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Indebted teachers appeal to Thai government for solution


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5 hours ago, kannot said:

but it  all  boils down to the person asking to  borrow, a  modicum of  self control and most of this would never  happen. They dont need  99% of the crap they buy.

My wife , one  of nine, never  had a problem on a  small salary, she always saved money for a rainy day.........most people dont, and therein lies the problem. They bring it totally on themselves then whine its "not their  fault"

I have no sympathy whatsoever for them. You simply dont buy what you cant afford.

How can you say that they don't need 99% of the crap they buy? Where did you get this information and figure from? From some relative of yours who is not even a Teacher? I tend to differ as when one borrows 1.2 M Baht it would be for a major purchase, like a modest home.


I am sure like you say there are some who borrow money foolishly and aquire gambling debts. But far from the majority of them. They are every day people wanting some simple luxuries in there life, like owning there own home. Understand that none of these Teachers are asking for a free hand out. All they are asking for is a reducted Interest Rate, so they can afford to buy a modest home. 


So why not? It is not costing the government or the tax payers any extra money to do this. Governments are constantly lending out money at a highly reduced Interst Rates. They are the ones who lend the money to the Banks, who in turn add on a few percentage points, and then lend this money to you. So get rid of the Middle Man in this lending policy and lend it directly to a Teachers Fund, and the problem is solved at no extra cost.  


You wife being able to save some money from a low paying job is not a good comparison. Did she have a huge Student Loan to pay off after 4 years of University, like most of these teachers do? Was she able to buy a 1.2 M Baht house with her savings? I hardly doubt that. In fact I hardly doubt you know any people who paid cash for there first home and didn't need to borrow money from a bank to do that. Including yourself! 

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13 hours ago, TumblinDice said:

And why are you living here in Thailand on you UK pension preaching how Thais should budget themselves? Look at all the expensive "western" shopping malls being built, western grocery stores, western cars. Go back to the UK & live on your pension. 

Why doesn't your co teacher friend (4 year uni degree) making only 9000B a month chuck her job in and find another?

You think its that easy? If that were the case, thousands more would be doing it.

I was living on a teachers salary & could barely afford to live. I don't know how the Thais can manage. They deserve a lot more in salaries & benefits, just like the west. And when that day comes, you won't be living so high on the hog either.


Yes I do think it is that easy.


If my niece can do it, my nephew who is a lazy bugger can do it then your friend can do it. I am sure that she could get a job as a receptionist at a hotel and earn more money. If there is no work near then move to where the work is,


Do you have any idea how I live? I have no idea how you live or even if you live in Thailand. Nor do I care.


So you were living on a teachers salary and could barely afford to live. Then why didn't YOU go back to the country that you came from and get a better well paid job instead of pontificating how hard up Thais are? Then you could afford to send your friend thousands of baht to help her out.


I live in rural Thailand and I know that when my son gets a job it won't be here but it will be somewhere else in Thailand.

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8 hours ago, billd766 said:


Yes I do think it is that easy.


If my niece can do it, my nephew who is a lazy bugger can do it then your friend can do it. I am sure that she could get a job as a receptionist at a hotel and earn more money. If there is no work near then move to where the work is,


Do you have any idea how I live? I have no idea how you live or even if you live in Thailand. Nor do I care.


So you were living on a teachers salary and could barely afford to live. Then why didn't YOU go back to the country that you came from and get a better well paid job instead of pontificating how hard up Thais are? Then you could afford to send your friend thousands of baht to help her out.


I live in rural Thailand and I know that when my son gets a job it won't be here but it will be somewhere else in Thailand.

I did go back to my home country & for many reasons. One being the low salaries been paid in Thailand. And yes I do send her money from time to time.

I don't give a rats ass how you or your family lives either. Are they teachers (which this article is namely about)? Did your niece leave to go become a bar girl in Pataya but tells you otherwise? That wouldn't surprise me. Does she have a student loan, a car, a house, a child to pay for?

Another acquaintance of mine also with a uni degree & working as an administrator at a government school makes only 8000B a month. They have families to care for. They can't just pack up & leave to find a better paying job. There are none.They already work 10 or more hours a day.  (Perhaps you know of some of these high paying jobs so why don't you list them here).

Quit being so damn selfish & look at the big picture. Its not one or two individuals defaulting on a loan, its a national epidemic.

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1 hour ago, TumblinDice said:

I did go back to my home country & for many reasons. One being the low salaries been paid in Thailand. And yes I do send her money from time to time.

