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Why is Thailand heaven for foreign criminals? Thai media talk to immigration


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6 hours ago, 55Jay said:

The world's villains come to Thailand. 

Thailand's villains head to Cambodia.

All we know is SOME villains come to Thailand. The whole premise of this discussion is structured to suggest that Thailand is especially favoured by criminals. Of course, the ease of buying off public officials doesn't hurt. I'll bet it's a lot easier to hide in other countries around SE Asia... especially the Philippines because the immigration department doesn't harass foreigners to the same level as they do in Thailand.

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4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

I know Thai people generally probably don't want to accept it, but a significant reason so many foreign criminals come to Thailand is because so many Thai criminals are in Thailand. 


Like attracts like. A large number of low quality local people will attract a disproportionately high number of low quality foreign people. That simple. 


Overwhelming majority of Thai people break THIER OWN LAWS. So, why would they expect foreingers to take those laws seriously? 


When Thai people begin to show consistency of following their own laws, irrespective of money, power, status, they can then expect far fewer low quality people showing up in their country. 

Maybe a lot of the Thai people do not agree with some Thai laws. If I was back in the UK, and did not agree with any of their laws, I would and did not obey them if I could get away with it.

I don't need people to sit round tables and make laws for me to obey, I can decide that for myself.

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7 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Yes, and a lack of proper law enforcement and lots of corruption. 

''Everything is easy and Thai people are lovely'' 


What utter rubbish! Thailand IS easy if you are a criminal - but has clearly shown by the study on Ex-Pats living in Thailand released just a couple of days ago, it certainly is NOT easy for mostly honest, hard-working people! [which is why so many are leaving in droves!] In addition, Thai people are amongst the most morally bankrupt, racist and misguidedly arrogant race on the planet. They are also one of the main contributory reasons why criminals head for Thailand which also includes:

  • An abject lack of cross-border controls allowing easy access and egress into the kingdom
  • A totally corrupt and compliant immigration and police force that lets criminals freely live in Thailand as [long as they are being 'rewarded' for doing so and sharing in the profits of their various criminal activities]
  • Cooperation and protection from the justice [sic] & legal system that not only assists criminals to get away with their crimes but prevents them being exposed through Thailand's draconian anti--defamation laws
  • To live amongst a 'community' of like-minded criminals in more pleasant and conducive surroundings - and where the 'fruits' of their crimes go a lot further
  • To happily and freely be able to spend sizable amounts of money [such as buying properties] without drawing undue attention to themselves - as long as they 'take care' of various local government agencies and lawyers etc to circumvent Thai property and foreign ownership laws
  • To escape probable arrest and lengthy prison sentences for past crimes in their home countries [Thailand is the USA's No 1 extradition target for ruthless and violent criminals] 

Of course on top of all the above 'benefits' for criminals to come to Thailand - is the perceived lower cost of living, sunny climate and relaxed way of life, plentiful supply of sexy girls and other Thais who are happy to help criminals for a share in the 'proceeds' of crime, and a large and never-ending stream of tourists and other residents to target for their scams and such.


If the Thais had deliberately set out to create the perfect 'model' for a criminal paradise - they could not have done a better job of it. Thailand is today what the 'Costa del Crime' was of the 1970's and 80's.  





Edited by ScammedInThailand
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4 hours ago, fimo said:

I perfectly understand that immigration has to check the new comers but why bother and treat as criminal the residents who have visa and stayed at least more than 5 years ?

There will be 2 benefits:

- It will attract more people who want to retire in Thailand (and invest in the country)

- Immigration officers will save time (and money) and will have more time to check the potential criminals

That is makes far too much common sense for Thai authorities to understand.

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"High up on the list was also the ease of movement in the country itself - province to province travel was unrestricted and simple" Just hilarious, I was used to travel all over Europe without any control. And if you ask me it should be like that all over the world... Even the dinosaurs didn't have borders.

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My home country is awash with criminals -5.5 million recorded crimes  , last year 25000 scooter drive by muggings - just in London , the acid attack hub of Europe, modern day slavery, human trafficking , at least 1 million illegal immigrants, murders/ sexual attacks / violent crimes increasing . The level of teenage knife / gang related murders at an all time high. 


So in response to this article- the usual old school on Thai Visa whining on as if a few criminals here impacts on their lives.


I for one feel totally safe in the Kingdom. It’s one reason I live here . 

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Allow me to defend Thailand.  Thailand, before the simpletons in green took charge, was a haven for those fleeing troubles in Syria, those wishing to practice Christianity while on "holiday", those hiding out from those who would hurt them.  That changed when the grand hooha's nationalist fervor and power worship took over.  Thailand use to be a please of refuge for the good and the bad.  Today the good, the weak, the vulnerable, the forsaken must go elsewhere.   

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5 hours ago, StayinThailand2much said:

Because in a country of so many scams, gangs, drug trade, human trafficking, corruption, etc., etc., they feel right at home? ?

