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'Yingluck did not flee UK; Dubai flight was pre-planned'


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headlines a couple of days ago about a high ranking officers son , killed that poor lady and her grandson, for no reason at all. i wonder what the outcome of that will be, ok  silly me why did i waste time typing this, Thai justice system is a complete joke,

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10 hours ago, ukrules said:

I suspect that if they were going to arrest her then she wouldn't have been allowed to leave the country.


I guess absolute proof of this will be if she returns to the UK at some point in the future.

I doubt that the Thai authorities have asked for anything from the UK.  It is just more bullsh from the land of lies.

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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I doubt that the Thai authorities have asked for anything from the UK.  It is just more bullsh from the land of lies.

Well it was reported by the BBC not the Thai authorities!

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15 minutes ago, dutchberliner said:

Color me naive but shouldn't they be focusing on getting that red bull guy to serve his sentence?

They need him back in Thailand to face charges.  He's not been convicted or sentenced yet.

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22 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Clearly the Shins don't share your opinions about what the British courts (note not government) might do or find in their investigations. Better to leg it to a safer haven.


On what authority do you speak on behalf of the British government, laws and their opinion of the Thai Justice System? Your opinion, and that is what it is, isn't necessarily theirs. The crime of fraud and negligence in a public office is certainly recognized. The issue, IMO, would be if the UK courts considered the selectivity of which cases are progressed in the Thai system equates to "political persecution" and whether on principle they would extradite a former elected leader, albeit one removed by a court, to a country controlled by a Junta.


I believe the UK courts would recognize the crime, by would not consider extradition to a country with a non elected Junta. Whilst they may have thoughts about another judicial system I don't think they would comment on it.


Surely no one believes that this is coincidence? That the Shins run the very next day and it was all a coincidence with a planned trip - yeah right.


But the Junta don't really want her back. Just stirring the pot to look like they're doing something. Notice they ignore Thaksin with his outstanding conviction and warrants. And don't bother commentating on the sham Red bull boy "extradition" mess.


As long as they've got billions their are plenty of countries without extradition treaties with Thailand that will welcome them. Let's see if she goes back to the UK.


They will return to UK soon and travel constantly you've been watching 'Twilight Zone' too much. You are right UK will never extradite a political case.

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Just now, BobBKK said:


They will return to UK soon and travel constantly you've been watching 'Twilight Zone' too much. You are right UK will never extradite a political case.


Talking of twilight zone, have you checked on when caretaker PM Yingluck was dismissed by a court PRIOR to her brother's administration being removed by a coup? Or still living in your own little world?


Just because the offender is a politician doesn't make the case political. That is the current get out politicians all over the world try when caught.

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Talking of twilight zone, have you checked on when caretaker PM Yingluck was dismissed by a court PRIOR to her brother's administration being removed by a coup? Or still living in your own little world?


Just because the offender is a politician doesn't make the case political. That is the current get out politicians all over the world try when caught.


Any court operating in an unelected military Junta is... a what?... I'll give you a clue... yes it's a Junta Court you got there in the end well done.

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20 hours ago, IAMjustAforeignerWHOloveTH said:

I envy them so much. So rich and free to travel the world. Always hear their daily news, eat good sleep good.

Always shopping.. 

In my view there could be nothing worse than permanently shopping. I get the itch to leave a department store after just 10 minutes. The muzac drives me insane and then I realize I have no idea of the time for there is no natural light. It could be day or night, who knows?



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15 hours ago, gaff said:

I just hope that she is safe somewhere. She is so hot ❤️



She'll be even hotter in Dubai- or perhaps not, the UK is having a heatwave. 

Of course it would be easier to go undercover in Dubai, just don the old hijab and Pu may become unrecognizable.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:

Talking of twilight zone, have you checked on when caretaker PM Yingluck was dismissed by a court PRIOR to her brother's administration being removed by a coup? Or still living in your own little world?

Please expand on that.  She was investigated for 'insider trading' but charges were never laid or pursued.


She was never 'caretaker PM' prior to her brother's administration.

Edited by HHTel
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On 8/4/2018 at 6:31 AM, brucec64 said:

Yawn. Weve heard this one sided "view" of events for a long time. Try taking your simplistic analysis a level deeper and you will see the root cause of the "disturbances" are those in power now. I know it will be difficult because junta sycophants are not really known for their deep thinking...

Sent from my SM-N950U1 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Ohh. really, You approve of MP's rorting the system, killing the economy & driving country to stand-still!... Taking Billions of Baht from population for themselves , is OK  & acceptable ?? Wouldn't put you in deep thinker category!! 


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3 hours ago, brucec64 said:

You have perfectly described what the current "government" has done - the previous government was actually very successful from an economic point of view. GDP growth was high (except for 2011 flooding) and only plummeted because of the staged unrest and the subsequent coup. It's taken 4 years to get back to the previous government's level of GDP growth, with a  lot of questionable rorting of the system along the way- starting from the highly questionable constitution, to the rorting of the electoral process, to the proposed trillions to be spent on unnecessary high-speed trains and low speed submarines (with associated "commissions"), to the covered up corrupt conduct of senior regime members. 