I don't give a rats ass how you or your family lives either. Are they teachers (which this article is namely about)? Did your niece leave to go become a bar girl in Pataya but tells you otherwise? That wouldn't surprise me. Does she have a student loan, a car, a house, a child to pay for?

Another acquaintance of mine also with a uni degree & working as an administrator at a government school makes only 8000B a month. They have families to care for. They can't just pack up & leave to find a better paying job. There are none.They already work 10 or more hours a day.  (Perhaps you know of some of these high paying jobs so why don't you list them here).

Quit being so damn selfish & look at the big picture. Its not one or two individuals defaulting on a loan, its a national epidemic.


I feel personally insulted by a person like you when you describe my niece as a bar girl on Pattaya as she is living in Bangkok but I cannot expect anything intelligent from you. And FYI she IS paying off her student loan, she shares the car with her boyfriend, lives with her Dad in the family house and has no children as she practices safe sex which presumably your parents didn't looking at you as a result.


So why is it that so many poor families can pack up and leave to find work elsewhere but your friend cannot? Out here in rural Thailand if you don't have a family business there is little choice left for work.


I cannot understand why teachers who are supposed to be smart and intelligent don't seem to understand the principle of borrowed money needs to be repaid. My 14 year old son does because I keep explaining it to him.


BTW personal insults are not permitted on TVF as you should know if you had bothered to read the rules.


If you don't give a rats ass about me or my posts then why don't you ignore them and put me on your ignore list which is where I have put you.

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4 hours ago, billd766 said:


I feel personally insulted by a person like you when you describe my niece as a bar girl on Pattaya as she is living in Bangkok but I cannot expect anything intelligent from you. And FYI she IS paying off her student loan, she shares the car with her boyfriend, lives with her Dad in the family house and has no children as she practices safe sex which presumably your parents didn't looking at you as a result.


So why is it that so many poor families can pack up and leave to find work elsewhere but your friend cannot? Out here in rural Thailand if you don't have a family business there is little choice left for work.


I cannot understand why teachers who are supposed to be smart and intelligent don't seem to understand the principle of borrowed money needs to be repaid. My 14 year old son does because I keep explaining it to him.


BTW personal insults are not permitted on TVF as you should know if you had bothered to read the rules.


If you don't give a rats ass about me or my posts then why don't you ignore them and put me on your ignore list which is where I have put you.

I can see why your story about your Niece sounds so fishy and has so many holes in this story. 


You first tell us that your Niece starts out at a low paying job (I beleive you said about 8,000 Baht a month) but decides to give that up for a higher paying job of only 9,000 Baht a month.  But still not very satisfied with these wages ( and this is the part of your story I like the best) she out of the Blue, with no experience or start-up money, and no bank would be cazy enough to lend her the money, and with a Student Loan to still pay off, she starts up her own successful business overnight and now makes great money and is very happy. 


I wonder how many readers here wish right now they or there wife could start up there own successful business with no money down to lose or borrowed money, and have a successful business overnight making big money? I also wonder how many people believe your story also??? 


But just one more silly question before I go. If all these low paid Teachers were to take your advice and quit there low paying job to set up there own food stand, who would be left to teach our children? Or maybe you think that having schools for kids to learn to read and write, and do math, is as foolish as having Teachers?  

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9 hours ago, billd766 said:


I feel personally insulted by a person like you when you describe my niece as a bar girl on Pattaya as she is living in Bangkok but I cannot expect anything intelligent from you. And FYI she IS paying off her student loan, she shares the car with her boyfriend, lives with her Dad in the family house and has no children as she practices safe sex which presumably your parents didn't looking at you as a result.


So why is it that so many poor families can pack up and leave to find work elsewhere but your friend cannot? Out here in rural Thailand if you don't have a family business there is little choice left for work.


I cannot understand why teachers who are supposed to be smart and intelligent don't seem to understand the principle of borrowed money needs to be repaid. My 14 year old son does because I keep explaining it to him.


BTW personal insults are not permitted on TVF as you should know if you had bothered to read the rules.


If you don't give a rats ass about me or my posts then why don't you ignore them and put me on your ignore list which is where I have put you.


You are ignored & ignorant.

'Nuff said.

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Teachers have to realize that they don't need a fancy car or 2 or 3 motorcycles to save face.  They finally realized the fact that loans have to be repaid and now they want the government to bail them out.  They need to live within their means.  IMO it is all about face!

