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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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14 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Back in 1975 I voted with millions of other people to stay in the EEC. The EU as such did not physically exist but was certainly present and hiding in the minds of many PMs of a lot of countries at that time. Whilst they didn't actually lie they didn't tell the full story.


My vote in the UK has a direct result (or not) on which MP is elected in the constituency and how I would like the the country to be run.


However what I would like my government to do when the EU is in charge or making laws and IMPOSING the on all member countries becomes irrelevant as there are now 28 countries who have a say (not much of one I admit) and they can overrule my government easily.


What I want for my son and his family is for the decisions on how the country is run to be brought back under the control of the people who live in the UK and not be decided on their behalf by people who have no understanding of the British way of life. The UK currency has been around for a long time and I personally see no need to have a different currency IMPOSED on the UK by the EU.


I have no problem with tourists coming to the UK but I object to unqualified workers looking for a job and expecting to be supported by the UK while they do it. If you are qualified and have a job waiting for you the by all means come to the UK. If you want to live in the UK and you have the money to support yourself every year then come in, BUT pay your own way, as I do here in Thailand for example.


I along with millions of other people were lied to by politicians back then and if the British public had been told and understood where their decision would lead to may well have voted to remain outside.


A couple of years ago I was offered the opportunity to reverse my decision which I did and along with millions of others the UK started its road to Brexit. 


The Eu is now facing small rebellions by the Polish government who believe that they have the right to change the rules of law in their own country, by Italy who are fed up with being told what they must do with their own finance and now Germany has been told to pay more into the EU as there is not enough money left after Brexit.


"What should EU done better to avoid Brexit from happening?"


The EU should have listened and made changes and especially have clamped down on corruption, had open and transparency with their budgets AND lived within their means. They should have had a consensus instead of an imposition of rules and laws because quite simply there is no one size fits all countries.


"What should we do to make sure that after Brexit, we don't make the same mistake again?"


It won't make any difference after Brexit as the EU will carry on its merry way to an eventual breakup or possibly reform as two parts, the richer and the poorer countries.


As a Common Market it was a great plan but then it morphed into the uncontrollable monster that became the EU. Until the member countries can control it IMHO it is heading for a breakup.


I really don't want my country, the UK, to be around when that happens.

Here, here.....:clap2:

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57 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Not really hiding seeing as it was openly discussed in parliament and you can't really complain about not knowing seeing as it was made clear in the pamphlets distributed to every single UK household.  Read the vote no pamphlet if you dont believe me.


The parliament passes all EU laws, we have our representation in parliament, at least we did before people started throwing away our democratic power to UKIP Mep's who do not even bother to show up at work.


I have no idea what you could be talking about there, but the decision are all democratic and include elected British politicians votes.


No, you have no need to and you also have no fear of that happening considering keeping the pound was an exception that Thatcher negotiated from the beginning.


It is not possible to claim benefits as an immigrant to the UK before having worked and paid national insurance.


No you weren't, read the pamphlets.


The budgets are all online, it is very complicated but that does not make them closed, they are transparent to those able to decipher them.  And what do you mean about living within their means?


Hilarious, all indicators show the EU heading into an economic Golden age.


We wouldn't expect you to respect someone like Churchill, call his idea a monster why don't you.

In 1975 There was only one pamphlet sent to every household ( remember in 1975 there was no internet at that time)

The pamphlet was called  Britain's new deal in Europe

Here it is 9 pages and very little detail



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7 hours ago, vinny41 said:

In the article link above the EU stated 

A senior EU official has cast doubt over claims that an independent Scotlandcould automatically join the EU or inherit the UK’s membership after Brexit.

The position in Scotland hasn’t changed,” Minor said. There is a clear process for any applicant country under article 49 of the European treaties. “That would also apply to Scotland. If Scotland became an independent country I think article 49 is the normal starting point,” she said.

All the legal documents would have to be re-written and agreed

Its Unlikely Scotland on its own would pass all the tests required by the EU for membership

You're not quite getting the notion:  he is saying Scotland should stay where it is (in the UK), and England should devolve from the UK.  

