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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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9 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

There was no soft brexit on the ballot, as you know. You are getting very adept at changing the rules of your game to suit your agenda.

There was no hard no deal brexit on the ballot either 

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29 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

100% agree about uncertainty.  But that does make the Government's handling of Brexit seem quite deplorable to me.  I mean if a Tory Government is not good for protecting the economy, what is its use at all?


This Government did not have the bottle to say what it was going to do and then do it. It is weak leadership that has cost us.


Now, it is not in a position to do anything other than a no deal under poor circumstances.  Most importantly, it has proved untrustworthy, in the sense that it is weak and incompetent.  Unfortunately, that does not bode well for the stiff challenge ahead.

> The Tory government is split and led by a remainer. The Labour party is split and led by a leaver. The country is genuinely split. In this situation it is not really fair play to single out anyone for particular incompetence. May tried to square the circle - her advisers led her to believe the EU was on board, but it seems they were playing her. It would all have been much better handled by a leader who is actually a leaver. But that's history now.

> The government is weak because it is split. They are synonyms. 

> I would be surprised if there's a no deal outcome. But I am surprised that I cannot predict the outcome, because usually my private predictions are easily made and accurate.

> There is a challenge ahead that's for sure. It seems to me that there's a choice of a clean break (a free trade agreement) which gives certainty as to the objectives, and honours the referendum result, and has been proposed by the EU and  Rees-Mogg & co, or endless debate about what kind of final deal we should aim for, which is very bad for business, morale and patience. I don't see a great deal of competence on the Tory side, but I do see massive incompetence on the Labour side.

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26 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

This is becoming farcical. There was a vote to leave the EU - in or out. The electorate voted out. Out cannot include FOM and FOM requires exiting the SM. 

It didn't include leaving the SM at the time of the referendum. If the majority of the people want to leave and a (different) majority want to stay in the SM why should we not do both? 

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9 minutes ago, aright said:

Precisely! There was only stay or leave on the ballot and the majority voted to leave. 

So leave the EU and agree on a deal that will allow you to stay in the single market. Referendum result respected. No hard Irish border. Economy not screwed. Actually negotiable with the EU. All issues solved. 

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9 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

So leave the EU and agree on a deal that will allow you to stay in the single market. Referendum result respected. No hard Irish border. Economy not screwed. Actually negotiable with the EU. All issues solved. 


could be done,

but would mean that UK would stay with all 4 freedoms

and continued EU legislative superiority and judicial superiority

thought it was important to the UK to avoid this

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9 minutes ago, aright said:

One big issue at the referendum was control of our borders which means controlled but not free movement of people.


5 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

thought it was important to the UK to avoid this

The referendum was only about leaving the EU, not about any post-Brexit terms. Nowhere did the electorate vote against the free movement of people post Brexit. 

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3 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

Barnier and Tusk proposed a Free Trade Deal a long time ago. Rees-Mogg, Johnson & co too. We are already fully aligned, consequently it would be the shortest free trade deal negotiation between major economies in history.


was that a FTA with or without all the nondesirable baggage?

if without, why has it not been pursued?


did they address the NI border?


(I am not sure, but I tend to feel that the UK demand for a non/soft-border between UK and Ireland

 is kinda totally unreasonable. I wonder, if Tory had done a wee bit better at the previous GE would that border

 still be a crucial issue?)

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2 minutes ago, aright said:

That's not in the least bit practical. it's the same as saying at a General Election not everyone agrees 100% with a political parties manifesto so the vast majority of people as a result are disenfranchised. The line has to be drawn some where and it lies with the victor. 

But it isn't winner take all.


By that logic 52% want to leave the EU


75% of those whan a hard brexit so 39% of the total electorate


66% of those want no deal/wto terms so 26% of the total electorate


55% of them don't want to pay the exit bill so 14% of the total electorate


60% of them want to throw all EU citizens out of the country so 8% of the total electorate


So do we let this 8% control what we do? 


This is why you can't use a majority of a majority to determine policy 



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Just now, My Thai Life said:

This is a farcical position that is only an issue to remainers on this forum, nowhere else. Ending FOM was a major part of the referendum debate. Check the history of any MSM outlet. Check the history of abuse on this forum from remainers to leavers. Leaving the EU means leaving the SM. Have you been sleeping for 3 years?



It means that to a majority of leavers,not a majority of the country 


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4 minutes ago, tebee said:

It means that to a majority of leavers,not a majority of the country 

Your desperation and sophistry are increasing daily, and have no relevance whatsoever to the vote or the deal; you would be better off replanning your business affairs than letting off steam here.

Edited by My Thai Life
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5 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

Ending FOM was a major part of the referendum debate. (...) Leaving the EU means leaving the SM.

You say so, but no one cares what you think. That's not how democracy works. You wanted a referendum, so respect the referendum result rather than asserting what the people wanted. You cannot speak for the people.



Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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1 minute ago, My Thai Life said:

More abuse from a non-Brit with no personal stake in the result. Your grasp of British democracy is weak. And yes, you should respect the result. 

Reading these comments, it feels to me that British understanding of democracy is weak. 

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45 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

So leave the EU and agree on a deal that will allow you to stay in the single market. Referendum result respected. No hard Irish border. Economy not screwed. Actually negotiable with the EU. All issues solved. 


It's probably the most pragmatic solution.  And so is WTO deal.  If put to the people, no one can argue.

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