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Pros and cons of visa agents

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3 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

The key to an easy life in Thailand is knowing what documents you need beforehand, then you don't have to sit around for hours or pay an agent to do a simple task.

In some cases, where IOs are fishing for brown-envelopes, they add "additional document" requests which are not required by law.  In these offices, it is much easier to get an extension on false pretenses (without the requisite funds or income) than to get a "legit" extension or Non-O stamp from a Tourist-type entry. 


Unfortunately, this is the general pattern of corruption.  It may start as "help for some," but can quickly devolve into, "pay us off or leave the country," as the "expected income" of officials begins to include "extra revenue" to make car-payments on cars their salary cannot support, etc.


2 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

There are only so many documents one could possibly supply.

If you take a comprehensive list of documents then regardless of what one office may, or may not request, you'll have everything at hand.

Half of the required documents are in your passport.

2 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

An IO may want a copy of your wife/landlords Tabien Baan and ID card.

Another may accept a bill with your name and address.

Some may want to see a rental contract.

So one might assume, if they have dealt with honest IOs.  Sometimes your Thai wife lives with you in a rented condo.  Imagine this scenario:

"We need signed-copies of your landlord's ID, landlord's tabien-bahn, and your residence's tabian-bahn." 

Then, return with that and get:

"No, that tabien bahn is too old (now being outright angry with your wife for not taking you to an agent).  Tell your landlord to fly back to Thailand, go to the local Amphur office, and request a fresh copy of a tabien-bahn," (before your existing permission to stay on Non-O expires in the next week or so).  True story!! 


This after an attempted Non-O stamp, months prior, at the same office (different desk), where a "custom document list" was presented, which did not offer an option to use my MFA-certified embassy income document plus proof of transfers into a Thai bank exceeding the stated amount. 


These are the sort of "extra document requests" one can expect, when IOs are fishing for agent-supplied brown-envelopes.  You cannot win by attempting to honestly play their game.  In these cases, you can either hire an agent, or, in my case, go to a consulate in Laos for a ME visa to avoid participating in the corruption.


1 hour ago, Tanoshi said:

... And should they suddenly request a medical check out of the blue (seen it happen) just how does an agent help.

Wouldn't you have to attend and take the medical yourself.

No.  The "extra requirements," plus some "legitimate requirements" (like having the money or income), magically-vanish when using an agent.  The IOs involved in these schemes don't really care if you are healthy and/or can afford living here, or what is good for your Thai family - or even the country - after all. 

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3 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

And as my granny always used to say;

'If it goes tit's up, blame somebody else'

Yeah, I got it!

I much prefer to "Have contingencies in place for the shortcomings of other people."


McDonald's Corollary to Murphy's Law:

"In any given set of circumstances, the proper course of action is determined by subsequent events." 

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I don't personally have a problem with going down but the people I've met who have the visa, I forget which one because I'm not on it, that has them camping the night out so that they can get a ticket for an appointment that day.  If I was on that visa I'd want an agent.

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16 hours ago, Phuket Man said:

Total waste of money. Do it yourself.

It's easy, cheap and you know it is legal.

Your last line is the key issue.


Thanks for spelling it out.. It's not simply an issue of ease or cost. If you want it done right then do it yourself.

I personally go the 25km to my local office for all extensions, reports, etc.. I firmly believe there is a benefit to the local agents knowing you by sight.

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17 hours ago, jippytum said:

Why skirt the law and pay 10, 12. up to  15000 baht plus plus to some dubious business operator when the actual cost is 1900 baht .

Get ready for the moaners who would not deposit the required amount in a Thai bank. The reality is the guarantees and interest rates plus refund of tax paid compares favorably with most offshore and European banks .For example the UK just raised interest rates yesterday from 0.25% to 0.75% the highest rate in a decade.

It's not rocket science to do the visa by yourself so give it a try and you will find after some research how easy it is .

Because they can.....its a matter of convenience to some people.  Every country has Immigration Law firms, who do exactly the same thing  -  I do my own residence reporting when I return because I like talking to the ladies in that section, and when I stop working in two years, I'll do my own Visa's and extensions - but I don;t knock on anyone that does.

