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Neighbors dogs


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8 hours ago, nickmondo said:

its normally the little ones that yappy bark

i hate them

i rented a house, the neighbour had one.  i kept asking her to keep it quiet, she always said, soooooooo sorry

anyway, after a while, i went up to her, made a sign of a gun with my hand, put it to the dogs head, and said bang.  at the same time, i looked at the owner straight in the eyes and nodded.  she got the message.  was never a problem again.

What a tough man you are to threaten a female . Try it with a Thai man and then come back to tell us how well it worked out for you.

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If barking noise is within normal hours ie I believe 8am-23 or midnight, nothing can be done, besides speaking with the owner who also can not really do much when they not at home.


i have 5 dogs and keep all inside . When I am not home I leave  my pit outside. He barks ONLY when strangers come around which works as security  for everyone else as they know stranger outside . In my village corner zero robberies, the other side quite frequently house gets robbed.


not always a bad thing to have neighbors with dogs 

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13 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

I don't think you being forced to wear foam earplugs is a solution you will still hear the barking and ears become plugged up with wax.


There are just certain types of people who let dogs out to bark all day and/or all night.

It does not bother them at all. Some Thais appear immune to all forms of noise


Nothing you do will get them to change their behavior and if you bother them about it they may in turn do something bad to your house, property, or cause trouble for your family. Double the possibility of this as I assume you are a Farang and they are Thai.


Only thing you can do is move house.


I suggest a high-rise condo that does not allow pets. Living in a house here is pure insanity.

I had a pal once who lived in a shack on a Bangkok khlong with open-exhaust boats blasting past all day long. Amazing racket. All conversation had to cease when they roared by.


Once when I asked an educated Thai woman who had lived in the UK ("So sad! Quiet all day long!") why the Thais love noise she told me with a straight face "Because we are afraid of ghosts and spirits. The noise keeps them away."





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4 hours ago, BestB said:

What a tough man you are to threaten a female . Try it with a Thai man and then come back to tell us how well it worked out for you.

He'll go home and tell his mummy.

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10 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

What is this? Where is it? I haven't seen it before. Is this law or recommendation?


Its a sign at the  Bahn amphur beach ( Chonburi )   its possible its some "local bye law" 

but I think its the national law..pets (cats and dogs)  supposed to be vaccinated,not left to roam the streets,poo everywhere, cause accidents or disturbance/annoyance   ie: bark all day and night.

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getting the Thais to act against each other for your benefit is the best way.  Tell your Thai landlord if the Thai neighbor 's dogs don't quiet; you will move ASAP.  Very often, the dog owners are also renters, and your landlord will know their landlord.  I have seen some otherwise great neighborhoods destroyed by dogs, complete with people caring for up to a dozen soI dogs, but denying ownership.

Edited by moontang
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On ‎8‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 10:57 AM, mickylongtime said:

Hi I had the same problem with dogs barking all the time, so I put an app from the app store when the dogs bark hey presto it shuts up the little f----kers. Or a dog whistle from Lazada

 I hope that helps


What's the app? High pitched noise like the whistle? 

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23 hours ago, nickmondo said:

its normally the little ones that yappy bark

i hate them

i rented a house, the neighbour had one.  i kept asking her to keep it quiet, she always said, soooooooo sorry

anyway, after a while, i went up to her, made a sign of a gun with my hand, put it to the dogs head, and said bang.  at the same time, i looked at the owner straight in the eyes and nodded.  she got the message.  was never a problem again.

Surprised you have not had a visit by some police or Thai guys. They take pleasure in beating up foreigners who threaten their own. Not my style of an answer. 

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New housing project and have 2 people who got roosters. I bugged one of the people who had the rooster whose noise was in my bedroom direction and finally no rooster as they got my hint. I hope permanently gone but no telling. they both started crowing at 4:30 or 5am and the 2 roosters would answer each other all day. Now the other rooster is not so bad now as one is gone and it is not in my bedroom window direction as is on another block, but if I turn my fan off in my room I can hear it at 4:30am. I did yell at them once already as to why they have a chicken here as it is not the mountains or a farm. I suppose maybe I might intensify the heat on them, but for now leave it as there is another problem. 


