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Video: Villagers try to lynch top policeman's son who murdered gran and grandson in their own home


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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It seemed the villagers knew that lynching the murderer was

the only way they were going to see any form of justice,knowing

that connected people in Thailand rarely face justice.


regards worgeordie

Meanwhile at the dark side of planet Thailand

As darksidedog posted before

Prayuth said. “ I believe Thailand exists today because of its justice system.”

Edited by Lupatria
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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

What he did was wrong and the pain expressed by the  victims' family shreds the heart. However, look at him again and ask yourself if a "bad end" will bring back the dead or make things right. He's still a child despite being 20, and aside from looking intellectually challenged, he is terrified. I expect that he panicked when discovered  and reacted based upon his pre-existing psychological deficiency. I don't doubt for a minute that he now regrets what he did. That's not an excuse, but the multiple comments on this thread clamoring for his demise are just as barbaric as what this deviant did. The kid is not all there.


He is now in a detention facility where he will be tormented and bullied for the next 20+ years. As a  police officer's son, he will be targeted and no amount of bribery will shield him from that. His father most likely will not help as he has caused a tremendous loss of face for  his father.


The 20 year-old "child" has still to be convicted and jailed for a suitable amount of time.  Watch this space and see if you agree with the eventual verdict and sentencing, assuming of course that the public are ever informed of the outcome.  The Thai media are pretty hopeless at following up on important cases like this, for some inexplicable reason.

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4 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

You think he is terrified? How do you think that poor little 11 year old boy felt, when he was stabbed and could feel his lifes blood running away, knowing he was going to die so young? And the Grandma? Sees her grandson dead in a pool of blood and then gets stabbed 40 times? You think she wasn't terrified too? Two lives snuffed out so totally unnecessarily. Sorry bud, but this guy deserves everything that comes his way.

And more!

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It's about time these 're-enactments' were stopped once and for all.  They are stage managed by the police.  I've even seen policeman instructing the perp how and where to stand to the point where the policeman shows him how.

These spectacles are senseless and serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever.


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Policeman's Son? Surely you jest (and don't call me Shirley,-old joke from Jack in Madrid).

If it ever gets in the news, the Police will squash it. With the number of  Police protection force, they must have been expecting trouble. Non-Police kid? One guard, mob takes over.

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What in gods name did this re-enactment prove exactly... ?

Paraded in front of grieving family & relatives to show that the police are doing something...

Just lock the scum up until his court hearing then inject the retard!

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7 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

What he did was wrong and the pain expressed by the  victims' family shreds the heart. However, look at him again and ask yourself if a "bad end" will bring back the dead or make things right. He's still a child despite being 20, and aside from looking intellectually challenged, he is terrified. I expect that he panicked when discovered  and reacted based upon his pre-existing psychological deficiency. I don't doubt for a minute that he now regrets what he did. That's not an excuse, but the multiple comments on this thread clamoring for his demise are just as barbaric as what this deviant did. The kid is not all there.


He is now in a detention facility where he will be tormented and bullied for the next 20+ years. As a  police officer's son, he will be targeted and no amount of bribery will shield him from that. His father most likely will not help as he has caused a tremendous loss of face for  his father.


what world do you live in? It certainly isnt the same one as most people in Thailand. No, execution wont bring the people back but it sure as hell will stop him from doing something similar again

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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

The 20 year-old "child" has still to be convicted and jailed for a suitable amount of time.  Watch this space and see if you agree with the eventual verdict and sentencing, assuming of course that the public are ever informed of the outcome.  The Thai media are pretty hopeless at following up on important cases like this, for some inexplicable reason.

Highly likely you wont see any outcome, it is slip into the past and be forgotten about. Shouldn't be but it will be

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25 minutes ago, rwill said:

reincarnation. Are you actually murdering them or just starting them off on a new life.

How about volunteering so we can assess the theory on you.... 

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10 hours ago, baboon said:

I do not agree with or condone mob 'justice'. However in cases like this, had they have succeeded, I wouldn't have had too much of a problem with the fact...

Well you should have, because the next one could just involve a innocent

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10 hours ago, colinneil said:

Dont worry Sima daddy will fix it, 1000 baht fine, you have already done the wai ing bit, get your head shaved couple of weeks in the temple job done.

Why ohh why did the police protect that scum?

Should have let the villagers sort it out.

If the option of a 1000 Baht fine, the Wais and the shaved head was put on the table, with the condition that his father is sacked from his top police job with no pension, I wonder which way that would go.


Failing that, just drop a hint to the villagers where the spare jail key is kept.  Having said that, the toerag will probably be out on bail by Monday.

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This is another murder case where a rich guys kid will likely get off with a short time in jail

and some fine, wais, and temple time. It is a shame that the R family does not get involved

sometimes and get the government, and justice system to treat these hi so people like the

general public is treated. We all know that the General 1 or 2 are immune to justice, but

a top cops son?  The top cop should be made to apologize in public for this crime of his

20 year old adult son. The top cop should ask the judges to treat his kid like any other

regular adult would be treated, and if it means charging him in first degree murder, so be

it. That's my opinion anyway.

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10 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

This is another murder case where a rich guys kid will likely get off with a short time in jail

and some fine, wais, and temple time. It is a shame that the R family does not get involved

sometimes and get the government, and justice system to treat these hi so people like the

general public is treated. We all know that the General 1 or 2 are immune to justice, but

a top cops son?  The top cop should be made to apologize in public for this crime of his

20 year old adult son. The top cop should ask the judges to treat his kid like any other

regular adult would be treated, and if it means charging him in first degree murder, so be

it. That's my opinion anyway.

In full agreement, but also a bit of a realist

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1 minute ago, rodney earl said:

The villagers had the right idea and since the police stopped that. It is up to the government to enact the death penalty.!!

Correct VIA the "justice" system which is the only sensible way forward unless you want things to go downhill somewhat

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His father is a higher ranked policeman. All that really means, is that he is a head revenue collection agent. No law enforcement involved here. No law enforcement in this nation. Just revenue collection. So, how is the father supposed to set an example for the son, when he is not law enforcement to begin with? 


However murdering two totally innocent souls for a little bit of cash. Wish the village had more success at getting at this worm. The cops will just coddle and protect him, and no justice will ever be served. Another weak judge, accepting a hand out. Job is finished. Hopefully the villagers will not let this one go. 

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