generally cheaper for pretty much everything, the air is cleaner, the number of bars dwarfs those anywhere else, discos can stay open until sunrise, and while I've never been a fan of sitting on beaches in a country with such high humidity, the view of the sea can be a real tonic early morning or dusk if the sky is right. 

Most people who criticize Pattaya havent been here, or have an agenda. Its a big varied city. Currently its the only international, cosmopolitan city in Thailand. I live here but use it as a launch pad to explore the rest of Thailand. I never planned  to retire here but once the authorities ruined Bangkok I found the city unbearable. I'm glad I knew the Bangkok of old in its glorious freedom and when Pattaya is oppressed  I shall leave and be grateful for the good times. Places change and people change.

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28 minutes ago, The manic said:

Most people who criticize Pattaya havent been here, or have an agenda. Its a big varied city. Currently its the only international, cosmopolitan city in Thailand. I live here but use it as a launch pad to explore the rest of Thailand. I never planned  to retire here but once the authorities ruined Bangkok I found the city unbearable. I'm glad I knew the Bangkok of old in its glorious freedom and when Pattaya is oppressed  I shall leave and be grateful for the good times. Places change and people change.

True, Pattaya remains wild and crazy as ever. It also has made great gains in infrastructure with places like Central Festival and the soon to arrive Terminal 21. Not to mention it's very easy access from Bangkok. The main problem with Pattaya is the same as it always was, too much temptation at every corner. 

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41 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

For the brethren that are bemused with Pattaya I suggest Mong Khao.


Roughly the same girls (but cheaper), a fine beach, some mighty big Buddhas (for those in need) and for the farang that like exercise; Laos is just 20 minutes swim away.


There are other attractions like markets and festivals and there is a chess club where Lao ladies are queuing up to learn the game.


A big bottle of beer is just 55 baht and a refreshing cup of ginseng tea 20 baht at Porn's.

Buddhas, 55 b beer and chess.

Sounds like a must see winner thanks.

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I don't understand what people are talking about with beer prices.  I can get a big bottle of beer for 55 baht in Pattaya.  Just not in a bar.  I think it's only 60baht at 7/11 refrigerated and cheaper in the grocery store unrefrigerated.


I have never been to Nong Khai but I'm sure it's nice.  The problem is that you don't have the convenience of Survarnabhumi airport nearby, and no ocean.  Air quality is quite poor up there from all the burning. 


It may be cheaper but you will spend more getting to/from Bkk.   Less convenient for any kind of travel.

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