The banks are also at fault for loaning money to people who have no assets to back-up the loan.  In my country banks will not loan you money if the combined amount of monthly debt repayment exceeds 40% of your net income.

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On 7/24/2018 at 4:19 AM, webfact said:

President of Critically Indebted Teachers and Educational Personnel Club

Probably not a good idea to mention this on a first date, or put this on a résumé or a loan application, wouldn't you agree?

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9 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I can see why your story about your Niece sounds so fishy and has so many holes in this story. 


You first tell us that your Niece starts out at a low paying job (I beleive you said about 8,000 Baht a month) but decides to give that up for a higher paying job of only 9,000 Baht a month.  But still not very satisfied with these wages ( and this is the part of your story I like the best) she out of the Blue, with no experience or start-up money, and no bank would be cazy enough to lend her the money, and with a Student Loan to still pay off, she starts up her own successful business overnight and now makes great money and is very happy. 


I wonder how many readers here wish right now they or there wife could start up there own successful business with no money down to lose or borrowed money, and have a successful business overnight making big money? I also wonder how many people believe your story also??? 


But just one more silly question before I go. If all these low paid Teachers were to take your advice and quit there low paying job to set up there own food stand, who would be left to teach our children? Or maybe you think that having schools for kids to learn to read and write, and do math, is as foolish as having Teachers?  


Would you like to go back and re red the post where I said my niece was earning 12,000 in her first job and 13,000 in her second or would that be too much trouble for you?


Did anyone ask where she got the startup money? She does have a boyfriend and a family who help out.


If you are going to pick holes in my story please get it right in the first place.


TumblinDice is the one who is talking about 9,000 baht for his co-worker and not me.


All of the teachers at the schools that my son has gone to since P1 have earned more than 9,000 baht per month as a teacher and since you are talking fishy stories I cannot believe that any teacher is only earning 9,000 baht per month after 14 years of schooling and 4 years at university gaining a degree.


Who would be left to teach the children if some left? How about the any thousands of teachers who are established and confirmed civil servants already.

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4 hours ago, billd766 said:


Would you like to go back and re red the post where I said my niece was earning 12,000 in her first job and 13,000 in her second or would that be too much trouble for you?


Did anyone ask where she got the startup money? She does have a boyfriend and a family who help out.


If you are going to pick holes in my story please get it right in the first place.


TumblinDice is the one who is talking about 9,000 baht for his co-worker and not me.


All of the teachers at the schools that my son has gone to since P1 have earned more than 9,000 baht per month as a teacher and since you are talking fishy stories I cannot believe that any teacher is only earning 9,000 baht per month after 14 years of schooling and 4 years at university gaining a degree.


Who would be left to teach the children if some left? How about the any thousands of teachers who are established and confirmed civil servants already.

Okay! Fare enough! Now armed with this additional information let me see if I got your story about your Niece correct now. 


Your Niece, who is obviously a younger woman, first completes University, as you mentioned that she had a Student Loan.On her first job she earns about 12,000 Baht a month, which you told us she was not happy about. So she then moved on to her second job where she earned 13,000 Baht a month but still not happy with those wages either. So now here is where your story gets kinda thick. 


So this Niece of yours, with very little working experience and zero business experience, decides to start her own business one day, with the financial help of her family and boyfriend. Her being a Young Woman with no business experience at all, and no knowledge of even how to start her own business and open a shop, any normal person would think she was doomed to failure. 


But what you tell us next is that she becomes an instant success, and is making a lot more money this way and happier, then she was working and earning only 13,000 Baht a month. Then you tell us all that if she can do this than anyone can do this. 


I don't think so My Firend! If what you say about your Niece is true than she is most certainy the exception to the rule, and not the normal rule. What she accomplished is amazing and not something everyone can do. Like another Poster already told you, that if everyone could do this they all would. Including Me, or my wife at least, who does have a 4 Year University Degree in Business Administration. 


A Teacher earning 9,000 Baht a month is quite low, and lower than I would have thought as well. Especially for any city. But being the first Teacher Job in perhaps in some Rural Area, where a small shack to live in may be thrown is as part of the wages, is possible. But I also doubt that many make over 15,000 Baht a month as well. 


But consider that wage for a moment and even getting 15,000 Baht a month. A good rule of thumb in buying a house is that the total value should not exceed 3 years of wages. So for a Teacher that would be 540,000 Baht. Pretty difficult to find a modest home for 540,000 baht in the city. 


