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Trump denies knowing of 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians


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Trump denies knowing of 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians

By Doina Chiacu


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FILE PHOTO: Trump Tower on 5th Avenue is seen in New York City, U.S., April 10, 2018. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday denied knowing about the 2016 meeting his son Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign staff held at Trump Tower with a group of Russians who offered damaging information about Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.


"I did NOT know of the meeting with my son, Don jr," Trump wrote in on Twitter after a CNN report cited his longtime lawyer Michael Cohen as saying Trump had known about the meeting in advance.


CNN, citing unidentified sources with knowledge of the matter, said Cohen was willing to make that assertion to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating whether Trump's presidential campaign had worked with Russia to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election.


Federal prosecutors in New York are investigating Cohen for possible bank and tax fraud, and for possible campaign law violations linked to a $130,000 (£99,170) payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, a person familiar with the investigation has told Reuters.

The payment to Daniels, who says she had an intimate relationship with Trump, was meant to buy her silence over the affair.

Cohen has not been charged with any crime.


Trump, who has said in the past he did not know about the meeting in advance, suggested Cohen was implicating Trump in exchange for possible immunity on unrelated charges related to his business dealings.


"Sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam," Trump speculated on Twitter, without supporting his claim.


The criticism of a man who was once Trump's fierce defender reflects the tensions wrought by the federal investigations in New York and Washington.


The role Cohen, a longtime personal confidant of Trump, might play in the Mueller probe is unknown. On Wednesday, Trump expressed disbelief that Cohen would have taped conversations with him, a day after an audio recording of a conversation between the two men was aired on U.S. television.


Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani called Cohen a liar on Thursday night after the CNN report on the Trump Tower meeting. "He's been lying all week, or for two weeks - he's been lying for years," Giuliani told CNN.


The Republican president has been infuriated by the suggestion he might owe his White House victory to Russia, and has focussed on denying the collusion allegations rather than on concerns about the U.S. intelligence community's findings that Moscow intervened on his behalf.


In a series of angry Twitter posts on Friday morning, he again denied any collusion with Moscow and denounced the Mueller probe as a witch hunt. Russia has denied meddling in the election.


Cohen did not return a request for comment on Trump's tweet or the CNN report. His attorney Lanny Davis declined to comment on the report, as did spokeswomen for Mueller and the U.S. attorney in Manhattan.


Trump's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., along with Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and senior campaign aide Paul Manafort took part in the June 9, 2016, meeting with Nataliya Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer and acknowledged Kremlin informant.


Trump Jr. told congressional investigators he did not tell his father about the meeting beforehand, according to documents released by the Senate Judiciary Committee.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-07-28


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47 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday denied knowing about the 2016 meeting his son Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign staff held at Trump Tower with a group of Russians who offered damaging information about Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

It´s not relevant if he denies the facts of a meeting taking place or not. What is relevant is if the information given was true or false. If true, there can´t be anything wrong. If false, then it should be up to Hillary Clinton to sue the accused in a defamation case.

Edited by Get Real
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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

If you ever have the feeling that you missed a glowing career in law, console yourself in the certain knowledge that you did not.

Totally irrelevant, and just something misleading that you feel the need to use out of poor self confidence in a normal discussion.

So, Chompy! Get a degree in discussion tecnique. Seems like you need it. :smile:



What matters is (at the very least):


Receiving stolen information.

Receiving something of value from a foreign government during an election.

Conspiring with a foreign government to rig an election.

Conspiracy with others in th above.

In the my comment that you quoted, it´s my opinion that matters. I can not care less what the complicated and idiotic justice system says is irrelevant or not in US.

Recieving stolen information: In my opinion it is irrelevant how the information was obtained. The relevance is in the fact if it´s true or not. We are talking about a public official, in wich case there should be open and transparent information in alla areas. That means there is no information to be stolen.

Receiving something of value from a foreign government during an election: To me it does not matter what or who the source of the information is, and if it is during or not during an election is neither relevant. The relevance is in that hidden information that was supposed to be transperent and open from start was obtained, and that it´s possible to proof the information is 100% true.


Conspiring with a foreign government to rig an election: If there is only talks and exchange about true and valuable information to the public and the voters regarding the credibility of a person that might have a chance to be elected to a high political and powerful position. Then I can not see ant conspiracy or anything worng regarding that, due to that I will refer to above about that there can not be any hidden information regarding a high official status in a country´s government.


Conspiracy with others in th above: What other??? The ones that saw to that information that from start should have been transparent and open to the public and the voters? I just guess you have been seeing to much on National Geographic and to many movies about conspiracy theories.

Have a nice day, Chompy! :wink:


(even if everyone know that I am anti-Trump, so is that no reason at all to not ahve a wish to see a transparent and open world, where politicians are forced to be open and transparent to their people.) Still not like Trump!