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14 hours ago, vinny41 said:

They should have limited the freedom of movement to the EU Grouping
The EU14 grouping includes citizens of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Premier League

The EU8 grouping includes citizens of Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungry, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. League One

The EU2 grouping includes citizens of Bulgaria and Romania League two

and like the Football tables these countries could move up or down depending on performance , gdp salaries Would Greece and Italy  still remain in the Premier League or would they be demoted to League One

Interesting idea!

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1 minute ago, mommysboy said:

You're not quite getting the notion:  he is saying Scotland should stay where it is (in the UK), and England should devolve from the UK.  

Your not getting it read this "A senior EU official has cast doubt over claims that an independent Scotlandcould automatically join the EU or inherit the UK’s membership after Brexit."

The Uk signed the treaty with the EU it will be the UK that leaves the EU if Scotland has a new independence referendum and leaves the UK they will join the EU  assestion process including the 35 chapters of the acquis There are areas in those chapters that the Scottish Goverment have no processes currently in place as those areas are currently managed by London

So after new independence referendum has taken place and assume the vote is to leave the UK they will then need to replicate all the areas of governance handled by westminster once they have the areas up and running then they can start the EU Assestion Process 

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Well at least, regarding this topic, I now know why the UK way back when had UK members of Communist and Black Shirt parties...Nut jobs..Rather be tucked up with others agendas......????

Edited by transam
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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


Not really hiding seeing as it was openly discussed in parliament and you can't really complain about not knowing seeing as it was made clear in the pamphlets distributed to every single UK household.  Read the vote no pamphlet if you dont believe me.


The parliament passes all EU laws, we have our representation in parliament, at least we did before people started throwing away our democratic power to UKIP Mep's who do not even bother to show up at work.


I have no idea what you could be talking about there, but the decision are all democratic and include elected British politicians votes.


No, you have no need to and you also have no fear of that happening considering keeping the pound was an exception that Thatcher negotiated from the beginning.


It is not possible to claim benefits as an immigrant to the UK before having worked and paid national insurance.


No you weren't, read the pamphlets.


The budgets are all online, it is very complicated but that does not make them closed, they are transparent to those able to decipher them.  And what do you mean about living within their means?


Hilarious, all indicators show the EU heading into an economic Golden age.


We wouldn't expect you to respect someone like Churchill, call his idea a monster why don't you.

Here, here ????????

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7 hours ago, kwilco said:

Brexit jinhoists are paparticularly fond of erroneous references to famous historical characters....

Let's set a few facts straight about remainer Churchill.



You ask us to believe Heath? Look what happened last time.

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4 hours ago, Ahab said:

I sense a trend with you and your posts on Thai Visa. You are so smart and everyone that disagrees with you is (pick one of the following) dimwitted, ignorant, ill informed, no understanding, moronic, etc., etc.., I have also noticed that while your posts are calling people dimwitted the posts always seem to lack a reason why and then make a statement such as "the UK will be strangled by Brexit" with nothing to back up your baseless prediction. UK's future may be uncertain with Brexit, but the alternative of remaining under the thumb of Brussels is not uncertain and it is also not wanted by the people voting for Brexit.

I wouldn't say all Brexiteers are dimwitted.

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


Not really hiding seeing as it was openly discussed in parliament and you can't really complain about not knowing seeing as it was made clear in the pamphlets distributed to every single UK household.  Read the vote no pamphlet if you dont believe me.


The parliament passes all EU laws, we have our representation in parliament, at least we did before people started throwing away our democratic power to UKIP Mep's who do not even bother to show up at work.


I have no idea what you could be talking about there, but the decision are all democratic and include elected British politicians votes.


No, you have no need to and you also have no fear of that happening considering keeping the pound was an exception that Thatcher negotiated from the beginning.


It is not possible to claim benefits as an immigrant to the UK before having worked and paid national insurance.


No you weren't, read the pamphlets.