Now if you take the Total Debt Service Ration (TDS) of 40%, which incudes all Bills and Mortgage then on 15,000 Baht a month that leaves a desposable income of 6,000 Baht a month or 72,000 Baht a year. At a Mortgage Rate of 6% that means that the most expensive house you can buy would be 1,200,000 Baht which you could buy a modest house with that. 


But if you did buy a 1.2 M Baht house that means you cannot have any other debts, including a Student Loan, and that you would never pay off the Principle, meaning you would pay this forever. 


Thailand, like any country, needs good Teachers. They do a very important job and service to the country. Perhaps giving them higher wages is difficult, but certainly helping them out to be able to buy there own house with a low interest loan is not out of the ball park and within there easy reach. 


By-the-way! You did say that if the Teachers did not not like there wages they should quit and find another job. You did not say only a few of them but meant any or all of them. That came from your Post to which maybe you need to re-read over.      

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Perhaps everyone should get some debt relief from high interest rates from banks and not just these sections of society that think the are somehow entitled to special treatment because they can't repay what they obviously over borrowed and have been living beyond their means. How about normal people who are not rice or rubber farmers, government workers like teachers etc. or just entitled leeches...maybe they need it just as much. Amazing how some sections of society think they are special and deserve preferential treatment. How about everyone that falls into the 'performing loan' section....maybe they should get a discount for honouring the terms of their borrowing and being good for their debts. Total BS is what I'm hearing on this one.

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10 hours ago, Prairieboy said:

Teachers have to realize that they don't need a fancy car or 2 or 3 motorcycles to save face.  They finally realized the fact that loans have to be repaid and now they want the government to bail them out.  They need to live within their means.  IMO it is all about face!

The banks are also at fault for loaning money to people who have no assets to back-up the loan.  In my country banks will not loan you money if the combined amount of monthly debt repayment exceeds 40% of your net income.

So you personally know Teachers who own fancy cars and have 2 or 3 motorbikes? Strange to me then as I never met any of them in all my time here. Not even Expat Teachers who earn double the money. The Teachers I know are all poor. 


You seem to have trouble with "Comprehension", or in other words understanding what you read. The Bank the Teachers are talking about isn't your every day Bangkok Branch off the street. It is a special Teachers Bank set up for the benefit of Teachers and you need to be a Teacher to join this bank. Just like there is a Farmers Bank in Thailand set up for Farmers.


This Teachers Bank was set up to be a benefit for the Teachers. By providing Low Interest Loans on major pruchases, like a house, and in so doing relaxing some of the rules that go along with stricter mortgages. Like having to have assest to borrow the money. Or having a Co-Signer. So because it is supposed to be a benefit to the Teachers they don't need to qualify as much as they do for a normal bank. 


Special Banks are also set up for Student Loans. How many assest do you think an 18 year old high school student has just begining university? Yet they still need to borrow a lot of money to complete there education and with zero assests they do. 


If Banks follower your rules on neding assests, nobody would get and education in this country, and no Teachers to teach them when it is free in High School.     

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2 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Okay! Fare enough! Now armed with this additional information let me see if I got your story about your Niece correct now. 


Your Niece, who is obviously a younger woman, first completes University, as you mentioned that she had a Student Loan.On her first job she earns about 12,000 Baht a month, which you told us she was not happy about. So she then moved on to her second job where she earned 13,000 Baht a month but still not happy with those wages either. So now here is where your story gets kinda thick. 


So this Niece of yours, with very little working experience and zero business experience, decides to start her own business one day, with the financial help of her family and boyfriend. Her being a Young Woman with no business experience at all, and no knowledge of even how to start her own business and open a shop, any normal person would think she was doomed to failure. 


But what you tell us next is that she becomes an instant success, and is making a lot more money this way and happier, then she was working and earning only 13,000 Baht a month. Then you tell us all that if she can do this than anyone can do this. 


I don't think so My Firend! If what you say about your Niece is true than she is most certainy the exception to the rule, and not the normal rule. What she accomplished is amazing and not something everyone can do. Like another Poster already told you, that if everyone could do this they all would. Including Me, or my wife at least, who does have a 4 Year University Degree in Business Administration. 