Haha!! Previous Gov't caused the unrest, through it's Rice Pledging scheme & roll-on effects  , that required a "circuit breaker",i.e Coup with approval from Supreme Commander!!

You seem to "cherry pick" the facts, so Yingluck wasn't guilty of gross negligence as charged & convicted?? ... Similarly, her fugitive brother wasn't guilty as charged of corruption  related to land deals, Huh??  

You've mentioned several major infrastructure projects initiated by Prayut Gov't....

Where's your proof current gov't rorting???  

You've made unsubstantiated claims, now put up or shut up!! Simple!! 

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21 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

Again, your analysis is simplistic when you state the previous gov't caused the unrest. Suthep caused the unrest, and he even stated that the plotting started right when Yingluck was elected. But don't let reality get in the way of your weak-kneed adulation of men marching in goose steps.



You're hopeless, if as you say Suthep caused the unrest!!

Really....wasn't anything do do with an inept Gov't given to allowing rorting of Schemes supposed to assist farmers???  

Sounds like you don't like it here??  Ought consider returning to you homeland, get away from the "goose stepping men" in the night??? Haha!! 


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On 8/5/2018 at 9:01 AM, 5633572526 said:

I am on my way to Dubai next week maybe I can get a selfie with her lol

I was on a fight from London to Dubai last Wednesday. I wonder if she was up the pointy end? Wonder why she is going now. Weather in the UK is marvelous, but appalling hot in Dubai and the moment!

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4 minutes ago, samran said:

I was on a fight from London to Dubai last Wednesday. I wonder if she was up the pointy end? Wonder why she is going now. Weather in the UK is marvelous, but appalling hot in Dubai and the moment!

Lack of aircon in the UK!

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1 hour ago, brucec64 said:


Something to enlighten yourself - you seem to have a very limited knowledge of the place you are living...

Planning for Thailand’s latest military coup began four years ago, according to the leader of antigovernment demonstrations that paralyzed Bangkok for six months and contributed to the ousting of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

Suthep Thaugsuban, the firebrand chief of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) — the main Yellow Shirt protest group — revealed to a fundraising dinner over the weekend that he and Thai Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha had been discussing how to purge Thailand of the influence of powerful Shinawatra ever since deadly political violence erupted in 2010.


Not at all, "Brucie Wucie", if you believe what's printed about Suthep allegedly saying, you're more gullible than most!!

Back when, he made all sorts of claims, with no basis, simply to stir up trouble!


You're wasting your time on fairy tales + don't answer direct questions posed!!  


Thailand is what it is & nothing you can say/do will change a thing!


Go have your afternoon nap, far more appropriate for you!! 

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1 hour ago, brucec64 said:


Something to enlighten yourself - you seem to have a very limited knowledge of the place you are living...

Planning for Thailand’s latest military coup began four years ago, according to the leader of antigovernment demonstrations that paralyzed Bangkok for six months and contributed to the ousting of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

Suthep Thaugsuban, the firebrand chief of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) — the main Yellow Shirt protest group — revealed to a fundraising dinner over the weekend that he and Thai Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha had been discussing how to purge Thailand of the influence of powerful Shinawatra ever since deadly political violence erupted in 2010.


The website that made reference has been blocked by court order. The content must be true then. Junta and their supporters just hate the truth and facts.


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  • 5 months later...
On 8/3/2018 at 4:31 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

When are they going to stop this nonsense?


The only way that Yingluck (or Thaksin) is going to return to Thailand is if it is voluntarily. Period.


The chances of Yingluck being extradited by the British government are nil. She is a former Prime Minister who was ousted by military coup makers, and people in that situation simply are not extradited. It does not happen. Further, in order to have a legal and legitimate extradition, the British government would have to recognize the "crime", and they do not and will not. Finally, the UK government is not unaware of the Thai "legal" system and all of the problems and issues associated with it; there are Thai specialists at the Foreign office, there are Thai specialists at universities, etc and they would all be consulted if the case ever went through to a hearing. And, Thailand would NOT like that. Unquestionably, the Thai legal system would be judged as 'substandard' and one that does not meet international norms. Oh, by the way, Yingluck can afford the best lawyers in all the UK; what lawyer would serve the Thai government in this?


This is just headline making noise on the part of the Junta trying to discredit the Shins. And, it is likely to fail badly. Anyone who already does not like the Shins will continue to not like them, all others will see a failed attempt to bully an accomplished, beautiful, young lady.


Sleep well, Yingluck! And send a few pictures now and then...



Sleep well? Naah, hope she has many many man sleepless nights as she has flashbacks to the poorr farmers who weren't paid etc., and flashbacks about the 2 senior members of her staff in jail for 38 and 42 years, very likely carrying the can for her aunty... 

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