Edited by Get Real
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19 minutes ago, neeray said:

This is the big one. This is the one that will bring him down. 

Of course there was collusion. You know it, I know it, persons of all political persuasions know it

Oh, the Trump hater's, how they must love disappointment. The only thing you really know, is you hate Trump, thats it. What are you going to do when he wins reelection in 2020? 

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2 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Oh, the Trump hater's, how they must love disappointment. The only thing you really know, is you hate Trump, thats it. What are you going to do when he wins reelection in 2020? 

I have no fear about 2020. Thank you for your concern.

(I don't fear about 2018 either)

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1 minute ago, neeray said:

I have no fear about 2020. Thank you for your concern.

(I don't fear about 2018 either)

Yeh well, thats what you haters were saying in 2016 when Crooked Hillary was a 95% shoe in to win.

This Russia collusion thing has been going on for two years now, still nothing, never will be anything.

Trump 2020!

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1 minute ago, neeray said:

Methodical work uncovering thousands of deceitful maneuvers and lies takes time. Mueller is a pro, not like a Pres who shoots from the hip, lies, bluffs, threatens, cheats, commits treason and partakes in collusion with the enemy ........ . Just give it a little more time. Then let's see how you go into hiding when the shit hits the fan.

Oh geez, I almost missed this one. Whatever Allen Weisselberg, CFO of Trump organization, who has just been subpoenaed, is going to be the icing on the cake. Stay tuned, even Trump supporters will be gripping their seats.

Keep beating that I hate Trump drum,  If it makes you feel better to live with hate, and hope for Russia collusion, Trump fails,  the US fails, good on you. I for one hopes the best for the U.S.

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13 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Keep beating that I hate Trump drum,  If it makes you feel better to live with hate, and hope for Russia collusion, Trump fails,  the US fails, good on you. I for one hopes the best for the U.S.

Heh, we finally agree on one thing. Like you, I wish only the best for USA. But under Trump aristocracy rule, they will never realize the best. Fortunately, many people around the world only dislike Trump, not the USA.

I think they can recover their position under new leadership (that is coming soon).

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Totally irrelevant, and just something misleading that you feel the need to use out of poor self confidence in a normal discussion.

So, Chompy! Get a degree in discussion tecnique. Seems like you need it. :smile:

In the my comment that you quoted, it´s my opinion that matters. I can not care less what the complicated and idiotic justice system says is irrelevant or not in US.

Recieving stolen information: In my opinion it is irrelevant how the information was obtained. The relevance is in the fact if it´s true or not. We are talking about a public official, in wich case there should be open and transparent information in alla areas. That means there is no information to be stolen.

Receiving something of value from a foreign government during an election: To me it does not matter what or who the source of the information is, and if it is during or not during an election is neither relevant. The relevance is in that hidden information that was supposed to be transperent and open from start was obtained, and that it´s possible to proof the information is 100% true.


Conspiring with a foreign government to rig an election: If there is only talks and exchange about true and valuable information to the public and the voters regarding the credibility of a person that might have a chance to be elected to a high political and powerful position. Then I can not see ant conspiracy or anything worng regarding that, due to that I will refer to above about that there can not be any hidden information regarding a high official status in a country´s government. 


Conspiracy with others in th above: What other??? The ones that saw to that information that from start should have been transparent and open to the public and the voters? I just guess you have been seeing to much on National Geographic and to many movies about conspiracy theories.

Have a nice day, Chompy! :wink:


(even if everyone know that I am anti-Trump, so is that no reason at all to not ahve a wish to see a transparent and open world, where politicians are forced to be open and transparent to their people.) Still not like Trump!


I'm not "Chompy" you're posting to but I tried to get your point of all your extensive post above… and I've come to the conclusion-  to make a long story short:  


for you, in this case,  Russian meddling in US elections is positive and I quote your words: 


because  " there can not be any hidden information regarding a high official status in a country´s government,  it does not matter if  "something of value", "stolen informations, comme from a "foreign governement"





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26 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:


I recommend you go to law school and then clerk for Rudy Guilliani.  You would be a great asset to his cause as you seem intent on creating a body of alternative law.


1.  Hacking a computer and stealing private email communications is a crime. 18 U.S. Code § 2511.  Receiving and disclosing stolen email communications is also a crime. 18 US Code 2315.  As of now, no specific filings have been made in this regard, but Mueller's hacking indictment indicates Roger Stone arranged to have the DNC and DNCC hacked emails transferred to Congressional Candidate #1 (probably Matt Gaetz).



2.  A campaign is prohibited from accepting anything of value from foreign sources or receiving substantial assistance from a foreign national.  11 CFR 110.20, 52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510.  The only real issue is whether Stone, Trump's campaign advisor, knew Guccifer 2.0 was a foreign source (I believe the hackers (GRU operatives) were using a Romanian cover).