A Teacher earning 9,000 Baht a month is quite low, and lower than I would have thought as well. Especially for any city. But being the first Teacher Job in perhaps in some Rural Area, where a small shack to live in may be thrown is as part of the wages, is possible. But I also doubt that many make over 15,000 Baht a month as well. 


But consider that wage for a moment and even getting 15,000 Baht a month. A good rule of thumb in buying a house is that the total value should not exceed 3 years of wages. So for a Teacher that would be 540,000 Baht. Pretty difficult to find a modest home for 540,000 baht in the city. 


Now if you take the Total Debt Service Ration (TDS) of 40%, which incudes all Bills and Mortgage then on 15,000 Baht a month that leaves a desposable income of 6,000 Baht a month or 72,000 Baht a year. At a Mortgage Rate of 6% that means that the most expensive house you can buy would be 1,200,000 Baht which you could buy a modest house with that. 


But if you did buy a 1.2 M Baht house that means you cannot have any other debts, including a Student Loan, and that you would never pay off the Principle, meaning you would pay this forever. 


Thailand, like any country, needs good Teachers. They do a very important job and service to the country. Perhaps giving them higher wages is difficult, but certainly helping them out to be able to buy there own house with a low interest loan is not out of the ball park and within there easy reach. 


By-the-way! You did say that if the Teachers did not not like there wages they should quit and find another job. You did not say only a few of them but meant any or all of them. That came from your Post to which maybe you need to re-read over.      


Yes my niece is a younger woman and I think she is 24 or 25. I have known her since she was about 7 or 8 years old. She works from home so has no rent or travelling to do.


I have no idea if she is the exception to the norm but I do read here on TVF that women can make it with help from their families and friends and many do. I can understand the desire to own a house and the low salary here in Thailand. It isn't easy for many and harder for poor people. I was 40 when I bought my house in the UK and that was a struggle for me as well.


There are no teachers that I can ask about salaries at the moment as the kids are off school until Tuesday and even then there is no guarantee that they will tell me.


I would think that 9,000 baht a month is very low for any teacher.


My nephew was earning 6,500 a month as a labourer up at Mae Wong national park but he knew he was smarter than anybody else. He quit going to school at 15 to prove it. In his second year up there he was paid 6,500 on the 1st monthly and when he paid his debts off by the 2nd he had 500 baht to last him the month. He was living free with us and using my scooter which he wrecked. When I suggested that he pay 50 baht a day for 3 meals, a room and board he got upset and said that it was his money to spend the way he wanted.


He got fired after less than 2 years and disappeared back to BKK after convincing his grandmother to buy him a new scooter and give him spending money every month.


Teachers DO deserve more money but to earn it they need to produce better results. I know that the content is laid down by the MoE but surely they can (and do in many cases) teach students after school and at weekends.


There are many families in rural Thailand who have left their home and gone to work elsewhere to earn more money. I don't suppose that they or their families like it but it is a way out of the poverty trap.


You are correct that I should have read my post more thoroughly before I posted but I was annoyed with the other poster so I just went ahead and did it.


From what I could read from his posts the teacher claims to earn only 9,000 baht and doesn't seem to want to explore anything else but wants the government to help her at the expense of others who have to pay the full loan rates. There was no mention of any other debts she may have incurred other why she borrowed an unknown amount in the first place. 

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On 7/24/2018 at 6:42 AM, z42 said:

Or here is a better idea, don't take out loans unless they are absolutely necessary, and be damn sure that you read the small print before you sign up. These people (mostly) are neandarthals and deserve all the problems they're having.

The lady mentioned at the end was 9 million baht in debt, yet the house that the loan was taken to cover is now only worth 1.8 million baht.


Yes, sure there are 2 loans merged into 1. But what the <deleted> are these morons buying to justify taking out such huge loans. Pathetic

Spot on! They have a stable income. Why do they have to live beyond their means? One cannot just buy a house shortly after graduation, and not consider the other expenses: new iPhone, new car, cosmetics... Just like most Thais, they cannot manage their finances. The Thai educational system taught them how to sing, dance, and interact socially, but they lack mathematical and 'life' skills. The Government Savings Bank should not hand out loans that lightly!

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Teachers are paid a miserable salary.  You can only cut back so much. If you are working you may need to spend more money on some things, eg, transport, air conditioning, in order to sustain your health and well being.  It's simply not possible to live the humble life people espouse (but do not actually do themselves).  I've no doubt some, however, brought about their own problems in the usual way of spending ostentatiously without regard to paying the money back.


