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Wednesday: 31 more Thai corpses as road accidents continue unabated


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2 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

I thought Thailand's reputation was at som tam.  If you hate driving in Thailand, why do it?

Because, despite the dangers its probably safer than using a bus, taxi or minibus. I prefer trying to avoid an accident rather than entrusting my life to some idiot minibus driver and hoping they drive safely.

Edited by KhaoYai
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3 hours ago, CGW said:

Theres usually nobody in the left lane either! lane discipline is light years away!

I have been driving here for 30 years now, years back cars were expensive and generally slow, now cars are cheap and fast, too much too soon for Thailand, the standard of driving was never good, what can you expect when there is no training, nowadays it is just atrocious, "the wild west on wheels" ! ?

"Theres usually nobody in the left lane either!".  That's true, only yesterday sitting on the front seat on the bus from Pattaya to Bangkok, most of the motorway has four lanes, and the first lane was empty.


The bus driver at times  had to use the first lane to get past the slow moving traffic hogging the second and third lanes, and the road was not busy.

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3 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Just tell the people again to drive responsibly what more could possibly be done.

Better tell it a buffalo in a field, he will probably try to remember and understand what you tell him...

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3 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

Just tell the people again to drive responsibly what more could possibly be done.

They could get the cops off their inactive duty and on to some cars. and pull in the lane hoggers and fine them, say 1000 Bt a time, or even more. If they would do it all the time and not just 24 hour crackdowns like what they do with these moronic people riding on the sidewalks.

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2 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

let the public with video proof of bad driving report it to the police if the police can't do their jobs.

Yesterday I saw the police, about 10 officers hanging out under a bridge stopping motorcycles checking registrations and fining some for not wearing helmets. If that's all the police are good for, time for the people to police themselves.

Not sure about trying that in Thailand, but back in the UK I was always ready and occasionally did take the law in to my own hands, I always said if the police or courts will not act, then you do it yourself.

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The Police checkpoints are a complete waste of time and mostly money making stops.


The number one cause of accidents is motorcycles not driving safely and motorists driving too fast.  Unitl Thailand gets a  police motorcycle corps and a real highway patrol and issues tickets that cost about 5-10,000 Baht  nothing will ever change.


Coupled with the above- a road safety public relations campaign daily on the TV and Radio as well as  driver education in the schools.

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6 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

They simply don't care.  If they have an accident, and get killed, it was "fate" and has nothing to do with their horrible driving habits.  And in 30 days they'll be reincarnated and come back again.  It's a mind set you simply can not change in them.

And since they only count the dead at the scene, the real numbers are much higher.



Didn't read the OP did you? 

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5 hours ago, pokerface1 said:

Have to agree it's a strange mind set they have when it comes their beliefs.

I think there is another issue in play which is suicide by car crash or jumping off the condo's balcony. 

I say this because many of the accidents show no sign of avoidance. They don't slam on the brakes or swerve away from the inevitable collision. If they survive the crash they say it's not my time, with the excuse that the brakes failed, sorry it's not my fault the other driver died.

Keep to the left on the expressway as it gives you more time to avoid the head on.

Suicide by car is not uncommon in some rural areas of Australia.

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There are several things here that could be done but it never will be. I do not blame the police for not going out on the roads and doing pursuits simply because why should the police officer have to go and buy a suitable motor bike or car out of their own money to do that job and if the government did decide to supply the police with the equirement they need to do their job properly and enforce the laws the same as the western countries then you would have all the TVF members up in arms screaming about it has become a nanny state just like their home countries which they left for a better life here and they don't like nanny states.

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4 hours ago, kannot said:

I congratulate him on his space  saving vertical parking technique

4 hours ago, kannot said:

I congratulate him on his space  saving vertical parking technique

Talk all you like without a proper system of punishment and enforcement. There is no chance  of any change. To quote a line from a well know movie "Stupid is as Stupid does" and you don't come more stupid than thinking YOU are coming back yes 10 out of 10 for space saving when  you come back you will be small and won't know yourself or need the space

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7 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

They simply don't care.  If they have an accident, and get killed, it was "fate" and has nothing to do with their horrible driving habits.  And in 30 days they'll be reincarnated and come back again.  It's a mind set you simply can not change in them.

And since they only count the dead at the scene, the real numbers are much higher.



Unfortunately, that's the mindset of the uneducated masses - many educated Thais I know think very differently. Even the Ministry of Public Health has campaigned the reality that it is not their fate, but their behaviour. I honestly believe, as it mostly the poor that die on the roads, the authorities simply don't care. Start killing off the Bankok middle class in their hundreds, then you will see action. 

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10 minutes ago, Jen65 said:

how does one protect themselves from all these idiot drivers ?? maybe I should buy a tank !

It explains why big suv's are popular, even in Bkk. I'm actually astounded there aren't more accidents, given the lousy driver training they have and the ease at licences are given out here. 

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Thai driving is the major beef I have. Over the last 24 hours I have saved several lives by being properly trained and crap driver aware.


TWO motorbikes pulled out on me from a soi on my left: no motorbike driver awareness of the trouble they could have been in. I am aware of this soi death wish so I am able to avoid the morons.


THREE drivers who could not wait, pulled out on me at U turns. In two cases, the road behind me was clear for a long way but they had no interest in assessing that. I had to slow down significantly in every case to avoid them.


I know many others here face the same problems as I do and it is clear that we all drive with self preservation at the forefront of our minds. We save lives that way.

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9 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

They simply don't care.  If they have an accident, and get killed, it was "fate" and has nothing to do with their horrible driving habits.  And in 30 days they'll be reincarnated and come back again.  It's a mind set you simply can not change in them.

And since they only count the dead at the scene, the real numbers are much higher.



I'll say it again. you can't teach stupid.

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9 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

They simply don't care.  If they have an accident, and get killed, it was "fate" and has nothing to do with their horrible driving habits.  And in 30 days they'll be reincarnated and come back again.  It's a mind set you simply can not change in them.

And since they only count the dead at the scene, the real numbers are much higher.




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3 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Because, despite the dangers its probably safer than using a bus, taxi or minibus. I prefer trying to avoid an accident rather than entrusting my life to some idiot minibus driver and hoping they drive safely.

And, of course, you are an absolutely faultless driver and never error, right? And you can faultlessly detect any attempts on your life on the road. I once had an associate who believed it was impossible for him to get into a situation he could not control or predict. He was wrong.

Edited by MaxYakov
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24 minutes ago, wvavin said:

Why we need to bother how many Thais killed in road accidents whereby the government could not be bothered at all?

We do need to be bothered about it because it is those Thais that could kill us or our loved ones and it does not matter how careful we are or even if we don't drive they could still get us

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