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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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15 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

No the results were quiet clear?




Unless you are proposing that those that voted had no legitimate right?


Also how will you deal with a hard border with the UK and the removal of all our defence spending in your ship yards. I assume you would try to Join the EU and your citizens would then have to apply for work permits?



The result was clear 56% - 44% to remain part of the union. I am not contesting that nor was RR or Grouse. What I was contesting (and requesting info to support) was the view that native Scottish voters among the electorate voted to leave and that those who are able to vote within Scotland are comprised by many other demographics - who tipped the balance and swayed the result in favour of remaining.


I'm interested to know if that is actually the case so was asking for any links / evidence to support it. Particularly non-partisan sources, NGO an governmental surveys for comparison etc. I'm not Scottish, I'm an Englishman, so judging by the above comment I think your confusing my nationality???


I don't want to see Scotland leave our union just to join a less holy European one where they'd have less influence, less prosperity and less in common with their fellow members. Scots have been a crucial part of the UK for 300 years, I for one do not want to see them leave. That would be very s**t.

Edited by CanterbrigianBangkoker
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Why is everything that surrounds Brexit permeated by mendacity and fraud ?




A hedge fund executive who produced a feature-length Brexit film encouraging Britons to vote leave in the 2016 EU referendum has appeared in court charged with committing a fraud of more than £500,000.

David Shipley, 36, is alleged to have committed fraud by false representation by Photoshopping his wage slips to make it appear he was paid much more than he really was in order to secure a loan approval.


More than 2 million people watched Brexit: The Movie, which was released a month before the referendum and designed to “inspire as many people as possible to vote to leave the EU in the 23 June referendum”. The former Ukip leader Nigel Farage was among a clutch of Brexiters who attended the film’s premiere at the Leicester Square Odeon in London on 11 May 2016.

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Brexit: Why Remainers have reason to keep hoping for a second referendum

For ardent Remainers like that woman and Freddie, the current chatter about the likelihood of a no-deal Brexit is a cause for hope. They believe that if the prime minister is unable to secure a deal parliament will vote against leaving the EU without an agreement.


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4 hours ago, vinny41 said:

When the UK is out of the EU and the Irish Trucks get off the ferries at Liverpool and Holyhead, Fishguard , and Pembroke they can be made to wait at the back of the queue just like the French are proposing for UK plated trucks

Why they don't need processing - they shouldn't even have to stop.... but if that happened they would just switch to Rosslaire - that'd put a few people out of pointless jobs in the UK wouldn't it?


UK trucks aren't going to be "made to wait" they HAVE to wait as unlike the EU trucks, they have paperwork to be sorted - this is essentially fake news or you know too little about RO-RO to understand the situation?

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2 minutes ago, kwilco said:

Why they don't need processing - they shouldn't even have to stop.... but if that happened they would just switch to Rosslaire - that'd put a few people out of pointless jobs in the UK wouldn't it?


UK trucks aren't going to be "made to wait" they HAVE to wait as unlike the EU trucks, they have paperwork to be sorted - this is essentially fake news or you know too little about RO-RO to understand the situation?

Rosslaire is the ferry port in the Republic of Ireland Irish Trucks could be made to wait at Pembroke which is in Wales

Trucks from the Republic of Ireland that want to use there new special agreement in Calais have to travel through Wales and England to reach Dover


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1 hour ago, tebee said:

Why is everything that surrounds Brexit permeated by mendacity and fraud ?




A hedge fund executive who produced a feature-length Brexit film encouraging Britons to vote leave in the 2016 EU referendum has appeared in court charged with committing a fraud of more than £500,000.

David Shipley, 36, is alleged to have committed fraud by false representation by Photoshopping his wage slips to make it appear he was paid much more than he really was in order to secure a loan approval.


More than 2 million people watched Brexit: The Movie, which was released a month before the referendum and designed to “inspire as many people as possible to vote to leave the EU in the 23 June referendum”. The former Ukip leader Nigel Farage was among a clutch of Brexiters who attended the film’s premiere at the Leicester Square Odeon in London on 11 May 2016.

Only 2 million watched it? What a pity.

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41 minutes ago, kwilco said:

Why they don't need processing - they shouldn't even have to stop.... but if that happened they would just switch to Rosslaire - that'd put a few people out of pointless jobs in the UK wouldn't it?


UK trucks aren't going to be "made to wait" they HAVE to wait as unlike the EU trucks, they have paperwork to be sorted - this is essentially fake news or you know too little about RO-RO to understand the situation?

There aren't enough boats with capacity to "just switch". Good new business for someone through. Norway? 

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11 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:



Mr Grouse I expected and admission you were wrong but as a remainer you possibly may not be able to admit when you get things wrong? Unlike us Leavers who know we are always right in every circumstance!


I will forgive you though???? But remember since the Glorious 12th you are in season.







For god's sake man it was a joke!


Do I have to explain it to you publicly? 



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16 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

From my message "It is not the fault of the EU that we don't apply the statutes.


 BTW, Patriot, a statute is one of those big heavy things standing in parliament square."

The second paragraph is ironic. A leg pull! Sadly the leg came off. Sorry.



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23 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

I'm always left at a loss when it comes to these claims that the referendum/elections have been influenced by Cambridge Analytica/facebook etc.


How exactly did they manage to do so??


I can sort of understand that the youngsters are heavily invested in fb and the like, as they all seem permanently attached to their smartphones - and so have been possibly passing around propaganda amongst each other?  I'd even agree that more than a few older people (who should know better....) behave in the same way.


But I still don't understand how 'the influence by foreign entities' claim works?


20 hours ago, Grouse said:

Neural network based pattern recognition for targeted subliminal messaging.


Investigate. It's all there


(I wish I had thought of it!)

I'm still working my way through the numerous pages since my last visit, so forgive me if this has already been answered.


"Neural network based pattern recognition for targeted subliminal messaging."


Really?  Precisely how?  Genuine question, as I'm still at a loss as to how this can happen.


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Note: The employers below would like to employ Brits.


Believe me- I am a Labour voter who doesn't side with worker bashing or support exploitation.  But one has to look at what is said and also glean from our own experience.  With students, however, I do believe they would probably work if the timing wasn't so bad.  What comes up time and again is poor work ethic.


I do think that lots of workers are simply physically unfit.



Edited by mommysboy
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4 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


I'm still working my way through the numerous pages since my last visit, so forgive me if this has already been answered.


"Neural network based pattern recognition for targeted subliminal messaging."


Really?  Precisely how?  Genuine question, as I'm still at a loss as to how this can happen.


In layman's terms, machine learning.


Run thousands or millions of records (such as those held by face-book) and unexpected patterns a corrolations may be found. Not necessarily causal of course. Maybe people who are pro American but anti EU are interested in mountain climbing and tend to choose the colour green


This enables targeted advertising or choice offerings. And this is why Facebook is rich

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14 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


I'm still working my way through the numerous pages since my last visit, so forgive me if this has already been answered.


"Neural network based pattern recognition for targeted subliminal messaging."


Really?  Precisely how?  Genuine question, as I'm still at a loss as to how this can happen.


1) The Approach: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/3/23/17151916/facebook-cambridge-analytica-trump-diagram

2) The Execution: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-43674480/facebook-data-how-it-was-used-by-cambridge-analytica

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