Gross indebtedness appears to be a global issue; this may reflect on today's morals but might equally indicate that modern economies are actually failing badly.

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My response is similar to when rich people complain about paying too much tax: well, don't become rich then. 


Don't teach!


I will tell you right now there is one thing i would love to be doing with my life, but it wont pay the bills. But if i did go ahead and pursue it, i have no right to complain. 

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10 hours ago, billd766 said:


Yes my niece is a younger woman and I think she is 24 or 25. I have known her since she was about 7 or 8 years old. She works from home so has no rent or travelling to do.


I have no idea if she is the exception to the norm but I do read here on TVF that women can make it with help from their families and friends and many do. I can understand the desire to own a house and the low salary here in Thailand. It isn't easy for many and harder for poor people. I was 40 when I bought my house in the UK and that was a struggle for me as well.


There are no teachers that I can ask about salaries at the moment as the kids are off school until Tuesday and even then there is no guarantee that they will tell me.


I would think that 9,000 baht a month is very low for any teacher.


My nephew was earning 6,500 a month as a labourer up at Mae Wong national park but he knew he was smarter than anybody else. He quit going to school at 15 to prove it. In his second year up there he was paid 6,500 on the 1st monthly and when he paid his debts off by the 2nd he had 500 baht to last him the month. He was living free with us and using my scooter which he wrecked. When I suggested that he pay 50 baht a day for 3 meals, a room and board he got upset and said that it was his money to spend the way he wanted.


He got fired after less than 2 years and disappeared back to BKK after convincing his grandmother to buy him a new scooter and give him spending money every month.


Teachers DO deserve more money but to earn it they need to produce better results. I know that the content is laid down by the MoE but surely they can (and do in many cases) teach students after school and at weekends.


There are many families in rural Thailand who have left their home and gone to work elsewhere to earn more money. I don't suppose that they or their families like it but it is a way out of the poverty trap.


You are correct that I should have read my post more thoroughly before I posted but I was annoyed with the other poster so I just went ahead and did it.


From what I could read from his posts the teacher claims to earn only 9,000 baht and doesn't seem to want to explore anything else but wants the government to help her at the expense of others who have to pay the full loan rates. There was no mention of any other debts she may have incurred other why she borrowed an unknown amount in the first place. 

Talk about having to go back & read a post. How do you conclude that said friend "doesn't seem to want to explore anything else but wants the government to help her at the expense of others"? Where did I write anything of the sort? And where does it say that "she borrowed an unknown amount in the first place"?

She, among many others is a co-teacher, meaning she has to "apprentice" as a teachers aide for at least two years, write an exam which apparently hardly any co-teacher passes on the first attempt. She is a military widow living in an Isaan province, has a young daughter, a car loan & other house hold expenses. Her father is terminally ill with cancer. I know this because I worked with her. She also tries to sell cosmetics on the side. Her salary is 9000B/month. She is also ex-military & very proud & honorable as well as extremely beautiful.

The other young acquaintance (who I also worked alongside with) works admin at a gov school in Phetchaburi province making only 8000B. This I know for a fact, so I suggest you get your facts straight before making asinine, confused 74 year old senile assumptions.


I do read here on TVF that women can make it with help from their families and friends and many do. Really? Back this up with facts, numbers, statistics! Who are the "many"? Your blowing fairy dust up your own axx if you believe that.

My nephew was earning 6,500 a month as a labourer up at Mae Wong national park but he knew he was smarter than anybody else. Right. he just knew it. Hate to break it to you but everybody is smarter than a Thai laborer so that doesn't set the bar too high.

Reading your comments is fake news!

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Just now, kannot said:

Quit being so damn selfish & look at the big picture. Its not one or two individuals defaulting on a loan, its a national epidemic.

an epidemic of  irresponsibility on their behalf............then yes, quite  correct

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45 minutes ago, kannot said:

I offered a  job for one person at 16k/month working with me on the land included  house, free electric, water  motorbike and 5 day week etc, NO takers, pls  pass this info on to your administrator friend and Ill await the call.....make sure they know it involves working on the land an wait for the deafening silence

Thanks for the offer. She's a beautiful young lady who weighs probably 45kgs. I'm sure she wants a professional job (she sacrificed 4 years of uni for it), plus being close to her family, friends & boyfriend. But perhaps if your near Mueang Phetchaburi & offer her a decent office type job with long term security she might consider.