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Fantastic long thread about what really???? Something wrong with me? I just go down for 10 years in a row to my Immigration-office, and gets my extension without any so what hassle....


All these guys trying living here who doesn´t have the money to leave "mamas street" in their home-countries.  Maybe all of them should have stayed home, instead of cheating their way through life.


These scams in Thailand live their own life, purely because these guys without money.... Go Home plse.....



Edited by glegolo
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Really!  Yes, really.  I live in CM.  My expat friends have had to endure the extension process here and I’ve been keen on watching them as my time is coming in a couple of months.  


Scenario One:  Friend went to Promenada where Immigration is and got in line at 2:30 AM.  He was number 10.  By 3:30 AM there were 30 people in line. IMM offers a very limited number of queue numbers, hence the need to spend the early morning hours in line.  


Scenario two:  A second friend followed our first friend’s example and went to get in line at 2:30 AM.  He and several others were escorted from the queuing area by security guards at 3:00 AM and the place was locked down.  No one was allowed to re enter.  At 6:30 AM, the guards reopened the queuing area to accommodate a bus filled with Chinese that had just arrived.  They took all the queue for the day, forcing our friend to leave and return another day.


My plan is to use an agent when I need my extension of stay here in CM.


When I lived in Bangkok, I had no problem going to CW for my extensions every year.  I won’t be going to Promenada to sleep on the floor anytime soon.  I’ll pay the extra for the agent to arrange my stamps.  I see at as a cost of doing business in CM.



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7 minutes ago, glegolo said:

All these guys trying living here who doesn´t have the money to leave "mamas street" at their homecountries.  Maybe all of them should have stayed home in stead of cheating their way through life.

In my experience, it's not just those who can't meet the financial requirements that use an agent.

There are those who either don't want to understand, or can't understand the Immigration system and procedures.

There are those who don't have a PC, or how to use one.


I can understand certain individuals having no choice other than to use an agent, but there are a lot that do, that shouldn't have to.

Who else other than an agent can obtain a 'Retirement Visa'.  ?


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40 minutes ago, glegolo said:

Fantastic long thread about what really???? Something wrong with me? I just go down for 10 years in a row to my Immigration-office, and gets my extension without any so what hassle....


All these guys trying living here who doesn´t have the money to leave "mamas street" in their home-countries.  Maybe all of them should have stayed home, instead of cheating their way through life.


These scams in Thailand live their own life, purely because these guys without money.... Go Home plse.....



must be nice looking down from your ivory tower Gigalo

i know a guy who by your description is a scammer.

He had his retirement extension with his own money in the bank for many years then he had to use an agent for his last oine

why? because he blew his life savings of over 5 million baht at BPH saving his own to old to insure life

Perhaps he should have chosen dying over keeping 800,000 in the bank to service his retirement then he would not have needed an agent

Needs must when the devil drives Gigalo 

you should hope his story is not your story one day

i foe one will not be sympathetic to you after posts like yours




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1 hour ago, notamember said:

must be nice looking down from your ivory tower Gigalo

i know a guy who by your description is a scammer.

He had his retirement extension with his own money in the bank for many years then he had to use an agent for his last oine

why? because he blew his life savings of over 5 million baht at BPH saving his own to old to insure life

Perhaps he should have chosen dying over keeping 800,000 in the bank to service his retirement then he would not have needed an agent

Needs must when the devil drives Gigalo 

you should hope his story is not your story one day

i foe one will not be sympathetic to you after posts like yours




bla bla bla........ pick out one example and now it is common.....

"Netamumba".... If you need help, I will help you, dont worry..



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3 hours ago, Tracyb said:

Really!  Yes, really.  I live in CM.  My expat friends have had to endure the extension process here and I’ve been keen on watching them as my time is coming in a couple of months.  


Scenario One:  Friend went to Promenada where Immigration is and got in line at 2:30 AM.  He was number 10.  By 3:30 AM there were 30 people in line. IMM offers a very limited number of queue numbers, hence the need to spend the early morning hours in line.  