Thai people and having dogs with no yards. They just let them out and the dogs run free and crap anywhere they want. On the street, on the home owners walls, right at the front gates of driveways, on the sidewalks, so you get the point. Big and small dogs, so it is a war zone out there. Last week there was a mound , and I mean a mound released on top of a speed bump. Scary. So to cover myself best as I can I chase them off on motorcycle or throwing a rock or something. I have adjusted my cc tv so can see them coming and also take a picture of the culprit. So any dog crap in front of my house as did not catch them defecating, I now will just print the picture and deliver the crap and dump it directly in front of their home at the gate. dump crap and have no proof then you are looking for a big official problem. Ya know, you pay several million for a house, add another million with all the amenities then you need to stand up and protect your sanctity and sanity and investment. Yes there are barking dogs, but on the other block and they don't bark for more than an hour each night. tolerable. 

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3 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

New housing project and have 2 people who got roosters. I bugged one of the people who had the rooster whose noise was in my bedroom direction and finally no rooster as they got my hint. I hope permanently gone but no telling. they both started crowing at 4:30 or 5am and the 2 roosters would answer each other all day. Now the other rooster is not so bad now as one is gone and it is not in my bedroom window direction as is on another block, but if I turn my fan off in my room I can hear it at 4:30am. I did yell at them once already as to why they have a chicken here as it is not the mountains or a farm. I suppose maybe I might intensify the heat on them, but for now leave it as there is another problem. 


Thai people and having dogs with no yards. They just let them out and the dogs run free and crap anywhere they want. On the street, on the home owners walls, right at the front gates of driveways, on the sidewalks, so you get the point. Big and small dogs, so it is a war zone out there. Last week there was a mound , and I mean a mound released on top of a speed bump. Scary. So to cover myself best as I can I chase them off on motorcycle or throwing a rock or something. I have adjusted my cc tv so can see them coming and also take a picture of the culprit. So any dog crap in front of my house as did not catch them defecating, I now will just print the picture and deliver the crap and dump it directly in front of their home at the gate. dump crap and have no proof then you are looking for a big official problem. Ya know, you pay several million for a house, add another million with all the amenities then you need to stand up and protect your sanctity and sanity and investment. Yes there are barking dogs, but on the other block and they don't bark for more than an hour each night. tolerable. 

Are you for real. This is thailand not the nanny state you grew up in. My sister back home told me about a neurotic who delivered a poo from her dog back to the front yard. Everyone thinks the guy is a nutter. Its true nanny state stuff. I would not expect this story from you assuming your in thailand. I suspect you have too much time on your hands...

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1 hour ago, davidst01 said:

Are you for real. This is thailand not the nanny state you grew up in. My sister back home told me about a neurotic who delivered a poo from her dog back to the front yard. Everyone thinks the guy is a nutter. Its true nanny state stuff. I would not expect this story from you assuming your in thailand. I suspect you have too much time on your hands...

Nope . Better believe it. Someone doesn’t care or take care of their dogs and let’s them roam and crap everywhere, then that’s exactly what you gonna get back from me. Someone who doesn’t care about your dog and gives you your own crap back until you wake up. Next would be the police for the dog being a health menace 

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1 hour ago, davidst01 said:

Are you for real. This is thailand not the nanny state you grew up in. My sister back home told me about a neurotic who delivered a poo from her dog back to the front yard. Everyone thinks the guy is a nutter. Its true nanny state stuff. I would not expect this story from you assuming your in thailand. I suspect you have too much time on your hands...

And your statement is hearsay  that everyone thinks he is a nutter for giving your sister her family dog excrement back. It belongs on the owners property or cleaned up if in a city. And yes I’ve had many dogs here and about to get two new ones as the rest passed away. No one should put up with other people’s crap. 

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On 8/5/2018 at 11:18 AM, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

I suggest a high-rise condo that does not allow pets. Living in a house here is pure insanity.

Suggesting that are never noise  related problems living in a high-rise condo is also “pure insanity”. 

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1 hour ago, Loaded said:

These noises that drive farang nuts rarely bother Thais. Why?


The answer is simple:


Farangs are conditioned to get angry at most things

Thais are conditioned to have a mai pen rai attitude to most things

That reply sums up the topic very well.

Concise and to the point.

You nailed it.


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I will say what others have said, or are thinking...


This is not your country!!!!!    55555.  lol.  sooo funny when clowns say that, but there is some truth to it.


if was ok when it happened to other people, but now it's happening to your daughter.  it's much different, I get it


but really, you MUST move.  move for your daughter.  lose whatever money, who cares.  


if you get mad at them, maybe the entire neighborhood will hate your family


really, this isn't your place.


listen, this country is super, super, super cheap for housing.


move.  immediately


and if bad at next place, move, immediately


if it was just you, I would say, 'suck it up' but it's your daughter.  smile, and pack the bicycle.  lol


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