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2 hours ago, kannot said:

an epidemic of  irresponsibility on their behalf............then yes, quite  correct

Possibly.  Nothing would surprise me with Thais. It's not possible to apply the same frame of reference with Thais.  I do know that entry level teachers might be paid a very low wage and it doesn't get much better.  However, the one thing you don't do in that position is take out a huge loan you can't repay.


Some teachers I knew definitely fell in to the category 'because I am good, did my certificates, can read and write better than most, then all good things should be handed to me'.  Life doesn't work like that and imo that's where they are a bit lacking.

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“Some of these teachers have no home anymore. They have to stay at temples,”


  The ones I know have a couple of houses they rent out. And there are the ones who gamble their salary away in Cambodia on a daily/weekly basis. 

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3 hours ago, TumblinDice said:

Thanks for the offer. She's a beautiful young lady who weighs probably 45kgs. I'm sure she wants a professional job (she sacrificed 4 years of uni for it), plus being close to her family, friends & boyfriend. But perhaps if your near Mueang Phetchaburi & offer her a decent office type job with long term security she might consider.

 I'm sure she wants a professional job (she sacrificed 4 years of uni for it)


4 years at one of the astonishing Rajabhats? That's like a license to go fishing in Europe. 

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7 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

 I'm sure she wants a professional job (she sacrificed 4 years of uni for it)


4 years at one of the astonishing Rajabhats? That's like a license to go fishing in Europe. 

LOL, True that but what can you expect from Thailands  educational system. I taught English to P1-6 approximately 32 students per class. Didn't matter how poorly the student did or even if they participated at all, we were required to pass them. Some of these kids shouldn't have been in the classes at all, complete nimwhits, but its all about the money paid to the school. Thai education is an absolute farce.

But this young lady is a hard worker & works her tail off for squat. I feel bad for her. She is such a sweetheart, very positive attitude & one of the nicest Thais I have met.  She helped me out tremendously. When I left I gave her all my kitchen ware; blender, toaster, waffle maker, iron, everything that I could & 5000B.

I feel bad for these hard working low paid teachers, nurses & other "educated" professionals some who have a better work ethic than us westerners. They want to work & they want to learn & yet they are so underpaid & appreciated. 

It's no wonder they "latch" onto a westerner for financial support. We are "rich" compared to them.

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9 hours ago, kannot said:

Thought she was in debt and would do anything to get out of it.........I know I would, excluding selling myself.

Not  interested in beauty am interested in hard  working, 45kilos  irrelevant, doesnt mean they cant work hard, 4  years sacrifice doesnt seem worth that to me if only getting 8 k, also never afraid to work "anywhere" to make money  so I was never in debt..................maybe thats ALL the differences I list above here, complain they are in debt  but dont make the effort to get out of it and stay out of it.

"might" consider..................hilarious

Geez, don't you sound like the ideal star employee, never in debt? What, you paid cash for your house, car, vacations, indulgences?

If they were willing to do anything to get out of debt there would be plenty more "soapy massage" parlors to supply the over abundance of demented sex tourist that visit, included the obese, retired 60 year old, walking ATM falang with his 30 year younger "sugar baby" (who btw, loves him dearly, (as long as his pension & financial support lasts)).

What sort of work are you offering? I meant to add, 45kgs & tiny little lady fingers so labor work is out of the question. And I never said she was in debt because I don't know. Nor do I know if she wants to leave to go elsewhere. I just know that the salary scale for teachers, administrators & nurses are ridiculously low & should be increased. But that wouldn't go over to well with the TV posters club because that would mean an overhaul price increase & their pensions wouldn't stretch as far (which is mainly why they are here because they couldn't survive back home on their low income (the irony) & we don't want to upset & inconvenience the misplaced falangs now do we.

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more figures today from the junta media


1.2 trillion in total debts from 450,000 teachers averaging 3 million per teacher


450 billion outstanding debts to the Government Savings Bank


the 800 billion in other banks are Co-op funds from the civil service from the Government 


All teachers could just sign to be a free member of the funeral fund then gain access to the loans


The Government Savings Bank and the Co-op funds had to then issue loans to any member without 'ANY' credit checks


This form of 'Bribery' using Tax payers money to keep the different parts of the civil service onside and help protect the 'status quo' is the real reason for this mess


whats the betting other parts of the 'civil service/yellow shirts' were given 'easy loans' 


i bet its been going on for decades as the junta have been in power mostly for decades


Black Swan event for a new crisis?

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