Scenario two:  A second friend followed our first friend’s example and went to get in line at 2:30 AM.  He and several others were escorted from the queuing area by security guards at 3:00 AM and the place was locked down.  No one was allowed to re enter.  At 6:30 AM, the guards reopened the queuing area to accommodate a bus filled with Chinese that had just arrived.  They took all the queue for the day, forcing our friend to leave and return another day.


My plan is to use an agent when I need my extension of stay here in CM.


When I lived in Bangkok, I had no problem going to CW for my extensions every year.  I won’t be going to Promenada to sleep on the floor anytime soon.  I’ll pay the extra for the agent to arrange my stamps.  I see at as a cost of doing business in CM.



Sounds like a good plan I would do the same thing.

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18 hours ago, berybert said:

I'm amazed at how many people have so many problems going to IO. All I do is take my paperwork and get stamped. Never been asked to bring my next door neighbours baby's birth certificate or the MOT paperwork for the local hairdressers car. 

I must be a lucky chappie. 

Yes, because you have your act together.


I did have a male IO ask me one time "You like to boom boom Thai lady".  I was not sure if it was a trick question but promptly answered YES!  He laughed and we moved on.

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A post against forum rules and an answer to it have been removed.


11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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On 8/3/2018 at 8:37 AM, vogie said:

I think the people who use agents are the people without cash to use as the reserve of 800,000baht. 

No doubt about you being correct on this.

Why else would anyone waste money?

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On 8/3/2018 at 11:24 AM, hitext said:

I love living in Thailand, but I hate dealing with the bureaucracy here. I have better things to do than sit around for hours in the immigration office, only to be sent away again to find some obscure document or other. So for that reason alone, I find using an agent much the better option. 


Speedy Visa in Pattaya have done my renewals for the last five years, and I have always been happy with the return on the additional investment. The renewal is done quickly (together with my multiple entry visa), without fuss, and I never have to set foot in an immigration office. That suits me just fine!


I came to Thailand for an easier life, and working with an efficient agent helps to smooth out the few remaining wrinkles.


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2 minutes ago, Phuket Man said:

No doubt about you being correct on this.

Why else would anyone waste money?

why would anyone spend 7 million on a BMW instead of 500k on a March? because they can.

Edited by Naam
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3 hours ago, glegolo said:

bla bla bla........ pick out one example and now it is common.....

"Netamumba".... If you need help, I will help you, dont worry..



Ok loan me money to help with my visa next time but to loan me money to get a visa would be against your high fallooting rules wouldn't it?

so to help me would be illegal in your world

worry about you, i don't think so...



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3 hours ago, glegolo said:

bla bla bla........ pick out one example and now it is common.....

"Netamumba".... If you need help, I will help you, dont worry..



frankly gigalo i find you a a distraction to genuine posters on this forum who need help, only appearing  to correct people about visas and extensions. Why not leave it to the experts to advise people correctly and you go back to Sweden?

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38 minutes ago, Naam said:

why would anyone spend 7 million on a BMW instead of 500k on a March? because they can.

Yes but you get a BMW and not a March.

Do it yourself and you get a 12 month extension.

Pay someone a vast amount of money and you get a 12 month extension which might not even be legal.

So you are paying a ripoff price for a worse product.

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1 minute ago, Phuket Man said:

Yes but you get a BMW and not a March.

Do it yourself and you get a 12 month extension.

Pay someone a vast amount of money and you get a 12 month extension which might not even be legal.

So you are paying a ripoff price for a worse product.

vast amount of money?

20, 000 baht?


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11 minutes ago, Phuket Man said:

Yes but you get a BMW and not a March.

Do it yourself and you get a 12 month extension.

Pay someone a vast amount of money and you get a 12 month extension which might not even be legal.

So you are paying a ripoff price for a worse product.

I am not sure you have read the thread. I, like you, always do all my business with immigration and consulates myself but there are situations where it makes sense to consider using an agent. The situation, as detailed by many posters, at the immigration office in Chiang Mai is a perfect example. There are many more.


Remember not all situations resemble your situation. Sometimes trying to work through situations with Thai bureaucracy can be Kafka-esque.

Edited by Briggsy
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