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Man who doused young Thai woman in gasoline and set her alight is given bail


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6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

And once again the Thai justice systems weaknesses are revealed. This is a horrific thing to do to anyone and bail absolutely should not be given, especially when he is talking about doing the same thing to someone else. The sooner this worthless dog is rearrested and thrown in jail, the better.

Couldn't agree more, but easy on the dogs old boy!

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6 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

There is no justice system in Thailand or any where in the world. Only  punish normal people who don't count only as pawns in in a game of chess 

This is precisely the reason why progress will never be made , there is always somebody to wheel out the ' but but 'excuse for something that in reality is indefensible.

Yes those with influence in civilised countries get a head start in the justice stakes but they don't get a free pass , sadly this is not the case in Thailand.

A privileged person in the UK would never get bail for such a crime , same in the USA , Australia , Canada , most of Europe and indeed the rest of the developed world.

If you sincerely love Thailand than wish for real justice , Don't defend a system that shames the nation.

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24 minutes ago, Maradona 10 said:

I'm from the UK, fool.


You better show me these 5 stories...do not reply to me with anything other than your FIVE stories that are worse than this disgrace. If you can't, you better jog further, pal.

Telford, Oxford, Rochdale, Newcastle and Bristol. And that's just for starters.


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2 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

A privileged person in the UK would never get bail for such a crime , same in the USA , Australia , Canada , most of Europe and indeed the rest of the developed world.

If you sincerely love Thailand than wish for real justice , Don't defend a system that shames the nation.


Are you all liars or do you don't read your countries press?

Just google for "bail after murder" and you will be surprised how much murders in civilisated countries come out on bail:


This is not a Thai thing. It's the same in the most countries.

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13 hours ago, djayz said:

He must be a copper's or some hi-so's son so he should be allowed to go free. Obviously it was the woman's fault anyways and just a big misunderstanding. No real harm done. She "made me do it"... Sickening!!!

i'm going with you in this one djayz, son of a copper.

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Yeah, itis just not right is it? In my eyes that is attempted murder, No bail see you back in court mate for sentencing. It is a wonder the judge never patted him on the back as he left saying "well done next time finish the job" Maybe the cops told him to go up to the hospital and say sorry. Just a big misunderstanding But yeah he has to have higher connections

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5 hours ago, snowgard said:


Are you all liars or do you don't read your countries press?

Just google for "bail after murder" and you will be surprised how much murders in civilisated countries come out on bail:


This is not a Thai thing. It's the same in the most countries.


I don't think so. I would put more faith in the justice system in Australia Than Thailand  But I can see your angle you are coming from. Yes, some do get bail when the case is weak against the defendant due to lack of evidence. But I will make this statement If that incident happened in Australia and there were witnesses to testify Bail would be opposed and you can bet the defendant would not get bail. So to quote "bail for murder" is a bit misleading They are granted bail because the case against them is very weak due to lack of evidence, So tell me how much more evidence would you need in this case?  No bail should of been granted OK

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19 hours ago, seajae said:

it appears that in thai culture the males can rape, burn, bash and kill females and have bugger all done to them. There is no way anyone that did this should be released from jail especially when threatening to do it to others, really have to wonder who he is related to or how wealthy the family is. Thai justice is pathetic to say the least with the decisions the magistrates are handing down



Hope the lady makes a full and swift recovery AND the perpetrator is locked away for life!

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