The budgets are all online, it is very complicated but that does not make them closed, they are transparent to those able to decipher them.  And what do you mean about living within their means?


Hilarious, all indicators show the EU heading into an economic Golden age.


We wouldn't expect you to respect someone like Churchill, call his idea a monster why don't you.

In practise, the EU Parliament acts like a high speed rubber stamp. Complaints about voting speed by UKIP MEPs and others are ignored. With QMV the major groups are enough to pass everything. Try watching it, it's a farce.


Heath lied in 1972, he even admitted doing it.


The EU published budgets are there but very general in detail.


"Golden Age"? Where are these indicators? In the door uprights of a Morris Minor?


The EU was not Churchill's idea. 




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1 hour ago, vinny41 said:

In 1975 There was only one pamphlet sent to every household ( remember in 1975 there was no internet at that time)

The pamphlet was called  Britain's new deal in Europe

Here it is 9 pages and very little detail




No, there were really were two.




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19 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:

Evidently there were two but as discussed before on one of these Brexit topics, this NO pamphlet, strangely, did not make the letterboxes of all British homes. If I had seen it I would have remembered it as accurate, valid, far-seeing and well done.    

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17 hours ago, vinny41 said:

They should have limited the freedom of movement to the EU Grouping
The EU14 grouping includes citizens of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Premier League

The EU8 grouping includes citizens of Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungry, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. League One

The EU2 grouping includes citizens of Bulgaria and Romania League two

and like the Football tables these countries could move up or down depending on performance , gdp salaries Would Greece and Italy  still remain in the Premier League or would they be demoted to League One

Cyprus ?


In the penalty box?


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21 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

who told you this fairy tale?



But at least you recognise that the UK government was spinning mountains of lies during the first indyref. I assume they will try the same next time around; only this time we have already heard them all...

By the power of Google.JPG

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10 hours ago, melvinmelvin said:

first step would likely be to ensure that Scotland satisfies the usual criteria for being considered a sovereign state

eg some kind of police/armed forces so that claimed borders can be protected/defended

eg borders would normally have to be agreed with  neighbours, also sea bordes

and a host of other cr.


plenty to do

Which borders are in dispute, other than the tranche of North Sea off SE Scotland that was sequestered on the eve of the opening of Holyrood? That particular area should be easy enough for Scotland to take back control; all other borders are clearly defined in accordance with international norms.


We have a military capacity already - there is no reason to assume that they would be disbanded simply because the MOD is no longer in charge. 


But you are right, lots to do to make Scotland prosperous once more - the most important being to take back control from Westminster. 

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2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Which borders are in dispute, other than the tranche of North Sea off SE Scotland that was sequestered on the eve of the opening of Holyrood? That particular area should be easy enough for Scotland to take back control; all other borders are clearly defined in accordance with international norms.


We have a military capacity already - there is no reason to assume that they would be disbanded simply because the MOD is no longer in charge. 


But you are right, lots to do to make Scotland prosperous once more - the most important being to take back control from Westminster. 

I didn't mean your borders were in dispute, they are not, 'cause Scotland does not have any borders.

After jumping UK there will be borders all over the place, and these must be agreed with neighbours,

UK, Ireland?, Norway, Netherlands, Faroe Islands,

Belgium? Dunno - need to consult a map.


(and then there are these comprehensive economical sones - lots of miles - maybe crashing with Iceland and Greenland.

 Shetland is quite a bit north and west)


these are just a few of the issues;

Scotland does not have passports

no travel /visa agreements

no recognized satang

no stamps I would guess

have football teams and hooligans though



as part of becoming a recognized sovereign state there is a bunch of organizations in which membership

might be wise;

un + a host of its special agencies (few being upu-itu-imo-icao ++++), nato, european council, iso-ieee-cen-cenelec-etsi, wto - simply a bunch


its a huge project RR,

and while doing the necessary arm movements to become a recognised sovereign state spare time can usefully be

invested in establishing a comprehensive regulatory environment which will be requested by eu


scots in LoS need to come out of retirement


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