''Everything is easy and Thai people are lovely'' 


What utter rubbish! Thailand IS easy if you are a criminal - but has clearly shown by the study on Ex-Pats living in Thailand released just a couple of days ago, it certainly is NOT easy for mostly honest, hard-working people! [which is why so many are leaving in droves!] In addition, Thai people are amongst the most morally bankrupt, racist and misguidedly arrogant race on the planet. They are also one of the main contributory reasons why criminals head for Thailand as well as:


  • An abject lack of cross-border controls allowing easy access and egress into the kingdom
  • A totally corrupt and compliant immigration service and police force that lets criminals freely live in Thailand [as long as they are being 'rewarded' for doing so and sharing in the profits of their various criminal activities]
  • Cooperation and protection from the justice [sic] & legal system that not only assists criminals in getting away with their crimes but prevents them being exposed through Thailand's draconian anti--defamation laws
  • To live amongst a 'community' of like-minded criminals in more pleasant and conducive surroundings - and where the 'fruits' of their crimes go a lot further
  • To happily and freely be able to spend sizable amounts of money [such as buying properties] without drawing undue attention to themselves - as long as they 'take care' of various local government agencies and lawyers etc to circumvent Thai property and foreign ownership laws
  • To escape probable arrest and lengthy prison sentences for past crimes in their home countries [Thailand is the USA's No 1 extradition target for ruthless and violent criminals] 

Of course on top of all the above 'benefits' for criminals to come to Thailand - is the perceived lower cost of living, sunny climate and relaxed way of life, plentiful supply of sexy girls and an inordinate amount of Thais who are happy to help criminals for a share in the 'proceeds' of their crimes, and a large and never-ending stream of tourists and other residents to target for their scams and such.


If the Thais had deliberately set out to create the perfect 'model' for a criminal paradise - they could not have done a better job of it. Thailand is today what the 'Costa del Crime' was of the 1970's and 80's.  


Edited by ScammedInThailand
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14 minutes ago, marqus12 said:

Now I understand why all houses in my area have window bars
...it's because of these foreign criminals everywhere !


By the way... this interview is pure hate speech !

Yes, they ask a question, which is only an opinion and really just pure nonsense, then ask Thai Immigration to give reasons why it is true.


Thai immigration should have answered something like "Nonsense! Thailand is not a good place for criminals - we're tossing them out faster than they arrive", and sent them on their way.

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I do not think Thailand has any more than other countries. 


Those are heavy hitting criminals. Could lack of extradition also be another reason. Thailand is also rather large so it is easy to move and hide within countryside or cities. 

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27 minutes ago, tropo said:

Yes, they ask a question, which is only an opinion and really just pure nonsense, then ask Thai Immigration to give reasons why it is true.


Thai immigration should have answered something like "Nonsense! Thailand is not a good place for criminals - we're tossing them out faster than they arrive", and sent them on their way.

Indirectly he said: 'we are inept, cannot guard our borders, and Thailand is perfect for crooks cause of the cheap food and naive people...' - Now, that sounds more like an invitation for crooks from around the world, rather than talk about a serious police work commitment. ?

Edited by StayinThailand2much
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Well, I guess it may be difficult for some, but if you think about it you may find some other reasons.

Like, there are many foreigners in Thailand; all the better to hide amongst. Like, Thailand offers easy access to girls, alcohol and warm climate.

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Why is Thailand heaven for foreign criminals?


I would think that anyone would know the answer to that:

It's simple..........

It is just that the 'foreign Criminal' fits in so perfectly here...........They blend in quite well with the street gangs, lady boys, Jet Ski operators.... Even the government.....

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Missing from immigrations list of reasons:


Because it's easy to buy off the police (as well as everybody else).


Because the police are easily co-opted into criminal activity


Because Thailand has a big sign hanging over it saying:


"Criminality encouraged and welcomed here"


And the crims know it.


It is their "Field of Dreams":


"If you build it..........."





Edited by Enoon
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10 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Yes, and a lack of proper law enforcement and lots of corruption. 

And there it is....if you can afford to offer payment to the right people for the right amount you can stay and be quite comfortable. 

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2 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Allow me to defend Thailand.  Thailand, before the simpletons in green took charge, was a haven for those fleeing troubles in Syria, those wishing to practice Christianity while on "holiday", those hiding out from those who would hurt them.  That changed when the grand hooha's nationalist fervor and power worship took over.  Thailand use to be a please of refuge for the good and the bad.  Today the good, the weak, the vulnerable, the forsaken must go elsewhere.   

I see your argument, and I raise you this: Have there been significant improvements in reduction of local Thai crimes? Has the government locked up any prominent people from its own clan, for example?


This is a far better question to ponder than what they are doing RE foreign criminals, if your intention is to defend Thailand. 

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59 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

I do not think Thailand has any more than other countries. 


Those are heavy hitting criminals. Could lack of extradition also be another reason. Thailand is also rather large so it is easy to move and hide within countryside or cities. 

So, you think that all countries have the same percentages of foreign criminals?

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