 3.  There is no crime for "conspiracy to rig an election".  Any Americans involved in providing assistance to the hackers to further their crime can be prosecuted under the federal campaign laws above (ie, Stone and Gaetz) and any Americans who were involved in working with the indicted social media operatives can be charged with conspiracy to commit fraud (ie,  Richard Pinedo for identity fraud from the Internet Research Agency indictment). 


Really there are only two laws at issue in this part of Russia-gate and prosecution against Americans would only be for conspiracy to violate those laws.  Frankly, the subpoena recently issued to Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg is far more dangerous to Trump's presidency.  First, Michael Avennati now says there are 3 more women who were paid hush money by Trump org or the National Enquirer in a catch and kill conspiracy which is a violation of campaign finance laws, as the payments were never disclosed.  Second, Trump Org's loan history from Russian oligarchs and money-laundering history is now going to be available to federal prosecutors.

Once again we had another one advising law school. Some people just don´t get it. Can´t care less about the law you talk about. I vioced my opinion which I clearly stated. Let thta be the end of it and move on.

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4 minutes ago, Opl said:


I'm not "Chompy" you're posting to but I tried to get your point of all your extensive post above… and I've come to the conclusion-  to make a long story short:  

for you, in this case,  Russian meddling in US elections is positive and I quote your words: 

because  " there can not be any hidden information regarding a high official status in a country´s government,  it does not matter if  "something of value", "stolen informations, comme from a "foreign governement"




Why do you concentrate on russian meddling?? Everybody that wants to shine a light on things should be considered as a big helping hand. Has nothing to do with Russia.

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3 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Funny, this argument tends to disappear when it is regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess it is a sort of "pick and choose" option.



For you maybe, not for me. The same applies.

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14 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Why do you concentrate on russian meddling?? Everybody that wants to shine a light on things should be considered as a big helping hand. Has nothing to do with Russia.

I try to concentrate on the topic as the OP defines it,

and conclude that what you abundantly articulated along your post, is  that Russian meddling regarding élections is positive.  

you made it very clear thanks to your "discussion skills" 

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Totally irrelevant, and just something misleading that you feel the need to use out of poor self confidence in a normal discussion.

So, Chompy! Get a degree in discussion tecnique. Seems like you need it. :smile:

In the my comment that you quoted, it´s my opinion that matters. I can not care less what the complicated and idiotic justice system says is irrelevant or not in US.

Recieving stolen information: In my opinion it is irrelevant how the information was obtained. The relevance is in the fact if it´s true or not. We are talking about a public official, in wich case there should be open and transparent information in alla areas. That means there is no information to be stolen.

Receiving something of value from a foreign government during an election: To me it does not matter what or who the source of the information is, and if it is during or not during an election is neither relevant. The relevance is in that hidden information that was supposed to be transperent and open from start was obtained, and that it´s possible to proof the information is 100% true.


Conspiring with a foreign government to rig an election: If there is only talks and exchange about true and valuable information to the public and the voters regarding the credibility of a person that might have a chance to be elected to a high political and powerful position. Then I can not see ant conspiracy or anything worng regarding that, due to that I will refer to above about that there can not be any hidden information regarding a high official status in a country´s government.


Conspiracy with others in th above: What other??? The ones that saw to that information that from start should have been transparent and open to the public and the voters? I just guess you have been seeing to much on National Geographic and to many movies about conspiracy theories.

Have a nice day, Chompy! :wink:


(even if everyone know that I am anti-Trump, so is that no reason at all to not ahve a wish to see a transparent and open world, where politicians are forced to be open and transparent to their people.) Still not like Trump!

It’s not your opinion that matters, it’s what the says and what prosecters can prove.

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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


Funny, this argument tends to disappear when it is regarding the Steele Dossier. I guess it is a sort of "pick and choose" option.



The law as it applies to oppo research is quite murky and I'm not sure anyone wants to take up a prosecution where the law is so unclear.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/07/12/can-it-be-a-crime-to-do-opposition-research-by-asking-foreigners-for-information/?utm_term=.75a4d0123578


The Steele Dossier is actually a product of an American oppo research company.  Fusion GPS is a Washingon DC firm which had been in business for about 6 years.  It was originally hired by The Washingon Free Beacon, a conservative blog, to do oppo research on several GOP candidates, but stopped when Trump won the primary.  They were subsequently hired by the Clinton campaign and contracted with UK spy Steele, to complete the research assignment.  The fact that Clinton's campaign hired a US oppo research company makes prosecution even more difficult.   

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Of course trump knew and approved he conspired with a hostile foreign power to rigg our election that’s criminal he should be in Leavenworth.Quando I would like to give you a shout out your piece on the 10 commandments is spot on!!

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